MTL - My Wife, Something is Wrong-Chapter 782 To die in front of Miss Qin...

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  Chapter 782 Died in front of Miss Qin...

   Early in the morning, the sun was shining brightly.

  When Luo Qingzhou woke up, there was only Second Miss Qin beside her.

  The two looked at each other, as if they both thought of the absurd thing last night.

  Miss Qin Er's cheeks were slightly red, her small face was pressed against his chest, and she asked in a low voice, "Brother Qingzhou, do you like it?"

  Luo Qingzhou said solemnly: "It will be done, so-so."

  Second Miss Qin gave a "puchi" smile, and said, "Like mother again, be careful mother hears. If brother Qingzhou doesn't like it, then Weimo won't call sister Meijiao next time."

  Luo Qingzhou asked curiously, "Where did you learn it?"

  Miss Qin Er blushed slightly, and said: "On the books. There are a few books at Qiu'er's place. I heard that brother Qing Zhou threw them to Qiu'er and Xiaodie on purpose. Wei Mo and sister Meijiao both read them."

   "Who did you listen to?"

  Luo Qingzhou's face was serious, and he immediately denied: "Slander, definitely slander!"

  Miss Qin Er laughed in a low voice: "Even if it's slander, will brother Qingzhou want more next time?"

  Luo Qingzhou didn't speak.

Second Miss Qin raised her cheeks, looked at him tenderly, and said softly: "As long as Brother Qingzhou is willing to go home, Weimo will always serve Brother Qingzhou willingly... As long as Brother Qingzhou likes it, Weimo can do whatever he wants. Yes. Even if, with her..."

  Luo Qingzhou felt a pain in his heart, hugged her tightly, and said in a low voice: "Silly girl..."

  Miss Qin Er said softly: "Weimo is not the only silly girl, Sister Meijiao, Chanchan, Xiaodie, they are all..."


   "Then brother Qing Zhou likes idiots?"


   "How many idiots do you like?"

   "The more the merrier..."

   "Hmph, my sister is right, brother Qingzhou is really a showman."

   "Where is Huaxin, I am sincere to you..."

   "Bad guy, bite me, ouch..."

   "I learned from the princess again..."


   After the two frolicked on the bed for a while, Fang got up.

   It was simple and washed up.

  Song Ruyue had already been waiting outside, talking with Nangong Xueyi under the big tree.

  Miss Qin has already brought Bai Ling and Xia Chan out.

  Luo Qingzhou helped Miss Qin Er go out, and greeted them all.

Nangong Xueyi said faintly: "Master Luo has a beautiful lady, and has become a celebrity in front of His Majesty, so he ignores her. People want to hear Mr. Luo tell stories, and want to have a few words with Mr. Luo, but they are not qualified Woolen cloth."

  Luo Qingzhou hurriedly cupped his hands and bowed: "Princess Xueyi is serious, these days are indeed a bit busy. When I have time..."


   Nangong Xueyi suddenly said: "It just so happens that they are going to move and clean up the house. Mr. Luo will accompany me to the bookstore and let's have a chat, is that okay?"

  Song Ruyue on the side hesitated to speak, wanted to stop, but felt embarrassed.

   After all, that’s what they’re talking about, and they’ve been living in their mansion for the past two days, and they took them to see the new house.

  People just want to chat, which is not too much.

  However, after all, she is a lonely man and a widow, and her son-in-law is so outstanding and attractive, and Xue Yi seems to be different from other women, she is very bold, if something happens, what should I do?

  She couldn't speak to stop her, so she had to wink at her second daughter.

Who knows, Second Miss Qin pretended not to see it, and said softly: "Brother Qingzhou, you are not needed at home anyway, if you have nothing else to do today, you can go to the bookstore with sister Xueyi. Just right, You can study there too."

  Song Ruyue glared at her with hatred.

  This girl, how can she ask her husband to accompany other women? If this kid falls in love with the princess, then it’s okay?

  She hurriedly said: "Weimo, you are weak, and you are not needed at home. Go to the bookstore with Qing Zhou and Xue Yi. It just so happens that the three of you share similar interests, so you can sit together and chat about poetry and literature."

  When Second Miss Qin was hesitating, Nangong Xueyi immediately came over and pulled her with a smile, "Of course Weimo wants to be together, let's go, we'll go straight to the bookstore after breakfast."

   In this way, Song Ruyue really couldn't say anything.

  Seeing the girl's sincere and innocent smile, she suspected that she might be overwhelmed, and she felt a little ashamed.

  Nangong Xueyi looked at Miss Qin who was standing aside again, and invited: "Jian Jia, do you want to go together? There are many books there, you can go and read them, no one will bother you."

Before Eldest Miss Qin could reply, Song Ruyue immediately walked over and pulled her and said, "Go, Jian Jia, you go too. That bookstore was opened by Xue Yi and Wei Mo, and you haven't been there yet. Don't you like it?" Do you read books? There are all kinds of books and music scores there, you can go and have a look."

