MTL - Never Marry a Man With Two Tintins-v3 Chapter 22

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It was too sensitive, the streamer body wrapped around a few times, and quickly saved the tail from the promise of Cheng Nuo, the atmosphere is not stable: "Don't move there, or I want it again..."

Cheng Nuo quickly withdrew his hand, but it was already late, and there was actually a spirit in the streamer.

He raised his head in horror, rubbed, this (xi) heart (wen) disease (le) mad (jian) non-human resilience!

The streamer quickly pressed on him, and his lips groaned vaguely: "Chengnu, the last time..."

Cheng Nuo was shocked, his legs had been squeezed out by the streamer, and the streamer lifted his cheekbones and slammed it a few times, and went straight into it.

Cheng Nuo was made a few screams by him ||吟.

Damn it is an electric small motor? !

It turns out that the last time was not the last time...

When it is completely calmed down, it is already dawning.

Cheng Nuo’s waist is sore, and the back is also hot with a piece of numbness. The whole person is tired and half dead. The time when the streamer persisted seemed to be longer than once, and the last time was like the endless, and he was fainting.

The streamer is still mentally awkward. It seems to be still immersed in the aftertaste. He keeps him in his arms and keeps kissing, pressing his sore waist.

Cheng Nuozi is completely dumb, with his eyes closed and angry: "You can't control it!"

According to this evening, he must be prematurely dying!

The streamer was staring at Cheng Nuo’s red face and the wet eyes. He liked Cheng Nuo to talk to him so softly. This made him feel that Cheng Nuo regarded him as a partner rather than a younger brother.

He also knows the point of control, but Chengno makes a little noise and he can be excited immediately.

The streamer slowly recovered the half-beast, and kissed him again for a long time, and put his hand on himself: "Then you hit me twice, I can't help it - I won't be in the future."

Cheng Nuo suddenly realized that the two of them were like a slap in the face, and he stumbled. He lowered his eyes in awkward eyes, and the hoarse voice replied with a complaint: "I am thirsty."

The worst thing is that he is all slimy, sweaty, and that sly, and he also has streamers, and his thighs are particularly uncomfortable.

The streamer rushed down to give Chengnu a glass of water, and carefully helped Cheng to help him drink.

Cheng Nuo glanced at the streamer, and the streamer now treats him like a glass man with a satisfying smile on his face. He couldn't help but laugh, the streamer is a big boy.

Streamer draped a piece of clothes and quickly changed the bath water, put Chenguo into it and carefully cleaned it, and the sheets soaked in liquid were replaced with new ones.

Cheng Nuo is really tired. When he is taking a bath, he can sit in the bathtub and let it be cleaned by streamer. He will fall asleep with his eyes closed.

This feeling slept until noon, and Cheng Nuo opened his eyes and saw that the streamer was still lying on his side, and his hand was gently touched in his lower abdomen.

He blushes and can't help but kick the streamer, the soul is light! When I was a child, I was a little shy child who was too shy and shy. Now it is too colory?

There was no strength in that foot, and the streamer quickly posted it again. He put his hand on his lower abdomen and his face was red: "Cheng Nuo, do you like female or male?"

Cheng Nuo looked at the pair of green eyes with anticipation and didn't know what to say.

He feels that he can't give birth to a child - the point is that he is a big man, if it is really a child, is it terrible? ! And how big is the streamer yourself! The thinking of streamer is even the world of this boy and boy, then the father’s heart is too urgent, right?

He associates with his own big belly and suddenly the goose bumps are up.

Too scary...

When he was silent, the look of streamer gradually became lost from expectation.

When Cheng Nuo saw it, he knew that the streamer had thought more. He had to pull him and he said with a red face: "No, I think it is too early... We are still very young... It is very difficult for children to raise..."

He said that he didn't know where his face was going. Why did he have a big man who was troubled by the birth of a baby? In his eyes, streamer and Bai Rui are also big children!

The streamer eyes re-lighted up, and his face was faintly hot: "In fact, I don't want to have it now. I just want to have a child if you have children. Anyway, your first child must be mine. It’s very nice!”

