MTL - Never Thought You’d Be This Kind of Hero!-Chapter 96 Ghost story (1)

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The old dog Hani was buried under a big tree, buried together with some old things of his master Reid. Xu Wei and Kohl Irene were in a circle, and the maid and the old housekeeper were dismissed, saying that they were going to play in the garden. Although the main government of Newt City is not large, there is also a small forest in the garden. Cole and Irene like to bring friends to have a picnic there, and don't have any fun.

Therefore, it is convenient to clear the field. No one has any other ideas.

Only a few little maids huddled together and peeked at Xu Wei and Jess - one of the maid's eyes stared at Lance, in her eyes, this is a very handsome and beautiful boy.

The old housekeeper frowned. "Now, young people, you know how to look at your face, and you are young people now."

At noon, the afternoon was overcast, and the black pressed cloud almost pressed to the spire of the castle. The wind whizzed out of the grove, as if the banshee smiled inside, and the listener trembled.

Irene and Cole don't think that what will happen to the old Hani's grave - if someone really digs a grave, how can they completely unknowingly? And the undead is clear and the devil is a piece, and now it is in the dark abyss, how come suddenly to the city of Mundamar?

Xu Wei’s hand was very fast. He placed the old Hani’s tombstone on one side, then took out a silver plaque and pulled the small tomb out three times. Cole whispered why he didn't need a bigger steel sword. His sister whispered: "Silver can ward off evil."

Old Hani was buried by Irene and Cole. They were young and inexperienced. They only buried the old Hani. But Xu Wei dug out a small pit, but he didn't even see a dog's hair. He could smell some slightly rancid smell in the air. It was different from the general carrion. It seemed to have a bit of sulphur. taste.

Waiting for this little grave to be completely opened, a group of talents are stunned.

As the sky was covered by dark clouds, the sun was completely dimmed, but it was in the afternoon but it was as dark as midnight. Don't say that there are dogs in the old dog's grave, even the dog's bones are not there, and the surrounding soil has long been mixed together. The rotten fur of the beasts is torn into one piece, not too much. Come,. Xu Wei picked it up with silver enamel and found that the soil formed a soft block, and the yellow water flowed out from it.

Cole exclaimed: "...this is the old Hani's fur!"

"This is the pus on the evil spirits, that's right." Xu Wei said and poked a broken fur, and poked it. It turned out that there were many pustules on the dog skin.

Because Irene was a pastor, Irene also visited the model of the evil spirits, but those models were placed in antiseptics, not scary.

Unlike now...

Irene and Cole grinned as if they were going to vomit. Skaby is better than them. In the end, they went out to do the mission to kill the gnoll, but their faces were white. Lance's child didn't know how to look good. Seeing Xu Wei checking the old Hani's "body", it was quite fun. He also picked up a small twig and poked it.

"It turns out that when the meat is buried, it will become so stinky!" The young frost dragon looked disgusted: "I was wrong. I will not be able to eat them in the future."

I didn't expect a small child to be environmentally conscious.

It’s just that he said that these bubbling pustules are even more disgusting.

A gust of wind blew, blowing cold sweats behind the people, only to find that the sky is completely dark. Xu Wei hasn't reacted yet, but Jess once played the speciality of his unicorn: "The smell of dark elements is very rich."

After taking a deep breath, it seems to be quite intoxicating.

- I don't know what temper this unicorn man is.

Xu Wei looked up again, and a big raindrop hit his eyes, and it was cold and cold.

The dark elements are so thick that even Xu Wei can feel their existence and hide in this rain. The raindrops fell on the remains of the old Hani and immediately merged into the fur. The pustules slowly became transparent, and they burst into tears, but did not flow out of the juice, but formed a film on the surface of the fur. The next son is very similar to the "skin" of many evil spirits.

Xu Wei’s face suddenly became iron.

From the moment I entered Mondama City, the problems of black disease and dark elements have emerged endlessly. Although there have been many episodes in the middle, all the clues point to one person: Bishop Carloman.

The snow orchid was all bought by him. The undead Marlow was killed by him, and... If Xu Wei did not guess wrong, the drug issued by the bishop might be a drug.

He is waiting for a rain.

A totally dark rain that can pour the entire city of Munda.

In the next second, he quickly issued several orders: "Jess, you take Lance to the cemetery outside the city to see - about two kilometers west of the south gate of the city of Mundama, around A wilderness, very conspicuous - we can see the place far away when we enter the city."

