MTL - NBA Backer King-Chapter 552 I was wrong when I just farted okay?

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   Chapter 552 I was wrong, when I just farted okay?

   At this time, Barkley continued: "From the perspective of strength, I am more optimistic about the Lakers."

   "Why? The Knicks just won the game, but you are more optimistic about the Lakers?" Bill Walton asked in surprise.

  Kenny Smith interjected: "I know what Charles means, he believes in the strength of Old K. If Old K completely defeats O'Neal, the Lakers will win."

  Buckley laughed: "Kenny, you are really my old buddy, I still lack a partner, why don't we work together?"

   "Flying Pig?"

   Bill Wharton laughed and scolded: "You actually dig my partner in front of me?"

"Ha ha…"

   The three laughed together.

After laughing, Barkley said: "The Knicks can win this game, one is the result of all the hard work; the second is that the offensive tactics are very good and very active; the third is the defensive tactics of the old K, which limited the old K. Fourthly, Ellis, a veteran, had an explosion. He made 6 of 8 three-pointers, and his three-pointers alone exceeded all the Lakers' three-pointers.

  There are several reasons why the Lakers lost.

   First of all, he is very passive tactically. He always follows the tactical changes of the Knicks and is led by the nose. In terms of coaching ability, I think coach Phil Jackson is better.

In addition, Old K made too many mistakes after being double-teamed by many people. One in the last quarter, a total of 6 mistakes, 3 of which were passing mistakes, and the other 3 were stolen. There are indeed some problems with his performance today. In order to improve the offensive efficiency, Too much emphasis on the rim offense.

   In fact, his hook is very accurate. It is better to play a dozen more offenses with nearly two points and not go to the basket. In that position, it is very difficult for many people to double-team him.

   Also has a general feel on the outside, and got a lot of open space opportunities, especially when Old K was double-teamed by many people, Old K still passed a lot of balls, but it did not translate into enough points.

   Another is Ellis' defense. He did a good job in the second and third quarters, but he was slack in the last quarter, and Ellis just felt overwhelmed again, which was very fatal. "

   At this time, the Lakers have returned to the locker room, and the exhausted Pharaoh is sitting in the medicine tub, thinking about the game just now and where he lost.

   He felt that he played quite passively today. Since he was double-teamed by many people, he was passive and always followed the rhythm of the Knicks.

   Even in the final stage, Harris arranged a three-point strategy and wanted to chase points, but was seen by the Knicks in advance and failed to play a three-point strategy.

In addition, because of his own reasons, he was a little impulsive today. The Knicks suddenly resorted to the tactic of multi-team double-teaming. He did not make a correct response. Instead, he often went into the basket without thinking and played hard, consuming more energy. Physical fitness, very worthless.

Because of O'Neal's existence and the fact that many people are double-teaming him, it is very difficult for him to attack the basket. He has succeeded many times, but he has also failed many times. In comparison, he uses ten times the physical energy to play such an attack. It's really not worth it, it's a big loss.

   The loss of this game, from three to one to two to two, is quite unfavorable to the Lakers, and the morale has been hit a lot, which he is very clear from the atmosphere in the locker room now.

   "We are going to win the G5 battle." He said to Kobe and the others next to him.

   "Old K, after Fox goes down, our perimeter defense is not very good." Kobe whispered.

  Pharaoh nodded, veteran Mark Price's defense is not good, veteran Chris Mullin's defense is average, Fox's defense is good, but he didn't perform well today, and he won't get many opportunities later.

   "Old K, if you don't let Fox play, I think Fisher's defense is okay, and there's no problem with defending Charlie Ward. He's defending Ward, and I'm going to defend others." Kobe whispered again.

  Pharaoh glanced at Kobe, can Fisher do it?

   He doesn’t know, this is not something he is good at, and he will definitely not intervene, but Fisher is really hard at the defensive end in his usual training. I can mention to the coaching staff that the Lakers will definitely strengthen their perimeter defense.

   In fact, it is better to use Fox, as long as that guy puts all his attention on the game, it is definitely better than Fisher.

   He kicked Fox off the field today, which seemed a bit reckless.

   After thinking for a while, he said to Fox who was taking a shower in front: "Rick, let me go today, do you have any opinion on me?"

After hearing that, Fox quickly turned around and shouted: "Boss, how dare I? I didn't defend Ellis well. He didn't play well in the first three games. I underestimated him, and there was a problem with his mentality. I lost the game today. take responsibility."

   He nodded, but shook his head again and said: "The responsibility is definitely mine, and I don't need you to be responsible. But in the next game, I hope you will defend well and stop leaking."

  Fox got excited, patted his chest and said: "Don't worry, boss, I promise to kill that old boy Ellis, and let him not get a single vacant seat."

  In the home team locker room, the atmosphere was quite good, Jordan kept talking to his teammates.

  Although it was only a 2-2 draw, it was the most evenly played in the four finals between him and the old K.

   And there is a home game next, as long as it is won, the Knicks will master the match point and win the championship.

