MTL - NBA Backer King-Chapter 569 Return to Phoenix for the new season

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  Chapter 569 New season, return to Phoenix

At ten o'clock this morning, Hawksman called and said, "Old K, Phoenix's house has been sold, and Mrs. John introduced a villa, more than 6 million, covering an area of ​​3.1 acres, the year before last. It was just built, and the owner is also a VIP member of the K Club. He lives in New York all year round, and he doesn’t live much. I sent the photos here, so you can take a look.”


  Pharaoh opened the mailbox and checked it out. It’s not bad. The place is big enough. The land price in Phoenix is ​​very cheap. The area of ​​4.2 acres is equivalent to 18 acres of land, more than 12,000 square meters, and the place is very spacious.

  The house is not bad. It covers an area of ​​about 1,300 square meters. There are five buildings, three main buildings and two annexes, which is enough.

   He called Fei Ge over, and Fei Ge was also satisfied, so he asked Hawksman to buy it.

   "Dad, Mom!"

   Dabao's voice suddenly sounded, and then he rushed into the living room, sweating profusely and panting heavily.

   "I disappeared in the morning, where did you go?" Fei Ge said helplessly.

   "What, Dabao, is there a dog chasing you? It's not that you stole a dog from another family, right?" Pharaoh asked suspiciously.

   Dabao was stunned, his eyes rolled, and he smiled and said, "I'll help my grandparents grow vegetables." After speaking, he turned around and ran away, and Lao Wang couldn't even shout after him.

   Brother Fei and Old Wang were stunned when the doorbell of the iron gate on Fengshen Street rang.

   "You go." Brother Fei pushed Pharaoh.

  Old Wang got up and ran outside, shouting, "What, brother Fei, I still need to train, let's go first, you are busy!"

   "You? You two..."

Yu Feihong was almost killed by his father and son. He walked through the alley. There were two people waiting outside the iron gate, but they knew him, the owner of a bar in South Street, Chen, and his wife. His wife had tears in her eyes, and her hands Holding a pug with curly hair, that is, the puppy's hair seems to be a little less, a bit miserable.

   She laughed dryly and said, "Boss Chen, no, our eldest treasure has plucked your dog's hair?"

   Boss Chen smiled bitterly and said, "As soon as you guess, I'll just say it, no other meaning, Dabao runs fast, I'm not chasing him, but I'm afraid that he will fall, so I follow him."

   "I'm sorry, I'll let his dad smoke him later." She said awkwardly.

   "Well, you're busy."

   Boss Chen nodded quickly, pulled his wife and turned away.

   "Husband, what should the little ancestor do to our dog next time?"

   "What else can I do? Don't bring the dog here in the future, just leave it at home."

   "When will this little ancestor come back to the United States, this street has been disturbed by him."

   "Old K heard that he is coming back. Come on, he will definitely return to the United States in October."

   "That's good, let's cook for another two or three months."

   "Big Treasure!"

   ran to the backyard, Yu Feihong shouted at Dabao who was making trouble in the vegetable field: "Are you ADHD, what are you doing with other people's dog hair?"

   "That puppy kept barking at me, so I got it." Dabao said with a grieved face.

   "Aren't you afraid of being bitten?" Fei Ge said angrily.

   "Don't be afraid, little milk dog, it can't bite me. I pinched its mouth first, but it can't even bark." Dabao said proudly.

   Brother Fei was so angry that his face was black and he had a headache. The eldest son now hates dogs. After she and her husband went to the United States, how can grandparents control him?

   Wang Aiguo and Liu Damei are also helpless. The eldest grandson and the others can't control them. They are more naughty than their son when he was a child.

   "Da Bao, go back to the United States with your parents to study." Fei Ge asked.

   "I'm not going. I'm not going to study with the kid. I'm the successor of New China. If I go to the United States, how will I succeed?"

   Having a headache, Brother Fei turned to look for Pharaoh next door.

   I found Pharaoh next door. Pharaoh was training. When he saw her coming, he stopped and asked, "Brother Fei, what's wrong with that little thing."

   She said angrily, "When someone's dog barked at him, he plucked out the dog's hair."

  Pharaoh was stunned and asked worriedly, "Let him be more careful next time, don't get bitten by a dog."

   She said angrily, "And next time? Husband, did you get the point wrong?"

   Lao Wang asked incomprehensibly, "What's the point?"

   She rolled her eyes and said, "Isn't the point that he plucks people's dog hair?"

