MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 230 i'm jealous

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  Chapter 230 I'm jealous

   Those two drunks who were walked around by Ji Que, their money was quickly wiped clean.

  Afterwards, they were taken away silently.

  In the originally lively restaurant, only Ji Que and a table of guests remained in the blink of an eye.

  After hearing that the broken items will be compensated according to the price, the shop owner smiled happily, and added two more fish to Ji Que and the others.

   After a meal, a drunk man made trouble, but this time Ji Que didn't completely blame it on bad luck.

  The other party was obviously targeting him.

  Originally Shanbayashi Xiangori's slap could come to him around the corner, so you don't need to think about it and you can understand why. You can't make those two drunks jealous just because you are too handsome.

  So Ji Que couldn't help but said: "Is this from the Ning family, or from the Zhao family?"

  He didn't expect that the action against him would come so quickly. You must know that there is still a long way to go from the capital.

  Lin Xiangzhi analyzed: "It should be the Ning family. Although the Zhao family got angry, they haven't really married yet. They should be looking at the attitude of the Ning family."

   "Look at the attitude of the Ning family? Now that Shangfeng's belly is getting bigger by me, if this doesn't mean the marriage contract is broken, what's the attitude?" Ji Que asked in surprise.

  Lin Xiangzhi said with a cold smile: "Of course it depends on how much the Ning family attaches importance to this marriage, and never underestimate the determination of the two aristocratic families to take advantage of each other. It is not surprising that people like them will do anything.

   But one thing is certain, that is, both of them are holding back their anger and must let it out. "

  Ji Que said with a nonchalant expression: "So I'm now the target of venting fire?"

  For some reason, he always felt that this word was a bit frightening.

  Lin Xiangzhi continued to analyze: "The Ning family and the Zhao family are existences that the Lin family will not easily provoke. Only the Ning family where your female peak belongs, these sons will not be good enemies."

  "Servant" Chen Zhu refused to accept the fish while eating: "Then my brother Ji is a good stubble?"

  For a while, Lin Xiangzhi also felt that what he said made sense.

   For the evil stubble against the evil stubble, Ji Que is indeed more unexpected.

Lin Xiangzhi still seriously helped Ji Que analyze: "The good thing is that many people should know about this matter. The Ning family and the Zhao family are concerned about face, and they should not use elders to bully the small. If you don't tear your face apart, people in this circle always want the rules on the surface."

  Ji Que understands what she means. In fact, there are similar sayings in the northern practice circle.

  In the practice world, sometimes it is very **** and cruel to compete with each other for resources, but you still have to follow certain rules. For example, if an old monster takes action against someone else's junior, it is not only about face, but also breaking everyone's established rules.

  If you really do this and you are discovered, you must be prepared to be besieged, or be prepared for others to attack your family members.

  However, the circle Lin Xiangzhi mentioned is somewhat different from this kind.

  Aristocratic families and sects in the south that firmly control a lot of resources, even if there are conflicts of interest, they often need to be covered up by a less **** cloak.

  This layer of clothing combined with the customary rules can prevent various forces from losing control in the battle. This is also the key to the Dasheng Dynasty's ability to maintain its rule and the sects' aristocratic families to control their own interests for a long time.

   Otherwise, with the fighting power of these monks, if one of them is unhappy and destroys your family today, and the other will not be able to see your wife attacking you at night tomorrow, then there will never be peace.

  Of course, this is all on the bright side. Silence in the dark is killing people. After the incident, there are people who destroy the corpses and wipe out the traces, leaving no traces.

Lin Xiangzhi believes that with so many people staring at her now, the Ning family and the Zhao family should not be having too much fun, but she also knows that this time, Ji Que will probably encounter him even if he enters the Ning Mansion, let alone taking Ning Hongyu away. All kinds of tribulations.

   It just depends on whether Ji Que's method of "beating the younger generation invincible all over the Northland" is strong or not.

  At least today's battle was won, and it was the first battle.

   After eating and drinking a beautiful meal, Ji Que and the three of them did not hurry to get on the road, but rested in the warm spring breeze and sunshine.

  Since the opponent has already made a move, they shouldn't be the ones who should be in a hurry now.

  In Ning Mansion, the Ning brothers sitting in the side hall were frowning.

   "Fourth, what kind of door-breaker did you find, and he was knocked down with three punches and two kicks. Those who don't know think that there is no one in my Ning family!"

   "Old Five, you still have the right to say that I am, but the three of you were asked to go to bed together, and what happened? You were beaten all over the floor when you went to bed together, what a shame, what a shame!"

