MTL - Night Ranger-v5 Chapter 21 Tower

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Faced with this problem, Hathaway was silent for a long time.

For a long while, she replied somewhat strangely: "Maybe... I don't want to be an enemy with you?"

Not willing to be an enemy.

Marvin faintly guessed what.

"In fact, the current camp is already very obvious."

"The supreme **** who once created this world has decayed. He wants to destroy this cage by himself, but fortunately we still have Fernan."

"It won't sit and watch us being destroyed, Heaven Wake, Apocalypse Warlock, Plane Guardian - and you... We are all here to protect Fernan from existence, isn't it?"

"And other forces, whether it is the heavenly kingdom or the abyss hell, their purpose is only one, destroying the world. All this is doomed, because Lance is the driving force behind everything, he planned it all a long time ago. Cataclysm is just his appetizer."

"I don't understand his plan, but I know that he must have not left."

Hathaway said calmly: "For the average person, it may be difficult to accept. But I am the king of witches, I know this is true."

Marvin picked an eyebrow.

The indifferent color in her eyes gradually turned into cold: "My mission is to protect Fernan from the destruction of evil people. I think at least at this point, our purpose is the same?"

Marvin was silent and did not nod.

There was a disappointment in Hathaway's eyes: "You don't believe me."

Ma Wen finally spoke up: "I don't trust you. It's a lot of things, I haven't figured it out. I don't want to make it so fast."

Hathaway sneered and turned and left.

"Although I don't want you to be my enemy, if one day I find you standing on the side of Lance, I will kill you."

"By the way, don't look at me with that look, I don't like it very much."

"I will tell you a secret later. After the Third Age, there is only one king of witches."

After the last sentence, her figure disappeared into the sea.

Perhaps she is the entrance to the world of evil spirits.

Marvin’s heart is a bit heavy.

After the Third Age, there was only one king of witches.

The meaning of this sentence is obvious. Hathaway has always been the king of witches in Anzedi. However, after undergoing the dramatic changes in the Tertiary, she should continue to reincarnate in the same way as the **** of truth.

Only this time, the curse on her body finally broke open, so the real king of witches wake up.

She is Hathaway, but not just Hathaway.

Thinking of this, Marvin shook his head with some self-deprecating.

Such a short-lived friendship and contact between the two sides is comparable to the vast memory of the king of witches after the restoration of memory for thousands of years.

I can tell myself so much information, maybe I am already looking at my unusual body.

"Anzedi, the God of Truth..."

Marvin silently said: "If Lance really wants to destroy the world, why did he choose me?"


In any case, the unexpected encounter with Hathaway has made Marvin's mind become heavier, but the things to do are still to be done.

After solving the phoenix, the shadow of Ma Wen’s heart finally dissipated a lot.

Although Pooh is still in a coma, at least the person is safe.

He used the recent advancing origami to hide Vinnie, and then once again opened the endless road and returned to the vicinity of the Tongtian Tower.

Only this time, when he arrived in the scope of the order of the land, he saw the blue sky flying wildly!

More than 30 blue stones are smashing in the sky!

And all the strong players are madly chasing these tickets into the Tongtian Tower.

The melee has spread to every corner of the Tongtian Tower.

Every moment, there are unfortunate servants or other powerful people who are killed by fire.

The only thing that makes Ma Wen feel gratified is that despite the lure of the fate of the slate, the camp of the people of Fernando is not chaotic.

Under the leadership of the Red Copper Dragon and the Master of the Knife, they grabbed a lot of blue stones.

Although not enough for everyone, in fact, the people of Fernando did not intend everyone to enter the Tongtian Tower!

Basically, each force sends a representative character.

More people, they will choose to stay outside.

For example, this time, the leaders of the metal dragons have come, but on their behalf, they only entered the Tongtian Tower, and only the professor of the Red Copper Dragon.

The Tongtian Tower is certainly a place full of opportunities, but the sea tactics are useless here.

God knows how fierce battles will take place inside.

It is best to leave some people outside to meet.

Before the start of the melee, the people of Fernans basically arranged the plan.

After Marvin arrived, he grabbed a few blue stones and threw them to Master Conn, responsible for distribution.

"The door of the Tongtian Tower is about to open."

