MTL - Mystery Hunter-Chapter 7 strange behavior

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Jiang He didn't seem to hear Captain Wang's words, he still tugged at his hair, closed his eyes tightly, his expression distorted, and after a while, fine sweat appeared on his forehead. Everyone present was at a loss. Although they didn't know what happened, they could see that Jiang He was in great pain.

In Jiang He's mind at this moment, all the memories, all the details flooded into his brain like a tide. If Jiang He's brain was likened to a bucket, he felt as if the entire Pacific Ocean was packed into this small bucket.

"Jiang He, Jiang He." Captain Wang patted Jiang He on the shoulder, trying to figure out what happened to Jiang He.

Suddenly, Jiang He opened his eyes, his bloodshot eyes were full of pain, but the next moment, Jiang He returned to normal, he said, "It's nothing, a small problem. Through my overall observation of the scene, I have A 60 percent chance that someone must have come."

Wang Chao looked at Jiang He and when he went crazy just now, he was completely different, and he couldn't help himself for a while. The obvious signs of madness remained on his face, but Jiang He seemed to be unaware of it. He didn't care about the surprised eyes of others, but continued: "So we are still far from the truth now."

Although it is analyzed from the traces at the scene, Wu Guifeng committed suicide after killing He Huijuan, which is a case guess that fits the situation at the scene. However, all the detectives present felt that what the little-known policeman Jiang He said might be correct.

In a short period of time, Jiang He had already convinced all the police officers present with his super observation and analysis skills.

There is only one exception, this person is Xu Yiman.

Xu Yiman didn't see Jiang He's analysis process, so naturally he didn't understand why these people would listen to a sloppy, sloppy man who was wearing clothes that were obviously ill-fitting. And Xu Yiman knew that Wang Chao was the squadron captain of the Criminal Police Squadron.

But Xu Yiman didn't speak. Xu Yiman always saw people who had to trim their sides. In her eyes, ladies wanted to talk to gentlemen. And Jiang He, if he was reluctantly classified, he would be considered a hooligan to say that he was a hooligan. After all, this thin and weak Jiang He has a thief's heart and does not have the ability.

"What's wrong? What happened?" Everyone heard a man's voice.

And then, the man's voice trembled: "This is, this is my mother, this is, this is my daughter-in-law..."

After saying this, Li Weiyi closed his eyes and fainted. When he woke up, he was surrounded by three people, Xu Yiman, Jiang He, and Wang Chao. Li Weiyi looked around and found herself lying on the bed in another bedroom at home. Li Weiyi looked around with blank eyes, observing this home that belonged to him.

Xu Yiman looked at this thirty-year-old man. In Xu Yiman's heart, Li Weiyi's actual age should be forty years old. His skin is dark ~ dark, and there are many wrinkles on his face. It looks like he has been exposed to the wind and the sun all year round. There are a lot of white hair hidden in the short hair, and the whole person looks very uninspired.

"Maybe he thinks it's all just a dream, maybe he thinks that when he wakes up, his wife is still by his side and his mother is still by his side." Xu Yiman looked at the poor man and thought so in his heart .

But soon the man recognized the reality, and he saw the three people standing in front of him.

But he still couldn't believe it, and asked, "All of this, all of this is true?"

Li Weiyi's voice trembled and spoke very slowly. How much Xu Yiman wanted to tell him that it was all just a dream, but there was no way.

"Your wife He Huijuan and your mother Wu Guifeng were found dead at home." Jiang He's voice rang out, "The hour of death is about three hours, which means that the two died at around eleven o'clock this morning. So where were you at about eleven o'clock?"

Li Weiyi could clearly hear the tone of Jiang He's interrogation, he was emotional and his face flushed: "I **** you~ Damn, you mean I killed my wife, I killed my mother? You he~mum~ Is the one raised by humans, get out!"

Saying that, Li Weiyi was about to rush up and beat Jiang He.

For any man who has encountered such a thing, someone suspects in front of you that you killed your wife and mother, even the honest person may not be able to accept it. The impulsive Li Weiyi was quickly stopped by Wang Chao. But Li Weiyi was emotional at the moment, so Wang Chao could only signal Jiang He to go out first and wait until Li Weiyi calmed down.

But Jiang He stood there, Xu Yiman couldn't stand it any longer, he took Jiang He's arm and dragged Jiang He out of the room to the entrance of the stairs.

"Why are you like this?" Xu Yiman glared at him and clenched his fists with both hands: "How sad it should be for others to encounter such a big thing. Do you think it's appropriate to say this at this time?"