   At this time, the second child, who had always been calm, peeled the walnuts and said coldly: "Stop arguing, this Beidi guy is indeed stronger than expected, and we have to work harder next."

   "By the way, and also, tell your people to pretend to be better. If you lose, pretend that you don't know each other, so that you can get together and break up."

   Immediately, he looked at Lao Liu and murmured, "Lao Liu, I heard that two of your drunk dogs were injured a few days ago. You didn't tell us about it."

  Lao Liu poured himself a glass of wine and said, "They went out for an outing, got drunk, and made themselves almost mature. This is helpless."

  The third child was surprised and said: "You can get familiar with yourself after a long journey?"

  The sixth child shrugged calmly and said, "They are drunks, so it's not surprising that they didn't roast themselves."

  The second child patted him on the shoulder meaningfully, and said: "Anyway, everyone must keep up their spirits. If this kid really wins all the way to the gate of the house if we continue to lose, I will be ashamed to see others."

  The sixth child said in a low voice: "Wheel fight, lost all the way, can it be more embarrassing?"

  The second child said with a serious expression: "As long as no one proves that they are from Ningfu, we will not be considered a loser. If this is a business, our capital will be much thicker than him.

  It is not our fault that many people have more money. "

  The rest of the businessman brothers couldn't help being awed when they heard it, and they all agreed for a while.

   On the way to Shengyun City in the capital, Ji Que encountered drunk fights, wheel fights, gang fights, children throwing **** halfway, and someone playing suona while sleeping in the inn.

  In short, the Ning family seems to have used all available means.

  They just wanted Ji Que to be upset, impetuous, and tired of coping.

  But these southerners didn't know it. Ji Que had long been accustomed to these things, and there wasn't much pressure.

Since Sangshui County, he has been living in all kinds of bad luck, facing all kinds of pressure at any time, so the Ning family saw him defeat drunk fights, wheel fights, group fights together, and throw children away. The feces are returned to the child's mouth by himself, and the sound of sleeping snoring overwhelms the sound of the suona

  Ji Que like this simply gives people the aura of monopolizing thousands of troops.

  In the small courtyard of the Ning Mansion, Ning Hongyu couldn't help laughing when she heard that Ji Que's snoring at night covered up the sound of the suona and nearly suffocated the suona blower.

   Unexpectedly, coming from the north to the south, that guy not only didn't have any discomfort, but made her brothers and younger brothers uncomfortable.

   "As expected of the person I fancy, he can even sleep so well."

  Ning Hongyu stared at the seven-colored clouds in the sky with his right eye open, as if he was wearing a wedding dress, very pretty.

  In the capital city, in Li Wang's mansion, Prince Li Zi is sitting on the pitch-black Iron Throne.

  The iron swords stuck on the Iron Throne are like a forest, which looks a bit harsh.

  The Iron Throne is very hard and cold, but Li Wang Lizi is very soft and warm.

  As the only Queen of the Great Sheng Dynasty, and also the king with a different surname who was most valued by His Majesty, King Li was a real beauty.

  She is only twenty-five years old this year, but her cultivation realm is already close to her natal realm.

  When Ning Hongyu and Xiao Qianhu were vying for the top three on the Qingyu Ranking, she had already jumped out of the Qingyu Ranking and stood with those famous masters.

   She can be said to be of the same generation as Ning Hongyu, but she is a little older. If you put her together with the previous generation of grandmasters, she is too young.

  Because of her outstanding talent and strength in practice, and the fact that she practiced everywhere when she was young, this Li Wang was entrusted with a heavy responsibility by the Holy Master. The Qing Qi Division, which supervises the monks in the world, is actually under her control.

   It can be said that she is one of the most powerful women in the Dasheng Dynasty. When she got angry, many sect masters would shake their heads.

   Such a woman's reputation outside has long overshadowed her, but you still can't ignore her beauty.

Li Wang was wearing a wide blue python robe, but the clothes inside were very close-fitting. The skirt was tightened and the chest was naturally high, giving a strong oppressive force. The belt on the waist was gathered just right, and a pair of long legs were smooth and stretched. full.

  In short, this woman, you will feel a lot of pressure at a glance, especially men.

  At this moment, Li Wang Lizi was sitting there, muttering: "Little Red Fish asked me to help her if necessary, what's the situation over there now?"

  Spreading news in the capital cannot be easily done by a little girl under Ning Hongyu. To escape the siege and interception of the Ning Mansion, it is inevitable that the broad-minded King Li will stir up trouble in the dark.

