MTL - My Wife Why is She So Cute-Chapter 34

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――Will you teach me?

In this case, if someone else said it, it would be full of hints and temptations from adults.

But from Yan Chuyu's mouth, Song Nianying only felt extremely heartwarming, she could no longer bear the rush of emotion in her heart, hugged Yan Chuyu's waist, and kissed deeply.

She had never felt like this before.

Song Nianying wanted to do this from the first time she saw Yan Chuyu.

This thought was absurd and urgent.

But the person in front of her was bearing it like this, her hands were tightly clutching her skirt, her long eyelashes were blinking, trembling constantly, Song Nianying grabbed her hand, carefully comforting her anxiety and fear.

She even faintly felt that Yan Chuyu was forbearing.

What is she enduring?

This kind of kiss was also the first time in Song Nianying's life.

For the first time, it should have been green and unfamiliar.

But she was so proficient that she even teased Yan Chuyu with ease, listening to the pleasant whispers in her ears, watching her collapse and shaking into a ball.


Too soft, too fragrant, too tempting.

Yan Chuyu almost cried out in surprise, she leaned back and pushed Song Nianying away with all her strength, the corners of her eyes were burning red.

Such a close distance, the temptation of lips and teeth, cannot be controlled no matter how much blood fruit is eaten.

Song Nianying licked her lips in dissatisfaction, staring at her with a pair of peach blossom eyes, Yan Chuyu's chest heaved rapidly, her temple hair was messy and cute, Song Nianying stepped forward to tuck her behind her ears, but Yan Chuyu He tilted his head and avoided it.

Song Nianying was slightly taken aback, Yan Chuyu didn't dare to look at her, and clenched his fists: "I...I can't breathe."


Almost, she was about to bite down.

Song Nianying stared at her with a pair of eyes, and smiled with her lips curled up: "I will teach here for today."

Can't take it anymore?

How can she bear the endless oppression in the future?

Yan Chuyu's face was as pink as a peach blossom, and she didn't dare to raise her head at all. The soft light fell on her body, and Song Nianying couldn't help pulling her over and hugging her.

Her elf princess was finally her own.

Perhaps, from the bottom of his heart, Song Nianying is not a kind person, otherwise, he would not have such a strong possessive desire when he saw Yan Chuyu for the first time, and he would not want to keep kissing him like he is now. Mark everything about her on every inch of her skin.

Yan Chuyu huddled in her arms, her hands and feet were still weak, but there was a gust of air in her dantian.

The warm air flow moved along her body little by little, and finally landed on the palm of her previously repeatedly cut palm.

Yan Chuyu:? ? ?

Song Nianying stared at her with a pair of eyes, "How do you feel?"

Yan Chuyu: ...

This person, why did he ask such a question to bully her?

At this point, the Holy King wronged Song Nianying. When she asked how she was doing, she really wanted to know how she felt.

After so many years, how many ghosts and ghosts have benefited from her flesh and blood, even a single hair, and her body has improved by leaps and bounds.

Although she hadn't tried it, according to her reasoning, the kiss she had just done to Yan Chuyu and the blending of their lips and teeth should be useful.

Perhaps, for the elves, the effect will be slower?

The two hugged quietly for a while, maybe they were too full, Song Nianying was so sleepy that she couldn't open her eyes, she said "so sleepy" to Yan Chuyu, brushed her teeth and went to bed.

She didn't even have the strength to cover the quilt, and fell asleep drowsily as soon as her head touched the pillow.

But in a second.

She fell into a dark dream.

In the dream, she walked along the winding and deep path, the more she walked, the thicker the humidity.

Song Nianying was a little scared, she wanted to back away, but a voice in her heart told her, hurry up, hurry up again.

She was forced to sprint, with a galloping pace that she shouldn't have as a human being.

Not far away, there was finally a little bit of light, which was the dripping light reflected from the river surface, and the light was a bit dazzling. She saw a girl in a pink dress with snow-white feet, kicking the water cheerfully.

Beside her, there is a little purple wolf crouching on the right side, and on the left side is a little elk with very special antlers. It wears a straw hat on its head, and stares at the girl with a pair of watery deer eyes. I don't know what kind of bird it is with blue feathers. It is holding a flower in its mouth and wants to pin it in the girl's hair.

They were not even afraid of her.

Still staying in one place so harmoniously.

The scenery here is so beautiful, it seems that the most powerful painter carefully painted every plant and tree, and the supernatural workmanship should not be owned by the world. Song Nianying stared blankly, feeling confused, but so familiar.

