MTL - My Underachieving Seatmate Doesn’t Need Any Comforting-Chapter 74

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That night I thought very well. When I saw He Shen the next day, Qiao Shao had no courage to look at him!

Hebian Shen stared at him.

Qiao Shao looked down and opened the book: "What are you doing?"

Do n’t watch it, you ca n’t bear to see the results!

He Shen looked at his eyes and asked, "Eye is swollen?"

Qiao Shao turned to stare at him.

He Shen took a clear look.

The children's eyes are not round, because they cried yesterday, and their eyelids became more swollen, and their washed-out eyes became rounder.

So lovely.

He Shen has never seen such a beautiful person.

It's not beautiful, it's beautiful, it's good-looking. The eyes, nose and mouth poke all over his heart socket.

Qiao Shao stared at him uncomfortably: "Don't I just swell my eyes, you will also swell if you cry!"

He looked in the mirror this morning, and it wasn't obvious. As for staring at him as a giant panda?

Is it really swollen into panda eyes?

Qiao Shao felt ashamed again.

In this case, didn't he confess that he really had to rush to give people away!

Who knows a straight man again: "I'm not joking at you."

Qiao Shao looked at him.

He Shen whispered softly, "It's distressed."

Qiao Shao's head buzzed, his face rising and scorching hot, he stared desperately at the book: "No need!"

He Shen suddenly approached him.

Feeling his breath, Qiao Shao all mentioned his throat, he stared at the textbook without squinting, his eyes were sticking on it.

He Shen's voice sounded in his ear: "Student Qiao Shao, you are a bit wrong."

Qiao Shao's back was straightened: finished, did this guy find out, he would be rejected before he confessed!


Qiao Shao uttered a word, and found that he valued He Shen more than he thought, and did not want to ...

He Shen's slender fingers appeared in front of his eyes, only to see him pinching the edge of the book, like pinching his heart: "the textbooks are turned upside down."

Qiao Shao: "…………………………"

He Shen pulled out his textbook and looked at him: "What the **** is wrong with you?"

Qiao Shao said nothing.

He Shen's voice was soothing: "It doesn't matter if you don't take the exam well, don't be so nervous."

Qiao Shao's throbbing heart fell back to its original place.

It turned out that He Shen thought he was panicking because of the exam.

"I'm not nervous," Qiao Shao snatched the textbook and hummed. "It's just the final exam. What's so nervous."

He Shen was still worried about him: "Not in a hurry, don't worry so much."

Qiao Shao pursed his lips tightly and looked hard at the textbook.

How could He Shen know what he was thinking?

If the exam is not good, how could he confess to him!

He was so bothered to help him with tuition, and he still couldn't get his grades. How could he be worthy of He Shen?

If he couldn't even do that, how could he say he liked him?

If you like someone, shouldn't you go all out for him?

Qiao Shao bit his lip and said, "I'm not in a hurry, I just want to read the book again."

He Shen said, "You have to calm your mind ..."

Qiao Shao turned to look at her: "I'm different from you!"

He Shen froze with his serious expression.

Qiao Shao quickly flew away and said: "I'm not as smart as you, I ..."

He couldn't tell.

He Shen didn't dare to stimulate him any more, he could only coax him: "Look again, the content of the final exam will not leave the book."

Qiao Shao punched his fist, and bowed his head, "Yes."

He stared at the textbook without blinking, but his heart was completely absent.

The final exam is different from the last monthly exam.

The students were also nervous this time, but they were also very happy.

Since the exam is closed, the summer vacation is paradise for every student.

Qiao Shao did not look forward to the summer vacation at all, he was only dedicated to this exam.

He wants to get a good result, even if it is not in the top, at least not the last.

He felt much better now, he felt less afraid and quiet.

He really had too much expectation for this final exam.

Qiao Shao knew that his mental state was wrong.

But I couldn't control it.

He wanted to prove himself, and also wanted to prove to He Shen.

He wants to seize this opportunity too.

So many emotions came together that made him sleepless again.

The day after tomorrow will be the final exam. On this day, teachers will not go to class.

One is to clean up the Teng test room, and the other is to give students the time to check for defects.