"Ska, you take Kohl and Irene together, Gauss and Mike are still in town?"

Skars nodded and said, Xu Wei thought: "Go to them, how much combat power is there in the family, all come together, every three people - no, every five people, a group to go to the streets to check, if someone is found dead Directly kill and protect yourself. First go to the herbal medicine shop to prepare the medicine, no one in the hemorrhoids to bring a strain, no one in the tranquility flower to bring a strain, if there is attack by the undead, put the tranquility flowers Broken down on the wound, Irene, you have to work hard, just sit behind the town to treat the wounded. Remember to let the civilians not run around, go to the house, try not to rain."

"There are also things in Shantou. Shantou wants to stay in the castle with the old butlers and servants here. If you have anything, you can't go out, you know?"

Shantou’s response to Herod’s.

Although the undead is a terrible thing, it depends on the potential of raw materials. The world is not hell. Although living things can be transformed into undead, it is inherently weakened by external environmental reasons.

Ordinary people and beasts can only become ordinary evil spirits, can scare and scare civilians, but the full-armed warriors have limited lethality.

- The premise is that these warriors are all veterans. They are well-informed and will not be afraid of seeing the undead.

Jess is still a relaxed and easy-looking way, just pulling a small Lance said to take him to the funeral. What did Lance ask about a funeral? I heard Jess’s long voice saying, “It’s the place where the ghosts are – the ghosts~”

And the current environment is very against, very gloomy, Lance people do not know the fear, but still face to ask: "Can the ghost eat?"

Xu Wei almost laughed.

Compared with them, Scarco Eileen and other three people can not match the performance of the gimmicks - know that although Shantou is a herbivorous World of Warcraft, but he has seen more and more with Xu Wei in the past few years, let alone see the undead Not afraid, Xu Wei also went to challenge the demon king, and did not see people stunned.

He is a moonlight who has seen the dark devil Roshingk look like a man! ! !

- Although, what he saw at the time was only a huge figure of the devil, it seemed to be connected to the world, dyeing the world black.

Compared with the kind of destructive power, what is the current dark element rain?

Irene Kirskar’s three unlucky eggs were crumbling, and Xu Wei couldn’t see it. He took out a crystal tube from his backpack and wrapped all the dirt and fur in the old dog’s “grave”. It's just the top layer.

So dirty things... He actually cleaned up like this, and when Ska was scared and then looked at Xu Wei, there was more excitement in his heart: this is the real adventurer! Xu Wei’s predecessors are the real brave!

So when Xu Wei looked over again, Ska’s brain was too hot to hear: “Xu Wei’s predecessors! Is there a big deal in the city?!”

Xu Wei thought that you are only reacting now, and what is the meaning of your excitement?

The old fritter adventurer Xu Wei can't understand the feeling that young Skar wants to do things. He just screams: "It's not a good thing, steady focus."

Skaly made a steady look and put Eileen behind him: "Well, I understand, Xu Wei’s predecessors, then I went to charge, Irene wouldn’t have to go?"

The child was excited and picked up the words of the predecessors. He also rushed into the air... Xu Wei looked at him with a look of mental retardation: "Irene is not going, do you want a pastor to come?"

If you want to play this milk, would you die?

Irene’s face was immediately red, but looking at the low-level priest badge on her chest, her eyes lit up quietly.

To explain all this clearly, Xu Wei also has what he has to do.

He went to the church.

Generally, there are two cemeteries in the human city. The civilians are buried in the cemetery outside the city, and the people with identity are buried in the church. The person who has identity here does not only refer to the nobility, but refers to all the people with the right to power or money, including the wealthy businessmen and some middle and senior warriors. This is also a good explanation, because only such people can The Light God teaches to donate a large amount of property to show how much they believe in the Light God.

After all, it is to use money to buy a cemetery. Although people in this world will complain about the church, they still want to go to heaven when they are dying.

Therefore, the people buried in the church... except for a part of the aristocratic wealthy businessmen who are full of intestines and fats, most of the other life is good.

The church in the rain has faded from the majesty and solemnity of the past, but it seems to be gloomy and heavy, the door is not closed, and the inside is also black and autumn. Looking up from the willow window, there is no point in the light.

He walked in carefully.

There seemed to be no one in the hall. Xu Wei kept his sneak posture. He just walked two steps and went straight down.

Then... he seems to have stepped on something soft.

The author has something to say: Shantou: Hey, I have seen the devil!

Rohikek: I will see me every day, don't worry.