MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 514 What's it like to go whoring in a rip-off bar?

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  After joining the navy, Yongze not only had the navy’s special uniform and justice cloak, but also the golden phone bug of the Demon Slayer Order. I also have my own office and some direct subordinates.

   It may be that Yongze came out and just arrived. The Navy assigned his subordinates, and Yongze felt that there was nothing he could do.

   Only brigadier general has the highest military rank, and there is only one.

   It just so happens that Yongze still knows this person. It is the Heiqin Tina who has appeared several times in the original book. She eats the superman-type Ganzan fruit. Her strength can only be said to be average, but she is really good-looking.

  In addition to Brigadier General Tina and some of her old troops, there are also several lieutenants, but Yongze has no impression of them.

   "Tina thinks that you are thinking about something bad, General Baima." The woman's sixth sense broke out, and Tina looked at Yongze suspiciously.

  Hearing Tina uttering the title of her general, Yongze felt a slight sadness.

   As we all know, most of the titles of admirals are colors and animals, so Yongze was also given a title in the end.

   But he didn't expect to be called a white horse. Didn't he collide with Cavendish? Could it be that he was so handsome that the lieutenant general who named him unconsciously gave him a white horse.

  In fact, Yongze prefers to be called Bailong. Long is an upright revolutionary, and he, Bailong Yongze, is a revolutionary hidden deep inside the navy.

   Obviously more connotative and handsome.

  Speaking of the white horse, he can only think of it, and he will never return.

Of course, Yongze also knows that if he really puts forward his reasoning, he is afraid that he will be gone before he takes the position of the hot general, and he will turn into a super criminal with a reward of more than three billion Baileys, and be squeezed into the rank of lieutenant general. The green cow who went there was very happy.

  Yongze is also planning to develop more power within the navy, and is not going to give up the position of general for the time being.

"Ahem, your delusion." Yongze withdrew his gaze from recalling his childhood, and then said with a straight face: "What I was thinking just now is how our navy will completely sweep pirates into the era in this turbulent new era." **** dumps, so that people can live a stable life.”

   "Tina is very happy. General Baima looks like a very ambitious person." Although Tina didn't smile, she expressed her feelings verbally.

   "The general is not what I want, but I hope Hai Bo is at peace." Yong Ze said calmly.

   "Hahaha, as expected of a talent I dug out, they can speak so nicely." Garp laughed while stuffing the senbei into his mouth.

   "Lieutenant General Garp." Tina greeted Garp proficiently, and was already a little used to seeing Garp in Yongze's office.

  Nagaze also got to know Karp well, took out another cup and poured hot tea for Karp, and the two sides started talking nonsense.

  Because Yongze found out that this general is really not busy, anyway, he has nothing to do, so he drank tea and snacks with Karp Sengoku all day long.

  Of course, it’s just that the main body has the benefits of fishing. Yongze has already dispatched a shadow clone to look for the Revolutionary Army Headquarters Baltigo.

  In the original book, the island will be destroyed once by Blackbeard, and then the revolutionary army will move to the Human Demon Island.

  However, considering that Blackbeard has already sent it, the location should not change.

   "Tina, who are the Qibuhai now?" Yongze asked suddenly.

  Tina thought for a while and replied: "Jolacole Mihawk, Boa Hancock, Bucky, Don Quixote Doflamingo, Trafalgar Law."

   "After undergoing personnel changes, only these five Shichibukai exist at present."

  After the war on the top, Qiwuhai has changed a lot.

  First of all, Moria, who was incompetent and lacking in strength, was kicked out, and then Jinbe, who helped the pirates rescue Ace during the top war, also lost the qualification of Shichibukai.

  Blackbeard, one of the original Qiwuhai, was also killed. Of course, even if he was not killed, it is impossible to continue to be the Qiwuhai.

   Instead, Bucky relied on the power of his subordinates who were fooled by the top war to expand rapidly, and got into the position of Qiwuhai.

As for Luo, Yongze didn't expect him to become Qiwuhai. Yongze didn't remember the specific plot, but he vaguely remembered that Luo became Qiwuhai as if he planned something, and it was also related to Blackbeard. It doesn't affect Luo's becoming Qiwuhai.

   "Yongze, why did you ask Shichibukai? Do you want to beat those bastards, but you have to beat them secretly, don't kill them and don't be found out, otherwise those people from the world government will definitely call you over for training."