Qiao Shao didn't talk to He Shen all day long.

He Shen did not dare to tease him as usual.

Qiao Shao's nervous appearance, Chen Xu also noticed.

He gave him a set of questions: "This is the final exam of the previous year. If you do it today, you can basically know what kind of test you want."

Qiao Shao did not relax, but said, "Thank you."

"You're welcome," Chen v. Patted him on the shoulder, "you're fine."

Qiao Shao was reluctant to worry about him, and smiled at him, "Well."

He had no lunch break at noon, and started with headphones.

After finishing the math papers at noon, he got the right answer and got at least 128 points.

This score is very good, and Chen Xu only scored 132 points in the previous monthly exam.


Qiao Shao took off the earphones, and he was like a mirror—he could not wear headphones during the exam.

The teacher could not set this precedent for him, nor would he want such privileges.

Why did he come here?

In order to overcome this psychological obstacle.

Qiao Shao didn't make any other papers.

He knows his situation well. What he wants is to face himself bravely in the formal examination room.

If he can't even face himself, what qualifications does he have to like others.

The day before the exam, He Shen called Wei Jiayu in the afternoon.

Wei Jiayu stunned: "So ... superstitious!"

He Shen said: "He is very nervous, so he can relax a little bit."

Wei Jiayu felt deep love from these short words. He immediately patted his chest and said, "Leave it to me!"

He Shen said again, "Trouble you."

Wei Jiayu said: "You're welcome!"

Besides, the roommate is in trouble. He should be responsible as the headmaster!

Returning to the bedroom at night, Qiao Shao heard Wei Lanmao said: "Fortunately, you are lucky, this opportunity is hard to find!"

Qiao Shao had no interest: "Huh?"

Wei Jiayu ran to him with the wooden sign box and said, "My mother went to the temple to buy it for me. The sign box was opened by the master, and you can decide whether you want it or not."

Qiao Shao's heart jumped and said, "What a mess."

Wei Jiayu said enthusiastically: "Exactly. I just let Chen glasses try. He had a good luck!"

Qiao Shao said silently: "What about you?"

Wei Lanmao politely said: "Of course I am fierce, do you think I can get good results without cheating?"

As soon as his voice fell, Chen veng sneered.

Wei Jiayu was unwilling, and looked at him and said, "It's strange to be yin and yang. Lao Tzu progressed from the penultimate exam to the penultimate exam, and your bonus is indispensable!"

Chen vouched for him, and bowed his head.

Qiao Shao was a little interested by him: "What's your name, just the test results?"

Wei Jiayu said, "Otherwise, what else do you want to count?"

Qiao Shao flushed on his cheek: "Nothing."

Wei Jiayu urged him: "Draw one, if Daji, you immediately go to bed immediately, and you will be able to start a great victory tomorrow!"

Qiao Shao hesitated.

Wei Jiayu was afraid that he would not smoke, and said, "Hurry up!"

Mr. Qiao Shao's grandfather, Mr. Yang Xiaolong, is a proper superstitious person who loves these things the most.

Qiao Shao followed his grandfather, and he knew a lot.

The lottery never limits what to ask for.

As long as you keep thinking in your mind, you can solve it by drawing a lot.

Although Qiao Shao didn't like Wei Jiayu's lottery which he didn't know where to get it, he still felt itchy.

He meditated three times in his heart ...

I fought hard to sign it.

Wei Jiayu knew that this lot was given to him by He Shen, all his mother-in-law is Daji, and if Qiao Shao could draw a fierce one, he chopped his head and kicked it for him.

Of course, in order to comfort the glass-hearted roommate, he also pretended to come over and asked, "Well, what is it?"

Qiao Shao spread his hands uneasily.

The word darji came into view.

Wei Lanmao deserves to be the man who wants to win an Oscar in the future. His acting skills are extraordinary: "Okay, Qiao Shao, you will have a great victory in this final exam!"

Qiao Shao stared at the wooden sign for a while, and his ears were red. "What a mess."

He said so, but he took the lottery.

Wei Jiayu looked at the corner of his raised mouth and thought: It really is a pair. Brother Shen can really understand him!

The author has something to say: What Qiao Shao asked, can you guess it ~

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