MTL - Naruto’s Strongest Gentleman Training System-Chapter 141

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"Little, be careful!" Even Wuyue couldn't help but tremble at this moment. He quickly said, "Here it is, here it is. Don't shake it."

"Tsk, this frightened expression." Tsunade glanced at his mouth as if he didn't want to see him. "With your strength, will you really miss?"

"Hey, he's called care and chaos." Saori came up with such a term inexplicably.

"Suddenly I feel that this picture is very inconsistent." Rina touched the hair on the temples and said: "Obviously, he is a child. Actually, he already has a daughter."

"So this guy is a monster, completely different from others." Tsunade pouted and said, "Ten years old, no... Nine years old has the ability to make people pregnant, it's terrible."

"Wow, why did you suddenly say such things at this time?" Wuyue twitched the corners of her mouth and said, "Do you black me every day?"

"Oh? You saw through it?" Saori squinted and smiled. "That's right, it's the daily hacking of you. Who made you a man who opened a harem. No, boy?"

"Pfft, is this again?" Wuyue sighed helplessly.

"I said, can you please stop talking nonsense first." Yuri Hong shouted dissatisfiedly: "Quick, give me a hug!"

"Okay." Wuyue sighed and handed the future in her arms. "Be careful, hold on tight."

"Idiot, do I still need your reminder?" Kurenai Yuhi rolled her eyes. "Well, the red hair is the same as Sister Kushina. But this face seems more like Wuyue."

"Please! She hasn't grown up yet, so you say she looks like me?" Wuyue looked at her in amazement. "Could it be that my face is wrinkled like this?"

"I said it's like, the refutation is invalid!" Yuri Hong snorted very proudly, and went to tease her little niece on her own.

"So, what's the plan next?" Tsunade glanced at it, and seemed a little eager to hug the baby. But considering that so many girls are looking forward to it, it would be too rude to fight with them. Therefore, he simply changed the topic and said, "After the Uchiha incident, the unstable factors in Konoha have been completely eliminated."&

"That's true." Wuyue nodded and walked aside with Tsunade. In any case, it's still a little bit evasive when talking about business, even if it's only formal. After all, he is already Hokage, and he has to shoulder the responsibility and responsibility he should have. "However, I'm afraid it's not the time to start a war against Iwanin immediately."

"I don't mean to urge you to reach the idea we agreed upon as soon as possible." Tsunade shook his head and said, "Actually, I don't have much obsession with a peacefully unified world. It's just simple I want to know what you will do next."

"Recuperate, expand armaments, develop yourself..." Wuyue pondered for a moment, then said: "This should be said to be my current governance philosophy. You should know that Meixi is already preparing to go back to take over as the daimyo. The upper ranks are successful. I will completely integrate Konoha and the Kingdom of Fire into a true one-nation system."

"Combining the country with the Ninja Village?" Tsunade raised his brows and said, "If you do this, you will be opposed by many people. Especially the ministers of the country of fire. Are you ready to deal with it? "

"This, you don't need to prepare." With a chuckle, Wuyue said: "Promote those who support me, and suppress those who oppose me. This is the road of kingship. I am not a benevolent ruler. Afraid of trouble. So, I always kill trouble in the cradle."

"You are challenging the rules of the world." After a moment of silence, Tsunade said: "Before, no one dared to think like this..."

"Relax, I will become a brand new rule." When she said this, Wuyue's tone was extremely confident. In fact, with his strength and influence, he does have such self-confidence capital.

The night is getting darker.

In Wuyue's mansion, Kushina was already asleep on the couch. And the whirlpool future lying beside her also fell asleep and slept very peacefully.

At this moment, the surrounding air suddenly swayed with ripples. A man dressed in a long gown and dressed strangely appeared suddenly, floating silently in the air.

"Is this the reincarnation of my life?" Looking at the baby in front of him, the man frowned slightly. "It's really strange to be a woman. But forget it, let's complete the ritual of reincarnation first..." As he spoke, a burst of light suddenly erupted from his body, quickly covering Maelstrom Future's body.

However, before he could take the next step, with a puff, a pitch-black dragon claw suddenly pinched his shoulder.

"What?" The man looked surprised. Turning his head, he saw a dark, ferocious dragon. The dragon opened its mouth and swallowed it in one mouthful.

"Axiu 1.1 Luo's soul body." The moment the giant dragon disappeared, Wuyue's figure also appeared in the room. "My daughter's body is not the object of your boarding."

On the other side of Konoha, in Uchiha's mansion, the same scene was also staged. However, it was not Moonless who devoured Indra. Instead, it extended from the black tentacles in the body of Uchiha Yuyuki, the other daughter of Wuyue, and wrapped Indra's whole body.

