MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 173 Xu Wei’s mind

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I don't want to highlight the misery of these orcs, especially the young people, but I do have such abominable guys in the world. I have committed such crimes and have been recorded in history.

Xu Wei is a person who can't tolerate insulting others, whether it is this insult, or other ways to insult, or whether it is a child or an adult.

There was a paragraph before, when Xu Wei was playing the Sea Snake at the banquet, I actually thought about letting him kick the Knockers of the Sea Snakes, or kicking the waist side, and finally chose the waist side, because there is actually an insult to kicking others. The meaning, he will not insult others.

Therefore, he is even more intolerant of life being insulted.

The closer he is to the entrance, the more he is scared. Xu knows if this is the way the nose has been stinky. He could only smell the smell of stench before moving on. The taste is very strong.

... is not a normal **** smell, this is strong, it is like taking the blood out of the person and putting it out.

There is nothing to obstruct at the entrance. It may be that even the people of the Sea Snakes are not prepared to come from the sewer side. There is only a soft leak. Xu Wei picks up the plug and climbs up the wall. He has been sneaking during the period, but he has not been discovered.

When he climbed up and saw the scene on the ground, even if he himself saw the big world and saw the movie without going through things, he would have been sluggish for a second.

This... there is still a person.

The ground is dark red, but it is not its original color, but the appearance of flesh and dirt after it has not been cleaned for a long time. The sewage is flowing, but there are many humanoid or animal-shaped creatures, but in the end It’s hard to say that it’s not a living thing. Every head is covered with a cover, and the waist is followed by a thick tube. The liquid inside the cover is black, and the thick waist tube is red blood and some biological fluids. Leading outside.

At the end, the liquid that came out turned black.

The final flow of these liquids is the mouth of the sewer pipe that Xu Wei just climbed out. He also said that he was not sure what the black color was. He only knew that the smell was bad and it was slightly corrosive. There was absolutely darkness in it.

The people here are only slightly twitching, some are not complete, the mites are in and out of the carrion, and some are slightly better, the blood that flows out is still red but not black.

Xu Wei almost spit out, the sewer is very disgusting, but he forced himself not to think about it at that time. His psychological quality has always been strong, but he has to endure it. Now he is watching the real scene, but his heart is shaking.

- This is different from the feeling of seeing a scary **** picture while playing a horror game.

These live, all are people, or advanced Warcraft.

There is a sea snake male who walks back and forth with his hands. This guy should only have the strength of an intermediate-level warrior. While watching the middle and senior warriors in the whole "base", he is astonished: "You see that they used to be very good." Ha, now even the dog is not as good."

Xu Wei’s right side is the worst. He has been blackened. Only an old orc with a hairy white may be a saber-toothed tiger. The body is slightly trembled, but there is no speech.

It may also be impossible to say it.

Although the Saber-toothed Tigers do not have branches in this grassland, many of the robbers are mixed, and the orcs of any ethnic group have it, so let alone the saber-toothed tiger is not strange, even if it is a sea lion orc who emerges from the South China Sea is normal.

This saber-toothed tiger orc should have been a senior warrior. This is Xu Xu’s judgment through his current situation. There may be errors. Maybe he is a master.

But now it can only curl up like a meat ball.

The sea snake man seems to see him, and walked over: "Hey, I said who it is, it turned out to be the tiger, you! How come, have you had a drink with our priests some time ago? Hahaha!"

The old man of the saber-toothed tiger trembled again. I don’t know if it was afraid or angry. Xu Wei guessed that he might be because of the “drinking” in the past few days.

The sea snake male went to the old man and reached out and licked the hair of the old man: "At the time, it was still rushing at us. Um?!"

The old man of the saber-toothed tiger did not move, and suddenly he made a fortune. The sea snake man was not afraid. Instead, he was close to the old man’s ear and was not squatting. Because of the mixed slang, Xu Wei could not fully understand it. He only knew the old man. I didn't dare to struggle because his children were in the hands of the Sea Snakes.

Finally, the Sea Snake male licked the old man's feet and left.

The whole hall was quiet and there seemed to be no one living.

Xu Wei moved two steps to the side, patted the old man's hand, but was immediately held back. The old man's hoarse smile two times: "What is the situation? Actually there are unlucky eggs running from the outside?"

Xu Wei turned his eyes, thinking that it was a bad luck, but the old man was interested. Some of the half-dead animals in the hall were surprised to ask, some whispered, and there was a majority of consciousness.

Obviously, just because they didn't make a sound, they didn't want to attract the attention of the sea snake man. The other party obviously wants to find them to abuse. Who will be the first time when the birds are screaming, and they still feel that they are not fast enough.

Now no one, there are neighboring orcs who are talking about the sky, basically in the Bohai Snakes, and Warcraft is also tied to the side, the same treatment as the orcs, screaming in the mouth seems to be echoing what. Xu Wei and the old man spoke to them, so a group of people struggled to look at it.