Cheng Nuo was speechless and glanced at the stream: "If that is what I am... if you can’t give birth to a child, would you dislike me? I am sure I can’t live!"

He said that he also felt particularly embarrassed and did not dare to look at the streamer.

Under the glimpse of the stream, I hurriedly said: "No, we certainly have children, there will be a lot of them - even if we really can't live, it doesn't matter, we have it, you are the most important."

Cheng Nuo was big by this string of children, the irritating head of life. If one day someone said to him, "The strong man, you have it." That is too horrible!

But the look of streamer is very serious, it seems that streamer is really a traditional male who attaches great importance to the children...

Cheng Nuo’s brain hole could not be opened. In the future, he can't give birth to a baby, Bai Jintian's old bastard, and the aunt who doesn't know where to die, if he knows, will definitely force them to find another female who can be born || Then he will not go to the wandering world by the people who don’t lay eggs in this cup...

He quickly recovered from the horrible imagination and bite a few times on the streamer's shoulders: "Don't think about those who have nothing, let it be."

Nostalgic nodded, he thought about having two children, and forgot to have a child, Cheng Nuo may just wander behind the child - Cheng Nuo is especially fond of taking care of children!

As soon as he imagined it, he wanted to kick those blind heads of radish to the side. The white name was divided into half the time of Chengnuo...

He regretted Cheng Yundao: "Then we still don't want children, I only want you."

In the future, he will have to restrain himself and not both, although it will be more comfortable.

Cheng Nuo's blushing face, stunned a streamer and said, "When you are 30, think about what the child is."

The world’s 100-year-old practitioner is still a young man! What is the 17-year-old fart kid?

The two were so sticky that they only got up for a while, they were hungry, and those sports cost too much energy. The ingredients in the kitchen are not lacking, the streamer does not let Cheng Nuo touch, and he rushes to cook and cook for a gust of wind. Just look at his daughter-in-law and look at the doorway from time to time, all eyes are unconcealed. .

Cheng Nuo couldn’t stand the fiery gaze, and he was seen red-faced. He still has a soft back and legs, and he will help with the delivery of vegetables and spices.

The streamer is also a variety of thoughtful when eating, the dishes are placed directly on the mouth of Chengnuo. Cheng Nuo felt too numb, but looked at the twinkling eyes of the streamer, or ate it.

He can't help but remember Bai Rui, Bai Rui is unfamiliar here, and will not communicate with others. He is sweet here, and Bai Rui alone will be very lonely there...

After eating the meal, he did not dare to look at the streamer. He lowered his head and said carefully: "Xiaoguang, I want to go see Bairui in the afternoon."

Perhaps because of the good mood of the streamer, he was not angry. He took his hand and slowly walked out. Cheng Nuo was really surprised.

Streamer walked in front of him, whispering: "Chenguo, I will try to accept the surname white, will not make you embarrassed."

He and Bai Rui met in the slums, even earlier than Cheng Hao. From the first sight, I know that I hate each other, and I can't be friends, but he never expected that the two would fall in love with the same person.

He couldn't understand Bai Rui's demeanor and indifference. It is estimated that Bai Rui also hates him. When he was a child, he felt that Cheng Nuo was too good for Bai Rui. Sure enough, he even proved this when he grew up. Maybe at an earlier time, he should find clues from Cheng Nuo’s look at Bai Rui’s eyes...

If possible, he must have solved this trouble in his childhood, but it is already late, and he can only endure familiarity with each other in the future.

The surname Bai will always pretend to be a good person in front of Cheng Nuo, he will also!

That **** fox-like guy!

Cheng Nu looked at the back of the streamer, very tall, and his shoulders were wide, and somehow his eyes were hot. The little blush that first came to him, but now he is so big, tolerant of his selfishness. He owes too much to streamer and Bai Rui...

Soon it was the place where the guests lived. Maybe Bai Rui had already discovered the arrival of the two and was already standing under the tree in the yard. Streamer still took the hand of Cheng Nuo and walked to the side of Bai Rui to let go.