Song Nianying's heart was pounding, she had a strong premonition that the man was about to turn around.

But at this moment, a woman in a blue robe came across from her. The wind blew her long hair, and Song Nianying couldn't see her expression clearly no matter how she looked.

It's just that I can feel the noble and reserved aura emanating from her body.

The man stood opposite the girl, stared at her for a moment, and asked in a cold voice, "Who are you?"

The voice was very familiar, as if I had heard it somewhere before.

The little animals around the girl all stood up, bared their teeth at the outsider, and the purple wolf, which was just a small one, suddenly grew into a gigantic one, with white gas coming out of its nose, and its green eyes staring at the person.

The elk's appearance also changed, its antlers became sharp like blades, and it lowered its head to the outside.

And the little bird on her body turned into a phoenix. Behind the girl, it spread its wings and protected her with its body.

Only the girl, she was still kicking the water, not flustered at all, her laughter was clear and sweet, "I don't know who I am, do you know?"

As soon as the words fell, the light on the river surface pierced Song Nianying like broken glass, Song Nianying quickly dodged, but her body seemed to lose gravity, and was lifted into the air, her long hair fluttered messily, At that moment, she couldn't see her pupils that should have been dark, but turned golden yellow, and even her body seemed to become the sun, shining brightly.

Immediately afterwards, there were whispers whispering in the ears.

--Don't forget her.

——Don't forget you.

——Don’t forget you.

After the holy king cleaned up the housework, she sat on the sofa, carefully observing her palms, her eyes full of complicated emotions.

It turns out...Shenying really has the ability to change lives like this.

Because of their kiss just now, the blood that was emptied out of her previously marked territory was replenished. This is a speed and efficacy that no magic elixir can match.

No wonder…

Yan Chuyu's eyelashes fluttered lightly, and there was a few "dong dong dong" sounds at the glass, and she raised her head.

The little mouse that Zuo Die turned into expressed in a "twittering" voice.

——King Shura wants to see you.

Since she came to the human world, King Shura would not interfere with the Holy King unless there was something important in the clan. She knew Yan Chuyu's temper.

Yan Chuyu looked at Song Nianying who was sleeping on the bed, and frowned.

Next to it, a petal jumped up, Hua Bairou looked at the Holy King, her cheeks made of flowers were full of worry, there were nobles in the clan who were going to be executed, according to the regulations, the king must go.

Yan Chuyu walked to Song Nianying's side, she helped her tuck the quilt, a blue light popped out from her hand, this light can play a role in calming the mind, for humans, sleeping for eight hours is not a problem.

Madam can sleep all the time, and there are her marks and seals around here, the Holy King is still worried, looked back, and told Hua Bairou: "You stay here to protect her."

Hua Bairou nodded, and she glanced at Zuo Die.

The holy king has to follow people around.

Zuo Die immediately turned into a vampire and followed behind the Holy King.

Yan Chuyu's hands were behind her back, she walked in front with her head held high, her face was cold, the wind was blowing under her feet, Zuo Die followed behind the Holy King, she found that as long as he was not in front of his wife, the Holy King was always so cold and unapproachable, even Very few words.

Inside Shura City, the lights were still brightly lit, and above the main hall, there were already a dozen elders and nobles waiting.

They were all wearing black robes, each of them had a luxurious face and an impressive temperament. When they heard the voice, they turned their heads together, leaned forward slightly, and saluted the Holy King.

Yan Chuyu didn't look sideways, stepped on the red carpet and walked straight forward. In the middle of the hall, in front of the blood-colored moon altar, a haggard-looking vampire knelt on the ground. Prayer is like atonement again.

"You're back."

King Shura's voice was cold, she knew that the Holy King didn't like nonsense, and pointed to the people on the ground: "This is Qiu Rong, the fourth Dharma protector in the clan."

Yan Chuyu raised his eyes and glanced at the vampire.

She has a little influence on Qiurong. Before, when she woke up, she had been kneeling outside the temple. At that time, he was not as emaciated as he is now. His handsome appearance can be regarded as outstanding among the vampires, slender and The sturdy and straight figure is now bent, and the eyes that originally carried the stars are dimmed.

He turned around and kowtowed to the Holy King: "I beg for death, please agree with the Holy King."

Yan Chuyu's eyes changed slightly, and she looked at King Shura. King Shura's mask was gloomy, and his voice was cold and emotionless: "Another thing that is seduced by human beings and is out of place."