  Miss Qin Er also invited softly: "Sister, let's go together."

  Miss Qin was silent for a while, and Bai Ling who was at the side hurriedly said: "Miss, you can go with Second Miss. Chanchan and I will go to the mansion to clean up the house."

  Miss Qin nodded slightly, but did not speak.

   "By the way, where is Meijiao?"

   Song Ruyue asked suddenly.

   Nangong Xueyi was also a little strange: "When I passed by there just now, I saw her brushing her teeth. Why hasn't she come yet? Leave her alone, let's go eat first."

   A group of people went to the front hall.

  The maids immediately brought a steaming breakfast.

  Princess Bai Ruoshui also came out.

  At this time, the servant girl came to report: "The Second Princess is still sleeping in the house, and said that she won't eat, so she will go out later."

  Bai Ruoshui said with a smile: "The girl likes to sleep late, don't worry about her, let's eat."

  After breakfast, everyone in the Qin family bid farewell to the princess and left the Nanguo County Palace.

  Qin Wenzheng and his party left first in a carriage.

When the carriage drove out, Bai Ling suddenly poked his head out of the window, and said to Luo Qingzhou crisply: "Master, Chanchan and I are not here, you have to take good care of my lady. Don't allow others to bully her, and you Don't bully her, do you hear me?"

  Song Ruyue, who was sitting in the carriage, frowned upon hearing this.

  Luo Qingzhou replied: "Of order."

  Bai Ling giggled and shrank his head back.

  After the carriage left, Nangong Xueyi took a few people into another carriage and went to Moxue Bookstore.

  Beside Miss Qin Er, only Qiu'er followed.

  Luo Qingzhou and Qiu'er sat on one side, and the three sisters sat on the other side.

  Nangong Xueyi took Miss Qin Er's hand, and asked with concern: "Wei Mo, are you feeling unwell, and you just had a few mouthfuls of food."

  Miss Qin Er said softly: "No, it's just that I don't have any appetite in the morning."

   After finishing speaking, she glanced at the opposite side.

  Luo Qingzhou lowered his head, closed his eyes and meditated.

  Nangong Xueyi looked at him again and said, "Young Master Luo, I re-wrote the ending of "The Story of the Stone", which is more satisfactory than the previous one. You can help me to read it later, okay?"

Luo Qingzhou suddenly had a headache, opened his eyes and said: "Princess Xueyi, I have already written the ending of Stone Story, and I will not change it. If Princess Xueyi feels that the writing is not good, you can directly modify the printing That’s right, don’t ask me.”

  Nangong Xueyi immediately frowned and said, "How can that be? You wrote the story. If you don't agree with the ending I wrote, I won't dare to modify it."

  Luo Qingzhou had no choice but to say: "I agree. Everyone has different ideas. Princess Xueyi can modify it."

Nangong Xueyi was still entangled, and the second Miss Qin said: "Sister Xueyi, you can modify it to whatever ending you like. Brother Qingzhou's writing may not be as popular as yours. By the way, Brother Qing Zhou told Wei Mo a few more stories about the sons and daughters of the rivers and lakes, Wei Mo thought it was very exciting, and I will tell it to Sister Xueyi later. If Sister Xueyi thinks it is okay, we will print and publish the book immediately."

  When Nangong Xueyi heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he said, "Is there a new story? That's great! Wei Mo, tell me when you're gone, and I'll write it down right away."

  Miss Qin Er smiled and said, "Okay."

  She said again: "Let Brother Qing Zhou and sister read books later, so we won't bother them."

   Nangong Xueyi glanced at the three of them, and said with a smile, "As long as there are stories to listen to, I won't disturb them."

  The carriage soon stopped at Moxue Bookstore.

  The two maids, Cai'er and Qiao'er, guarding the shop, quickly welcomed them in.

  After talking to Luo Qingzhou and Miss Qin, Nangong Xueyi couldn't wait to pull Miss Qin into the back room.

   Cai'er picked up the kettle and made tea for them.

  Luo Qingzhou glanced at Miss Qin, walked to the bookshelf inside, and casually flipped through the books on it.

  He searched for a while, but found a few books about medicinal materials.

  However, the medicinal materials recorded above are obviously the most common medicinal materials, and there are very few elixir that can be used to refine elixir.

  Books introducing elixir are probably only available in stores that sell warrior supplies.

  Luo Qingzhou flipped through it for a while, and suddenly saw a staircase in the corner leading to the second floor.

  At this time, Cai'er came over with tea and said respectfully, "Master Luo, do you want some tea now?


  Luo Qingzhou said: "No need."

   Then he looked towards the stairs and asked, "There are also books upstairs?"

  Cai'er nodded, and said: "There are several bookshelves upstairs, and the books on them are selected by the princess himself, and they usually sell well."

  Luo Qingzhou heard the words, went to the stairs and said: "Go and see Miss Qin, I will go up and have a look."

