MTL - Naruto Lineage Theory? Trash-Chapter 655

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The terrible storm almost made Sasuke's Susanoo sway.

In contrast, Mingren standing in the storm is like a flat boat.


This flat boat is as immovable as a mountain! Even the vast waves can't make it move a bit!


Under the influence of Chakra, Madara Uchiha turned white.

Weak purple light, red light and other spectra are entangled.

The extreme arousal of power made his output unbelievably improved.

Uchiha Madara at this moment.

Black lines that were reflected in purple spread out on his body!

These black lines looked like the black lines that appeared in the original book when he was stabbed in the back by Hei Jue.


Hei Jue opened his eyes wide and looked at this scene. He was stunned for a moment, and then he smiled grimly.

"Uchiha Madara...this is suicide!"

Because of this moment, Uchiha Madara is desperate!

"Six paths... Chakra mode!"


In the next second, Uchiha Madara, who was entangled in a burst of chakra all over his body, stomped on the ground.

The spreading magma rushed in all directions like waves.

In less than one tenth of a second, Uchiha Madara rushed to Akito's eyes.

boom! !

A punch hit Ming Ren in the chest.

Boom boom boom boom boom...! !

In the six chakra mode, the terrifying chakra turns into roaring artillery fire.

The surging chakra brushed over a kilometer of ground.

Turn the back of the Ming people into a purgatory on earth!

After chakra is shot out like plasma.

The light slowly dissipated on the ground, and then hot magma ignited!

Everything is melted away!

Just the power of a punch!

"not good!"

Qianshou's pupils shrank, and he immediately increased his efforts.

"Everyone...!" Senju Bashima didn't even have time to tell you to run!

Because there are some eyebrows, such as Tsunade, Onogi, and Ai, they have already started to run away.

Those who didn't respond instantly turned into ashes together with the torn Four Scarlet Sun Formation...

Ninja Alliance... 4000 left!

567. Mingren: To the Moon



Amidst the screams, everything was torn apart and burned.

Chakra's blaze blasted the four red sun formations.

And then killed the front row.

The kinetic energy and thermal energy of the magma blowing behind continued to destroy everything.

Because time is too short.

Except Tsunade and other prominent characters.

The miscellaneous fish failed to react, and instantly disappeared from the world.


It's just the aftermath of the projection!

So, what about the emperor who was hit head-on?

In the chaos, Tsunade and others were desperate, furious, and resentful...but there was nothing they could do.

We are too weak.

We have no power.

Of course, the five major countries will never go back on their word.

Because even at the end of the world.

They also don't have the idea of... "ninjutsu resources should be shared so that everyone can become stronger"....

The feudalism of blood lineage is undoubtedly reflected at this moment.

Monopoly, selfishness, blood relationship and nepotism are eternal malicious topics.

Precisely because power is only in the hands of a few people.

There is no collective power to develop and innovate.

That's why the power of the ninja world is not as good as one generation.

getting weaker and weaker.

Getting... smaller and smaller.

The theory of bloodlines has always been a step backwards in history.

Reverse the gas pedal.

At this moment, 1,000 people were blown up by Uchiha Madara with one punch, which is what they deserved.

Uchiha Madara bursting out with all his might.

It showed the level he should have as a big boss.

It also embodies the posture of going towards the ancestor of Chakra after "opening the forehead and opening the eyes".

And Ming knows.

The reason Uchiha Madara was not backstabbed by Heijue.

Become Uchiha Obito 6 and see the bottom tail beast to call the prince.

The zoom-in Shenluo Tianzheng Nagato self-harmed and vomited blood ribs to beat the prince.

And... the mentally handicapped operations of many bosses.

It's all because Uchiha Madara's himself.

Believe it or not.

Madara Uchiha faced Naruto at this time, and immediately continued to have a halo of subduing wisdom, stealing Madara Uchiha's back heart in a second?

no way.

"The protagonist's aura of lowering wisdom" is such a bug.

It is also because Uchiha Madara is facing himself.

He can use it with all his strength, and will not be affected by various halos to lower his intelligence.

It can also retain the dignity of being a BOSS.

Boom boom boom!

The aftermath of power hits from one end to the other.

The four red sun formations were broken, and a magma passage bloomed among the crowd of the Ninja Alliance.

Then it went through the other end of the Four Scarlet Yang Formation.

It blasted all the way to the foot of the stone pillar where Ying, Asuka and others were standing.

Mingren, who was hit by this blow, naturally flew into the air.

This is determined by the pure laws of physics.

Then, Uchiha Madara turned into lightning and caught up at a speed that even Naruto couldn't see clearly.

Fists, legs, knees, elbows...

All kinds of body skills were used by Uchiha Madara.

Attack from a 360-degree direction.

It looks as if multiple Uchiha Madaras appear in an instant, attacking from all angles.

The fierce strength and pursuit made the two of them fly a distance of one kilometer in the air in an instant.

Wherever it passed, endless magma erupted.

Those are all kinds of substances, mainly the products of the melting of ground stones and metals!

boom! boom! boom!

When the two hit the material.

It will also bloom lava flowers instantly.

"Using the chakra in the body as a driving a speed beyond the biological limit...!"

Zizizi! !

Endless arcs appeared in the air.

In this way, an ionization storm was generated in the magma group...

"...explodes power!"

Uchiha Madara held up his hands, fingers together.

boom! !

Like a bombardment, it hit the head hard.

At this moment, the ionization phenomenon in the air created a more obvious blue light.

It's called... Plasma!

The radiating plasma is like running water, but also like an open fire.

The ninja of the Ninja Alliance who was shot didn't feel anything, a big hole was directly melted out of his body, and then passed through!

Without saying a word, he fell to the ground with a plop.

Mingren instantly flew downward like a rocket.

And through the explosion of Chakra, Uchiha Madara, who falls at a faster speed with a six-way flying attitude.

At this moment, I have actually touched the attitude of the aliens from the Otsutsuki clan navigating in the universe!

He turned into a meteor, dragging the air into a dazzling light!

next second.

Uchiha Madara rushed into the sky in reverse.

Meet the falling Mingren!