Qiu Rong followed King Shura very early on, and she was regarded as a hero who followed her to win the country.

Qiu Rong has a pair of eyes that can see through all objects in the world, somewhat similar to Gu Yuechi's, but the effect is not the same.

Gu Yuechi's eyes are mainly aimed at the patient's body, and can spy on all the internal organs. Perhaps the **** who saved her back then was afraid that she would go astray, so he restricted them. It was only for saving people, and it had no lethality. .

But Qiurong's eyes are specially designed for vampires, he can spy on all the secrets of heaven, even if they are as sharp as vampires, and sharp weapons in the world can't hurt, his eyes can still see through them easily, even if their supernatural powers are born innate, or He can see what he has acquired, how he has it, what kind of aura it has, and what kind of light it emits, and he can read the thoughts of anyone or a vampire.

Among the vampire clan, few people have seen the real face of King Shura, all because of the King Shura mask she wears, but for Qiurong, that mask is dispensable to him.

Perhaps it was also because of this that even though he made great contributions, he has not been reused by King Shura.

His talent gave him great honor, but it also made him doomed to be alone.

Who would like to be with a vampire who can see through everything in real time.

He wandered alone for hundreds of years, and finally met a sweetheart.

He used to think that it was a gift from God. His sweetheart had the same exquisite heart as him. Although she was a human being, she could understand all kinds of things in the world. Not long after she first met him, Qiu Rong didn't need to say much, she knew What kind of identity is he.

Qiurong thought she would leave in fear, but she didn't, she didn't leave, she wasn't afraid, and fell in love with him deeply.

Knowing that it is a moth to the flame, there is nothing to do if it is cute.

He also thought about transforming his wife, but his wife disagreed. Her parents and relatives were still alive. If she transformed, she didn't know if she could control her desire for blood and hurt them.

Qiu Rong is so confident, he thinks that as long as he is there, no one can hurt his wife.

But in the end, he killed her with his own hands.

When they were lingering in love, they didn't control the intensity well and bled, which aroused the bloodthirsty nature of vampires.

The madness and brutality at that moment, Qiu Rong still doesn't want to recall it, when he wakes up from the frenzy, there is only his wife's shriveled corpse by his side.

How can he still live in this world, how can he still have the face to live in this world?

He asked King Shura to grant him death.

After listening to the whole content, although the Holy King was expressionless, Zuo Die, who was standing beside her, saw her hands behind her back tightened again and again.

She thought of Song Nianying.

She doesn't allow anyone to hurt her, let alone herself.

King Shura walked down the high platform slowly, and she walked towards Qiurong step by step, and said coldly: "I told you a long time ago, it is impossible for a human to be with a vampire. Since you pampered her, don't give her immortality." body, I will watch her die under your hands."

Qiu Rong had a painful expression on his face. He rubbed his head with his hands, blaming himself and feeling extremely sad: "Don't say it, don't say it, please..."

"Humans are inherently fragile, easily crushed species."

King Shura's hand stroked Qiurong's hair, it was comfort before death, she looked down at Qiurong, Qiurong closed her eyes, a line of red tears slid down her cheeks.

Just when Shu Luoang was about to make a move, the Holy King said, "Is there anything else you want to do?"

Qiu Rong turned around, he looked at the Holy King, the blood on his face made him look extremely scary, he moved his lips, and said weakly: "If the king is merciful, can you bury me and my wife together. "

He promised her that he would be with her all the time, the bottom was so dark, without him by his side, his wife would be afraid.

It's just... if we can meet again, will she forgive him and love him?

King Shura: "You are going to be buried in our cemetery."

Qiurong looked at Yan Chuyu, tears fell line by line, Yan Chuyu nodded to him, "I promise you."

There was a smile on Qiurong's face at the words of the Holy King, and he slowly closed his eyes.

With a "click", a sharp sound, the handsome head fell to the ground, and the dead servant beside King Shura picked up the torch and numbly lit his body.

The fire suddenly rose, and there was a strange burning smell in the air.

King Shura took the handkerchief from his entourage and wiped the blood off his hands.

This is King Shura's deterrent to all the vampires present, telling them to stay away from humans.

Including the Holy King.

At the moment when the head was about to be ignited, the Holy King heard Qiu Rong's last words in her ear.

——Holy King, your heart is given by God.

It's golden, warm, and powerful.

It is indestructible.

It will give the holy king, immortality.