MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 5 Bathing

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“In 1366, the year of the demon king’s appearance has passed for a full thirty years. During the past 30 years, the world’s pattern has changed and the whole society has been turbulent. The noble and elegant elves are not willing to participate in secular things. The emerald plateau they occupied was not bordered by the dark abyss, so they escaped; the powerful dragons enjoyed the fear and praise of the weak races. Although the devil was dark and terrible, it was not enough to overturn the dragons on this continent. The highest status, so they are not willing to take care of it.

The dwarves have no strong fighting power, and there are goblins, poor poor goblins. They have lost their homes before the devil was born. They can only go around, so what can they expect them to do?

Do you say the orc? The orcs are brutal and violent, and their strengths are spent on internal chaos. If you want to count on them to fight against the invasion of the dark forces, it is estimated that the orcs in the world will only have one more to say.

The only thing left is humanity, the most mediocre, but the most powerful human. There is such a kind of person, they have a very high talent, from birth to be trained as a "brave", carrying the fate of fighting the devil to kill the devil. They will go into war in adulthood after they have grown up, some of them have been rebellious, and some new brave people are on top... Finally there is a brave... Ah, the light is too embarrassing... I can’t see his appearance. ...he killed the devil..."

Since the emergence of the demon king, the light-educated church of the Snow Blade Empire, now the Snow Blade Kingdom, has predicted that the elders have been in a state of madness. According to his current mental condition, he should have been reassuring, but new. The successor with prophecy has not yet appeared, and the ability of the prophet is too important for the church and the whole world, so the church has to let the poor elders continue to serve as prophetic elders.

Every day he has to look at his crystal ball and then say a bunch of useless "prophecies". He always recites what happened after the demon appeared, and then tells the onlookers. We: There is a brave man who will kill the devil.

This is almost useless, the brave will kill the devil, not to say whether this will come true - because this is very likely to be the illusion of the elders who have problems with the brain - even if it is true What year will it be? Which brave will it be to kill the devil? And how could this be done by the brave? The group said that it was good to be trained to fight against what demons killed the devil, saying that it is a group of cowards! Their talent as a brave does not include the power of light! Yes, these "braves" are actually ordinary people who will use some magic and combat skills. They can't accept the blessing of the **** of light!

If... If they have a bright talent, they will not be brave, but "the priesthood"!

Such a group of stragglers, if they can become the hero of this world - is the shame of the gods of light!

On the one hand, the Light God believes that the Devil will die, hoping that this powerful dark enemy will die. On the other hand, they sincerely hope that this credit will be taken away by those brave.

However, this is only the mind of the pope and most of the elders. Let’s take the current bright **** of the saints. He and one of the many brave men named Xu Wei’s brave relationship is good. The brave still stayed in the same orphanage... If Xu is killing the demon, how good is it, how can he be a friend of the savior, hero and brave Xu Wei on the mainland?

However, even if he had not seen Xu Wei for four or five years... I really don't know what the guy is now.

Today's sky seems to be a little different from the past. The dark elements that are very arrogant on the entire godland seem to be a little low-key, and today, the mad and foolish prophecy elders of the Guangshen are actually When prophesying, I cried at the crystal ball: "The brave... The brave killed the demon! I saw it! Ah! God! Thank you for blessing me! Let me see the brave!"

"He succeeded! Praise him!!!"

The Pope and the First Elder, who were originally routinely looking at the situation, couldn’t sit still. They looked at each other and looked at the crystal ball that suddenly came out of the light. The golden glow shrouded the whole sphere, so they Also saw it! - It is a brave, young brave brave man, lying in front of the body of the devil, calm as if he has never lived the body of the already dead devil! And the brave is like what he feels, he looks back -

They saw a firm face with a smile.

Although it is a prophecy... But it is indeed the first time to see the face of the brave, plus the atmosphere that suddenly changed from the beginning of the morning - so the three know that the devil has been defeated, the dark ages It is.

No matter how much thoughts in the heart, no matter how much they want to ask the great light **** why not give this honor to the priests of the light gods... now they will not have any real emotions, so these three Once again, the great figures who are in the light of the Church of God and even the human society have once again made the most sincere prayers, and sincerely wish the brave and the God of Light itself.

Although it is not clear who this brave is, it doesn't matter, as long as you check it down one by one, you will soon know his identity.

"To search for this brave man, the God of Light will give him glory," said the Pope of the Light God.

At this moment, not only is Guangming Shenjiao capable of prophecy or exploration, but almost every major force in every race knows the fact that the devil was killed by the brave. Some people rejoice and some people grow up. Cry, others are starting to figure out new things.

What the brave man used to exchange his sweat and hardships was not the peace of the world. He was raging hard and his hair was stained with blood, but the essence of the world did not seem to change.

The war between the various forces and the suffering of the suffering civilians did not happen because of the birth of the devil.


The ragged Xu Wei searched at the Devil's treasure house for at least ten sets of dresses, which were inlaid with gems, and were slim and slim. All of them were dressed like a skin, and the whole person was like a bear, and even Dragon scale... The mother of this demon is too much. How can he live a happy life as a proletariat? !

Xu Wei snorted and found a clean lock from the backpack and prepared to put it on.

He really wants to wear the dress of the devil... But just found a sly thing, it seems to be the setting problem of the mad wind dad, the demon king is 195CM, and his brave is only 178CM...

So... there is no devil in the brave, the voice is not good after the devil, even if there is no height, there is no demon king...

In an instant, the "Bloody Daddy" can't be yelled. _(: зゝ∠) _ Wind Company, you feel the conscience, is the player your son? !

Well, with the urinary nature of this company's "love to play and not play", what is the player, the next old man is born → _ →

Xu Wei wants to immediately change the set of sticky equipment, but think about it first: "His Royal Highness Prince, do you know where there is a river? I have to take a shower first."

His Royal Highness Prince Ryan of the Roxenk Devil version paused: "...this is the open air, are you ready to bathe in the river?"

Xu Wei took the nod of course: "It doesn't matter, no one will come here. Now the conditions are not good, I can't pay attention to it. It's so cool to say that a person is monopolizing the whole river. Haha!"

Rosink Devil... He doesn't know what he should say. After all, the most unconstrained in his life is just wearing a deep V style dress: "I will close my eyes and rest assured."

However, Xu Wei did not know how much his arrogant soul in his body was considerate of him. Instead, he took off his clothes by the river and said, "It doesn't matter, I am used to the public bath hahaha."

- Public bath? ! what is that? ! Whether it is a prince or a demon king, the Roche Enke, who is very particular about it, is stunned: Is there such a terrible place in the world? !