   Lao Wang said indifferently: "What is plucking a dog's hair? We were greedy when we were young, and after plucking its hair, we had to let it walk around in our temple of five internal organs."

  Yu Feihong is speechless, it turns out that one generation is not as good as one generation. I know how to eat meat, but my son only knows how to pluck hair. The root of trouble is here. Compared to his father, Bodhisattva blesses him, and Dabao is kind.

   "Husband, we went to the United States, and Dabao still doesn't know what it will be like, and he refuses to go to the United States with us. What do you say?"

  Pharaoh thought for a while and said, "It's okay, hand him over to the second sister."

  Yu Feihong's eyes lit up, this is a good idea, one thing is one thing, the whole family, Dabao is not afraid of anyone, just his second aunt, Dabao is Sun Monkey, and his second aunt is Guanyin Bodhisattva.

   Old Wang said with a smile: "Our two IQs are not very good, he follows the second sister, maybe he will be smarter in the future, the near-black ink, ouch..."

   Before he finished speaking, he was kicked by Brother Fei.

   "You're the one with a low IQ, don't take me with you. Also, it's the one who is close to the black, no, it's the one who is close to the ink who is misguided by you." Brother Fei said angrily.

   The next morning, the couple brought Dabao and Zhou Zhou to find their second sister, Wang Lian, and had already made an appointment.

Erya Wanglian lives in the second ring road, not far from Fengshen Street. I bought a four-in-one courtyard. I heard that it belonged to a prince in the past. The specifications are very high and the preservation is good. Stay for a few days.

   Came to the second sister's house and stood outside the middle door. Brother Fei said, "Husband, let's buy a courtyard house too, it feels good!"

   "Just buy it if you like it, ask me what to do?" Lao Wang said.

   "You don't like it?"

   "I like it, but it's not suitable for me to live in. I have to train. This house is good, so I can't demolish it and build a training hall, right?"

   "Then buy it and keep it, you can come and live there occasionally."

   "Okay, you can buy it."

   "Old man, Feihong, here we come."

   At this moment, the side door next to it opened, Erya appeared at the door, and while greeting, she waved to Dabao and Zhou Zhou and shouted, "Come here, Dabao, Zhou Zhou, I haven't seen you for several days."

   "Second sister, we are waiting for you to open the middle door, do you want us to go through the small door?" Old Wang said.

   "I'm pregnant, the door is dead heavy, and there's a gate behind it. Your brother-in-law is not at home, so you have to open it yourself." Erya gave Pharaoh a white look.

   "Hey, that's fine." Old Wang smiled.

   passed through the side door with his head down, that's why he didn't want to go through the side door.

   "Dabao, is your name Ergu?"

   Hearing Zhou and Zhou's aunts and aunts keep calling, Dabao lowered his head and did not speak, Erya teased.

   "Second aunt." Dabao shouted honestly.

   knew when he came. He was going to follow Er Gu in the future, so he was in a bad mood. He also watched as his father and mother left, occupying land on Fengshen Street and becoming king. Now everything is in vain.

   "Second sister, Dabao will follow you in the future, you should smoke as much as you want, don't feel bad for him." Old Wang said back.

   Dabao rolled his eyes, Dad, do you think I'm a donkey? Be careful if I pull out your letter in the future?

   "Dabao is very obedient and not naughty."

   Erya said, and stretched out her hand to twist Dabao's little ear. This hand was both useful for her and the eldest sister to deal with Dabao's father back then, but couldn't they deal with Dabao? This trick can't be dealt with, there are many tricks in the back, and it will always smooth out Dabao's downfall.

   Da Bao gritted his teeth, but did not dare to break free. He glanced at his second aunt, who was his nemesis, and had to look depressed.

   Old Wang and Brother Fei rolled their eyes at the same time, second sister, you are so welcome, we are not willing to screw him, you will screw him when you meet, no wonder Dabao listens to you so.

   "Second sister, how many people do you want to help in your family?" Yu Feihong asked.

   "Usually I have an assistant by my side. When Dabao comes, I will hire another nanny." Erya said.


  In the intense training, the time soon came to October, the NBA preseason began, and Pharaoh was also ready to go to the United States.

   At 11:00 a.m. on October 17th, he, Yu Feihong and Zhou Zhou boarded a plane to the United States and landed in Los Angeles at noon on the 17th Eastern Time.

   For a year, although the media was not optimistic about his comeback, his influence was still extraordinary, and he was surrounded by media reporters on the third and third floors at the airport.

