MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 282 Ye Jia's choice

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The Seibu Empire smoked four times.

Although the emperor was not affected by the war, it was also a blood flow.

Throughout the imperial capital, a total of sixty-three families were destroyed because of the enemy's rebellion, and countless members of the imperial court were killed. However, because the evidence is conclusive, the Mingwu Emperor's means are hot, but others dare not say anything, just Everyone is in danger. They realize that the present imperial capital is still the world of the Yin family. For the time being, they dare not act rashly. .

The most elite army in each county was dispatched by the Mingwu Emperor to the Imperial Capital. There were hundreds of thousands of Yulin Jinjia, and the rest of the army reached millions.

Although the battle between the two countries is the most important thing is the confrontation between the top players, but the number of troops below is a certain degree, it is also quite embarrassing, especially after equipped with some unique wounded hidden weapons, even if the land is respected The master of the heavenly class does not dare to easily enter the encirclement of the army.

Mingwu Emperor and others are retreating and cultivating, waiting for the final battle. The South Manchu Kingdom has eroded the Seibu Empire one after another, and has not yet launched an attack on the Seibu Empire. I don’t know what to wait for.

The war between countries is more of a wrestling behind the sect. Unfortunately, the sects behind the Seibu empire have already fallen, and the sects behind the southern countries are rising. This is destined to be an imbalance. war.

Donglin County, Yejia Valley.

Although the war was flying outside, but within the Yejia Valley, it was still calm, and there was a paradise, and the flowers of Lingmu filled the valley.

The spirits of the woods, the leaf family people smelled a refreshing, this floral fragrance seems to be very helpful for cultivation, in addition, the monsters also like this tree, especially from Lingmu The surrounding circled, the flowers spread to the woods next to it, and even the ganoderma lucidum in the woods seemed to grow brighter.

This tree does not know what it came from. After a few months of growth, it actually began to bear a small fruit. This fruit has not grown up. Only the small fingernail-sized cyan fruit is like a piece. Emeralds are generally crystal clear.

Ye Cang Xuan, Ye Zhantian and others gathered in the Ye Family Hall, one by one and the brow was locked.

"How is the outside situation?" Ye Cangxuan asked, although Ye Jia is in the valley, very safe but still sends out some people from time to time, attacking the army of the South Barbarians and saving a lot of civilians, but Ye Jia also died. A few ethnic groups, fortunately, Ye Jia has a beast to help kill a lot of Nanman country masters at a small price.

"Southern countries have already captured the other counties of the six counties and counties." Ye Zhantiandao, although it is reasonable to say that Ye Jia is not threatened, he can completely stay out of the way, but Ye Zhantian and others understand that Ye Jia is in conflict with Nan Manguo. If it is not the case that the Xiwu Empire is destroyed, there is an egg under the nest.

South Barbarian has not found the home of Ye Family so far, but it is difficult to find it later! If the South Barbarians send one or two high-ranking talents to find Yunshan in the future, it will take a few months for Yejia Valley to be exposed. Now the reason why Nanman is not doing so is because they can't make it!

Therefore, the Yejia people are still very sense of crisis, and they have contacted many family members outside to fight against the South.

"The Seibu empire may be dangerous, and Donglin County may not be able to survive in the end. We can only do our part. If we can't reverse the war, we can only give up." Ye Cangxuan sighs, if In the fall of Donglin County, where is Ye Family going? I have been staying in this valley for a long time, I am afraid it may not be safe.

"Just got the news, the South Barbarian army slaughtered 27 towns in Donglin County, and hundreds of thousands of people were killed!" Ye Zhanxiong said on the side, pinching his fists, suppressing anger in his heart, "Uncle, big brother, is it?" Will we let them do evil?"

Everyone is silent, in the chaos of the world, human life is like a mustard, with the strength of Ye Family, it is too difficult to turn the tide. If Ye Jia is struggling to fight, I am afraid to destroy the iron horse in the South.

Is it Mingzhe to protect himself, or is his husband angry, blood splashing ten steps?

I am afraid that most people will choose Mingzhe to protect themselves. Even if Mingzhe protects himself, no one will say anything about them. He just asks himself, so many people are killed, but they don’t do anything. When they wake up in the middle of the night, do you feel that you have a heart?

"War, what do you think?" Ye Cangxuan looked at Ye Zhantian and asked, "When Chen is not here, you are the owner. If you make any decision, Ye Jiazhi will swear to follow."

Ye Zhantian was silent for a long time. After a long period of contradictions and struggles, he finally made a decision. He decided: "Although my family is weak, it is not a kind of scorpion, and we cannot lose the bones of our family. Otherwise, No face to see the ancestral ancestors of the Ye family, Ye Jiazhi's people are worthy of the sky, and the next pair is worthy of the Li people, I Ye Zhantian is willing to break the bones and make the name of Ye Jiazhongyi!" Although they will not be loyal to the Yin family. But here, it is the land where they raised them!

