MTL - My Wife Has Been Blackened-Chapter 861 lie

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  Chapter 861 Lie

   "Boy, is that your grandfather? Hey, you look so good-looking, is that old man a kidnapper?"

   "That's right, my mother said that it is impossible for the old man's family to give birth to such a beautiful child as you."

   "Where are your parents? You are with an old man every day and you are not allowed to go to school. Does the old man treat you very strictly?"

   A group of children were playing with mud, looking at Ke Huaiqi who was sitting on the shore and said with a smile.

  Some of the young women were eavesdropping seriously.

  Ke Huaiqi and the two moved here for half a year, and the white clothes are getting older day by day. In just half a year, they don't look like Ke Huaiqi's father.

  Ke Huaiqi is now five years old, so he naturally knows what a normal family should be like.

  He is good-looking, he knows, because many people praise him.

  But there are also many people who secretly say that their father abducted him, and some people say that their old father found a silly girl and gave birth to a son.

   "No, no, he is not my grandfather." Ke Huaiqi sat on the shore.

   Everyone stood up at once, with seriousness and anticipation in their eyes. It seems that Ke Huaiqi is not their own child, which makes them very excited.

  People’s inferiority is like this. There is only kindness in their hearts, but they expect others to live worse than themselves to gain comfort.

   "I said, the old man's hair is all gray. He has been here for half a year, and he never walks around, and he still doesn't send his children to school. He must be a bad thing!"

   "You have no father and no mother, maybe you were abducted somewhere, come, tell auntie, do you want to find your biological parents? Let's take you to the official!" Everyone scrambled to speak, each of them was extremely excited.

Ke Huaiqi pursed his lips lightly, looked at the rural hut in the distance, and said with great conviction: "He is my biological father. He is so old because of illness. Don't you think that even if he is old, he looks better than many people ?"

  Xiao Huaiqi was a little unhappy. No matter how bad his father was, he didn't like people talking about it.

  The tone was full of innocence, and his eyes swept across the cheeks of everyone.

  Yes, no matter how unattractive he is, he is still better-looking than ordinary people.

  Even if he has done all the bad things, even if he is old and out of shape, he is still better-looking than ordinary people. That face was whiter than the girl's. Even though she looked a little old, with more wrinkles on her face and more wrinkles on her body, her eyebrows and eyes were still pretty.

   Elegant people, even when they are old, are still attractive.

   The people in front of them were a little embarrassed. I wanted to see the old and the young ones get a little jealous, but I didn't know that the kid said it.

  When they first came, they took the best piece of land in the village and built the best house in the village.

  The house is an ancient-style house with unknown number of people. On the gate is written Ke Zhai. I heard from the young people in the village that the words written with a brush and framed are worth hundreds of thousands.

  The ancient house is surrounded by a very high wall, and there are many flowers planted beside it, climbing all over the wall, which is very beautiful. There is a big dog at the door, very fierce and powerful.

  At first, everyone thought they were rich people somewhere, but later they found out that they were just old and young, and there seemed to be no taboos.

  Some people even secretly thought that the old one would look worse every day, if one day he died, would the young one have to find someone to foster him?

  Those who come and go again and again will be moved.

  Even in a village, it cannot be free from calculations. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes. But this level is just right for Ke Huaiqi.

   In the future, the white clothes won't last long, and he will grow up too. Here, it's just right.

   "You child, how do you talk, your father is your father, what are you doing so weirdly! I haven't seen your mother before, I think I can't stand you father and son." A woman turned her head and left after spitting.

  Hmph, if she didn't see that kid's father not going out of the house all year round, thinking that he would not live long, she would hang around in front of him.

   To be able to build that big house, it probably cost a lot of money just to get that piece of land.

  Their village was originally a tourist attraction, and the house was originally antique, but the surroundings of the father and son were full of the wealth of ancient rich families. A huge gap has formed that cannot be bridged.

   Some people even secretly estimated that it wouldn’t be possible to build it without a few million, right?

  How did they know that this is more than a few million...

   "My mother is the best mother and wife in the world. At least, she never chews her tongue." Xiao Huaiqi turned her head and left.

  He has been here for half a year, but he still doesn't go to school.

"Hmph, that family doesn't eat meat, I don't know what evil they have done to repent. Otherwise, who's old is eating vegetarian all day long?" Someone muttered behind his back, expecting to hear When he arrived, he only pursed his lips and left without refuting.

   Fortunately, everyone didn't think much about it, after all, they were only children of that age.

  Ke Huaiqi stood not far from the old house, touched some mud from the pond to his face and body, looked dirty, and continued to jump high on the spot until he was sweating profusely.

   Adjusted his breath, then put a sunny smile on his face, took off his shoes, and rushed home like a small cannon.

   Bang Dang slammed open the door and ran straight into the yard.

   Sure enough, my father was sitting in a wheelchair looking down at something.

  Hearing his noise, he quickly put the things back into his pocket, and turned to look at his son.

  Ke Huaiqi's eyes were shining, he was holding shoes in his hand, he was sweating profusely from running, his face was dirty, and he was holding a shaking fish in his hand.

  He bought it from someone on the way.

   "Going to catch fish in the pond again?" Bai Yi chuckled. Since last month, his legs have been sore and he has completely lost the ability to walk. Now I can barely support myself to stand up.

   "Well, this is for you to catch and replenish your body. The pond was drained of water, and everyone was catching fish in it, and their bodies were all muddy." Ke Huaiqi smiled, as if extremely happy.

  Bai Yi took the fish: "Go wash up first, don't catch a cold. You just have to have fun, and I'm very happy that you can adapt here." Bai Yi didn't expect that he would change so much.

  When he first came here, he was so silent that even if he stayed with those children, he could not speak for a whole day.

  Now, he can actually fish in a mess.

  Bai Yi is carrying the fish, and the wheelchair is sensory, as long as he turns his feet in which direction, he can move in that direction.

   And whether it is going up or down stairs, or a place where normal people can walk, it can be solved. There are even buttons hidden in the armrests, allowing you to jump over a distance of more than one meter, which is equivalent to a long jump. It can also pop him up, which is equivalent to a high jump.

   He asked Koch to develop it.

  Bai Yi put the fish in the kitchen, and suddenly remembered that he hadn't asked what he wanted to eat, sweet and sour fish or boiled fish fillets, or clear soup.

  The wheelchair arrived outside the antique bathroom.

  Wai Qi's clothes were placed outside the door, fell to the ground, and the white clothes were picked up.

  Just the moment he picked up the clothes, his eyes froze.

  The outside of the clothes is full of mud, but the inside is clean, without any mud, as if it has never been in the water.

  Holding the clothes in his arms, Bai Yi let out a low sigh, which quickly dissipated in the air.

   Tuanzi’s new book has been opened: "Survival of the World Online" please collect it... Old books will be updated together starting tomorrow, new books and old books will be updated at the same time, and it is officially back...

  (end of this chapter)