   So he is very excited. He is still very excited until the end of the game. As long as he wins this championship, he can even retire immediately. He has the courage to retreat bravely.

   "Michael, you're right, the old K guy has a physical problem. He has been playing the whole court since the second round, and now he can't." O'Neal, who was soaked in the medicine bucket, shouted excitedly.

  Jordan laughed and said, "The biggest problem with the Lakers is that they rely too much on old K and let him play all the time."

   Having said this, he shouted to Phil Jackson outside: "Phil, what are you going to do in G5?"

   Phil Jackson outside had just finished the general quarter of the game, and he had a clue in his mind. Hearing the words, he said: "It is still the main defense of his basket attack. Once he enters the basket, he must be double-teamed with all his strength.

   We did a good job when we double-teamed him today. Everyone was quick to double-team and blocked his passing lanes in time. They wasted a lot of space on the outside. "

  Jordan nodded. Today the Knicks not only played great offense, but also played great defense, otherwise they would not have won the Lakers.

At this time, Phil Jackson continued: "When he has the ball in the low post on the left wing, he also needs to perform timely flank double-teaming and weak-side help defense. Michael and Charles, you should move faster, and Shaq is responsible for the top defense. Cut him and the weak side of the pass and catch."

   "Our tactics will remain the same in the end?" Jordan asked.

  Phil Jackson said: "Harris's ability is average, our offensive and defensive tactics have played an effect today, you can continue to use it, as long as it is useful, there is no need to change.

  Old K's tactical position in the Lakers is the same as the Suns. It is too heavy, so this leaves the Lakers' offensive tactics with little room for change. They have to change and make a fuss about Old K's offense.

  Especially after entering the second round of the series, the old K played the whole game. This phenomenon became more and more serious, and the whole team revolved around the old K.

   So on the defensive end, as long as we limit the old K, we can limit the entire Lakers.

   On the offensive end, we still have to make good use of the strength of other people and use them to distract the Lakers’ defensive attention to fight for opportunities for the main force.

   We did a good job today, Michael and Shaq only played 35 minutes. With enough rotation time, we can compete with the Lakers, so this style of play has to stick to it. "

  Jordan didn't ask again. The Lakers rely on the old K, and the Knicks are actually the same. They rely on him and O'Neal, so the basic tactics of the two teams will not change much.

   can add some changes, that is, like Ellis today, create some opportunities for him, take time to shoot cold shots, hit the opponent with a cold shot, and see if you can seize the opportunity.

  After taking the medicated bath, Pharaoh and Richmond attended the post-match press conference together.

   "Old K, if you lose G4 tonight, how much obstacle do you think this will pose to the Lakers winning the championship?" a reporter asked.

Pharaoh said: "Our entire team has been the best prepared for this final, because the Knicks are the strongest opponent, so losing this game will not pose any additional obstacles to us. , we will continue to fight for the championship."

   "Old K, you said you wanted to win the championship away, but you haven't done it now, do you want to say something?" a local reporter asked in a mocking tone.

  Pharaoh said coldly: "It's nothing, it's just a wish. If it doesn't come true, we will finally fulfill another wish, win the championship by eliminating the Knicks at home, and celebrate the final victory with all the Lakers fans."

   "If you can't do it, Air Jordan and the Shark will stop you." The reporter countered.

   "They couldn't stop me from winning the championship because they never did." Pharaoh also countered.

After the    press conference, the Lakers returned to the hotel.

  Pharaoh returned to his room and asked Gao Bin to massage him with medicated oil for an hour before going to sleep.

   When I woke up, it was already bright, I looked at my watch, it was almost ten o'clock.

   On this day, the local media in New York hyped the victory of the Knicks, and under their pen, the Knicks seemed to have won the championship.

Lao Wang was too lazy to read the news. After eating a little breakfast, he called Gao Bin and gave him another hour of medicated oil massage. After lunch, he slept for more than an hour in the afternoon. At three o'clock, he participated in the team's tactics. Meeting.

   In the evening, he invited guests, and invited the entire Lakers team, Dayao Lightning, a large group of people, and Wang Tieshuqi and other brothers who were very close in New York to have dinner at the K Times Club.

   Now it is different from the previous martial arts hall. There was no special restaurant in the past. Now it is the most luxurious restaurant, and it can be regarded as the top dining environment in New York.

  For Chinese food, this may be the only restaurant, because the average Chinese restaurant is very low-grade, and it may not even catch up with Indian restaurants.

   "Old K, the black card you gave me and Lightning used to be 25% off, but now it's 40% off. When will the trading company pay dividends? I can't afford it anymore." Lei Gong asked quietly when he entered the restaurant.

   "What black card? You can get a 40% discount?" Buckley also came, this guy with sharp ears, heard Lei Gong's words, and asked quickly.

   "You heard it wrong, it was your hallucination just now, and Lei Gong didn't say anything." Old Wang said quickly.

   "Old K, we are all brothers, you won't treat them differently, right?" Buckley was so clever, he understood something right away, and said very sadly and indignantly.