   Garp also knew that Yongze didn't like those Shichibukai very much, so he reminded him.

Karp's words made Tina next to her speechless. No matter how you think about it, you shouldn't propose to do it secretly, but just don't do it at all. Shichibukai is an ally of the navy in terms of status, and it doesn't count if she really does it and is discovered. what a trifle.

  Tina felt that they should find a way to get rid of the identity of Qi Wuhai on them, so that even if they were killed openly, it would be fine.

   "It's nothing, I just asked when I suddenly remembered." Yongze said with a smile.

  Actually, he wanted to confirm whether that white beard II Edward Weibull had become Shichibukai.

  After Whitebeard II becomes Shichibukai, Zefa, an old-time admiral, will quit the navy and finally embark on the road of blackening.

  Because Whitebeard II was the culprit who killed many of Zefa's disciples and cut off one of Zefa's arms.

The murderer who killed his disciple and cut off his arm turned out to be his "ally" in the end, which caused the justice in the heart of Zefa, a former "don't kill" general, to collapse directly, and aroused strong doubts and distrust within the navy. In the end it went to extremes.

  Yongze came to One Piece World not for anything else, but to get some powerful fruits, do some things he wants to do, and enjoy life by the way.

   After working hard in Naruto World for so many years, because of the existence of Starry Sky Otsuki, he has always been cautious. In other worlds, it should be refreshing.

   "As a general, shouldn't I also occasionally go out to eliminate harm for the people?" Yongze said with a smile.

   "Remember to fight secretly, don't let people find out, those World Government officials are very annoying." Garp thought Yongze was going out to beat Shichibukai, and reminded again.

  After drinking the tea, Yongze started to get down to business. First of all, he used his full strength to investigate the current situation of White Beard II.

Although the white beard is not dead, but Miss Bajin still popped out with her own demented child, but it was not as early as the original book, and it was not as fun. After all, there are no white beards in this world line. Kill them.

She claimed that her child was born by her and Whitebeard, who inherited the power of Whitebeard, stronger than the aging Whitebeard, and would definitely become the Pirate Emperor in the future, and then recruited troops with great strength, taking the opportunity to absorb Many big pirates escaped from the prison.

  Whether people believe it or not, Ba Jin insisted that this child is White Beard.

Maybe it's because Bajin hasn't made any big news yet, the Whitebeard Pirates don't know much about Bajin, or Whitebeard is busy with Kaido's affairs, so he doesn't have time to deal with Bajin for the time being, Whitebeard The pirate group has not said anything for the time being.

  Is it a child of Whitebeard or a person transformed by Ba Jin with the blood factor of Whitebeard? Put aside for the time being, the strength shown by Whitebeard II is indeed not weak.

  If Yongze guessed correctly, Bajin's next move is to make Whitebeard II the Qiwuhai.

  The three major forces, the four emperors and the seven martial arts navy, must be one, otherwise it will be difficult to mix in the new world.

  Now you can cut Qiwuhai directly before Qiwuhai, and save yourself from being a monster behind.

  Of course, even if he really becomes Shichibukai, Yongze still has ways to kill him.

   After all, his job is a ninja, and the admiral is only a part-time job. A ninja is good at killing people.

  Yongze ordered the intelligence personnel of the navy to notify him immediately if there is any more information about the appearance of White Beard II.

  One Piece is different from Naruto World. In Hokage, he can go to the Land of Rain to find Akatsuki, but One Piece World cannot find a pirate by himself.

  In addition, Yongze went to Warring States Karp again and asked if they could contact Zefa.

  Yongze is a kind and good person, if he has a chance, he can make Zefa avenge himself.

   "If you can contact him, you can, but he is not in the headquarters now. What are you asking, Yongze?" Sengoku asked curiously.

  Since the student was killed, Zefa did not continue to serve as an instructor in the Navy headquarters, but accepted the transformation, installed a sea tower stone arm on himself and formed a pirate guerrilla team, and has been hunting pirates ever since.

  During the war on the top, Zefa couldn't come to participate because he was hunting pirates outside.

  Otherwise, the former general and the Warring States will definitely not let it go.

"I heard about Senior Zefa a long time ago. I heard that he has taught many naval elites. Even the former three generals are his proud students, so I am very curious about what kind of person he is." Yong Ze laughed.

   "He is a very good person, and he has been with the Navy all his life." Garp fell into the memory, and Zefa can be said to be a person of his same period.

