MTL - My Wife is a Beautiful CEO-Chapter 1641 [The final prologue]

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In the illusion, Xuantian Island is over the sky, and the gods are in the eye.

It has been nearly half a month, and under the interference of the Falun, the operation of the big array has almost doubled.

The golden brilliance is no longer as dazzling as it used to be. From the beginning, the faint darkness of the atmosphere permeates. Nowadays, there are already a lot of dark and thick yin and evil spirits, which condense in the eyes of the big bursts.

At this time in the air, the nine main gods gathered there, quietly looking at the position of the eye, waiting for something.

"It's still a little bit worse, but the big array is almost impossible to maintain the seal." Hehuastos is full of confidence.

"Do you seem to be very proud? Don't you think it took too long?" Ares impatiently.

Hephaestus frowned and looked at the **** of war. "You can only use a rib to rush to kill and kill the coward. It is useless to explain to you. You can't understand the power of the gods."

Ares blinked and was about to get angry. He was stopped by a cold eye of Athena.

Athena swept Vulcan and the **** of war, indicating that the two did not have anything to look for, and then extended a jade arm, and suddenly the hand suddenly caught in the void.

A black shadow flashed in midair, and the black robe struggled, and was caught by an invisible beater. I didn't know where it was caught by Athena.

"The grown-up is forgiving! Forgiveness... small is not intentionally hidden..."

The other main gods on the side are not as strong as Athena. Seeing Athena catching such a guy, I can’t help but wonder.

Athena said coldly: "Sneaky, hiding in the distance and thinking that I don't know where you are?"

The black robe cautiously screamed: "The small unintentional offense, but did not dare to disturb the adults, only to watch silently in the distance, not to approach."

Aphrodite asked strangely: "Athena, what is this, it seems that it is not human?"


Athena loosened her black robe and said faintly: "You can reveal the true body, there is no need to hide it."

When the black robe heard it, he did not dare to neglect. A black cloud like a wildfire ignited, and the black robe and mask on it were completely burned.

Soon, it appeared in front of the gods, it was a black and dark black shadow!

This illusion lingers in the black mist, can't see the specific face, but the outline is probably a personal shape, but the head position is an illusory ambiguity.

This horrible and gloomy appearance really gave the gods a sigh, and the female gods were more disgusted.

"It is the messenger that Zeus contacted me in recent years. It claims to be a kind of ancient demon named "Shadow". Although the strength is equivalent to the weak period of the monk, it is very good at camouflage and concealment. Athena Road.

"It's a Taikoo demon? How is this possible, it can run out of the big array!?" Hera did not believe in geology.

The Shadow Magic made a few screams, "Oh... Dear Lord, in fact, the small is not able to enter and exit the big battle, just... small compared with other demons, some special..."

Under the introduction of the Shadow Magic, other gods know that the reason why this Shadow Magic can be outside the big line is because it has two "body"!

When the shadow magic is born, there will be a subject, a shadow, and the subject and the shadow are both controlled by the shadow magic, and the strength is equal.

And, as long as the subject is not dead, the shadow will have a chance to slowly regain its life.

When the ancient immortals took all the demon into the big battle, this shadow demon knew that it was not good, and then separated the shadow that he was very good at hiding. After pretending to be dead, he secretly sought opportunities to slowly resurrect, and the body was sealed into a large array. .

The ancient immortals are inevitably somewhat omissions. It is impossible to cover everything. One or two small fish and shrimps are missing, and it is impossible to search the world. Therefore, it is cautious, and it has been letting its shadows go through the long years of resurrection. .

Relying on the inside and outside of the big array, it has become a channel for communication between Athena and Zeus, and occasionally helps Athena deal with things she does not need to come out.

"You can hide it deep enough. Have you always had a connection with Zeus?" Hera sneered, apparently a bit sour.

