MTL - New Times, New Hell-Chapter 71 Regenerative

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With the memories of past lives, we must cut off all the connections related to the past life, can not see the relatives and friends of the past, can not talk about the previous stories, can only live in a new identity, after a lifetime, such a life, for Anyone is very cruel.

It is never uncommon for the parties mentioned by Yu Zhengdu to “can’t do it”. Especially for parents, after remembering the memory of past lives, it is very difficult to completely let go of the children of previous lives, run back to secretly visit, borrow There are a lot of people who say a few words in the machine. If you see that the children of previous life are not doing well, there are many subsidies to help with the money resources of this world.

The deterrent power of the local government is so great that it is difficult to completely eliminate such phenomena, otherwise the folks will not have so many related stories.

There is still no point in Shang Yang’s telling of Yu Zhengdu. In fact, in the previous dynasty, people who did not cooperate, the handling methods of the local government are sometimes very rough and bloody. For the Yin, it is only a soul. It was in the modern times that everyone began to pay attention to human rights, and the treatment in this area became mild.

It really makes people have to praise: Socialism is good!

According to the process, the things that happen to the living with the memories of the past lives are handled by the individual birth points. Bai Zhinan also made plans according to the previous examples and regulations, and is preparing to find Wang Chunping's reincarnation consultation.

As a result, the staff had rushed to his office and brought new bad news.

Staff: "Big brother, something is wrong."

Bai Zhinan is suffering from a brain sweat. When he hears this, the temple bursts suddenly: "What happened?"

The staff handed him a mobile phone, which opened a live broadcast page and said: "The master of the hypnosis, the Wang Chunping family after the reincarnation, went to the live broadcast."

Bai Zhinan heard the news and almost jumped up: "What did Song Master ask them to do?"

Staff: "On the recent provincial hospital psychiatry, Dr. Guo has not been attacking Master Song on Weibo and interviews, saying that he is a liar? The Song master is estimated to be unable to sit still, this time not only invited Wang Chunping's family, but also Dr. Guo was invited to go over and said that he would prove to the doctor and the audience on the spot."

Bai Zhinan: "Where is Wang Chunping's parents? Are they not stopping?"

Staff: "Wang Chunping's current parents can't control her. It seems that she has been at home for a long time. She must see her son. The Song master told them that he can solve Wang Chunping's problems. Her parents can't help. This is what I promised."

Bai Zhinan patted the table: "This is bad."

The Song master was originally a miscellaneous son of Minnan. When he went out to work in the field, he did not know where to learn the trick. After he came back, he claimed to have studied hypnotism on Hong Kong Island and opened a hypnosis studio. The degree of attention was very low, and the business was not good. Later, I didn’t know who gave the inspiration. I suddenly changed the route. I claimed that I could use hypnotism to understand a person’s past and present and help people to eliminate karma.

Facts have proved that his change of course is correct. Minnan stayed with the elderly and children. Many people are not highly educated. The interest in past and present life is much higher than that of simple hypnotism. Master Song’s business is getting better. Also made a name.

However, with the growing popularity of Master Song, there have been more and more controversies, and many of them have been posted on the local forums, but Master Song does not care. Anyway, he mainly earns the person who believes in him. Money.

However, Dr. Guo, a specialist in the psychiatric department of the provincial hospital, has repeatedly criticized in public but has been unable to continue to calm down.

Dr. Guo is well-known in the Minnan area. In addition to his outstanding professionalism, he has also received national recognition. He has been interviewed by local TV stations several times. His voice is still very influential among the citizens. Master Song’s business has caused a lot of shock.

This Song master is not a fuel-efficient lamp, but he is clamoring for a counterattack against Dr. Guo.

This time, it happened to be a matter of Wang Chunping. Because of media reports, Wang Chunping’s attention to local affairs is not small. It is naturally impossible for Master Song to miss this wonderful opportunity.

This time the live broadcast was obviously carefully planned. Master Song not only invited the Wang Chunping family of this world to the scene, but also called his death to Dr. Guo.

The publicity of the live broadcast is to enter the science and uncover the mystery of Wang Chunping’s past and present memories.

But in fact everyone knows that this is the decisive battle between Master Song and Dr. Guo, and also a positive confrontation between metaphysical hypnotism and modern medicine.

