MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 528 Encounter with Aokiji

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   The moment Yongze swung down the black-red energy-encrusted Flowing Blade Ruohuo, a terrifying power erupted.


  Accompanied by a loud noise, the entire island split in two, and a scratch appeared on the clouds in the sky, as if it had been cut by a huge knife.

  The sudden outburst of powerful momentum caused the beasts on the island to bow their heads and prostrate themselves on the ground, not daring to move.

  Although Yongze didn't really strike Luffy, the aftermath of the powerful force also made Luffy suffer a lot, and he was directly knocked out of the fourth gear, lying on the ground gasping for breath, with a shocked expression on his face.

Just now Yongze's knife was too fast, Lu Fei only felt that Yongze had just laid down, and Yongze's devastating knife fell down, a huge roar exploded in his ears, and the powerful impact rushed him almost fainted.

  Luffy lay on the ground, gritted his teeth, stood up unsteadily, but immediately sat down on the ground again.

   At this time, Lei Li shook his head and walked towards Yong Ze.

  Seeing this, Luffy thought that Rayleigh was going to fight Yongze, and shouted: "Uncle Rayleigh, be careful, that guy is very strong!"

  Rayle walked up to Yongze with a wry smile and said, "You are too heavy handed, you even used the overlord's color winding, now you need at least two weeks of training to recover."

  Rayley was ready to help Luffy block the attack just now, but seeing Yongze deliberately slashing sideways, and the speed of Yongze swinging the knife was too fast, so he didn't do it.

   "It's okay, I can help him heal his wounds, and he will be alive again soon." Yongze said with a smile, his medical ninjutsu is not weak.

   "You can still heal?" Lei Li looked at Yongze with some surprise. How did he feel that Yongze knew too many things, and it didn't look very big. How could he learn so much and be so powerful.

   "It's better to have more skills than to overwhelm yourself." Yongze said with a smile.

  Luffy looked dumbfounded at the two chatting, what's going on, isn't this the navy who came to arrest him, why does he look like he knows Uncle Rayleigh.

   "Uncle Rayleigh, what's going on?" Luffy couldn't figure it out, so he chose to ask Rayleigh directly.

   "He is a navy, but he is not the navy who came to arrest you. In short, you can treat him as a good person who will not harm you." Raleigh thought for a while and said.

  Although Luffy is the son of a dragon, Rayleigh was afraid that Luffy would inadvertently tell the information about Yongze that day, so he didn't tell Luffy about the relationship between Yongze and the Revolutionary Army.

   "Won't you hurt me?" Luffy was a little confused. Could it be that his serious injuries were fake? Just now he thought he was going to be stabbed to death by the navy.

"I won't catch you, but Senior Garp often mentions you, Luffy, so I want to see how good you are." Yongze walked up to Lufei with a smile, and a green light appeared in his palm instantly , began to treat Luffy.

   Immediately afterwards, something happened that made Rayleigh and Luffy's eyes widen. Luffy's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Those bleeding wounds were quickly stopped and healed, and finally there were no scars left.

   "I'm so comfortable, I don't feel any pain anymore." After the treatment, Luffy touched his newly injured places with a look of surprise, and they were completely healed, as if they had never been injured.

  Rayley also looked at Yongze with surprise on his face. He didn't expect that the healing that Yongze said would have such a powerful effect. He even suspected that it was some kind of devil fruit ability.

After the treatment, Yong Ze, who had successfully harvested the fruit, was in a good mood. By the way, he pointed out to Luffy and told him that what he just cast was the overlord's color entanglement, which is a high-level use skill of the overlord's color, and then the armed color. development route.

  During the meal, Raleigh asked why Yongze was in the calm zone, and the navy rarely came here.

   "It's not because of the navy, it's another reason, but what I have to do is over, and I'm leaving soon. Before I leave, stop by to see Luffy." Yong Ze said with a smile.

  Rayleigh understood in seconds, if it wasn’t the navy, then it must be a matter of the Revolutionary Army, so he didn’t ask about it again.

   "Rayleigh, do you want to join our business? I think you have great potential in this area." Yong Ze issued an invitation.

  As the deputy of One Piece, Rayleigh is beyond doubt in terms of courage and strength.