"I Ye Zhanlong is willing to swear to follow the big brother!"

"I Ye Zhanxiong is willing!"

"I am a boy of Ye Jiashao, no one is a kind of cockroach, we are willing to swear to follow!" A group of warriors and people of all generations stood up and vowed.

"War, since you made such a decision, I also support Ye Cangxuan. Next, Ye Jia is all up to you." Ye Cangxuan also solemnly said.

"Although it is decided to fight the war against the South, but to pay attention to the strategy, even if you die, you have to die. Chen Er is still in the Imperial Capital, the third brother, you go to the Imperial City to contact Chen Er, if you are in danger, cover Chen Er to leave. Second brother You will send all the juniors, such as Ye Meng, to the Central Empire, find a perfect place, and place them in a good place. If the person who is willing to accept it, let Ye Meng put them into the sect. The people of the tribe can fight to death but the blood of the family must be passed on and continue!" Ye Zhantiandao, he felt the burden on his shoulders, and every decision he made was related to the survival of Ye Family.

"Yes, Big Brother." Ye Zhanlong and Ye Zhanxiong nodded their heads.

Although there is some desolation in the hearts of the people, more is a kind of passion and glory. When their children and grandchildren talk about them one day, they will certainly feel proud of their ancestors.

"No matter when it is, this valley must not be allowed to be discovered by outsiders." Ye Zhantiandao.

For this decision, everyone deeply agrees that everything in this valley is the foundation of the rise of Ye Family. It must be passed on to future generations and cannot be exposed. Therefore, even if they fight against the army of Nanman, they will also go out to fight.

Although they decided to fight the Nanban national army in the end, they still have some things to do. One of them is to cover the people in Donglin County to transfer to the emperor. This is definitely a difficult and dangerous task.

On the islands of the North Sea, Ye Chen and Xiao Wing are still trying to cultivate. As time goes by, Ye Chen’s mastery of Xuanwu’s qi is becoming more and more skilled.

The whole island is full of traces of destruction, which are left by Ye Chen and Xiaoyi when they practiced.

In the battles again and again, Ye Chen’s cultivation has also been improved. There is only one line difference from the middle of Tianzun. As for the soul, it is about to reach the mid-term.

After confirming that the basaltic gas is very safe to the swallowing old man, it will not explode. In a month's time, Ye Chen instilled a lot of mysteriousness in the basaltic spirit, which is equivalent to the mystery of a god-respecting peak. The amount of gas, the display of the ruling basaltic style, more and more tyrannical.

The soul of the soul explored into the star print, Ye Chen found that the purple Mars Lion has woke up.

"Gryphon, are you awake?" Ye Chen asked outside.

"This broken seal is really mad at the lion, I have sealed so much power." Purple Mars lion said depressed.

Under the suppression of the Stars and the Magic Seal, the Purple Mars Lion can only retain a part of the power. If this part of the power is also consumed, it will have to be suppressed by the Stars of the Stars for some time.

"Lion, do I want to break a part of the seal for you?" asked Ye Chen.

"That's not necessary, the lion, I speak and count, and it is not necessary to break the seal. You quickly fulfill the promise and return to the land to find a few little lioness for the lion." The purple Mars lion said a little lazily.

When I heard the purple Mars lion, Ye Chen’s expression was a bit weird. He could only answer: “Well, after another day or two, when Jinyang carvings come back, we can almost leave the North Sea and return to the Seibu Empire.”

Jinyang Carving was already sent to the Seibu Empire by Ye Chen. On this island for so long, Ye Chen was not particularly relieved about the Seibu Empire.

"I didn't expect that you can use martial arts to display martial arts. It's not bad, but how did your kid stay in the early days of Tianzun?" asked the purple Mars lion wonderingly.

"I am about to reach the middle of Tianzun soon." Ye Chen is quite satisfied with his progress in cultivation.

"Idiot, this kind of cultivation speed, you feel satisfied? There are such good things as arrogance. I don't know how to use it. It's really empty, but I don't know how to dig it!"

"How do you say this?" Ye Chen’s heart is moving. Can basal qi also help with cultivation?

"You will try to run the basaltic gas for thirty-six big Sundays." The purple Mars lion said, lazy to go back to sleep.

Ye Chen brows slightly, and quickly gave birth to a flat land, began to run the nine stars in the dantian place, urging the basaltic gas into a stream of air, running in the limbs, the place where the basaltic air flow, the meridians got Warm and very comfortable.

When Ye Chen was running basalt, his surroundings were transformed into a basaltic brilliance.

The basaltic gas runs in the body for a week and enters the Dantian. It is like a turtle entering the sea, and the sacredness of Dantian is surging.