MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 249 Here, look at the legs?

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  Chapter 249 is here, look at the legs?

  In Jiangmo Tower, Ji Que and others listened to the great monk Lingyu complaining.

  Grand Monk Lingyu has always been a very strong person, and he likes people who conquer and slay demons, as can be seen from the trio he formed with Chen Zhu and Wang Hua.

   And this time the great monk Lingyu complained, not because of his bruised nose and swollen face, but because he felt a sense of powerlessness.

  As soon as Ji Que took Chen Zhu away, there were fewer people in Jiangmolou who were already understaffed before, and many of the burdens fell on the great monk Lingyu.

  Master Lingyu wanted to solve one case as soon as possible before moving on to the next one, so that the common people would suffer less.

  Who knew that the first case he encountered would be uncertain.

  The first case Master Lingyu encountered was in Qingping County.

  Ji Que hurriedly said: "Qingping County? The one with a good color brocade?"

   Ji Que has always cared about things like becoming bigger and stronger.

  Grand Monk Lingyu nodded, and said: "This happened on Caijin, the largest dyeing workshop in the county. People jumped into the dyeing vat one after another and drowned. When the corpses floated up, their bellies were as round as watermelons."

   "Afterwards, I went to investigate. The person who had the accident recently was a tailor. The old monk went to the tailor shop to check for clues. As a result, I checked and suddenly felt someone was outside the window."


   "Well, the old monk noticed it, so he went to look, but only saw a pair of legs." Great monk Lingyu recalled carefully.

   "A pair of legs? What kind of legs?" Chen Zhu asked curiously.

  "A pair of women's legs, very long and round, wearing thin silk stockings with a rose embroidered on them."

  After hearing the description of the great monk, everyone present looked at him with strange eyes.

   "And then?" Chen Zhu continued to ask the bottom line.

   "In short, when you see these legs, you always feel that this woman is not wearing anything except these socks." The old monk Lingyu continued to describe.

   "And then?" Chen Zhu said excitedly.

   "Then I forgot." Old monk Lingyu replied.

   "Forget? You can forget this kind of thing, what about the woman's face? What about the naked body?" Chen Zhu asked like a cannonball.

   "I was in a daze after that. I always felt that there were many legs dangling in front of my eyes. When I was discovered, it was because I floated up from the dye vat." The old monk Lingyu said.

  Chen Zhu suddenly became interested, and said: "I think this case is very interesting, this leg~~~~"

  His expression suddenly became ecstasy, because he was stabbed in the **** by his junior sister Wang Hua.

  Ji Que looked at the old monk Lingyu's face and said, "What's wrong with your bruised nose and swollen face?"

   "The nose is bruised and the face is swollen. It's because the dye was not washed cleanly. It's all over the face, but the swelling is a little swollen. The old monk soaked in the dye vat for a day and a night, and his stomach is full of dye water. It can't be swollen."

  Hearing this, Ji Que couldn't help but analyze: "Master, are you okay?"

At this time, the great monk Lingyu finally showed a look of fear, and said: "To tell you the truth, if the old monk's little nose hadn't been blocked for a while, and it was indecent to breathe with his mouth open, he gradually discovered that the armpit can be ventilated, and he even practiced it. Getting used to it, being able to breathe through the armpit, I’m afraid it’s all there.”

   "Rely on the armpits to breathe, master, you still have this unique skill? You and I have known each other for so many years, I don't know." Chen Zhu couldn't help but said.

  For a while, everyone present admired the old monk Lingyu very much, and were even shocked.

   There may not be many people in the world who can breathe through their armpits, but is this breath odorless?

  After that, they asked some more details, and found that the old monk Lingyu had walked through the ghost gate, but they found nothing except the legs in socks.

  Chen Zhu pondered: "It seems that this case must be thoroughly investigated."

   Wang Hua looked at him and said, "You don't want to go, do you?"

  Chen Zhu said solemnly: "As the manager of the Jiangmo Building, I naturally want to meet this evil filth in socks."

  Wang Hua frowned and said: "Even the master almost confessed, why are you making trouble?"

  Chen Zhu said with a righteous face: "As a manager, why not be afraid of danger, besides, Brother Ji will protect you if something goes wrong."

  Ji Que was already very interested in Qingping County. Hearing that a decision had been made here, he asked, "Is there a reward for this case?"

  The Great Monk Lingyu said: "Yes, five hundred taels of gold."

   "Gold? It's quite valuable." Ji Que couldn't help but say.