"Be your mother's nourishment, Indra." A sharp voice echoed throughout the room, but it did not disturb the sleeping Uchiha Mikoto and her daughter.

376 New Era

Time flies, like a white horse passing by. Almost in the blink of an eye, three years have passed.

In the past three years, the surface of the ninja world has been almost calm, and no ripples can be seen. The major Ninja villages and major countries have also turned from hostility to each other to a cold war. I am afraid that in a few years, this Cold War situation will also be replaced by superficial friendliness.

However, this is only the surface after all. Anyone with a little heart knows that what is hidden behind it is a new round of torrential rain. Armament competition, secret assassinations, and spying on enemy intelligence have never stopped. And it's still getting worse.

The land of fields, within the endless mountains.

"Six hundred meters ahead, we found traces of the enemy. It can be confirmed that the opponent is five people. The main target, Yanchuan Zangshuo is in this five-person team."

"Very good! Prepare for the assault. The ultimate goal is to kill the target person."

A small team of Konoha Anbu ambushed on the edge of the mountain pass. His eyes were fixed on Iwa Shinobi who was gradually walking towards them. When his 07's journey was close to his own 50-meter range, the attack began.

Art fire escape **** fireball!

Fire Escape·Fengxian Fire Technique!

Two fire escape ninjutsu as the opening, the hot air waves echoed in the air.

"Enemy attack!" "Protect Yanchuan-sama!" The opposite Iwa Ninja was also well-trained. After a moment of astonishment, he had already reacted. Quickly spread out the formation and flew back.


The fiery flames slammed into the place where they had been, and the flames splattered.


Ninjutsu did not have the desired effect. However, these Anbu members of Konoha seem to have expected it. In fact, just as they burst out of ninjutsu, they have already pulled out their weapons and charged towards the bottom of the rock wall.

"It's Konoha's Anbu!"

"Bastards, it really is them! They had a plan!"

"Damn it! Cover Lord Yanchuan to escape first!"

Although the rock ninjas on the opposite side were a little panicked, they were not chaotic. The division of labor was clear, and the two Iwa Ninjas in front were used as cover to resist the Anbu members who rushed forward. The other two rock ninjas withdrew back with the middle-aged man in the center.

However, before they took a few steps, they were stopped by someone.

This is a boy, probably not even ten years old just looking at his age. He was wearing Anbu's garb and a Konoha browguard on his head. Long hair pulled back in a ponytail. The two lacrimal glands on the cheeks look unusually conspicuous.

However, the most striking thing was his scarlet pupils. Like a ruby, magnificent and bright.


"Just a kid, kill him!"

The two rock ninjas were stunned at first, and then they each took out their ninja tools and charged towards each other. The speed of these two guys is very fast, and it is obvious that they are also extremely proficient in taijutsu. At least, they are all elite chunin levels.

When they want to come, it is definitely more than enough for the two of them to deal with a half-year-old child. Even if this child has already awakened to Sharinyan.

However, ideas are always good. Reality is full of cruelty.

It was just before the bodies of these two people that they approached the boy's body. Chi La, Chi La, an extremely strong arc suddenly lit up. The azure blue electric light flickered for a moment, and the two rock ninjas on the opposite side had already fallen to the ground.

"Why, how could this be?"

"Damn, who are you?"

These two guys are quite tenacious. The front was penetrated by the electric shock of Chidori-ryu, and he was not completely dead, and he was still able to lie on the ground and linger.

"When facing any enemy, you can't underestimate it." The boy sighed softly and said condescendingly, "Because the opponent looks weak, if you are careless... it will have devastating consequences in the end. This is my teacher. , Yuhi Moyue taught me. Now I give you this sentence."

"Evening sun without moon..."

"That Konoha Tianlong?"

The two young ninjas seemed to recall the scene when they were taught by the older ninjas. Konoha Tianlong, once you meet someone related to him, don't hesitate, turn around and run. This is not a shameful thing, because only in this way can you save your life.

"Farewell, the unknown Iwanin." The boy, Uchiha Itachi, lifted the Kunai indifferently, and ended the lives of the two Iwanin neatly.

"Finally, it's your turn." As all this, Itachi turned his attention to the shivering middle-aged man not far away. In the pupil, the black hook jade turned rapidly.

"As expected of you, Itachi." A few minutes later, Uchiha Shisui, who came from another place, smiled and said, "Is it solved so quickly? When I performed this kind of task for the 103rd time, I was still attacked by someone. Got stabbed twice."