In order to reflect the professionalism, this live broadcast was conducted in the form of interviews. Master Song also specially invited the host of the local station to come over and host.

When Bai Zhinan saw the live broadcast, the host just introduced the ins and outs of the complete matter, and it was the turn of the two experts to express their views.

Master Song’s face is unpredictable: “Yes, this little child is a ‘regenerating person’, that is, the person who remembers the things of the past life after the reincarnation of the soul!”

Moderator: "Master Song said this, is it true that there is such a reincarnation in the world?"

Master Song: "Of course, many people know that my hypnotism can awaken a person's past life memories. I feel much more like Xiao Ding. It is not surprising."

The host had a good process in advance, and when Master Song finished his opinion, he went to Dr. Cue Guo: "Doctor Guo, do you agree with Master Song?"

Dr. Guo is a real expert. He was originally disdainful and common knowledge of Master Song. However, Master Song deceived Gao Ming, and the business became bigger and bigger. He gave many of his original patients a flicker. It’s just a matter of cheating. He is worried that if he continues this time, he will delay the treatment of patients who are truly mentally ill, so he has repeatedly attacked Master Song in public.

This live broadcast is also the influence of Master Song on Wang Chunping's incident. Dr. Guo is not. He just did not want to come when he received the live broadcast invitation from Master Song, but later he thought that if he did not appear, Master Song is more eager to do whatever he wants, and it’s even harder to try to save the wind.

As a result, Dr. Guo had to accept the invitation, but he remained undecided during the entire live broadcast. When he heard the words of Master Song, he did not turn his eyes to the sky. The hard state said: Regarding Master Song’s statement, I have expressed my attitude many times before. I disagree, do not recognize, he is deceiving."

Because of the topicality of past and present memories, and the careful planning of Master Song, the popularity of this live broadcast is not bad, the live broadcast platform has given recommendations, and even many foreign netizens have also paid attention.

When Dr. Guo’s words came out, the curtain suddenly became crazy:

[Doctor Guo is just right, 666]

[wow, front tearing, I like it]

[Tear it again.jpg, Song master duck! 】

Master Song had mixed with the society before, and later concentrated on fraudulent marketing. His heart was full of twists and turns. He was able to invite Dr. Guo to the scene. Naturally, he was fully prepared in advance, and he was not angry, he laughed. Dao: "So, how can Dr. Guo explain this child's business?"

He said that when the assistant turned the live camera to the sofa on one side, he saw Wang Chunping's reincarnation of the child named Ding and her parents sitting together.

When the netizen saw the little friend, she immediately felt the difference between her and the ordinary child. Her eyes were very big, but her eyes were very vicissitudes. Even the eyes of the parents sitting next to her seemed to be much heavier. .

[Child's eyes... a little scary]

[Can I say that her eyes remind me of my grandma? 】

[This is really the eyes of a grandmother, is it? 】

Xiao Ding’s parents were sitting on her side, and one of them was holding her hand tightly. Both of them were very anxious. They would agree to the live broadcast. The situation of the daughter was getting worse and worse. They saw the doctor. I have not been able to solve this problem. I have asked the Master Song to have some symptoms of urgency and medical treatment. On the other hand, Master Song said that he would ask Dr. Guo to come together. Anyway, whether it is metaphysics or science, he will always give them an explanation.

Therefore, the host, Dr. Cue Guo, Ding’s parents could not help but ask: “Doctor Guo, can you explain my daughter’s situation?”

Dr. Guo helped the glasses and said to the camera: "On the phenomenon of the so-called "previous memory", I have done a related experiment very early in science, called 'false reputation test'. Friends who don't know may wish to search online. The content of this experiment."

The fake reputation test is an experiment that scientists used to test the memory of the so-called past memory.

The experiment found a group of people who claimed to have memories of past life and a group of people who had no previous memories. They gave these two groups 40 names for them to read. When they were two, they gave them one hundred and sixty names. Sixty names contain the previous forty names, allowing the experimenter to analyze and judge.

The final experiment found that people who claim to have memories of past life are more likely to mistake the names they have seen before as celebrity names, and they are convinced that, according to the analysis, these people are more likely to produce memories that do not exist, and Will turn these memories into their own true memories.

And the past lives that they said in their mouths are likely to be caused by this.

Dr. Guo explained the contents of this experiment and provided some other scientific explanations. The whole process was well-founded and well-organized, and it was approved by many netizens.