  Below, a female official of the Qingqi Department lowered her head and said, "Now the Ning Mansion is not used to that Ji Que's vigor."

  Hearing this answer, Li Wang laughed dumbly.

  Ning Hongyu has always been worried that Ji Que would not be able to adapt to the suppression of the Ning family, but now it seems that the Ning family has suffered.

   "Unexpectedly, at such a young age, Little Red Fish would find such a fierce young man. By the way, what does the young man look like?"

  The female official said sincerely: "Even if it is placed in the capital, he is still a handsome man who does not give way."

   "A young and handsome cultivation genius who is one in a million, has traveled thousands of miles and is not afraid of hardships to meet his sweetheart. Why does this king feel jealous?"

   "Keep watching. By the way, draw a portrait of that boy for me. You know what kind of handsome man you have."


  Chen Zhu yawned and drove the carriage, a little tired.

  He hasn't slept well in the past few days, and found that even being a coachman is a bit difficult for this journey.

  In the carriage, Ji Que was asking Lin Xiangzhi to apply medicine to his thighs.

  In the past few days, he overcame his enemies and was in the limelight, but he was also injured.

  He was bitten by a dog.

  He didn't expect these children from aristocratic families to be so shameless, people used various means to stop talking, and even let dogs bite themselves.

  Yesterday, the dog was also of a different species, and it sneaked up on him while fighting with others. It was so big and fast that it was hard to guard against.

  Bite down that ferocious big mouthful, and he felt heart-piercing pain.

  The dog was so terrifying that it bit the skin off the inside of his thigh.

  At this time, Lin Xiangzhi was giving him medicine.

  To be honest, this position is a bit awkward, Lin Xiangori lowered her head and applied the medicine carefully.

  From here, Ji Que can clearly see the curve of Lin Xiangzhi's body under the spring shirt.

  After the heavy curve wrapped by the placket, there is a slender waist, behind the waist, the hip line and legs with full tension.

  Because of the half-squatting posture, Hayashi Xiangori now has a kind of feline elegance, which is really beautiful.

  Here, Lin Xiangori's cheeks were also slightly flushed.

   It's strange to say that the two of them have slept with their arms around each other before, which is much larger than this scale, but this simple application of medicine gives people a feeling of imagination, so that the temperature in the car has risen a little.

   As a result, at this moment, only the sound of "donkey~~~" was heard, and the carriage slowed down and stopped.

   And Lin Xiangzhi's head just hit Ji Que's stomach.

  Chen Zhu turned his head, opened the curtain and said, "The front is blocked."

   Immediately, he saw Ji Que wearing only half of his trousers, and Lin Xiangzhi lying there, and suddenly said nervously, "Sorry, keep going, I didn't see anything."

   As he spoke, he immediately turned his head away.

  Ji Que and Lin Xiangzhi hurriedly separated, speechless for a while.

  Ji Que couldn't help but said: "Could he have misunderstood?"

   "What's the misunderstanding?" Lin Xiangzhi asked nervously.

  Ji Que said while putting on his pants, "Misunderstanding that we are there."

   "Where is it?" Lin Xiangzhi asked confused.

  A moment later, she thought of something, and said with a surprised face: "He doesn't think we're there, does he?"

  Ji turned his head and said, "He has a dirty head, maybe he really thought we were there."

  Lin Xiangzhi couldn't sit still for a while, lifted the curtain, and said to Chen Zhu, "We didn't have that just now."

  Chen Zhu sat upright, and said with a serious face: "I didn't see anything just now."

  Lin Xiangori explained: "I'm giving him medicine!"

  Chen Zhu nodded quickly and said, "I understand! Miss Lin is just administering medicine to Brother Ji, I didn't see anything."

   "Why do I feel that you still misunderstood?" Lin Xiangzhi asked in a daze.

   "I didn't! You are just taking medicine." Chen Zhu explained, shaking his legs.

   "Okay." Lin Xiangzhi always felt that the more he explained, the darker he was, and he said angrily.

   "How far are we from the capital?" Lin Xiangzhi changed the subject.

   "It's less than thirty miles away, you can see the city wall." Chen Zhu explained.

   At this time, they were on a ramp, and the outline of the towering city wall could be vaguely seen.

  Even so far away, you can already feel the majesty and magnificence there.

   At this moment, Chen Zhu suddenly said: "There is a situation!"

  Lin Xiangzhi looked down, and saw a few people in the tea shop by the road below looking at them.

  Those people, without exception, held a pig in their arms.

  Little suckling pig.

  Yesterday was a dog, today even a pig?

  (end of this chapter)