  The Great Monk Lingyu said: "It is said that the county magistrate paid for the gold himself."

  Chen Zhu was surprised: "There are still such good officials these days?"

  The Great Monk Lingyu shook his head, and said, "It's the lover raised by the county magistrate, who is in a panic. He wants to solve this matter as soon as possible."



   At this moment, everyone showed an expression of "understood".

  In the evening, Ji Que, Lin Xiangzhi, Ning Hongyu, and Chen Zhu, who followed Feisipilailian, came to Qingping County.

  Because it is backed by the mountains, even in summer, it still gives people a cool feeling.

  As soon as they came here, Chen Zhu and Ji Que realized that they had come to the right party.

   I saw women wearing thin silk stockings in the streets and alleys from time to time.

  These women seem to be considered well-to-do. Under the exquisite clothes, the legs wrapped in stockings are really unique.

  Ji Que couldn't help sighing: "There's something wrong, there really is something wrong."

  Chen Zhu's eyes lit up, and he said, "I think so too."

  Chen Zhu's so-called "sexy" means that the dresses of these women are really very attractive. If they are used in brothels, they may make people want to stop.

  Unfortunately, he has given up sex, gambling and alcohol for his junior sister for several years, so he can only live off his eye addiction.

  Ji Que's so-called being successful means making money.

  The treasure of this place is probably not the colorful brocade, but this kind of stocking.

It has to be said that the custom of this kind of stockings is really easy to spread in this area. It is too hot in summer and too cold in winter, and here is surrounded by mountains, so spring and summer can be regarded as cool. Wearing this kind of stockings is indeed considered Get comfortable.

  For a moment, he only felt that this was a paradise.

  Lin Xiangzhi looked disgusted and said: "Aren't women only wearing socks? Do you need to look so carefully?"

  Ji Que shook his head and said: "If this technique can make the socks thinner, the kind that are so thin that they can be seen through the flesh, they will definitely sell well."

  Chen Zhu grasped Ji Que's hand and said excitedly, "Brother, what you said made me burn."

  The next moment, Lin Xiangzhi punched him on the nose, and Chen Zhufei fell to the ground bleeding from his nose.

  Hyashi Xiangori nodded, and said, "He probably won't be able to burn it anymore."

   Ning Hongyu here heard Ji Que's thoughts and said, "If it's as thin as you said, the manual money may not only be doubled."

  Ji Kuang nodded, and said with a serious face: "This is worth investigating, but let's do serious things first. This Qingping County really needs us to maintain peace."

   "Look at the corpse first."

  The county government office of Qingping County is located in the city, probably because of the good sales of colorful brocade here, the government office looks quite clean and well maintained.

  Because the incident happened so suddenly and horribly, the cautious county magistrate was afraid that the corpses would change, so he kept them in the deep cell and kept them under strict supervision.

   There are as many as ten locks in that cell alone.

   I have to say that this place is indeed a good place.

   Qingping County is already cool, so the dungeon is even cooler, preventing the corpses from decomposing quickly.

   When Ji Que and the others followed the yamen servant to the dungeon, the prisoners in the dungeon couldn't help but whistled.

  This cell is full of crooked melons and dates, and the sudden appearance of two stunning beauties, Ning Hongyu and Lin Xiangzhi, makes the prisoners who have been locked up for a long time not happy.

  But they gasped in fright just after making a few noises, because Chen Zhu suddenly rushed over and looked at them.

   Looking at the beautiful woman in a good manner, a bald man with a nosebleed suddenly popped up in front of him, making everyone feel terrified.

  The noisy dungeon quickly quieted down, and the colder it got the deeper you went.

  Ji Que and a few people saw the chubby corpses. The dye on their bodies had not been washed, and they looked like dummies.

  But the stench of corpses and the rotting skin proved that they died miserably.

   What I learned from the county government is that these people did not have much intersection in life, there are old and young, men and women, and the most famous one is the lover of the county magistrate.

  Through the corpse, the few people did not get too many clues, so they decided to follow the path of Master Lingyu to see if they could see the pair of female legs.

   On the way, Ji Que and Ning Hongyu have already analyzed it. It is probably related to the technique of charm and illusion.

  Ning Hongyu is very good at deciphering these spells because of his natural fairy pupils, and Ji Que is also good at this because he has comprehended Xiaoyaoyou.

  Currently, Chen Zhu is the most dangerous.

  Because he hadn't met the real master yet, he was fascinated by those women's legs on the street.

  But before leaving, Lin Xiangzhi suddenly covered her nose and said, "This corpse is wrong."

