MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 142 Human table

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The sea snakes live in a deep sea area where they cannot see the light, and are together with a group of sea monsters. There is a sea monster that looks like a cuttlefish, but has nearly a thousand times the size of a common cuttlefish. The sea snakes call this sea monster a Clark.

Craken's food is very large. He not only eats ordinary fish and shrimp, but even the intelligent race of the nearby Sea Snakes is the object of Craken's prey. Craken has a high IQ. He asks the Sea Snakes to have one each year. The victim was eaten by him, and Craken’s torso was very large, entrenched in the entire sea, and the Sea Snake warriors could not lead the entire family without disturbing him.

The harsh living environment has made the Sea Snake people more tough, and they have not cared about morality and conscience from the beginning. If you can live, you can live without it. Whatever you do, it doesn't matter. One day, the first priest of their family made a potion that can poison the "God" in the legend and wants to swindle Craken.

I will use this medicine because of Craken's sea monster... He seems to have advanced to the demigod.

The world of Warcraft is very different from human beings. It is not as simple as the evolution of primates into human beings and then evolution to humans. Generally speaking, Warcraft evolved into an orc, but there is also a rare situation. In the world where there is almost no man-made visit and no one disturbs, the powerful World of Warcraft absorbs elements and power silently, their bodies grow indefinitely, and energy is in the body. Flow inside.

One day after, what chances they encountered, they became adult.

But he did not become an orc, but became a more powerful existence. Even the first priest, who was well-informed by the Sea Snakes, had not seen such a thing happen. After the huge Warcraft became a small human, the power did not decrease, but it was even more powerful and terrible. Craken stood quietly in the sea, and when the eyes opened, he shot a golden light: "Where is the food today?"

"I still need more energy." He said with a finger like a human.

So the people of the Sea Snakes immediately wanted to understand why Craken had been asking them to sacrifice. They used to think that it was Craken who wanted to suppress them and let them always surrender to Kraken's arrogance, but did not think that the intelligent creature itself contained a lot of energy. Swallowing wisdom creatures can make Clarken "longer" better. .

I finally know it, but it is too late. Craken lived in the dark and dull seabed all the year round. He absorbed all the dark elements and had a strong ability to devour and erode. When he was still a sea monster, he was worried that the energy was running out of trouble, so he couldn’t swallow the sea snake. When he finally became a big man, watching the sea snake’s eyes was like a hungry ghost who had been hungry for 800 years. The saliva DC: “All eaten... ...I can be the **** of darkness!"

When Craken, who had been a sea monster for many years, didn't know much about God, he only instinctively absorbed energy. He does not know that when God wants to have a godhead, he does not know that the **** of darkness is not a sea monster like him. The original desire of the intelligent creature drove him to kill the Bohai Snakes. The deep sea was full of mourning. The sea snakes who had always been tough and patience also shouted loudly for their own people. The blood went to the shallow sea and attracted a group of sharks. Prepare for a leak.

Craken held a loud laugh in the heart of the then Serpent patriarch: "I am going to be the new **** of darkness!"

The son of the Haizu patriarch attacked him with a spear, but this powerful enemy was unmoved. The first priest of the Haizu nationality hesitated to use the poison that could poison the gods, because a bad one might pollute the positive waters, and these poor sea snakes would die.

If someone comes to save them at this time, the Sea Snakes are willing to treat him as a god! Almost all the Sea Snakes thought that they were finally desperate under the pressure of Clarke's absolute power, but at this moment, the shallow seas suddenly burst into a shock, and the sharks took the road and fled. A black big hand grabbed Craken and smashed him in the screaming scream of Clarke. After the explosion, Craken became the original appearance. The body was broken everywhere, but it was attracted by something. It floated around the big hand and turned into countless black spots.

Incorporate into that hand.

The giant hand disappeared, and the male snakes who appeared in the eyes of the Haizu people were a young man with a human image. He looked up with his eyes closed and absorbed the dark energy that Craken had accumulated for many years. The Sea Snakes were hiding and watching carefully, but the man did not ask for their sacrifices like Craken. He just looked around for a week and blinked.

"Is the Sea Snake? It is a dark creature, it is rare."

"You have two choices. First, you will continue to live in the deep sea. However, the death of Clarken will probably increase the energy stored in the deep sea. In a few years, there will be new wisdom races and you will grab the land. ...ah, of course there is a second option."

"Follow me on the land."

Who is this adult, he did not give a clear explanation. The people of the Sea Snakes don’t know how to choose, but because the old patriarch died, the old priest overdrafted his spirit and grief when he confronted Clarken. So he soon couldn’t do it. The power within the family became more radical and adventurous. Young generation. The priest apprentice of the year, the first priest of the present, decided to follow the adult.