   "I'm already old, but I'm not as energetic as you young people." Raleigh declined.

  Yongze didn’t care either, Lei Li was indeed not young anymore, he was almost 80 years old, it’s not kind to force people to come over to make revolution.

   After eating and drinking, Yongze returned to Daughter Island and took Tina to the new world.

   "Are you going back to the naval base?" Tina asked unwillingly.

  After leaving Daughter Island, Yongze took Tina to many islands, punishing evil and promoting good all the way, and lifting the oppression. Tina felt that Yongze should have almost stopped.

  Although punishing evil and promoting good is a good thing, being a navy can punish evil and promote good even more.

   "No, our destination is Punk Hazard Island." Yongze's answer directly made Tina give up.

   "What to do on Punk Hazard Island?" Tina asked after recalling the information about this place.

  Punk Hazard Island is an island controlled by the navy before. There are three research bases of the navy on the island, and some prisoners of the world government are also held there.

   However, because of a large-scale experimental accident, the navy abandoned the island, and it should now be regarded as a deserted uninhabited island.

   "It's not rumors that because of the battle of the red dog and green pheasant, the island has now become a half-ice and snow-covered, half-flame-burning ice and fire island. Of course, such an interesting island must be visited." Nagasawa explained.

   "General Yongze, you really treat it as a vacation trip." Tina was a little worried. Yongze's posture is really a long vacation trip.

   "Of course." Yongze said with a smile.

  Of course it was to lie to Tina. Binghuo Island does sound interesting, but it’s definitely not worth Yongze’s time wasting to go there.

  The reason for the past is because Punk Hazard has the influence of Mingo, and Caesar studies poisonous gas and man-made devil fruit human giants on it.

  In the past, Yongze could at least get two natural fruits, one is Caesar's gas fruit, and the other is Monet's snow fruit.

   If you are lucky enough to meet Luo Ye on the island, you can also get a fruit of surgery.

  Monet and Caesar are too good, Yongze thinks their fruit ability is actually quite good.

   In addition, after finishing Punk Hazard, you can go to Brother Ming along the line, and then let the revolutionary army liberate the country controlled by Brother Ming.

  Yongze never wanted to keep the plot, and wait for Lu Fei to come out? He doesn't have the patience.

  After such a long period of development, the Revolutionary Army has actually accumulated considerable strength, but it still lacks top-level strength, and the rest have developed very well.

   At that time, it is not a dream to unite with some people with lofty ideals to overthrow the world government smoothly.

  Maybe when Luffy finishes training and comes out of the mountain, the era of great pirates is over. He can only become the adventure king instead of the pirate king.

  However, after Yongze and Tina went to enter the new world, they encountered an unexpected surprise.

  A huge penguin standing and swimming came into Yongze's sight. On the penguin's head sat a tall and thin man in a dark green coat.

  Being so unique, Yongze naturally recognized the other party, who is the former admiral Aokiji who has quit the navy.

  Aokiji, who was originally thinking, noticed something, opened his eyes, and saw the boat not far from the side, and a man and a woman in the navy on the boat.

  At first, Aokiji was still a little strange, why two people in the navy were wandering in the new world in a small boat, but after carefully recalling Nagasawa's face, Aokiji remembered that this was the new admiral of the navy, Admiral Hakuba.

  Yong Ze controlled the boat and approached the penguin of Aokiji, how could such a good opportunity be missed, the fruit of Aokiji had to be squeezed.

  Tina said hello to Aokiji, and she didn't expect to see Aokiji who had retired from the navy here. In fact, she felt it was a pity back then, and she preferred Aokiji to become the marshal rather than Akainu.

   "It's Tina, who are you?" Aokiji couldn't see what the two of them were doing.

   "I'm on a wonderful vacation." Yong Ze replied quickly.

  Tina is more honest, telling the truth directly, Nagasawa Akainu quarreled, and now Yongze is going back to the naval base differently.

  Aokiji didn't expect such a dramatic reason, and couldn't help laughing.

   "Meeting is fate, and we are going to Punk Hazard, do you want to go together?"