   In addition to Liu Changjiang and Hoxman, Kobe also took his wife Vanessa to the airport to pick up the plane. With Kobe's influence in Los Angeles, it was also ignored by the media.

   In addition, a large group of people such as Barkley and Big Dream Thunder Magician Glider rushed to the airport to meet him, and even Lightning, who became a city councilman, rushed over from Sacramento.

   Lao Wang greeted his friends and was surrounded by reporters.

   "Old K, choose to come back in the Suns instead of Los Angeles, is it worried that there is no place in the Lakers?" A New York Times reporter asked loudly.

   Lao Wang ignored the reporter, when a reporter from the Los Angeles Daily asked loudly, "Old K, have you ever thought about going back to the Lakers?"

   "My relationship with the Lakers has come to an end," he replied.

   "Old K, the Lakers chose to retire your No. 31 jersey last year, do you have anything to say?" asked the Miami Daily.

   "Nothing to say, that's the Lakers' choice." He replied briefly.

   "Sun King, welcome back to Phoenix." A reporter shouted outside.

   Lao Wang looked down condescendingly. It was a reporter from Phoenix Sports. He nodded and smiled: "I'm very happy to be back in Phoenix, I like it there."

   "Old K, what are your plans for the future? For example, the championship." A reporter asked.

   "Yes, the championship is still my goal," he replied.

   "Old K, you said the 1900s are still your era, and you successfully won the championship in 2000, so with the Suns' current lineup, do you think it will take a few years before they have a chance to return to the finals?" a reporter asked.

   "I don't know, maybe one year? Two years? Three years? I think three years is long enough. If three years can't win the championship, then I can only say, I'm talking big, haha!"

   "Old K, how powerful do you think you are now? How about O'Neal?"

   "Little sardine? How big is he now, can he still run?"

   "The Shark has lost weight in the offseason, and the tonnage is now 150kg."

   "150kg? Then he has some strength, but not enough to look at. I will press him on the floor and rub him."

   "Old K, you should speak with facts."

   "I will do as you wish."

   After answering some questions, Lao Wang and his group left the airport.

   Back to the villa at No. 136 Beverly Hills, where I lived for four years, and I haven't come back for another year, I feel both familiar and unfamiliar.

  Liu Changjiang has already hired workers to clean the lawn, the grass has been trimmed, and it is regularly maintained. It is still very tidy.

   And a party is arranged today, the temporary invitees are busy, and the guests will come right away.

   Kobe did not mention the matter of letting Pharaoh return to the Lakers. With his personality, after being rejected, he would never mention it again.

   But he was very excited about Old Wang's villa and asked, "Old K, if you want to sell this place, sell it to me."

   "Don't you like the seaside?" Pharaoh asked.

   "I also like it here, you can live on both sides." Kobe laughed.

   "Okay, I'll let you know if I want to sell it." Old Wang nodded.

   This place is too big, and it is unlikely that he will come back here in the future, unless he comes to live here for a period of time during the off-season, and the maintenance is very troublesome in normal times. He is also considering whether to sell it.

   But you can keep it. Usually, I ask Liu Changjiang to ask someone to maintain it, and there are many friends here. It’s not bad to come and stay for a while, and get together.

   Several people were chatting when a friend from Beverly Hills came to the door, the first one was Depp.

   Depp just parked the car and came down to see the old queen shouting enthusiastically: "Old K, are you okay? I really hope you can continue to play at Staples Center, but unfortunately you chose the Suns."

   "The Lakers couldn't wait to retire my jersey, which means that after I was injured last year, they didn't have any expectations for me." Wang smiled.

   "So sorry." Depp shook his head and sighed.

   "How is it, Johnny, what good movies do you have this year?" Pharaoh asked.

   Speaking of this, Depp said excitedly: "I was just about to tell you, I'm about to enter the crew, a blockbuster, Pirates of the Caribbean..."

   was talking when Big Mouth Roberts' car drove in, along with her niece Emma.

   "Hey, Julia, and Emma." Pharaoh greeted with Fei Ge.

   "Uncle K, Anti..." Emma shouted with a smile.

   "Emma is getting more and more beautiful." Phinea praised.

   "Old K, I'm so happy to see that you can still walk on your own feet." Roberts said with a smile.

   After a few chats, Roberts took out a gift specially prepared for Zhou Zhou.

   "Zhou Zhou, my name is Anti, and my sister." Brother Fei hurriedly said.