  Ji Que asked: "What's wrong?"

   "The smell of blood is not light, and it is different from others." Lin Xiangzhi said.

  At this time, Ning Hongyu looked at the corpse carefully, and murmured, "He has no heart."

  Hearing this, the already cold dungeon seemed to be a little bit colder.

  After getting the news about the corpse, Ji Que and the others made the same decision as before, to go to the tailor shop.

  Because this heartless corpse belonged to Tailor Zhao who was killed last.

   Tailor Zhao's shop is on the east side. Since his death, except for Master Lingyu who has visited, the door has been closed.

  Ji Que walked inside and found that the table had been covered with a layer of fine dust.

  The clothes hanging in the tailor shop, in this dim environment, seemed to be people who hanged themselves one by one.

  Although the environment was a bit gloomy, nothing was discovered.


  Chen Zhu suddenly called out, everyone thought he had found a clue, and surrounded him.

   As a result, he saw several pairs of socks of different colors in his hands, and said: "Do you think the socks that the master saw are like this? It is really worth studying."

   "You said we used these socks to seduce it, so will the evil spirit appear?" Chen Zhu analyzed.

  Looking at his serious appearance, even the actress Ning Hongyu and the actor Ji Que couldn't tell whether he was acting for a while, or he was really like this.

  Ji Que also said solemnly: "I think it might be better if you wear them on your head to seduce you."


  As soon as they turned around, Ji Que and the others were taken aback, because Chen Zhu had already put a long knitted sock on his head. In this bleak environment, it was like having a loofah growing on his head, which can scare a person to death.

  Looking at the way he was wearing socks, Ji Que was almost sure that this person was real.

  Lin Xiangzhi said with a look of disgust: "Maybe it was worn by a big man with hairy legs, so you put it on?"

  After hearing this statement, the serious Chen Zhu finally couldn't bear it anymore, took it off, and complained: "Why do you have such a strange idea? How can a man wear these socks?"

  Ji Kuang nodded, and said, "I just saw two on the street."


  Chen Zhu talked, put the socks on his legs, and sighed: "It's really quite comfortable."

  Lin Xiangzhi sighed: "Your junior sister stayed with you for so long and didn't kill you. She only stabbed you with a needle. How kind."

  Ji Que and the others waited for a while, but did not meet a woman wearing only socks like the old monk Lingyu.

   This disappointed Chen Zhu.

   "Could it be that there are too many people and others dare not come?" Chen Zhu analyzed.

   "Then you stay here, we'll dodge first." Ji Que said.

   "Don't! Don't! Don't! There are some situations I can't handle."

  Chen Zhu is still very sober at this time.

   "Should we go to the tailor's house?" Lin Xiangzhi said.

   "Of course, I was terrified when I heard that the tailor's wife is a beauty." Ji Que analyzed.

   "Then we must go and have a look." Chen Zhu said seriously.

   It's a pity that when they went to the small attic of Tailor Zhao's house, they found that Mrs. Zhao was not at home. It is said that after her husband's accident, she went to a relative's house and dared not come back.

   "Poor widow, he dare not even go home." Chen Zhu sighed.

  Ji Que wondered: "Do you think this guy talks a lot today?"

  With a bang, Lin Xiangzhi punched Chen Zhu on the mouth, and said, "I think so too."

  Chen Zhu covered his swollen mouth, unable to speak for a moment.

   At this time, he found that the three of Ji Que were staring at him with strange eyes.

  He reacted immediately, raised his hands, pouted his swollen mouth and said, "I'm fine! I'm not tempted! I'm sober!"

   "Age, name, height, where do you live!" Ji Que asked sternly.

   "Thirty-two this year, surnamed Chen Mingzhu, the character is not inverted, and he lives at No. 3 Huanghua Lane."

   Confirmed repeatedly, and found that there was indeed no problem, several people continued to investigate.

  The lower floor of this small building has a living room and two rooms, and the upper two rooms are not big.

  Finally, several people came to Tailor Zhao's dormitory.

  Chen Zhu saw the woman's clothes and socks in the closet at a glance, and just wanted to investigate excitedly, but thought of Ji Que's appearance when several people asked him just now, he had to pretend to be serious.

   It turned out that not long after he was serious, a dagger was already on his neck.

   "Seeing so many women's clothes and socks but acting so serious, say, who are you?" Ji Que asked.

  Chen Zhu took a breath and said, "Brother Ji, I'm really me!"

  (end of this chapter)