   "Forget the time, Zefa has also been out for a long time, I will ask him when he will come back today, and let me tell you about you by the way." Warring States laughed.

  Nagaze nodded.


  Different from being able to touch fish, drink tea, eat snacks and look at the bodies of beautiful women, it is much more difficult to find the shadow clones of the Revolutionary Army base.

  Although he knew the name of the island where the Revolutionary Army was located, he didn't know the location, and it was obviously not information that could be obtained casually.

  So Yong Ze, the shadow clone, went to the Chambord Islands, planning to find Xia Qi, who showed excellent intelligence capabilities in the original book.

  The Chambord Islands is also a very distinctive island among pirates. The island is made up of big trees, the ground is tree roots, and the ground is bubbling, which is a bit like talking.

  Although the scenery looks like a fairy tale, the Chambord Islands itself is not a fairy tale at all. There are human trafficking shops and human auctions on it. By the way, the rulers are still Tianlong people.

   It was also here that Luffy punched Tianlong Ren.

  Although Yongze also wanted to beat or kill the short-sighted Tianlongren, he thought it would be better to contact the Revolutionary Army first.

  According to memory, Yongze went to Kansai Island No. 13 and found a bar named Xia Qi's Ripped Off BAR.

  Actually, Yongze was curious, would someone really walk into a bar called a rip-off without knowing the details of the bar, and would they not be afraid of being blackmailed?

  When Yongze went in, there was no one inside, only Xia Qi was inside.

   "Guest, what would you like to order?" Xia Qi glanced at Yongze and asked casually.

  Nagasawa used the transformation technique, instead of using the face of the main body, it became the appearance of the second generation of Hokage Tomona.

   After all, he was away from home, and it was a bit ostentatious to put on the general's face.

   "Let's have a beer, I heard you have a lot of information here." Yongze first ordered a glass of beer, and then asked with a smile.

  Xia Qi chuckled a few times, brought Yongze a glass of beer and said, "Who did you listen to, why didn't you ask that person for information?"

   "I heard what Rayleigh said." Nagasawa said with an inscrutable smile.

  Xia Qi, who didn't care at first, was stunned. She didn't expect to hear the name Lei Li from this white-haired person who had no impression.

  But as Lei Li’s friend for many years, Xia Qi and Lei Li are very familiar. If Lei Li really introduces her to someone he doesn’t know, he will definitely say hello to her.

   "Where did you know this name?" Xia Qi's eyes suddenly became oppressive, and she asked Yongze.

   "Pluto Rayleigh is the right hand of the famous One Piece King, so it's not surprising to know him." Yongze said while drinking beer.

  Xia Qi didn't speak. There are many people who know Lei Li, but not many people know Lei Li's current whereabouts.

  The other party obviously came prepared, Xia Qi didn't bother to go around in circles with Yongze, and asked directly: "Who are you and what is your purpose?"

  Although Lei Li is not here, Xia Qi herself is not easy to mess with.

   "I said at the beginning, come to inquire about information, I want to contact the revolutionary army, do you have a way." Yongze said with a smile.

   It’s annoying to see other people being riddlers, but being a riddle yourself is not to mention fun.

   "Revolutionary Army..." Xia Qi frowned.

   These three words are taboo in the world of pirates. Compared with pirates, the world government is more afraid of the revolutionary army headed by dragons.

   "Of course there is information, but it is very expensive to get information from me." Xia Qi returned to her usual expression.

   "By the way, the glass of beer you drank was worth 10 million Baileys." Xia Qi said with a smile.

  Yongze almost sprayed Xia Qi with a sip of beer. A glass of beer sells for 10 million Baileys, which is really cruel.

   "I have no money, not even a Bailey!" Nagasawa said confidently, and then drank all the beer in one go.

   "Brother, do you want to eat the overlord's meal?" Xia Qi's complexion became unkind.

   "It's not that I want to eat the overlord's meal, but I really don't have a Bailey on me." Yongze spread his hands and said, let alone him, the body didn't even have a salary without a Bailey.

   "I said so much, it's because I don't want to give money." Xia Qi said.

  Xia Qi has also encountered many pirates who want to eat free food, but since she dared to rip off the name of the bar directly, she has the confidence to knock those free food out of Bailey.

  But Xia Qi may not be able to succeed this time, after all, Yongze really doesn’t have a Bailey on him.