MTL - Naruto Has Been Signed In For Three Years, and the Chat Group Only Came-Chapter 29

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This Nima is far from the Phoenix Force who signed up in the Marvel world last time.

You come out of the system, I want to chat with you, let you know who is the real master of this family.

"Ding, host, please don't wrong the good people, the devil tree fruit will manifest the ability according to your deepest thoughts, so what ability you can gain after eating the fruit is entirely up to you."

Hearing the system's words, Bai Feng was furious: "You mean to blame me, you white-eyed wolf, tell me what I can do with this ability, I can do it... ahem, I seem to be able to do it."

After all, rubber fruit, you know everything, bah bah bah, no, no, do I seem to be a person who lacks this kind of ability, I was almost led astray by the system, thinking of this, Bai Feng immediately shook his head.

"System, what do you mean by this, be careful I sue you for slander, you actually slander my reputation."

The system was speechless, I didn't say anything, how could I slander you, you're a fool, the helpless system had no choice but to remind: "Host, please respect yourself."

Bai Feng curled his lips, arrogant guy, but in the blink of an eye, he seemed to see some new land: "System, why are you still here, haven't you updated?"

"The update was just completed."

"Then why don't you remind me, do you not love me anymore?"

"Ding, the system update has been completed."

Bai Feng curled his lips: "System, you are so perfunctory."

System: ╯‵ ′)╯︵┴─┴, dear host, this system update has been completed, please check the new sign-in system 2.0."

"Okay, okay, back off."

After toying with the system, Bai Feng began to check the content of this update.

Well, probably the content has not changed, the main thing is to add a new function, the travel frog.

Traveling frogs, put the items they don’t need in the supply bag, and the frog cubs will start traveling with the supplies. The travel location is the heavens and the world. Every time they travel, they will bring back gifts to the host. The travel time is uncertain.

Moreover, the more and higher the quality of the supplies the frog cubs carry, the better the gifts they will bring back.

Well, Baifeng looked at the description, it is a good function, and now all the unnecessary items stored in the system space can be recycled.

Long live the frog cub, Bai Feng thought of the sign-in system, please, this system is inferior.

Okay, let's prepare for the first time that the frog cubs will travel far, but for the first time, the frog cubs need to prepare a little more supplies.

Let me see, what's in my backpack, um, the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, is an imitation of the legendary Golden Cudgel, but its function is a little crooked.

The golden cudgel can change at will according to the master's order, but this one will only change due to the surrounding environment.

However, it has an advantage that the golden cudgel does not have. The golden cudgel is cold, but it is hot.

It is said that it has a miraculous effect on dealing with certain enemies, but Bai Feng has never tried it, and he doesn't know.

Pit dad, what kind of hot shit, Bai Feng's face is full of black lines, I don't know how many times better than him, well, when did I sign this thing and throw it away.

laser gun? Throw it away, automatic wave machine? Toss your Hulk Pants and never worry about damage? throw it away, throw it away, throw it away...

After a while, Bai Feng saw that the package on the frog cub was bulging, and glanced at his own system space that was only missing a small corner.

Forget it, forget it, it’s not finished anyway, so let’s do it, the supplies are ready, Bai Feng pointed at the frog cub: "Cavalry frog, charge me."


The frog cub called twice, looking at the huge package on his back, he couldn't help being speechless.

How can I charge with so many, alas, forget it, who let me have a host with a problem.

So our frog cubs were like this, carrying their bags on their backs, and the moment they left home...

Bai Feng bid farewell to the frog cub with tears in his eyes, and was about to chat with the friends of the sand sculpture group, but found that it hadn't been updated yet.

Well, let's find the system. I just have one thing I want to ask the system.

"The system, is it there? It's come out to chat."

"Not here."

Hehe, Bai Feng Yile, this is still a proud system, so he deliberately coughed twice: "System, I have a question that Bai Si can't solve, so I can only ask you now."

The system is speechless. After following you for so long, do you think I don't know if what you say is serious or not.

Bai Feng didn't get an answer from the system, and he didn't care, and continued to ask questions on his own.

"System, why are we going to hunt down that Enilo, that is, the traverser? Is it because he caused damage to the world, so the world needs us to save, so we reached a communication with the chat group and released the task."

The system was silent for two seconds before slowly replying: "About the issue of the host, I can only say that you are thinking too much. We hunted down Enilo not because he caused damage to the world, nor because he caused damage to the world. The plot made an impact."

"It's all because of the simple law of the dark forest. He has the substances that I and the chat group need, so we released the mission, it's that simple."

"Etc., etc."

Bai Feng slowed down, sorted out the thoughts in his mind, and then said: "You mean that we can hunt and kill these traversers, and in turn, these traversers can also hunt and kill us, right?"

"That's right, it just depends on who discovers who first and who is stronger, everything is as simple as that."

Bai Feng scratched his head, well, now he understood, and it made him a little bit disappointed.

I thought I could do what the protagonist in the novel can do, save a different world, and get cheers from countless beauties.

Of course, the former one is not important, the latter one is the most important.

ps: I really beg you all not to report me maliciously, it’s all just for dinner, it’s not necessary

Chapter 52 The Perverted Teacher and Student

But even if he knew, Bai Feng didn't care. After all, if you are not convinced, if you have the ability, you can hit me along the network cable through the double isolation of the system father and the chat group.

Shaking his head, Bai Feng decided to go out to find his lovely apprentices.

With his eyes closed, he sensed the current position of his wooden avatar.

I don't know if I don't see it, but I was shocked when I saw it. The current wooden clone is actually molesting his former Anbu subordinate.

Good guy, I sent you to care about Naruto, you are here to talk about love, what the hell, who taught you.

