MTL - Mystery Makes Me Strong-Chapter 2133 Auspiciousness from heaven

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Then Huang Taiji said: "Anyone who has hatred or resentment in their hearts will eventually explode under this deceptive ability. Even the most timid people will become crazy and go to Kill someone."

Mangurtai nodded.

Those most docile coats are like this, before they were obedient in all kinds of ways, once they went crazy, they dared to kill Bai Jia.

Of course that was useless.

Bai Jia is far superior to the opponent in terms of equipment and physical fitness.

The world boxing champion will be killed by a dagger, let alone a white armor soldier who has both?

So it's no problem to hit 50 for one.

The premise is not to be surrounded.

However, those coats were too crazy, they dared to kill others by suicide.

So Bai Jia has to back down.

They won't fight such a losing battle.

It takes ten years and hundreds of battles for a white armor to come out.

The coating is all over the place.

"In that case, old eight, how can we defeat it?" Mangurtai asked sincerely.

"So if we want to defeat him, we must find a group of soldiers who are single-minded, brave and united, instead of relying on military discipline to oppress and hate."

In fact, Huang Taiji knew who such a person was.

Such people are pure in mind and dedicated to *.

"Is there such a person?"

"Yes, the Yue Family Army is."

"Is it Prince Yue's army?" Mang Gurtai nodded.

Although Yue Fei beat the Jurchen and fled in embarrassment, as a post-Jurchen, he actually didn't hate the other party at all. On the contrary, he admired this kind of strong man very much.

Because to be a barbarian is to worship and fear the strong, which is instinctive.

Just like people worship tigers.

Huang Taiji said: "That's why we need to re-train our troops first, to develop a Yue family army like this."

"Originally, I wanted the Eight Banners to fight professionally, and the Han people to farm. Now it seems that we need to integrate the Manchu and Han, and get rid of the differences between the Eight Banners. There are only differences in occupations, not ethnic groups. Do you understand?"

Mang Gurtai was shocked when he heard the words.

"Here, the Eight Banners are the masters, and the Han people are the coats. It is only right and proper. If you do what you do, will anyone follow?"

"Of course, that is what the Han people will choose to follow. Their fighting power is also very strong, and their population is large enough to attack that monster continuously. If you want to defeat the monster, you must rely on the Han people. We Jurchens alone can't do it." Arrived. Because monsters are not afraid of death and will not be slaves. They will fight with us all the time."

Mang Gurtai nodded silently.

He knew what Huang Taiji said, this was the only way.

There are tens of millions of Han people, and they are only 200,000.

Monsters are not afraid of death, and will fight desperately. They cannot conquer monsters like they conquered the Han people.

This time when he hit the opponent, more than half of them died for no reason.

The result was that the big ones were eliminated, some of the small ones were killed, and others escaped.

It is impossible to kill them all.

Because his soldiers lost too much.

At this time, he also regretted a little. If he had known earlier, he would have been smarter and trapped the other party first.

But it doesn't work either.

Because he can't deal with that kind of camp roar.

As long as a few days passed and his camp was in chaos, the monster would still be able to escape.

Mang Gurtai then asked: "Then old man, how do we train this kind of soldiers?"

"First we have to come up with a goal, to bring people's hearts together in one place."

"We want to tell everyone that we want to abolish those cruel military laws and cruel punishments, and then we need to find scholars to give you lessons so that everyone can read. Only those who can read can understand, and only after understanding can they understand things."

"We're going to tell everyone what we're fighting for."

"We are fighting for our own family, for our children, and for our parents. Our fighting can make our lives better, and we can have more money, more land, and more food."

"In this way, our hearts can be united, and our strength can be used together."

"But if we do this, the nobles of our Eight Banners will not understand, they will never allow the slaves to be like them." Mang Gurtai shook his head and said, he wanted to understand what Huang Taiji was going to do.

"So I want to deceive them and tell them that this is only for the sake of gaining the world temporarily. When we get the world and use the Han people, we Jurchens will still rule the world. We have more land and official positions..." Huang Taiji said confidently.

Only then did Manggurtai truly understand.

He had to admire the other party's intentions.

If the other party fooled him directly like this, he would believe it.

But the other party chose to speak out sincerely, obviously because he is currently the person who understands the threat of the monster best.

Under the threat of that kind of monster, the difference between Ming, Han, and Jurchen is not important.

