MTL - Need to Propose to Seven Men What to Do!-Chapter 184

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Chapter 184

Chu Yuyun wanted to leave several times, but he couldn’t do it again. He stayed here, looked at everything, looked at all the truth, suffered the pain of tearing his heart, and experienced the taste of being desperate. A little bit, every drop, is on the verge of collapse.

It is Shen Yun’s death to smash all his emotions into pieces.

Xie Qianxi locked himself in the Vientiane Palace for four years. He didn’t eat or drink, and he said nothing. The whole person was like a dead wood, and he couldn’t see the little life.

It was also at this time that Junmo left the Vientiane Palace.

When he left, Chu Xiaoyun heard the voice he said.

"Ayun, I will let you live anyway."

"Even if I pay any price, I will let you return to the world."

"In this life and in this world, except for you, I have nothing to ask for!"

Chu Yuyun stayed in the same place and completely lost his perception.

I couldn’t tell how long it took, it seemed to be very long, and it seemed to be extremely short. Xie Qianxi saved him.

"I am really embarrassed, let you fall into the ‘review mirror’.”

Chu Yuyun’s line of sight is straightforward: “Recall the mirror?”

Xie Qianxuan’s eyes filled with pain, and there was a sorrowful flash of light: “A thing that can wake up memories.”

Chu Yuyun’s voice is very rigid: “Is it a memory that awakens the entire Vientiane Palace?”

Xie Qianxi sighed: "Yes... but only the memory of those four years." There were four years in which Shen Yun was.

After Shen Yun’s death, Xie Qianxi was self-enclosed for four years in the Vientiane Palace. Until the end, Mo Jiuyi gave him this mirror and he came out.

Mo Jiuyi is uneasy and good-hearted. He hopes that because of the existence of the mirror, Xie Qianzhen is trapped in this memory.

However, Xie Qianxi came out because he kept watching, kept immersed, and kept on paralyzed himself, suddenly he couldn’t stand it.

Missing will not be attenuated by escaping. On the contrary, it will become more and more fierce. The thicker image will lose the moon's night. Although it is lonely and lonely, it can be a crowded desire in a large black.

Can a person die without resurrection? who said it?

He died, Shen Yun resurrected him, then... he will be able to find a way to find Shen Yun, and it will definitely make this episode have a belonging!

The mirror is actually there, Chu Yuyun believes. But he also knows that what he sees is fake.

Xie Qianzhen moved his hands and feet and let him see a completely false ‘memory’, but unfortunately... Chu Yuyun knew that Ling Mu did not know.

He is now full of the last words of Jun Mo - this life, this life, except for you, I have nothing to ask for.

The needle was tied to the heart, Chu Yunyun's face pale to the extreme, his lips twitched slightly, and the despair in the voice could no longer be disguised: "So... is that true?"

Xie Qianxi didn't know what he saw, but he could guess if he thought about it. He looked at Chu Yuyun's sight and was full of worry: "Amu... for a thousand years, even if Junmo had other thoughts at the time, I was afraid. It has already been extinguished now."

Chu Yunyun thought about the obsession in the eyes of the young man, and he could not help but shook his head: "If you can't put it out, that kind of mind will never go out."

Xie Qianxi twisted his eyebrows, and he was relieved to reconcile a few words. But he also knows that it is useless to say anything. Seeing is believing, how can you see it with your own eyes? It’s useless at all, all the explanations are just futile shy cloth, blocking the front, revealing the back, leaving only the double embarrassment.

Xie Qianxi said: "I am not good, I should not bring you here."

"No..." The luster in the clouds of Chu was scattered. "Thank you for bringing me here."

Let him... see the truth, see what you don’t know, and don’t have to fool yourself.

Chu Yuyun was caught in a huge pain. Xie Qianxi looked at him with concern. The bottom of his heart was measuring the scale: it should be almost the same. As long as the final blow, it is estimated that it will completely collapse. If you die in this state, there is no idea of ​​survival. If you lose this idea, the soul will easily be broken up.

By the time... Ayun can come back.

Xie Qianxi is calculating how to give Ling Mu a final blow, but suddenly inspired by the news from the lost.

This is really good.

Xie Qianxi suddenly tweeted: "Someone invaded the Vientiane Palace."

Chu Yuyun’s soul is not guarding, and he heard it too: “What?”

Xie Qianxi took him to the door of the temple.

Then the outward is the lost, let go, and can't see anything at all. Chu Yuyun wonders: "Who is..."

When Xie Qianyi raised his hand, the puzzle became clear and identifiable.

Chu Yuyun saw the silver-haired man in the distance, and his pupils shrank.

"A... Amo?"

Xie Qianxuan’s face is like water: “More than one person!”

Chu Yuyun discovered that there was a man in Huayi around him. He was very beautiful, and even more impressive was the cinnabar.

Chu Yuyun returned to the gods: "Sinking water?"

Xie Qianxi stared at them.

They can't see it here, but the wonderful thing is that Chu Yuyun and Xie Qianxi can hear their conversation.

Shen Shui said: "The broken squad can enter the Vientiane Palace."

Junmo whispered softly: "Well."

The sinking smoke seems to hesitate: "Would you really feel depressed?"

Jun Mo face does not change color: "It was originally a substitute."

Upon hearing this, Chu Yuyun’s eyes widened, his fingers were hard, and his fingertips pierced his palm.

What are they talking about? Chu Yuyun can understand and can avoid the general do not want to understand.

Xie Qianxi also frowned and whispered: "They...what are they planning?"

Shen Shuiyan said: "I will definitely get the hand of the soul Dan Fang, and Ling Mu will hand it over to you."

Jun Mo’s voice of indifference is extremely cold: “He will follow me.”

The sinking haze smiled: "Yes, he was confused by your fascination."

Jun Momo does not say anything.

The smog has added another sentence: "Before speaking, when Ayun is resurrected, we must not interfere with his choice."

Jun Mo said: "Well."

The submerged smoke squinted and sighed in a nearly gentle tone: "Although Ling Mu will disappear, it is a good thing to use his body to resurrect Ayun."

‘Boom’, the power of Chu’s palms came out uncontrollably, and the students smashed on the ground and blew up a huge pit.

He was trembling, and there was blood spilling from the corners of his dead lips. There was a scarlet in his mouth, and there was a blue vein in his forehead. The whole person was stunned to the extreme.

This is... a harbinger of anger and anger, and a harbinger of fire.

Xie Qianxi quickly helped him: "Amu, you..."

Ling Mu hated the extreme, betrayal did not matter, was recognized as a substitute, but he ... he was cruel to want to use him to resurrect Shen Yun!

The violent blood can not be suppressed, the body is mad, Lingmu bends over, coughs violently, and the coughed blood seems to flow directly from the heart, and the deep red color is full of despair.

Xie Qiang raised his hand and directly removed the lost.

When Shen Shuiyan and Jun Mo arrived, they saw Chu Yunyun in the arms of Xie Qianxi.

Jun ink face is expressionless, but the coix seed in the pair of silver enamel is almost reduced to the tip of the needle.

He spoke, his voice was cold, but there was a little trembling after listening: "Amu, go back with me."