Jiang He did not move. Hearing the voice of Li Weiyi, who was still scolding, he said, "What? Is there a problem? I have a 30% chance that this Li Weiyi has come back. You haven't looked at it fully yet. You've been through the scene, so you don't know some of the details, the scene..."

Xu Yiman looked at Jiang He and became more and more angry. She said angrily, "I'm a forensic doctor, I'm not a criminal police officer, I'm only responsible for examining corpses and providing you with useful information. But you must know that these Before the corpses were living people, they had relatives and feelings. I don't think anyone who respects life would say these words in front of the relatives of the deceased."

Saying that, Xu Yiman walked into the house and just stepped through the door, she turned her head and said, "I'm not targeting you, and I understand your behavior. It's important to investigate a case, but the darkness in the world is already so dark. If you can keep a little tenderness, try to keep a little tenderness as much as possible.”

As a doctor, as a forensic doctor, Xu Yiman has experienced more life and death than other people in her life. She understands that the passing of a life is far more than just becoming a corpse. Xu Yiman understood this, but Jiang He, who was standing at the door, didn't.

Xu Yiman's words didn't have any effect on Jiang He, because Jiang He didn't listen to Xu Yiman's words at all. Xu Yiman's voice was automatically ignored in his mind, and what he heard was Li Weiyi's cry.

In Li Weiyi's angry and sometimes sad shouts, Jiang He did not come up with any useful information. Aside from the meaningless crying and shouting, the rest is to greet the murderer's ancestors for the eighteenth generation. Although Captain Wang Chao was trying his best to comfort him, Li Weiyi still couldn't stop.

After finally calming Li Weiyi's emotions, the police were able to conduct a simple information inquiry on Li Weiyi. The content of the inquiry is nothing more than whether there is an enemy, and whether there is any abnormality when going out. And Li Weiyi's answer is no, resolutely no.

While Li Weiyi was answering the question, Jiang He was observing Li Weiyi.

Li Weiyi was wearing the simplest black suit with a white shirt inside and a pair of black leather shoes on her feet. Judging from this outfit, this Li Weiyi looks like thousands of office workers in this city. But what Jiang He observed was the details that others couldn't see, the details that were most easily overlooked.

The price of this black suit should be around 100 yuan. According to Jiang He's experience, there is a 100% chance that he believes that the value of this suit will never exceed 300 yuan. This can be seen from the rough fabric. The black suit looks gray, but it doesn't look like it's not washed all the year round.

Looking inside through the collar of the suit, the white shirt is also wrinkled, and the collar is a little yellow. As you can see, this dress has been worn for a while. On the suit pants, some black debris was stained, Jiang He could see that it was rubber residue. And this pair of leather shoes seems to have been worn for a long time, and the heels have been worn a lot, but Li Weiyi still hasn't replaced them.

Jiang He looked at Li Weiyi and added so many labels to Li Weiyi, being frugal, not fond of dressing up, and not good at communicating with people.

And this made Jiang He think of a person, this person is Li Weiyi's mother Wu Guifeng.

These labels are almost also the labels on Wu Guifeng.

Wu Guifeng's pants are of poor material and should be made of petroleum. And the green short-sleeves didn't fit, obviously her son's clothes were on her. Wu Guifeng has a thimble in his hand, and the thimble is only used when sewing things with needles.

Wu Guifeng did not wear a ring on her finger, but a thimble. This was the most beautiful ring that the years brought her.

And the thimble that he always carries shows that Wu Guifeng's attitude towards life can be saved if he can, but this point is in conflict with another person.

Wang Chao said: "I won't say anything extra, but I promise you that I will help you find the murderer as fast as I can, and redress your family's injustice. This is the only thing I can do. But At the same time, I also hope that you can cooperate with us, after all, we need your cooperation so that the murderer can be caught as soon as possible."

Li Weiyi nodded.

Wang Chao said, "Then that's it, you go back and make a detailed record with us, and we'll investigate again at the scene."

When passing by Jiang He, Li Weiyi glared at Jiang He fiercely.

Wang Chao sighed, patted Jiang He on the shoulder, and said, "Don't worry about it."

Jiang He shook his head: "I don't care about these, but have you noticed that there is one thing missing in this house, and everyone has this thing? By the way, Wu Guifeng may not have it, but He Huijuan must have it."

Wang Chao suddenly thought of a riddle he heard when he was in college, "What is the male or the female?".

"Do you have this thing?" Wang Chao scratched his head.


"What about me?" Wang Chao asked again.

"you also have."