   "You can get it, Charles, when I asked you to stay and help old K, you want to leave, and now you blame old K? Old K is a brother enough, and he has not forgotten your share in business." Lei Gong immediately shouted.

   "That's right, when we and old K won the triple crown in five years, you were our opponent." Lightning also immediately helped.

   "Okay, I was wrong, when I just farted, okay?" Referring to this, Barkley immediately raised his hands and surrendered, with a look of forgiveness.

   "Then I have the right to ask? They are all brothers, and I didn't betray you like Charles. Why did you give them a black card, old K, why didn't I?"

  Buckley was so angry that he was vomiting blood. Damn big dream, how did you talk?

   Lei Gong immediately retorted: "You too, when we were brothers with Old K, what was your relationship with Old K?"

  Da Meng's momentum stagnated, and he nodded in frustration.

   Lao Wang said at this time: "Okay, what is this black card, I only gave Lightning and Lei Gong, because their income was very low at that time.

   Especially Lei Gong, the contract is very small, and there is no commercial income. He can't even afford medicated baths and medicated oils, so he gave them a discounted black card.

  You guys, big contracts plus business income, all of them are fat, want black cards, okay, just like Lei Gong and Lightning, come and help me win two or three championships, and I will give them to you too. "

   "Forget it, I'm just joking, old K, you can bring us a trading company to make a lot of money. What kind of black card discount, do we need that?" Da Meng laughed.

   "Then why don't you have a treat tonight?" Pharaoh asked.

  Da Meng was startled, his face was stricken, he looked at the number of people, there were almost forty people, how much would it cost, not hundreds of thousands?

   "Forget it, I'm joking with you." Old Wang waved.

  Da Meng breathed a sigh of relief.

Pharaoh asked for a large private room with two large round tables, one table can seat twenty people, and after everyone sat down, he said to Lei Gong and Lightning: "Now the operating cost of the club has risen, look at the environment ? It cost a lot, so the discount for you is not as big as before, my second sister ordered 40%.

The    trading company, it hasn't arrived for a year now, and it will definitely not pay dividends. I don't know the specific situation. "

   Having said that, he looked at Yu Feihong, and Yu Feihong said: "There will be a dividend after the settlement at the end of the year, and there will be more than half a year."

   "Dan, I borrowed half of the money you invested in. Why is your current economic situation so bad?" Pharaoh asked with concern.

   "No, it's just not good to come here to spend." Lei Gong said embarrassedly.

   Old Wang said to Lei Gong: "Don't worry, I heard that our trading company is very profitable. But you have to be careful, don't make it like Laopi."

  Pippen blushed and said, "I'm not going to do any other investments now, I'll be a trading company in the future."

   Lei Gong also nodded and smiled: "I'm different from Lao Pi. He has money to invest, but I don't, so bankruptcy will definitely not happen, just a little tighter."

   "How many years do you still have a contract with the Heat? How many millions a year?" Pharaoh asked.

   "After playing for two years, there are three years left, more than three million yuan a year. After this contract is completed, I am ready to retire." Lei Gong said.

   No. 10, G5 match day.

  The Japanese media likened this game to the battle of Tianwang Mountain. Whoever wins will get the final match point, and whoever will take the initiative.

   In the afternoon, the Lakers came to Madison Square Garden for pre-game adaptive training.

  After an hour of warm-up, Pharaoh practiced hooks for a while. It was okay. Without a defender in training, he made nearly 100% of his two-point hooks. After all, a level 105 hook is no joke.

Magic Johnson and old assistant coach Bill Portka stood aside to observe, and after he stopped, the former said: "Old K, just be careful of Jordan's double-team behind you, your side hook is something they can't defend. , just depends on how you feel."

Portka also nodded and said: "Old K, you haven't brought out the threat of your hook until now. In my opinion, in the paint area, your hook is better than Karim's skyhook. more threatening."

   Old Wang also nodded and said, "Even if the coaching staff does not formulate this tactic, I do have plans to increase the close-range hook attack.

   Although my physical fitness is okay now, if they continue to double-team me, my efficiency may continue to decline, and my shots will not improve. "

   In the morning tactical meeting, Harris developed a sudden point tactics to create opportunities for Pharaoh to attack the basket.

The Knicks’ strongest defense on the outside is Jordan, and everyone else’s defense is average, so use Richmond to contain Jordan on the flank, and Kobe Bryant to break through from the other wing to attract defense, so that the Knicks can’t double-team Pharaoh. , and then Pharaoh took the opportunity to enter the basket and cooperate with Kobe.

   This is to learn the tactics of the Knicks and simulate the internal and external cooperation tactics of O'Neal and Jordan.

Although Kobe is far inferior to Jordan now, after avoiding Jordan's defense, Kobe's defender is either Charlie Ward or Ellis. He can complete the breakthrough task. Just be careful with Oakley's defense. Ability to play smash tactics.

   In addition to the sharp point tactics, Harris also asked Pharaoh to increase the close-range hook attack. This tactic can also create more backcut space for the flanks.

   (end of this chapter)