Xu Wei suddenly felt that there was hope in this place, and people were still not dead, but he did not show his body shape. The ghost knew if there was any camera equipment here - he just whispered to the old saber-toothed orc: "You guys Can you fight?"

The old saber-toothed tiger snorted and gasped: "Are you stupid or... how dripping? We are all dying! Are you human? Why are you here? Does the Golden Flag Empire have an action?"

Xu Wei thought that the Golden Flag Empire had an action... "But it is estimated that it is too late."

Even if he can take it apart, he can't save this group of people, and according to his observation, these people have been polluted by dark elements very much. To treat them, at least three great priests have to practice their hands to sacred. lotus.

The old saber-toothed tiger did not speak. One of the other monkeys on the other side of the monkey said: "I didn't expect to save us. We are dead. Everyone knows that we can only hope to live better before we die... but we have young children. Oh, they are all detained by the Sea Snakes-"

Another Baiyu orc screamed: "If you don't care about your children, how can we be caught!"

For a time, the curse sounded one after another, and the Warcraft seemed to be provoked by emotions. They also screamed, as if they were also talking about young cubs.

These races, before the sea snakes exposed their fangs, were also with other people. In order to invade other races for the sake of interest, Xu Wei heard the Red Fox Shaman said. After the sea snakes arrived on the land, they quickly gathered a lot of small races and horse thieves and bandits, and they took them around every day. It was also a kind of flamboyant appearance with meat and wine. Show off to the Red Fox family, saying that sooner or later they will grab their site.

Unexpectedly, the Red Fox family was indeed robbed, but the entire monkey family was destroyed.

Xu Wei was somewhat contemptuous of these races, and felt that they had forgotten their interests, but now they feel that they are a little pitiful.

In any case, it should not be such an ending.

The warrior should die in battle.

The orcs knew that they were going to die, and they didn't want to struggle, but they told Xu Wei all the things they knew. After the sea snakes put them in a pot, they were not too prepared for these people. They were not blindfolded on the way they brought them in. It may be that they could not tell the secret in their lifetime.

Instead, it was cheaper than Xu Wei. This made the structure and roads of the entire animal-raising base almost the same. These orcs saved the young and eager, and told him that the Haizu people seemed to put the cubs somewhere and asked him to put the cubs They are saved.

Xu Wei did not dare to accept this incident, because it is almost impossible. Don't say that he can't do it alone, even if all of them have arrived, they can't do it.

Not to mention that those young people still don't know whether they are dead or alive. The Sea Snakes left them because they can be used as slaves or labor, and what kind of use can those children have.

But in the face of these distorted faces, watching their opaque and radiant eyes, he could not say the words of rejection.

At this time, the door slammed and stood outside the door, just the sea snake man, and a group of children.

These children have obvious orc characteristics, with long ears and tails, originally a group of very cute children.

It is a pity that it was originally.

They shivered, and it was not as good as the orc pups. The exposed skin was festering. It should be the mark of whipping and the hair was shaved. Finally, followed by a little wolf beast, it should be a Warcraft cub, the two ears have been cut off, kneeling on the ground and whispering.

This group of sea snakes did not even wear clothes for the younger, so they let them come in lightly, with small ones on each hand and wrist bleeding.

Xu Wei looked down again. These orc pups were tight and tight, and they were all blue and purple. It was a bit like the traces of being squeezed by people, and some bloodstained. It looked particularly pitiful.

The world legal system and morality he was originally in was highly developed. Some things caught the death penalty. Xu Wei also saw similar incidents in the film works. The nausea in his heart almost vomited out of the screen, and I wondered why people could be so bad.

But this is better than when he really saw this, the inner anger.

Hai Snake is only an intermediate fighter and can't find Xu Wei. The two sea snakes who accompanied him to send the orc cubs were even weaker. They were the bottom of the bottom of the sea snakes. They were usually oppressed by the same people outside. It was a fire. Even the posts can only be divided into this sloppy place, and their fire can only be vented on the weaker weaker.

The orcs can no longer hold back. The old saber-toothed tigers around Xu Wei are even more gnashing their teeth and can't wait to tear them away. They can hold them now because they still think about the cubs! Cubs are the hope of their race!

But they can't earn the shackles of their bodies. The headed sea snake man smirked, licking the face of an orc boy with his hand, aligning his little head, and then putting a black hood on his head -

Just like other orcs.

"Can the great orc be a slave, a little orc?" He licked his lips: "Of course, it can be a slave!"

The old saber-toothed tiger shed tears in his eyes, and the tears were black. He couldn’t save the youngsters. His grandson was also inside. His son died two years ago because of a battle for the ground. He died before he died. Give him, now he wants to say to his son who has returned to the beast of the beast god?

The little orc sobbed and whispered, but the abuse and hunger for several days made him struggle. He kept calling his mother, but the sea snake man hit him twice, letting the child faint.

At the last moment, the child saw a dirty face that was infested with anger and a head that the sea snake warrior flew up.