At least the Ming people can still allow the Jurchens to survive, but the monster won't allow it.

"At the same time, we have to repeat this truth to everyone, so that everyone understands it in their hearts, and then there will be no resentment, and everyone will fight independently. In the end, we will no longer be able to plunder Daming. On the contrary, we must be like those Daming rebels. Like that Li Zicheng, help his farmers, get rid of those landlords, and get the land."

"Ah, but the landlords are the most powerful. Without the support of the landlords, it will be difficult for us to conquer Daming." Mangurtai subconsciously said.

Huang Taiji smiled.

Being able to say this kind of thing shows that the Eight Banners are very clear.

So in the end it was the Manchus who won the world.

It was they who understood that the landlords of Ming Dynasty held the real power.

But Li Zicheng didn't understand this truth, and the transformation slowed down, so he finally failed.

"Although the landlords have power, they have no one. What we need are people, those who dare to fight voluntarily. Only tenant farmers who have nothing can do this."

"We can earn their allegiance by giving them land."

"Just like those Han Eight Banners, they are also very good at fighting." Mang Gurtai nodded.

"Yes, this monster is good at demagoguery. Anyone who has hatred, they will vent their hatred crazily. If we rely on the landlords, the result will be that the tenant farmers will attack us madly."

"And there are few landowners, and they can't kill a few people even if they go crazy."

Huang Taiji said.

Mangurtai fully agrees.

He had to believe that Huang Taiji was indeed Tian Cong Khan.

So wise and intelligent.

He is completely incomparable.

It's no wonder that the opponent can become a Great Khan. If he can live to the age of Old Khan, he may really be able to conquer Ming Dynasty.

The premise is to get rid of that monster.

It's all that damned monster that ruined their great cause of plundering and conquering Daming.

Wait, maybe that monster isn't particularly bad, if it wasn't for it, I would have been cheated to death by Huang Taiji.

After all, the other party has always looked down upon him.

"Okay, third brother, now I need your full support. Our brothers must be like Liu Guanzhang so that we won't be taken advantage of by that monster."

After Huang Taiji finished speaking, Mang Gurtai nodded heavily.


At this moment, sir, Tamsui City.

A piece of green.

Some alpine savages are trading at the fair.

Under the shining arrows and armor, they learned what is fair trading.

Wen Rensheng was scanning these people from the top of the city.

Judging from the current momentum, relying on maritime trade and the power of a large number of refugees, it will not be a problem to push the Ming and Qing Dynasties in the future.

The Zheng family just didn't make good use of the strength of the refugees in the north, and wasted their development time in vain.

If the hero's ambition is not enough, he can determine the direction of history.

Of course, the fundamental trend cannot be changed, only the name of the dynasty is changed.

But at this time, Wen Rensheng also received news that monsters appeared in the north.

The sea fleet going south has already informed everyone of the news.

A monster is rampaging in the north, surprising everyone.

"What's going on, why are there monsters?"

"It's not surprising that there are monsters these days, but if there are no monsters, I'll scold God for being short-sighted!" said a refugee from the north.

"That's right, a whole village in our area starved to death, it's no wonder there are no starving ghosts."

"It's just that 20 people hanged themselves in our village. It's no wonder that there are no hanged ghosts."

"It's a ghoul now, it's already very kind."

Wen Rensheng finds Xiao Huan who is playing a trick game with a group of children.

"Take out the snacks one by one."

"We play snack hide-and-seek."

She said to a group of children.

Those children took out candies, candied haws, pastries, and peanuts.

"Start hiding snacks now. Hide them, then go find someone else's."

Xiao Huan instructed the children to start hiding.

Wen Rensheng was stunned.

Why is this guy playing with a bunch of kids?

In the past, she would only play with adults.

Because she is too powerful.

Then, as Wen Rensheng expected, after the children hid the snacks, Xiao Huan found them all and ate them...

Leaving behind a bunch of crying children.

"I can't afford to play with each of them, so I won't play with you."

Xiao Huan left proudly.

Then he was grabbed by Wen Rensheng.

"May I ask you, how did you make that monster?" Wen Rensheng said.

Xiao Huan asked back: "What's the matter? Let them kill people everywhere, and I'm not allowed to toss a few monsters out to take revenge on those guys?"

"That's the truth, but can you control that monster?"

"It's okay, anyway, the monsters I set up have limited abilities and will not destroy the world."