Later I learned that the adult is the true **** of darkness.

Although the adult has never admitted his identity as a **** of darkness, he does not let others call him a sire. This can be said to be a quirk of God... but the first priest and patriarch of the Sea Snake never dared for this reason. It’s just that this adult is not afraid to play tricks on him, just because the picture of the punching of Clarke was too shocking enough to scare all the sea snakes present.

The first priest of the Sea Snake swallowed his mouth. He asked what he said at the ear of Xisai, let the child go back first, and then he went to sin alone.

At this time, Xisai could not be followed, although the **** of darkness has always been very gentle, but in case the other party is angry, they are pinched to death? It doesn't matter if he dies, he can live long enough, and the young people in the family can't die.

Here, the Shamans and the Red Fox family's shamans and Xu Wei walked all the way. On the way, they met the priests of the Naka witches and the priests of the mermaid. The big witch and the priest grandmother were reported last night. It is eating more barbecue, now the stomach is uncomfortable, the toilet has been smashed for a long time, and finally came out but did not want to go to the big army to listen to people to ridicule their old and frail, simply followed Xu Wei here.

"When you are older, you don't use it.... When I was young, one person could eat a giant octopus!" The old priest of the mermaid sighed with a stomach.

The great witch of the Naka witches couldn’t help but sigh: "Yeah, when I was young, I could eat a whole pig!"

The Sha's Shaman quickly comforted the two elderly people who were consciously old: "You, all of them eat chili. I want to say that the peppers in our embassy are not suitable for the orc family... I can't cook today, everyone. Drink big bone soup to ensure that it is light and not diarrhea!"

Xu Wei thought about going out with Rohike Enk in the morning, but she didn't have breakfast. Now that Rohic Enke doesn't know where to go (?), he is hungry by this group of old ladies: "I am elder, don't go to you, come to my house, God's grace is over, I am also Said to eat a light change of taste, what to eat roast chicken and bacon in the past few days, have ruined people."

Since he said this, the old ladies are even more happy. Originally, since they were willing to make a fool with the devil, they would also want to hold Xu Wei. They wanted to have a formal relationship with him. Otherwise, wouldn’t it waste the friendship of “the same trench”? As for going to Xu Wei’s family to eat, this is a matter of fact. Although these orc shamans can not be richer than human beings, they are also the local big forces. How can they eat something?

Even the things they eat are better than humans. You must know that many of the human cows, sheep, and pigs are imported from their orc prairie! Human farmers also raise cattle, raise sheep and raise pigs, but they are all specialized in eating meat, and the quality is very low. They have strong and strong black-horned cows on the orc prairie, rocky sheep with delicious meat, and spotted pigs that are especially suitable for men who have special effects! This is a new breed produced by the orcs who have caught the wild generations of grazing and domestication. It is better than human livestock.

Ordinary people may not understand the difference, but Xu Wei is a brave man. What do you know about going north and south? He should be the most aware of the importance of ingredients for a warrior. While thinking about this, the orc shamans are full of pride!

I heard that Xu Wei also signed up for the fight after the fight... Now, for all the tribes, one more ally must be stronger than one. Would you like to win this alliance's allies cooperation with him for a long time?

The red fox shaman eyes turned around and looked like a bad stomach. The people present knew him better. He knew that he had no bad thoughts, so he was too lazy to say anything. Their Red Fox family is weaker among the orcs. The red fox is a small orc race. It is not very good at fighting, but the mind is very good and very good at business and diplomacy. It also barely retains the status of the family, but each fight The rankings in the conference were very low, and they were mocked by some races.

The Red Fox Shaman is also a shrewd look, and the sharp eyes seem to be a bad water, but this person has always done a good job in business and cooperation, and the foreigners can't find a trace of mistakes. Now he has already thought of the high-footed rabbit of the Red Fox family. The long-term consumption can enhance the strength of the people. The warriors do not want to force themselves to be bigger. How much is Xu Wei willing to pay? Of course, he will definitely find a win-win intermediate value, so that Xu Wei knows that he is a good businessman...

Just thinking about it, all the way to the door of Xu Wei's house, the orc's nose pointed, smelling a spicy and wonderful fragrance across the door panel, straight into their nose. High-grade meat and high-grade seasonings...this...

Xu Wei knocked on the door, and Lance and the girl slammed into him and slammed into him: "You are back! Today we eat hot pot!"

"Dad! Uncle Butler said that he bought two golden-haired sheep and a cage of high-legged rabbits, let's eat!"

I was thinking about buying the orc shamans who gave Xu Wei the rare meat... The throat was silent.