   "Punk Hazard..." Hearing the name, some memories appeared in Aokiji's mind, and then he shook his head, ready to refuse.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse." Yongze said preemptively: "According to my understanding, there are many experiments on the island, including human experiments, or children, involving various forces, including Shichibukai. Brother Ming, and the Four Emperors Kaido and BIGMOM."

  The animal fruit that Doflamingo gave Kaido came from Caesar, and BIGMOM wanted Caesar to research the medicine to become a giant.

  Aokiji frowned slightly, but did not refuse immediately.

  Tina's eyes widened even more. Didn't you say to go to see the wonders of Binghuo Island? Why did it suddenly become such a big thing.

   "Admiral Yongze, where did you get the news?" Tina asked with some doubts.

  Yongze is with her every day, how can he know so much more than her.

   "I asked someone to investigate, but I didn't investigate clearly before, so I didn't tell you." Yongze said flickeringly.

  Tina nodded, tentatively accepting Yongze's reason.

  Aokiji finally shook his head and said: "I am no longer a navy, and I believe you can solve it."

  Although the forces involved seem a bit exaggerated, one Shichibukai and two Four Emperors, but this is not to fight the Four Emperors directly.

  Since Yongze and the others can solve it, Aokiji is too lazy to go there, maybe it will be big news, this is not what Aokiji wants to see, he is still dormant.

  After leaving the navy, Aokiji’s vision has broadened a lot. He thought a lot and did a lot.

  He is really practicing the justice in his heart, not the justice of the world government.

  Although at this moment he does not have the white cloak that says justice, but what he does is more righteous than before.

  Yongze knocked Tina unconscious with a knife in his hand, and then showed his cards: "Since the navy is not good, how about going with the revolutionary army?"

  The expression on Aokiji's face gradually became confused. What the **** is the revolutionary army? This new general is not an undercover agent of the revolutionary army.

  Aokiji feels very stupid, what happened to the navy, the people in the revolutionary army have become generals.

  Nagaze used the transformation technique to change into the appearance of Qianshoubanjian.

   It is impossible for Qingzhi not to pay attention to something as big as killing Tianlongren, so he immediately recognized that this is the white demon who killed Tianlongren before.

   "I am now the Revolutionary Army Adviser Senshou Himama." Nagasawa said after his transformation.

   "It turned out to be the Revolutionary Army, no wonder." Aokiji, like others, believed that Yongze was the Revolutionary Army that killed the Tianlongren.

   "Kuzan, I think you are very suitable for our revolutionary army. Do you want to join in and overthrow the world government?" Yongze said with a smile.

   "Brother, I am also a former admiral after all, is it really okay for you to invite me by directly revealing your identity?" Aokiji said helplessly.

   "What's the matter, I'm still the current admiral, and I joined the Revolutionary Army." Yongze said indifferently.

   "You mean the revolutionary army you joined after becoming admiral?" Aokiji asked with some doubts.

  He thought that Yongze was an undercover agent of the Revolutionary Army, and then became a general in the navy. What Yongze meant was that he first became a general before joining the Revolutionary Army.

  Nagaze told Aokiji about his encounter with Garp.

   "Is the Revolutionary Army worth it?" Aokiji was a little puzzled. After becoming a general, Yongze went to the Revolutionary Army and joined.

   "I told you this because I heard that you are a general who loves the people. I didn't expect that your awareness is not enough." Yongze said.

   "In the current world, only revolution can truly solve the problem, so that the people of the world will no longer be oppressed..." Yongze seized the opportunity to export the revolutionary theory to Aokiji.

   After the output is finished, we start painting cakes. The beautiful world after the revolution, the whole world is peaceful, the era of great pirates is over, no one is oppressed, everyone has no worries about food and drink, and everyone of all races is equal.

   "It's beautiful like a fairy tale." Aokiji took a deep look at Yongze.

  Based on what Yongze just said, he doesn’t believe that Yongze said that he is not a revolutionary army.

   "Do you think it can't be achieved?" Nagasawa asked.

   "How are you going to defeat the world government?" Aokiji asked very directly.

  There are many difficulties visible to the naked eye on the road of the revolutionary army, but the biggest of them is undoubtedly the world government that has existed for 800 years.

   "Even if you can defeat the world government, how can you guarantee that you will not become the next world government and produce the next batch of Tianlong people."