   "Anti, sister." Zhou Zhou shouted obediently.

   "Little cute, do you like it?"

  Roberts shook the doll in her hand. This is a custom-made doll she made. It cost more than 30,000 US dollars. It is very delicate. Zhou Zhou will definitely like it.

   Zhou Zhou looked at the cute doll, stretched out his little hand and grabbed a calf of the doll, then lifted it upside down, lifted it up and down a few times, and said with a small mouth, "This is my sister, I don't like it."


  Roberts opened his mouth.

Emma next to    murmured, "This is a violent cutie!"

   Brother Fei said awkwardly: "Sorry, Julia, Zhou Zhou has never liked dolls since he was a child."

   "So it is."

  Roberts said apologetically: "Then I will prepare a gift that she likes next time. I wonder what she likes?"

   "She seems to like models. Her aunt gave her a model of an aircraft carrier, which is the USS Kitty Hawk, and she likes it very much." Phil said.

  Roberts nodded and took it to heart, then she asked Emma to play with Zhou Zhou, and she took Phineas to chat about her beauty experience.

In the past few years, Lao Wang has created three medicated meals through skill synthesis cards, which have become the favorite of the rich. One of them is a medicated meal that increases collagen, which is especially popular. The beauty of Roberts is even more It is a must eat every day.

   "Charles, how many U.S. live broadcasts did you TNT give us this time for the Suns?" Pharaoh asked.

  Buckley touched his bald head and said with a smile: "Old K, I can tell you the answer after I become the president of TNT."

   "He's a ghost if he knows." Da Meng teased.

   "Haha..." Everyone laughed.

   The next day, on the morning of the 18th, Pharaoh's family, accompanied by Hoxman, flew to Phoenix and arrived at the airport at noon.

   There were many media reporters waiting at the airport, and Phoenix TV also sent a live broadcast car and a live broadcast team to broadcast live.

In addition to Wang Tieshan, Jr. Colangelo and a group of management also came to the airport, as did the old Colangelo, who no longer served in the Suns, as well as head coach D'Antoni, assistant coach Jeff Van Gundy, and the big boss of the Suns Mrs John.

   "Old K, I'm so happy that you can return to Phoenix." Old Colangelo smiled happily.

   "Mr. Colangelo, I am also very happy to be back." Old Wang also smiled happily.

   "Old K, Mrs. Yu, welcome back to Phoenix. And Zhou Zhou, this is a present for you." Mrs. John said happily and gave Zhou Zhou an exquisite model of an airplane.


   Zhou Zhou was very happy, holding the model to see the world upside down, and also humming to simulate the roar of the plane.

   Everyone greeted each other warmly when they met, and then walked out while dealing with the media.

   got in the car and drove out of the airport. The outside was completely blocked by the convoy, and it stretched to the end, and the traffic was completely paralyzed.

  Many people stood on the roof of the car, wearing No. 33 jerseys, holding a huge photo of Pharaoh in their hands, many of them Chinese.

   "Hey, hello, I'm back."

   Old Wang knocked down the car window, waved his hands outside, and shouted loudly.

   "Our Sun King is back!"

   Facing the camera, Mike, a live reporter from Phoenix TV, shouted excitedly.

   "Sun King! Sun King! Sun King..."

  The shouting sounded immediately, not only outside the airport, but all over Phoenix, and countless people were shouting in front of the TV.

  From the airport to the city, it took an hour for a few kilometers.

   The car drove directly to the new villa bought by Lao Wang. In the southern suburbs, that area is the largest wealthy area in Phoenix. The community is safe and the environment is the best.

After   Hawksman bought it, it has been renovated, and the workers have been hired, and he can move in directly.

   Came to the new home, Lao Wang as the host, entertained everyone with a cup of coffee, and then everyone left.

   Before leaving, Mrs. John said that she had arranged a party for Pharaoh tomorrow, and let him have a good rest tonight.

  Hawksman also left and went back to Los Angeles, now he is very busy.

  Wang Tieshan stayed and ate dinner at Lao Wang's house. The two brothers hadn't seen each other for more than a year. The last time they met, Wang Tieshan was injured. Wang Tieshan rushed to Los Angeles to visit him, and later accompanied him back to Phoenix for surgery.

  During dinner, Lao Wang drank a glass of red wine. He hadn't drank for more than a year. It was a celebration.

  The next day, Pharaoh's family of three attended Mrs. John's party.

   (end of this chapter)