"In any case, the slate of fate can't fall into the hands of others."

The professor said seriously: "I have felt a lot of strong people. In the previous battles, they did not come out, so we can't care."

Marvin slightly decapitated.

At this time, his lingering light suddenly felt a murderous.

However, this murder was fleeting, and when Marvin reacted, the figure had disappeared from his vision.

Marvin frowned slightly: "What about Eve? And the morning light son?"

"Disappeared." Jessica's tone was very bad.

She didn't like Eve at all. In the battle of the phoenix, Eve's servant made a slogan and almost let go of the phoenix, which made her even more unhappy with the descendants of the Valkyrie.

"I think she has a problem."

Ma Wen smiled dumbly. He thought Jessica was too worried. Eve is too reluctant, but she is definitely not a bad person.

In the midst of the Cataclysm, it is possible to hold up the female Valkyrie in the three towns of the North, and how could it be an evil generation?

However, Ma Wen can't guess Eve's mind, and he is too lazy to control it. In his eyes, it can't be a big change.

He helped the people **** for a while, ensuring that everyone who wants to enter the Tongtian Tower had tickets, and that stopped.

At this time, there are not many blue stones flying in the sky.

Only a bunch of strong red-eyed players are competing for this final ticket.

Under the instructions of Marvin, everyone stopped and silently moved to the periphery of the battlefield.

They have got enough blue stones and no need to fight any more.

They waited for a few minutes outside the battlefield, and the last piece of blue stone sparked a melee of more than a dozen people, and eventually a powerful electorate from the Kingdom of Heaven won.

In order to get this stone, he also paid a very heavy price.

One of his arms was blown up.

Although the powerful source of God is trying to help him recover, the damage caused by the same level of law is not so easy to recover.

It takes at least half a day to get back to full recovery.

But he did not regret it. On the contrary, his face was full of glory.

Azure stone means the opportunity to get a slate of fate, and this opportunity is a rare event.

However, his smile did not last long.

A scarlet blood traverses the sky, running through his chest at a speed that no one else can match.

Everyone who saw this scene took a breath of air.

They found that the body of the elector fell vertically, and at that moment, the origin of his **** was directly crushed!

The blue stone in his hand disappeared.

Marvin narrowed his eyes.

He is no stranger to that blood.


After a while, the melee finally came to an end.

Most of the forces have got what they want, and those who don't get the blue stones are people who are not strong enough to participate in this melee.

After paying a few lives as an attempt, some people silently exited.

The rest of the people are the legendary singers, the singers of the heavenly kingdom, the **** and the strong of other places.

They are fighting each other and showing their vigilance.

Because they know that these people are their real enemies.

In the end, their eyes fell on the side of the Fernan camp.

Obviously, the power from the legends of Fernan has shown that they are not afraid of panic.

Vague, they have the meaning of joining hands.

Marvin is certainly too lazy to manage their ideas.

Inside the Tongtian Tower, Pooh gave him some news, but in fact, Ma Wen is not very clear.

Now Pooh is still in a coma, but Marvin still decided to bring him in - so in the origami's sleeping origami space, Marvin placed an extra blue stone.

Otherwise, there is no way to pass the identification of Tongtian Tower. After all, the emptiness of the wizarding **** is not so good.

After the end of the melee, the Tongtian Tower finally ushered in openness.

In the ardent eyes of all, a blue light curtain suddenly swept up and spread from the bottom of the Tongtian Tower to form a circular curtain.

This is the gate of the Tongtian Tower.

Ma Wen and the rest of the people looked at each other and nodded. They strode to the curtain.

And everyone around the Tongtian Tower came from all directions.

Soon, Marvin crossed the blue curtain.

At the same time, he could feel the blue stone in his hand disappeared.

A powerful force pushed his body and he couldn't resist.

After a while, the space was distorted around him, and a strange space was in front of him.

That is a transparent room!

No, this is a weird space made up of countless transparent rooms.

One room where Marvin is located is just one of them.

A personal shadow is constantly appearing in a room that is far or near.

Everyone is with a look of surprise and surprise.

They can feel that a powerful imprisonment has locked in their laws and fields.

This means that, at least in this space, they have no way to use their power.

At this time, a bang, a dark brown stone appeared in everyone's room!

...... [to be continued] []