Athena gave her a look. "It’s only two years to get in touch, because there is a barrier with the body, and I am worried that I can meet the monk who can kill it. Its shadow wakes up from the state of suspended animation and it takes hundreds of thousands of years. Time, before that, I don't know how Zeus is in the big array."

"So, Zeus has already conquered all the Taiko demons in the big array? Isn't that a big servant for my Protoss?" Hermes smirked.

"Oh, as far as I know, the Taikoo demon is mostly a ghost of the evil spirits. There is no entity. It is extremely slow to enter the country. There is no strength at all.

I am afraid that this shadow magic can have a weak water period, and it is a very rare master in the demon. And they are all a group of ugly guys, you want them to be slaves, you use them yourself," Hera disdain.

The Shadow Devil listened at the side, timid and shrinking, but unfortunately it could not show any humanized expression, otherwise it would be full of blush at this time.

Indeed, it is already a master among the demons, and some of the most powerful Taiko demons were killed by the immortals hundreds of thousands of years ago.

Although there are a large number of Taikoo demon seals in the big battles, there are really too few counters on the table. However, no matter how unbearable, even if it is out, it will be better to be humiliated by the Protoss than to be trapped in a large array. .

"With the strength of Zeus, it is a matter of course to conquer all the demons in the big array and become their 'kings', but what I worry about is his flesh, how it has been maintained for two thousand years. After all, the reincarnation cannot be big. Apollo, Apollo slightly worried.

There was a strange brilliance in Athena's eyes. "He has his way, wait for him to come will know..."


At the same time, on the Mediterranean Sea, the cold wind whistling, the gray clouds hovering in the air, lingering.

Luo Qianqiu and so on only a dozen or so masters returned to the island, and the news brought back was that Lin Ruoxi was Athena, which undoubtedly gave everyone a thunderous shock.

The women finally understood why this kind of critical moment, Lin Ruoxi will drop the blue on the island and disappear.

The main heart, Yang Chen, never returned after that battle. No one can find where Yang Chen went, and let the women feel jealous.

Blue has not seen Mom and Dad at the same time, crying for a few days, and finally no way, Tang Yu and Rose and other more prominent women, went to Huaxia Hainan, is a group of Yang Jiaming, Yang Gongming, Guo Xuehua and so on. Please come to the island.

One is that the island is still better after all. Secondly, when Yang Chen is not there, the Yang family also has a photo on the island.

Guo Xuehua learned that Lin Ruoxi was actually Athena, and he was too angry. He felt that his son was deceived and deceived. He was worried and worried. Lin Ruoxi’s white-eyed wolf, fox, had known that he had not followed his heart...

It’s not a taste for women, but they are all silent. Who can guarantee that Lin Ruoxi’s actions are what she thought? No one knows the inside story.

More, it was heartfelt for Yang Chen, and the faint ones also harbored a smoldering fire on Lin Ruoxi.

For Guo Xuehua, what is not awkward is secondary. She only cares that her only son is gone, and she is hurt deeply.

However, squatting, Guo Xuehua did not have any thoughts, and only hoped that Yang Chen could have news soon, and urged the people on the island to search the world every day.

But regardless of the monks, to Sauron, Ron and other series of Yang Chen's subordinates, Yang Chen wants to hide, what are they looking for? But Yang Chen’s mother had orders, and they could only helplessly scalp and search.

Yang Gongming did not pay much attention to this. It seems that Yang Chen didn’t care about it. He just thought about the whole day and made blue and happy.

Xiaofei Niu seeks warmth around her grandfather, and she looks like a sullen, even the most loved meal.

Time is so difficult for everyone.

Just two days later, it has risen sharply!

Over the sky, suddenly there are a lot of dark gray shadows of ghosts and wolverines, like countless dark meteors across the sky, flying in countless directions!

When Luo Qianqiu and Liu Shiyuan and other monks saw this scene, they all showed a dignified look and realized that the situation had reached a worse point.

The demon ravaged the world, and the big battle was finally broken!