MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 543 The strength of the revolutionary army

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   "I'm afraid no one would have thought that the most vicious criminal wanted by the world government, the leader of the revolutionary army who is being investigated by the world government at any cost, would be in the navy headquarters." Yongze laughed and teased Long who was calmly drinking tea at his house.

   "Compared to this, the news that the admiral's new age naval hero will be an advisor to the Revolutionary Army should be more shocking." Long replied.

  The two looked at each other, and immediately smiled.

  Akaken's plan to crusade against the revolutionary army is as follows. First, concentrate firepower to eliminate the revolutionary army in the new world, and then deal with the revolutionary army in the four seas.

  Maybe because Aokiji was also among them, this time Akainu decided to personally take action to clean up Aokiji, a naval traitor.

  The team was led by Akainu himself, and then there was the veteran general Kizaru and some powerful vice admirals, leading the large naval forces to wipe out the revolutionary army in the New World in one fell swoop.

Therefore, in order to cooperate with this operation, the world government mobilized the cp troops, and at the same time asked the navy branch to cooperate with the actions of the navy headquarters, and asked the nearby allied countries to send troops to encircle and suppress the revolutionary army. The army wiped out and vowed not to give up.

  Of course, it is not something that can be done at once if you want to mobilize so many departmental forces at once. There is a buffer time.

  So Yongze discussed with Long. They believed that the current strength of the Revolutionary Army could completely catch the Navy by surprise and take down the Navy Headquarters.

   Lost the main force of the Navy Headquarters, other naval branches and the Qibuhai army of the joining countries cannot pose too much threat to the Revolutionary Army.

  As long as the Navy headquarters is taken down, the world government basically loses control of the new world.

   "I didn't expect to return to the Navy Headquarters again, and actually want to take action against my former colleagues and subordinates. Are you feeling sad?" Yongze asked seeing Aokiji sitting there without speaking.

  Aokiji froze for a moment, then nodded slowly.

  He has been in the navy for so long, even if he quit the navy, he never thought that he would stand on the opposite side of the navy so quickly.

   If the people cannot live a more stable life, Aokiji will choose to maintain the existing order, and the navy is the maintainer of order. Not only will he not take action against the navy, but he will also remind the navy when necessary.

  But now Aokiji sees hope from the current revolutionary army, and sees the hope of building a better world.

  In that beautiful world, there are no heavenly dragons who are born noble and have all the privileges, and there are no pirates and robbers, everyone is equal, and people of different races will not be discriminated against...

  Honestly speaking, Aokiji doesn’t have so many extravagant demands. He is satisfied with this kind of world.

  Because in the current world, even if ordinary people try their best to live, it still depends on luck.

  There are unscrupulous pirates everywhere, and there is no shortage of moths in the navy branch, slave traders, nobles who oppress the people, and the heavenly gold paid to the Tianlong people...

  In this world, a truly ordinary person has already tried his best to survive. For this, a certain amount of luck is required.

  So Aokiji chose the Revolutionary Army. Considering that Aokiji is a former admiral of the navy, Ryu had actually talked with Aokiji before coming to the Navy headquarters.

   It was Aokiji himself who took the initiative to participate in this operation.

  Because Aokiji knows that although he has left the navy, he still has a certain prestige in the navy.

  If he comes over, it will be much easier for the revolutionary army to persuade the surrender.

  Aokiji also does not want those navies with a heart of justice to continue to work for the world government and become a tool for the world government to maintain its rule.

   "However, when it's time to fight, I won't hesitate." Aokiji said with firm eyes.

   "That's not the way to say that, relax, this time our high-level strength is sufficient." Seeing Aokiji getting serious, Yongze said with a smile.

  Because there are many revolutionary troops in the navy, Yongze easily brought some high-level combat power of the revolutionary army into the navy.

   Not only did the dragon come, but the commanders of the five major armies of the revolutionary army and Sabo were also hiding in the navy headquarters at this time.

   Not to mention all of them, it can be said that the naval headquarters at this moment has gathered most of the high-level combat power of the revolutionary army.

In addition to Nagasawa who is at the outer level, Aokiji and Ryu are all general-level strengths. In addition, the commanders of the five major armies of the Revolutionary Army are also strong at the Qibukai level. In order to become a powerful navy of the revolution, the power of the revolutionary army hidden in the headquarters of the navy at this time can be said to be terrifying.

  If Akainu knew the specific strength of the Revolutionary Army, I am afraid that he would not dare to say that he would wipe out the New World Revolutionary Army in one fell swoop.

  Not to mention other people, just one Yongze is enough to make the whole navy stand ready.

   Moreover, General Guang has two undercover agents from the Revolutionary Army, and the only remaining general is still a bastard. Akainu will probably vomit blood from anger when he finds out about this.

   "Since the world government claims that we are in danger of threatening the world, let's let them take a good look at what is the power that threatens the world!" The corner of Long's mouth raised and he said with a smile.

  This operation is even more important than the liberation of the ten countries. People in the world are shocked by the liberation of the ten countries, but it only puts the revolutionary army and the navy in the same position.

  What is the Navy? It is a military organization of the World Government.

  People still subconsciously do not equate the Revolutionary Army with the World Government, but only think that the Revolutionary Army has the strength similar to the strongest military organization of the World Government.

  If the Revolutionary Army can defeat the Navy Headquarters, then no one in the world will compare the Revolutionary Army with a military organization of the World Government, but put the Revolutionary Army and the World Government on an equal footing.

  In addition to changing people's ideas, there are too many benefits to winning the Navy Headquarters.

  It can greatly enhance the revolutionary power. Because the navy has always emphasized justice and emphasized itself as a hero, there are many justice-minded navies in the navy, such as Aokiji Smogzefa, they all belong to this kind of navy.

   This kind of navy is actually no longer a minority, but due to reality, they cannot realize the justice in their hearts, and they don't know how to achieve it.

  In addition, without the Navy Headquarters, the world government is equivalent to losing its sharpest claws. Whether it is the Four Seas or the New World, it can start a large-scale revolutionary liberation.

  If the liberation of the ten countries is a declaration of war against the world government, it means that the revolutionary army no longer hides and begins to counterattack.

  Then the operation carried out at the Navy Headquarters this time is that the Revolutionary Army will launch an unprecedented war against the World Government.