However, Dr. Guo’s professionalism did not allow Master Song to retreat. On the contrary, he seemed to be somewhat proud.

Dr. Guo’s views were not published for the first time. They were mentioned many times before the attack on Master Song, and Master Song came to him this time to refute his point of view.

Master Song was narrow-minded. He was quite embarrassed by Dr. Guo. He had long hated the itch of Dr. Guo and carefully planned this out, not only to save his reputation, but also to take the opportunity to suppress Dr. Guo. .

To this end, before deciding to broadcast live, Master Song had already searched the Ding family, and first verified the scientific hypotheses mentioned by Dr. Guo, and ensured that the live broadcast was only made after nothing was lost.

Although Master Song himself does not really believe in past life and life, it is not clear why Xiao Ding has Wang Chunping's memory, but he can be sure that Xiao Ding's situation is totally different from those put forward by Dr. Guo.

As long as he can prove that Dr. Guo’s theory is untenable, he can rely on his own marketing methods to steal the concept into his own.

This is also why, he must ask Dr. Guo to come.

Therefore, Master Song deliberately left enough time for Dr. Guo to finish his point of view before he slowly said: "Mr. Guo’s statement sounds very reasonable. Sometimes people will remember something wrong, or they may Some memories that are not their own, but now Xiao Ding remembers Wang Chunping's memories. I think this can't be produced out of thin air. How can Dr. Guo explain this?"

Dr. Guo glanced at him and said: "There are many possibilities. For example, Xiao Ding has seen or heard of Wang Chunping before, so that after her brain injury, there is a certain probability of mental confusion."

This time, before the Song Master opened, Ding’s parents first spoke: "But Dr. Guo, our daughter has never been to Wang Chunping's village, we don't know Wang Chunping."

Dr. Guo waved his hand: "I am only talking about one possibility, and more needs to be done in the specific situation."

Ding’s parents are trying to ask again, Master Song has interrupted them: “In this case, let’s ask another friend.”

Dr. Guo frowned: "Who have you invited?"

Master Song smiled and finally made a real killer: "Let's ask for Wang Chunping's son."

Ding’s parents almost jumped up and heard: “Master Song, you didn’t tell us in advance!”

Master Song: "Don't worry, I am not trying to verify the situation of Xiao Ding. I believe you must also know if the things of the past life that Xiao Ding said are true..."

Master Song has already prepared a set of rhetoric and systematically appeased Ding's parents.

At the same time, the Minnan reincarnation point was blown up, and Bai Zhinan was anxious to turn around and quickly took the cell phone to find a merchant.

Shangyu and Yu Zhengdu are discussing the follow-up app promotion plan, and see Bai Zhinan rushing over and telling things.

Bai Zhinan said: "Boss, what should I do? Wait until Wang Chunping and her son recognize the relatives on the spot. The scene is afraid that it can't be controlled!"

Yu Zhengdu asked: "What scene?"

Bai Zhinan: "Social order, the secret of reincarnation is spreading, and it has too much influence on the yin and yang."

The meeting between Xiao Ding and Wang Chunping’s son was not only a common problem. Once she revealed too many memories in the live broadcast, it was confirmed that she was indeed the reincarnation of Wang Chunping, which would have caused an uproar in the society.

Bai Zhinan was anxious to turn around, but he was completely unmoved, and even wanted to laugh. He despised: "What misunderstandings do you have about the current netizens?"

Bai Zhinan: "...ah?"

Shang Yang is also a face of indifference: "You first look at what the netizens say."

Bai Zhinan subconsciously glanced at the barrage.

[I wipe, the master zoomed in! 】

[What the ghost, the master is still called, can you collude in advance? Why don't I believe so? 】

[This is a script written in advance? 】

Bai Zhinan: "..."

Yu Xingdu Shi Shiran said: "Socialist netizens do not believe this."

Bai Zhinan said: "If netizens don't believe this, what does Master Song do for this?"

Yu Zhengdu: "Users are not important, as long as his target customers believe him."

Master Song naturally does not expect netizens to believe in him. His real purpose is to openly challenge Dr. Guo’s authority. As long as Dr. Guo’s explanation is not clear, those customers who have lost because of the belief in Dr. Guo will naturally come back.

In the live broadcast, Wang Chunping’s son Fang Quan came in.

