MTL - Never Fade Skull Flag-Chapter 16 headhunter indigenous

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Seeing that Andy was lost in thought, Roger chuckled, "Andy, if you are interested in these mysterious tribes, you can ask Buck, he came from these tribes."

"He's a headhunter?"

Andy stared at Buck, who was not far away.

"No, he's not, but his tribe is also very mysterious, it should be a cannibal."

Roger said with a smile.

"Cannibals? But Buck doesn't eat people, and he likes to drink rum."

Andy couldn't believe it. Buck, who always laughed, was a member of the cannibal tribe.

"Look at his teeth. In order to make the teeth sharper so that they can bite down human flesh, his tribe has researched various medicines. The whitening of the teeth is just an accidental product." Roger shrugged his shoulders. , his face became solemn, "Maybe you have time to listen to his story, but now, Andy, step back."

Roger gently pushed Andy behind him, and his tall body stood in front of Andy.

Andy suddenly felt a sense of peace of mind. He felt that this scene seemed familiar, just like when he was attacked by the navy and faced the bombardment of artillery shells, his mother stood in front of him.

"Andy, take care of yourself, take out your musket, these natives dare not approach us!"

Roger's exhorting voice came, Andy had already taken the musket in his hand and pulled the sailor's scimitar from his waist.

A strange voice came from the dense forest, as if a herd of wild boars were rushing. After a while, a group of naked natives appeared in front of everyone.

Unknown feathers were inserted in the hair, and the naked body was covered with white, red, and green dyes, which were painted into mysterious and complicated patterns, rather like some kind of mysterious totem.

Hundreds of people were crowded with darkness, surrounding more than 50 sailors in a semicircle, but the two sides kept a relatively safe distance.

Behind it is the sea, and in front of it is the indigenous people.

The pirates held their breaths, muskets and sharp knives, without fear, but even more fierce.

A dark native walked up. He had the most patterns on his body, with a string of human heads hanging around his neck and a string of hay ropes tied around his waist. There were more than ten in total.

These heads have been treated with special methods, and they look like mummified corpses that have been dead for many years, but they are all small, only the size of an apple.

Judging from the appearance of the natives, this native should have a very high status, presumably a leader like a chief.

"Card, ah, Kuru? Sibe Sasar?"

The native's expression was a bit exaggerated, saying a series of words that Andy couldn't understand.

A group of pirates looked at Bobby. He was also an island native. I wonder if he could understand?

Bobby shrugged his shoulders very rascally, looking helpless, meaning that he didn't understand either.

There are many indigenous tribes on the island in this world. Some of them are from the same tribe. They just took a bamboo raft to a strange island in the distant ancient times. They basically keep the language and habits of their own tribe. Generally, in such a situation , can still communicate.

Just like the headhunter tribes of different islands.

But some are different tribes growing in the two places, just like the cannibals of Babi and the headhunters in front of them.

Equally mysterious, but not related at all.

"Card, ah, Kuru? Sibe Sasar?"

Seeing that the pirates did not respond, the indigenous took a step forward and continued to ask.

The pirates broke open the flintlocks of the muskets and faced the aboriginal leader, while the nearly 100 aboriginals behind them raised the extremely sharp wooden spears and sharp arrows in their hands.

There are also a few little guys who put a small wooden pipe in their mouth, which should be something like a poison needle.

Zach stepped forward gently, facing the Chief.

"Hey, blu, blu, xi da da."


The natives behind the native leader were in an uproar, put down the weapons in their hands, Zach waved his hand, the pirates looked at each other, and put down the muskets.

The musket only has the power of one blow. If you can fire a few more shots, these pirates are willing to wipe out the entire army of these natives.

The pirates were surprised that Captain Zach could speak the native language. It seemed that the captain still had many secrets that the crew did not know, but Roger was much calmer and should have known.

Zach didn't know what to talk about with the native leader. Finally, he asked the sailors to go to the boat to get five barrels of rum and give it to the native.

The aboriginal leader reluctantly took the tribe back to the jungle, and the pirates breathed a sigh of relief.


Roger gave a soft cry.

"Keep looking at this jungle! Ignorance guys!" Zach turned around, a black light suddenly appeared in his only remaining eye, a mysterious pattern appeared on his face, and finally disappeared, more like It was moved to the eye hidden under the black leather blindfold.

Andy almost screamed, it was the power of a curse.

Zach is cursed.

He didn't feel that the headhunters just released the curse, that is to say, Zach was already cursed, maybe this is the secret of his blindfold.

The old pirates were used to it and looked at Zach in silence.

"Roger, Bibab, Andler, Seaman, De Fournier, Buck, Romanda."

Zach named these names, Roger and others stood up, and Andy found that the people Zach called were the more powerful beings on the Goddess of Despair.

Or in other words, the main combatants of the side battle.

These people have a hostile aura that can't be ignored. They are completely incomparable to other sailors. Perhaps the reason why the Goddess of Despair is so famous is because of a few of them.

Zach's evil smile hung on his face, revealing his signature black teeth.

"You guys and I, following the smell of rum, will bring the wealth of this small island to the Goddess of Despair tonight."

"Don't worry, boss!"

Roger laughed, the big man changed into another state in an instant, he became excited, and the time to hunt came.

"Then, gentlemen, if you stay here, those stupid natives won't bother you again. We came by coincidence. Tonight is their sacred ceremony!"

Zach smiled morbidly. He knew that his chance to master a mysterious power had come.

Zack met an old pirate when he went to sea in his early years. He was very interested in the headhunting culture. The old pirate had some skills, learned most of the languages ​​of the headhunters, and told Zack what he knew as a story.

Zach learned a bit of headhunting language from him and could barely communicate with them.

The old pirate said that the headhunters like rum very much. They will find rum from the wrecks of sailboats brought by the waves and regard it as a treasure.

Zach knew this, so he dared to come to this island.

He originally planned to ride out the storm quietly on the beach, and then leave without conflicting with the headhunters. The headhunters found them, and they only needed a few barrels of rum to solve it.

But when Zach talked to the chief of the headhunter just now, he heard that the headhunter was going to hold a sacrifice and wanted more barrels of rum.

The sacrifice of the headhunters, their shamans will enshrine the human skins recorded with witchcraft on the altar, and all the clansmen will sing and dance, and this is Zack's chance!

He didn't want to go into the jungle at first, because the scattered headhunters were too scary in the jungle, but during the sacrifice, all the headhunters would be gathered together!

This is his chance!

He wants to take the opportunity to capture the human skin that records the mysterious headhunting witchcraft!

Read Monarch of Time
RomanceReincarnationAdventureMartial Arts