When Cai'er heard this, she hurriedly said, "Young master Luo, you are about to participate in Chunwei, so you can read it below. There are many books about scientific examinations and some test questions. Above... above are some books... that are not suitable for you. , Young Master won’t like it.”

  When Luo Qingzhou heard this, he became even more curious. He went straight to the stairs and said, "It's okay, I'll just take a look."

  Cai'er quickly put down her teacup, followed her and said, "My lord, all the books on it...are not serious, you'd better stop reading them."

   "Not serious?"

Luo Qingzhou's heart skipped a beat when he heard the words, and he said, "Didn't you just say that the books above are selling well? Other scholars can read them, but why can't I read them? It's okay, go get busy, I'll go up and take a look. "

   After finishing speaking, he went directly upstairs.

  Miss Qin, who was reading a book in front of the bookshelf downstairs, looked up at him.

  Cai'er didn't dare to stop her, she hesitated for a while, then hurriedly went downstairs, went to the back room, and said in a low voice: "Miss, Mr. Luo has gone upstairs."

   Nangong Xueyi frowned and said, "What's wrong with going upstairs?"

  Cai'er glanced at Second Miss Qin, feeling a little embarrassed, and said, "Upstairs... upstairs are all the books you bought back. This servant is afraid of Mr. Luo..."

  Nangong Xueyi sneered immediately, and said: "What's wrong with that kind of book? It's human nature to love men and women. Literati love to read it, so what if Mr. Luo read it? Go get busy and leave him alone."

  Cai'er blushed and retreated.

  Miss Qin Er asked curiously: "Sister Xueyi, what book? Can Weimo read it?"

Nangong Xueyi smiled and said: "This is your bookstore, of course you can read it. And you are already married, so you can read whatever you want. But you are not allowed to go today, you must tell me the story of "The Condor Heroes" over!"

  Second Miss Qin was about to speak, when Cai Er suddenly came in hurriedly, and said anxiously: "Miss, it's not good! Miss Qin also followed..."

  Nangong Xueyi: "..."

  Miss Qin Er: "..."

   Cai'er said urgently: "The servant just persuaded me, Miss Qin ignored the servant and went up directly...The servant dare not stop..."

   Nangong Xueyi quickly stood up, and said with a serious expression: "Others can see it, but Jian Jia can't. Jian Jia has never touched those things before, if she suddenly saw them today, she would probably be blown out of her mind..."

  Miss Qin Er suddenly said softly: "Sister Xueyi, it's okay, let my sister go. My sister is not necessarily going upstairs to read a book."

  Nangong Xueyi was taken aback when he heard the words, and said, "Why don't you read a book?"

  Miss Qin Er smiled and said: "Maybe it's because the sun on the second floor is good, so go to the window to bask in the sun, or maybe it's because it's quieter up there, so go up there for a while. Anyway, don't worry about her, let's continue telling the story."

  Nangong Xueyi still hesitated: "Wei Mo, do you really care? Those books are not only boldly written, but also have many illustrations, which are very bold and realistic. I am afraid of Jian Jia..."

  Miss Qin Er calmly said: "It's okay, sister Xueyi, my sister is not a child anymore, and I will always have contact in the future."

  Nangong Xueyi looked at her, hesitated to speak, hesitated for a moment, but couldn't help but asked in a low voice: "Wei Mo, Jian Jia, did she... have you ever had... that with your Qing Zhou?"

  Miss Qin Er smiled and said, "No."

  Nangong Xueyi said: "Then the bridal chamber was replaced by a maid? Which maid? Bailing?"

  Miss Qin Er smiled and said: "Sister Xueyi, if you don't want to listen to the story, Wei Mo will go out to read books. Coincidentally, Wei Mo also wants to go to the second floor to read those books."

Only then did Nangong Xueyi remember the business, and quickly sat down and said, "If you want to hear what you want to hear, continue talking. You can read the books above at any time. When you leave at night, you can go up and pick a few and take them home to read. You can also read them with me." Your brother Qingzhou will watch it together."

  Miss Qin Er smiled and continued to tell the story.

at the same time.

  Luo Qingzhou suddenly found a good thing on a bookshelf on the second floor, it turned out to be "Yuzu Illustration V"!

   Moreover, the illustrations on the fifth episode have become more delicate and realistic. At the same time, some illustrations even have beautiful legs that perfectly match the jade feet.

  He glanced left and right, and saw that the maid hadn't followed, so he slowly appreciated it.

  While he was reading with ecstasy, he couldn't help touching while flipping through the pages, he suddenly realized that something was wrong, and when he turned his head, there was an extra person beside him, also staring at the book in his hand.


   This surprise is really no small matter!

  He almost jumped up from where he was, and almost threw the book in his hand.

  When he was trembling in fright, Miss Qin next to him suddenly said, "Turn the page."

  Luo Qingzhou: "..."

  (end of this chapter)