Fang Quan is already in his 60s. Because he was working outside the home when he was young, the whole person looked very rough and old. When he came in, he was a little embarrassed, with the innate ambiguity and introversion of the villagers. It fell to Xiaoding.

At the same time, since the beginning of the live broadcast, Xiao Ding, who has been somewhat silent and slow, stood up and shouted: "Puppy!"

When she came out of her throat, she immediately shocked the scene, especially Fang Quan. She even raised her eyes and said, "How do you know my nickname?"

Xiao Ding seems to want to rush, but Ding’s parents are pulling tightly and left, only to struggle and say: "Puppy! I am a mother, I finally saw you! Come to my mother - ”

Xiao Ding’s heartbreaking look looks really touching. It should have been a very touching picture, but in fact, this scene seems a bit funny, both in the eyes and in the eyes of netizens.

[Sorry, I know it shouldn't, but I saw a primary school student shouting "I am a mother" to an old grandfather. I really want to laugh.]

[I want to know now, is it so funny that I usually call the picture of "Mother loves you" with Aidou? 】

Master Song did not expect the scene effect to be more intense than he thought. He couldn’t help himself, but he still had to maintain order in his face. He appeased Xiao Ding to sit down and let her talk slowly with Fang Quan.

Fang Quan also quickly said: "Please, please sit down and talk."

Seeing that Fang Quan talked, Xiao Ding calmed down a bit and sat back again, but Baba looked at Fang Quan, and tears began to fall: "Puppy, you have been working for so many years, mom is the day. Thinking about the night, I hope that you will come back. The pig that I raised at home will spend some time. The village said a few times for me to kill and sell. I have never been willing to wait for you to come back and give you your favorite. Sausage..."

Xiaoding Mingming is the face of a little girl. However, when these words are spoken, the tone of voice is long and heavy, as if an old man who is old is telling, and with her words, Fang Quan’s face is also Gradually it became incredible.

"How do you know that my little name is a puppy? After I went out to work in my teens, no one ever called me like this..."

"Our family used to raise pigs. It has the best spot on the head. We call it a flower..."

"I liked to eat the sausage that my mother made by myself..."

The content of Xiao Ding’s content was verified by Fang Fang. It was not only the shock of Fang Quan himself, but also the face of Xiao Ding’s parents and Dr. Guo’s face became more and more dignified.

In particular, Dr. Guo, who has been engaged in spiritual research for decades, has certain judgments and analysis on various spiritual issues, but the situation that Xiao Ding now shows is obviously beyond the scope he can explain.

If it wasn't before he came to know about Ding Ding, he would have to wonder if she was the one who asked Song in advance.

But the fact is, he knows that the Xiaoding family did not know Master Song before, and Xiao Ding’s case is also real.

The content that Xiao Ding said now is not explained by the news of Wang Chunping. She said that the content is too private and too detailed, especially for the situation of Fang Quan himself. Clear, Xiao Ding can say nothing.

Some netizens have also begun to wonder:

[Really, is it really not? 】

[Old grandfather may still be care, but children can't? How can there be such a good acting? 】

[I have been goose bumps, you look at the child's tone of voice, really an old lady! 】

[All crazy, are you guys? ? ? ? ? 】

[_(:3∠)_ I have a guess. If the past life is a fake, but the child is really hypnotized? 】

[If this is the case, I really want to find a master hypnosis to see]

Bai Zhinan hugged his head: "Well, it's over, Wang Chunping and her son have to recognize each other, how can we come back behind us!"

In the live broadcast, Fang Quan burst into tears and seemed to be convinced that the child in front of her eyes was the reincarnation of her mother. She said with a dumb voice: "Please, can I hug you?"

Bai Zhinan took the case: "Look, recognize the pro!"

"You don't have to be excited." Shang Hao suddenly tilted him and said, "There is room for change."

Bai Zhinan took a breath of air and looked straight at him: "Boss, have you finally decided to start?"

Shang Hao is inexplicable: "What is the hand?"

Bai Zhinan: "Killing Wang Chunping's reincarnation, isn't it?"

Business: "..."

When Bai Zhinan saw his silence, he changed his mind: "Or do you want to eat her directly?"

Shangyu only said that when he did not hear it, he said: "Editing a biography of Wang Chunping's life will be put on the Internet."

