MTL - Nightmare’s Call (Summoner of Nightmares)-Chapter 856 Trap 2

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O'Dalion, with a group of high-ranking monks in the Temple of Light, hurried nonstop to the edge of a lake near the raging forest.

It is very close to the purgatory seal they found, but there is still a long way to go to the Cuijing Fortress.

This time, among their group, there were four ascetic monks who were above tenth level, and all of them were extremely fierce and extremely determined fighting ascetic monks.

Coupled with the aid of a sacred artifact they carried, the obliteration of the Purgatory Seal was absolutely unnecessary.

"This time! You must not let that purgatory commander escape! I would like to serve the enemy of the last heavy hit!"

Audarian touched a slender scar on his face, which was the scar left on his face by the purgatory leader when he fled last time.

That one caught him almost in half.

The fear of death caused him to burst into unimaginable potential on the spot. At that moment, he activated his strongest magical item at the cost of consuming all his mental power.

At the cost of the complete destruction of the precious magical item, he successfully escaped the purgatory leader's pursuit.

There is that gap that leads to other planes, and it is still a plane with a large population of unbelievers.

That's an incredible wealth.

So, this time, no matter what, he must get rid of the purgatory leader, and then monopolize the gap!

With a group of people, Audalion was preparing to find a place to camp.

Suddenly, a slight voice came down the wind, slowly approaching from a distance.

O'Dalion moved immediately, giving a few quiet gestures to the monks who were about to camp.

He quickly released to everyone a series of silent magic, silent walking, breath blocking, and other hidden magic.

Then they exchanged sight with the leader of the bitter monk, and the two took the lead to walk slowly in the direction of the sound.

As the distance slowly approached, the sound they heard became more pronounced.

"... I will never let you succeed !!!!" A crazy man's voice growled in the wind.

"Say! Where is that thing !?" The purplish leader's distinctive deep voice came.

"I won't let you get it! That thing! But a good thing that makes one step up.

You, the purgatory leader, even dare to look at the gods like Ran! You are looking for death! "Said the other man, mockingly.

Then he hadn't waited for Oudarian to get fully close. Soon a low-pitched explosion came.

"Want to run !!!? Give up the book of the covenant!" The purgatory leader's extremely angry voice spread faintly.

"You can't get it! Hahaha !!!"

Two voices left quickly in the distance.

Originally planning to appear to besiege the purgatory leader, O'Dalion and others, suddenly the word of the book of covenant was suddenly shaken.

The Book of Revival, which is the legendary God of Knowledge has fallen behind, and it is said that the powerful inheritance artifact evolved from the gods!

It is said that whoever obtained the book of covenant, as long as he thoroughly understands the mystery, can inherit the goddess of knowledge and become the second **** of knowledge.

"God !!!! That's it !?" O'Dallien had almost no hesitation, no longer hiding his body, and rushed out of the hidden point.

Like him, there are other monks.

Everyone instantly forgot what gap, what purgatory leader.

Nothing is more important than the book of the Godhead at hand.

Their eyes glowed green, and as soon as they rushed out of the hidden spot, they saw a white gap in the distance.

The purgatory leader was fighting a man in a white robe.

The two played fiercely.


Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the two spurted blood at the same time and flew out.

A book glowing with colorful halos in the hands of the caster's man was thrown off by a huge explosive force.

"Book of Godheads !!!"

With just a glance, Audalion and others were fully convinced that it was the book of the covenant.

"My book !!" The man in the white robe cast his hand in pain and despair towards the book of covenant, trying to grasp it remotely.

But he and the purgatory leader seemed to be hurting too much. So much that you can't even stand up and move.

The eyes of all people gathered on that book of covenant.

The book fluttered, rolled, and fell in front of the gap, coincidentally, under the gaze of everyone.

Seeing Purgatory Leader both suffered heavy injuries and couldn't move. O'Dalion and others were overjoyed without saying a word, and immediately flew to the Book of Covenant.

No one in the group gave up or flinched.

This is an opportunity to become a god. As long as you get it, it will likely become the second **** of knowledge.

So at this critical moment, no one will be stupid enough to yield.

Because the gap is near, the spatial interference is very complex, and teleport and displacement-type spells cannot be used.

Therefore, Ou Da Lien and others can only rely on their own feet to rush to the book crazy on the ground.

The distance of more than ten meters was instantaneous.

O'Dalion rushed to the front, watching his hand touch the book of covenant.

"Don't think about it! That's my book!" There was a mad voice behind him.


Suddenly a gust of wind blew past, and just rolled up the book of the contract, and rolled it several times towards the gap.

Then he stung and fell into the gap.

"Chasing !!!" Without hesitation.

Such a big chance encounter is in front of you. If you don't know how to grasp it, then Ou Da Lien and others are really stupid.

The group did not stay, hesitated, all rushed into the gap, chased the book of repairing the contract and disappeared.

Everything comes to peace.

After a few hours.

People from the Temple of Earth led the team. Leading Archbishop Andams and a group of high-ranking priests are preparing to camp by the lake to rest.

Suddenly following the wind, they heard a small whisper.

"... I will never let you succeed !!!!" A crazy man's voice growled in the wind.

Immediately afterwards, the same dialogue as before, looming out into the ears of the earth temple.

Archbishop Andams slowly brought people closer, and soon saw that the mysterious strongman and the purgatory leader lost both wounds, and the Book of the Treasures of Gods was flung out, easily available.

The huge temptation to become a **** in one step immediately enticed everyone to rush out. In the desperate eyes of the Purgatory Leader and the mysterious powerhouse, rush to the book of becoming a god.

Then, under the last crazy cast of the mysterious strongman, the book of the covenant fell into the gap.

The archbishop Andams who was almost able to get the book and others could not stand the temptation and rushed into the gap.

An hour later, the third wave of people from the Temple of Storms arrived.

"... I will never let you succeed !!!!" A crazy man's voice growled in the wind.

Into the ears of Storm Archbishop Cordoba again ...



Lin Sheng quietly cuts the roasted pork ribs with a knife, cuts the meat into small pieces, rolls them in the sauce to turn it golden, then sprinkles some spices powder and salt and sends them in Mouth.

The crispy crust was bitten, and the inside was fresh and juicy and delicate meat, mixed with just seasoned spices and salt. It's simply the best treat.

While eating barbecue, he listened to the conversation between his sister Xia Weier and Miss Jenny.