"This joke is not funny, Shishui." Itachi sighed and shook his dizzy head. "I have already asked. Iwayin Village and Orochimaru seem to be conducting some kind of secret experiment, and the name of the land of the land provides them with materials and related money equipment. Among them, a large number of corpses are needed."

"Corpse?" Zhishui raised his brows and said, "What do they want corpses for? Do they want to produce zombies? Hey, this is not good news."

"You can say the word zombie, have you read too many novels?" Itachi glanced at him helplessly, and said, "Anyway, let's go back and tell the teacher about this information."

"Actually, you want to see your sister. You sister-in-law!" Zhi Shui immediately exposed: "Don't deny it, I have seen through you!"

"Ah, that's it."

"Ju, you actually admitted it! You guy, don't you refute it at all?"

"Too much trouble."

"Wow, you are obviously only eight years old, what are you pretending to be cold!"

377 daughter control

"A corpse? Could it be the experiment of that ninjutsu?"

In Hokage's office, Wuyue fell into deep thought while listening to Itachi and Shisui's report. After a long while, he regained his senses. "I see, pay close attention to the information on Iwanin. If there is any new situation, report it to me immediately."

"Yes!" "I see, teacher." The two nodded in unison, turned and left the office.

"Tsk, these guys are really worrying." Wuyue rubbed her brows and sighed: "No wonder there hasn't been any movement in the past few years. Are you doing this kind of action behind your back?"

"What kind of evil experiment is going on behind the scenes?" Silent stretched out his hand beside him and rubbed his temples lightly.

"Well, it seems to be some kind of ninjutsu?" On the other side, Hong Yuhi said, "A ninjutsu that can bring the dead back to life?"

"Yeah." Wuyue breathed a sigh of relief and said, "If you guessed correctly, it's the preparation for the reincarnation of the dirt."

"Resurrection of the dead, do you want to control them again?" Mute exhaled a turbid breath and said, "This is a forbidden technique specifically for us?"

"Not necessarily." Wuyue shook her head and said, "Perhaps, Orochimaru simply wants the results of this research. Well, I don't know the thinking of a mad scientist."

"But anyway, let's make some preparations on our side." Hong Yuhi frowned and said, "After all, we will eventually have a fight with Iwa Shinobi."

"Well." Wuyue nodded and said: "Prevention must be prepared. Especially the mausoleums of the Hokage of the past dynasties, we must always maintain a state of surveillance."

"You mean, they might come to steal the body?"

"It's not possible, it's definitely!" Wuyue stood up and said, "Those people in Orochimaru don't care about respecting their ancestors. As long as it's beneficial to them, even the remains of their parents can be ruthless. Dig it up. Other things that need to be prepared will be discussed later. That’s it for today. It’s getting late, so go back to rest early.”

"Are you going back to accompany my daughter again?" Kurenai Yuhi sorted out the documents in her hand and turned her face away.

"I can't tell, Jun Wuyue is still very family-friendly." Mute blinked and said playfully. "What do you care about the family. This guy is a pure daughter-in-law!"

"What's wrong with daughter control! My daughter is so cute!"

"As for cuteness, I don't deny it, but if you go on like this, sooner or later, you will be regarded as a pervert. You stick to your daughter every day." "It's the opposite, she sticks to me."

"Okay, okay, don't show in front of us. Go back quickly."

"Then... goodbye." As she spoke, Wuyue rushed in front of the two women and kissed each of them fiercely.

"Eh eh?"

"Idiot, why are you so sudden!"

Amid the exclamations of the two women, Wuyue walked out of the room contentedly.

Konoha South Street, Moonless Mansion.

"I'm back." With a greeting, Wuyue stepped into the mansion.

"Welcome back."

"Welcome back, Master."

The two women, Ye Cang and Yumu, came up to him and helped him take off his coat. Samui, who was a step later, handed him slippers.

"Papa, hug." The three-year-old whirlpool future stretched out his hands and ran over.

Following behind him, Kushina said helplessly, "How many times have I said it, it's Dad, not Papa."

"Hey, it's okay." Wuyue hugged her daughter with a smile on her face, and rubbed her cheek fiercely. "Just know what that means."

"You spoil her too much." Jiuxinai sighed and said, "This will spoil her."

"No way, my baby won't be bad." Wuyue didn't care about this, since it's her daughter, she must be spoiled with all her might. "Is that right, Miku-chan?"

"Papa is right." Although Little Mirai is only three years old, his articulation is very smooth and his articulation is very clear.

"Aha, come and lift high." Wuyue lifted her daughter high and shouted: "Raise high, lift high... My baby grows tall and tall."

"Papa should also grow taller." The little girl suddenly had a serious face, and rubbed Wuyue's head seriously.

"Pfft, hahaha."