Hiss, wait a minute, this seems to be his clone, so didn't he learn it from himself.

Bai Feng's face darkened, and Zhang Chulan was all to blame. Too much communication has lowered my IQ.

After happily shaking the pot, Bai Feng came to the side of his wooden avatar in an instant with a teleportation technique.

Using the unique communication channel between him and the wooden avatar, after letting his former Anbu subordinate leave, Bai Feng came to his wooden avatar with a black line on his face.

"Do you remember what I told you to do?"

"Remember." The wooden avatar nodded: "I understand that you care about Naruto, but it's not that Naruto went out to perform a mission."

Um? Going out on a mission, doesn't that mean that Orochimaru's plan to invade Konoha will start soon, and time flies so fast?

Seeing that Bai Feng hadn't spoken, the wooden avatar became more courageous, and leaned forward to speak: "And I also discovered a very important secret."

Hearing this, Bai Feng was a little curious: "What's the secret?"

"I found that pretty girls are generally pretty good looking."



The wooden avatar disappeared in a hurry, and then Baifeng received the part of the memory that belonged to the avatar.

Well, the love for Naruto has not been broken, very good, and the training of the three lovely apprentices has not been left behind.

Ya has been able to transform from a werewolf to a wolf, but he always likes to go into the kennel, which is not good, um, I have to keep an eye on it.

Hinata also completed the initial solution of Asahi, and knew her name. The gratifying thing is that her Zanpakutō is named Sode Shirayuki.

Sode Shirayuki is good, powerful and good-looking, and just suitable for a girl with a personality like Hinata.

Well, if someone dares to show ill will to our lovely Hinata, he will punch his **** out.

As for Zhi Nao, Bai Feng was a bit annoyed, and the big needle bee was very good to Zhi Nao, but Zhi Nao always touched the big needle bee in public, and it was almost from the small transparency at the beginning to the topic of Konoha.

Now people say that there is something wrong with him. Why, the two male disciples under his command don't look like normal men, nor are they close to women.

A lustful object is a dog, which is more reliable, after all, it is not that no one likes such a big Konoha.

The other one is outrageous, the object is actually an insect, this Nima dog can still be said, the size is barely okay, insects, this is simply powerless.

If I have to use one sentence to describe it, that is, the python wants to drill into the ant hole, either you die or I die.

The disciples are all like this, and Bai Feng, who is the teacher of the two, is not bad, isn't his taste even more curious.

md is two bastards, he must teach them a lesson when he goes back, compared to Hinata, he is simply an angel.

In addition, apart from this news, Baifeng also knew the identity of Anbu just now, a former member of his own team, Uzuki Xiyan.

Hey, good guy, the avatar guy has a pretty good eye, and he found such a beautiful woman to flirt with, bastard, Bai Feng still remembers the blushing cheeks when Xiyan left just now, shouldn't it be It really worked.

Hiss, what a good avatar.

Bai Feng finished the memory reception for this period of time, and then he was going to find his lovely, no, two hairy disciples plus one cute disciple.

You bastard, see if I teach you a lesson.

When he came to the eighth training ground of Muye Village, his disciples were arranged to train here by clones.

As soon as they came to the training ground, they found three little guys who were training.

He coughed twice: "Come and assemble."

The three people who were obsessed with training immediately came to Bai Feng when they heard the order, and said in unison: "Hello, teacher!"

Bai Feng looked at Hinata with a smile, reached out and stroked her hair: "Hello, Hinata."

Hinata's cheeks were flushed, and steam was rising from her forehead: "Old, teacher."

At this time, the teeth next to him popped up again: "Teacher Baifeng, Naruto and the others next door have all performed the task of going out of the village. Do we have to perform a high-level task as well?"

Zhi Nao also looked at the big needle bee next to him and nodded, indicating that his big needle bee was already hungry and thirsty, and needed a more powerful enemy to sacrifice.

Regarding this, Bai Feng naturally didn't bother to pay attention to these two guys, and patted Hinata on the head again: "How does Hinata feel?"

"this and that…"

Hinata poked her finger, a little shy, but thinking of Sode Shirayuki in her arms, she nodded firmly: "Teacher Baifeng, I want to go out of the village to have a look."

"Okay, then leave the village and pick him up later."

"Teacher Baifeng, this is not fair. Why do you ignore us when we tell you about the village, but you agree immediately when Hinata says it?"

Bai Feng just sneered at this: "I'll settle the matter with you two later, Hinata, let's go."

"Oh, yes, teacher."

The two walked ahead, leaving Shino and Kiba standing on the ground and looking at each other.

"Did we do something wrong to make the teacher angry?"

"I don't know, it doesn't seem like there is one, you're right, Big Needle Bee."


"That's right." Kiba nodded. Fortunately, I have Akamaru: "Akamaru, fortunately, I have you."

"Wow woof~"

Akamaru happily stuck out his tongue and licked Teeth's face.

Behind, two couples of man and beast laughed cheerfully. Bai Feng felt this scene, his complexion darkened, it was endless.

If you let you go on like this, it won't be the end of a human-animal relationship for me on the spot.

"You two, come here quickly."

"Hi, teacher."

Just like that, with a dark face, Bai Feng brought the three of them to the Hokage Building.

Bai Feng looked at Sandai: "Master Sandai, I will bring my students to accept a C-level task."


Ri Zhan looked at the task list in his hand, and randomly pulled out one: "Come on, I will leave this task of exterminating bandits to you."

Baifeng took over the task and took a look at it. It was the most common task of exterminating bandits. The ninjas of Konoha Ninja Village do such a task every year and can go around the ninja world twice.

ps: I'm a little dizzy today, sorry, sorry, forgive me.