Bai Zhinan: "...ah?"

Yu Zhengdu suddenly understood: "The crux of the incident is that Xiao Ding's family has repeatedly confirmed that they and Xiao Ding do not know Wang Chunping, nor have they seen Wang Chunping's deeds, so Xiao Ding's memory source cannot be explained. Then we just have to prove that Xiao Ding used to read Wang Chunping’s story..."

Now that the network is so developed, the answers to all the questions can theoretically be searched online.

Including Xiao Ding's parents vowed, Xiao Ding has never been in contact with Wang Chunping, and can also be guided into... Xiao Ding had seen it on the Internet before.

It is entirely plausible to explain it later with Dr. Guo’s point of view.

Bai Zhinan didn't expect to be able to do this. He only thought that it was a bright flower. He said: "I am going to make memoirs now, but it may take some time. I hope that the fastest afternoon can be done..."

"It's too slow, let me come." Yu Zhengdu opened his own computer. "I will export Wang Chunping's life story directly from the background system of the life and death book... Oh, I will export all of their villages. Let's be a 'memorand of the old man', with a higher degree of credibility."

Bai Zhinan: "..."

He turned his head slightly hard and continued to watch the live broadcast silently.

In the live room, Master Song looked at Dr. Guo and said with pride: "Doctor Guo, Xiao Ding's current situation, can you explain?"

In fact, he had already asked Xiao Ding about the matter, and deliberately invited Fang Quan to the scene, in order to give Dr. Guo a fatal blow.

Dr. Guo looked at Xiao Ding, his brows were tight and he couldn’t say a word.

Master Song did not laugh at the sky, and couldn't help but continue to provoke: "Doctor Guo, not everything can be explained by science. I see you, don't take your set of monks, occasionally, I can also come to my class, let's communicate, what do you think?"

Dr. Guo “snapped” and wanted to refute, but he could not talk about it. He was a rigorous person. Before there was no definite evidence, it was impossible to speak with the words of Master Song.

Over there, the host's mood is also very complicated, but in accordance with the process, after obtaining the consent of Xiao Ding's parents, he said: "It seems that Mr. Fang Lao himself seems to have confirmed that Xiao Ding is the mother who died more than ten years ago. So, let Mr. Fang and Xiao Ding hug now."

Xiao Ding’s parents are tangled, and they really don’t want to believe that their daughter is actually a grandfather’s mother, but this scene is beyond the scope of their control. They can’t, they can only let go of Xiao Ding’s hand.

Xiao Ding went two steps forward, and the other side waved: "Puppy, come over, come to your mother's arms."

Her pronunciation and intonation are so familiar. Although it is the appearance of a primary school student, Fang Quan can no longer resist it. He shouted: "Mom-"

Master Song excitedly took out his mobile phone and prepared to personally take this picture of his relatives as a propaganda picture after his studio.

I saw that Fang Fang opened his hands and walked forward. He hugged Xiao Ding and cried: "Mom-"

At this moment, the sense of vicissitudes in Xiao Ding’s eyes suddenly faded, and the child’s clearness was restored. Then she turned her head and looked at Fang Quan. She suddenly screamed and shouted: “Mom, mother, you are Where are the bad guys here, I am afraid -"

Ding's parents: "...??"

Live and netizens: "...??"

Master Song: "...??"

Minnan’s reincarnation point is because Bai Zhinan, who is almost alive and nervous, is a bit confused: “...???”

Only Shang Yang subconsciously went to see the metaphor.

Just as the metaphor was raised and looked up with his gaze, he asked: "What?"

Shang Yang: "What have you just done?"

"Nothing." Yu Zhengdu looked inexplicable, thought for a moment, only "oh", added, "I just opened Xiaoding's system background, and found that some of her previous Wang Chunping's information files were copied to her now. In the database, I just deleted it."

Business: "..."

Yu Zhengdu: "What happened?"

Shang Yang turned the live page to him: "Just Xiao Ding seems to have forgotten the memory of past lives."

Yu Zhengdu: "..."

I really didn't expect that there would be such a use after the upgrade of the life and death book system.

The author has something to say: System residual, one-click deletion.

Formatted, it's easier!

Please don't discuss its scientific rationality, this is the spirit of the text! ! !

Today this chapter is also very big, you guess what I want to say! 2k novel reading network