A pair of gold cymbals and a pair of green cymbals in the air, Cheng Nuo swallowed nervously.

Streamer first opened, the tone is still awkward: "The surname is white, you are not suitable for living here, or move to our house."

Streamer said it was very casual, just invited friends to live at home.

Bai Rui did not answer, but slowly turned his eyes to the side of Cheng Nuo, whispered: "Are you alright? I miss you a little."

Cheng Nuo is a big man, although he also thinks about Bai Rui, but in fact it is separated for one day.

He doesn't know how to answer, as if how to answer is not appropriate...

Streamer suddenly felt a little angry, squinting: "Chenguo is very good with me, hey, but one day, I have been separated from Chengnu for nearly two years, and I don't know who is it!"

"We have been separated for four years." Bai Rui said coldly.

After a glimpse of the stream, it became clear that Bai Rui was referring to the matter of leaving the slum at the age of ten, and suddenly became furious: "That is what you want to go? Who is it!"

Looking at the two people who quarreled with the children, Cheng Nu was dumbfounded.

The two men are together, let alone the streamer, and Bai Rui is instantly beaten back to the underage appearance...

What is the heavy guilty feeling, how did he turn around with two minors? !

He looked at this nervously and looked at it again. The two of them had a fire in their eyes, and one was cold-hearted, but it was not hit.

Suddenly there was a horn of sound in the air, and the gaze of the stream immediately turned to the distance.

Cheng Nuo surprised: "What is this sound?"

The streamer eyes stunned and said: "Nothing, there are distant visitors. Cheng Nuo, you should go home first, and you can go to the island if you are bored."

When he finished speaking, he jumped flexibly on the tree and quickly lost his track.

Somehow, Cheng Nuo was a little uneasy.

Bai Rui quickly came over and whispered: "Don't worry, he will handle it well."

Cheng Nuo’s mouth couldn’t help but raise it. Bai Rui’s current tone is like affirmation of the streamer.

Bai Rui took his hand and walked in the other direction. He walked and said: "I think he hasn't said anything to you yet. The streamer last time was separated from the other because he joined an organization called the Seven Star Alliance. ""

Cheng Nu wrinkled his eyebrows, how can he listen to it? I remembered the streamer's cloak with a mask and a cloak. The so-called villain organization must unify clothing?

Bai Rui said very slowly. The Seven Star Alliance, as its name implies, has seven people. It is a fugitive who has the highest order in all cities. The bounty is above two million energy coins. The code name of the streamer in that organization is Yu Heng, and the more it is from the sky, these are arranged in the order of joining the alliance, and have nothing to do with strength.

They do not have a leader, and each activity is voluntarily participated, and the benefits are equally divided by the participants. The last time I participated in the action of Muxi Island, there were three people, the streamers, the Viet Nam and the ancient people of the genus Tianyi.

Bai Rui said that he looked at Cheng Nuo and said: "Like the action of Muxi Island last time, the goal of streamer is you. From the more the morning, the sky is the city."

Cheng Nuo was surprised and surprised: "The goal of leaving Vietnam is An Chen?"

He thought that the more he wanted, the more beads.

Bai Rui thought a lot: "There is a lot of secrets in the king's family, perhaps it is related to them."

The blood from the Vietnam is indeed very strange... Cheng Nuo meditates: "These, is the streamer telling you?"

Bai Rui nodded, and Cheng Nuo’s eyes suddenly widened. I really can’t believe it. The two men actually said so much in private!

I have already guessed what Cheng Nuo thought, and Bai Rui’s mouth was gently raised.

Cheng Nuo is naturally the most important, he and the red hair are so thinking.

Therefore, even if they are not pleasing to each other, they will be honest with each other.

The author has something to say: As I said before, the more powerful the world, the more difficult it is to leave a child. Bai Rui’s old wife has so many wives for a few hundred years, and only Bai Rui has a perfect inheritance of blood.

o(n_n)o~ scratching the head, the buns will definitely be ~~


Thanks to the McDull Chicken Bun gn mine~

Thanks to Grace's mine mine~