"What ability."

"It has two abilities. One is the ability to evolve all beasts, and of course human wisdom."

"The second is that it has a spiritual attack, which can make people who face it directly, those who have resentment, those who have a lot of resentment, have crazy thoughts that are not afraid of death, and can put aside everything, no longer endure, and resist."

Hearing this, Wen Rensheng was stunned.

"You guy can do so many things? I don't believe it."

"Of course it wasn't me who made it, it was Lao Wei who made it. She is the master of the game, big brother, it's fun." Xiao Huan said as a matter of course.

"I knew that was the case. Then you guys continue to play." Wen Rensheng didn't care about the two players anymore.

Just don't make trouble for yourself.

Anyway, he doesn't have to worry about what will happen to the world.

The big deal is to leave.

In this miserable world, it is actually good for them to have one more evil god.

On the bright side, at least they still have the means to live forever.

For example, merging with the heir of the evil god, just like that boy.

Although no longer human.

Wen Rensheng thought about it again, what would happen to the whole Daming if there was an extra factor of the evil god?

at the same time.

the capital.

Above the main hall of the Forbidden City.

"Everyone, the Jurchens have already retreated, and the kings and kings from all over the country have rewarded them. Let them go back too." Chongzhen sat on the high throne and gave an order.

At this time he is still very authoritative, but some weaknesses have begun to be exposed.

For example, there is no responsibility, changes from day to day, lack of resilience, and likes to take over.

"Observe the order." All the ministers said.

At this time, a certain censor came out of the queue and said: "Qi Zou the emperor, I heard the news: a group of demons appeared in the wild, and now they are digging graves and eating corpses everywhere."

"It's so frightening that it's hard for the people to live in peace."

"I don't know what to do."

"Report to the local officials to deal with it, but the local officials can't solve it at all."

"They only have a small number of arresters who can't beat the evil spirits. They want to recruit troops to encircle and suppress them, but they don't have money and food. I hope the court can allocate money and food to suppress them."

"It's not enough to allocate money and food." The Minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs came out immediately, "Now that King Qin's army is still there, they should be sent to clean up."

"In that case, then..." Chongzhen hadn't finished speaking,

At this moment, the Minister of War suddenly came out and said, "Your Majesty, absolutely not."

"Why?" Chongzhen said displeased.

In fact, interrupting the emperor's words is very contrary to etiquette.

But now Chongzhen still has to act like a sage, and he is not angry.

"Your Majesty, I heard something before, that is Eight Banners Three Belle Mang Gurtai, who once led tens of thousands of Eight Banners troops to besiege that monster, and as a result, his troops screamed and killed more than 8,000 people. "

"What? There is such a thing?" Chongzhen burst into joy.

"Is there such a thing?" Others also preached.

It can be seen that the decline of factory guards has led to how bad the intelligence has become.

You must know that at this time, the South China Sea knows about it.

"Yes, although Manggurtai ordered the body to be burned, it is absolutely true. Many people have seen it, and there are also many escaped slaves who have escaped and spread rumors about it in the countryside." The minister of the Ministry of War said firmly.

"Why did this happen?" Everyone was discussing.

All of a sudden, a military officer said to the superior: "Congratulations to my emperor, congratulations to your majesty, this is an unprecedented victory. It is a great victory in Gyeonggi. God can't understand the barbaric Eastern captives, so God sent down punishment."

The others shook their heads slightly when they heard this.

This guy is too good at drilling.

You know, if this monster still attacks Daming's army, what will you say then?

"Really?" Chongzhen was also very happy.

After all, it is an unprecedented victory to wipe out 8000 Eight Banners at once.

None of his elder brother, father, or grandfather had such a record.

"Yes, this is exactly what God-given auspiciousness is used to destroy the Eastern captives." The military officer said in the matter. UU Reading

In fact, some people have long wanted to claim credit for this matter.

But the problem is that if you want to claim credit, you must have a leader to testify.

And the Eight Banners tried to take away the corpses in order to prevent their morale from being hit by Daming.

Or burn it on the spot.

It's the same this time.

If you don't have a leader, it's useless for you to report a big victory.

After all, this is the result of 8,000 people. If you win, the enemy will be completely defeated anyway, so you can get at least 5,000 heads.

Now there are dozens at most, definitely not.

So many people can only tell the truth.

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