MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 289 Xuan-level demon wolf (seeking a monthly ticket!!!)

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Too superior, it is a peak-like existence, only in the legend, is a realm that they simply cannot reach. They only occasionally heard some rumors. The humans above the tenth order are divided into the land, the gods, the gods, the gods, the gods, and the corresponding monsters on the tenth order are divided into geographers, heavenly masters, and masters. , demon king, too.

Too superior monster beast master, but the equivalent of the infinite power of human beings, a higher level than the gods!

"His Highness, the master of the Xuanzun class, is naturally much more powerful than the demon king." Nie Qingyun lowered his voice, and he said with some caution, he was also a little scared.

Xiaoyi has always been with Ye Chen. Nie Qingyun and Mingwu Emperor don't know much about Xiaoyi. They just know that Xiaoyi's wisdom is still in a child's stage, but on strength, on the physical strength, it should have already reached the demon king. Level too.

Therefore, Nie Qingyun’s attitude towards Xiaoyi is extremely respectful and humble.

"Since even the demon kings are better than that, then they are afraid of what they are doing? If the people of their sects dare to come, I will flatten them!" Xiaoyi raised his fist and shouted, and glanced at the evil sword.

After the evil sword was swept away by the winglet, the legs were soft. It turned out that they faced such a terrible existence. The child should be a master of the demon king. Even the fire evil sect could not keep up, then they even There is no point in it.

The original Xiaoyi and Ye Chen, even the masters of the superiors have been in contact, Nie Qingyun and Mingwu the Great look at each other, the little wing speaks a bit unobtrusive, they get some information from the mouth of the winglet, It is a firm inner thought.

The winglet squeezed his fist and walked step by step toward the evil sword. He was ready to smash the evil sword and the sword.

Although the evil swords and swords will be defeated, Ye Chen is worried that there will be an accident. He flies away from where the little wing and other people are. He has just flew for dozens of meters. He suddenly feels a sigh of breath toward this side. Sneaked over.

Ye Chen wrinkled his brow, and there are also mysterious beasts here?

He snorted and released the spirit to welcome him.

After the soul touched the soul of Ye Chen, he was scared and quickly shrank back.

And Ye Chen’s soul is tracking all the way, tracking a woodland hundreds of meters away. In the dense grass, there is a huge red wolf hidden in the grass. This giant wolf has one person. High, strong and powerful.

This giant wolf felt that the soul of Ye Chen was sweeping on himself, and suddenly he almost slammed on the ground and trembled.

It did not expect that there was a demon king here. This strength is not worse than the three wolves. At this time, he is nervous. If Ye Chen hurts, it is estimated that it will even have a chance to survive. No. Want to escape the tracking of the demon king? This is a joke! For the sake of the present, only honestly kneeling, waiting for the trial of the demon king.

Seeing the demon wolf crouching on the ground, Ye Chen frowned.

It is a mysterious beast!

How can this mysterious demon wolf appear here? Could it be that the war between the Seibu Empire and the South Barbarian Kingdom, the Wolf King Hall also mixed in it? Or is it just the Wolf King Hall that just sent this demon wolf to see the battle?

If it is the first one, then the war between the Seibu Empire and the South Manchu State, I am afraid that even Ye Chen can't control it. If it is the latter, then it is better to say something.

"Where are you from?" Ye Chen's soul passed a message.

"My Highness, Dear, I am from the Temple of the Wolf." The demon wolf spit out words and respectfully.

"Wolf Temple is preparing to intervene in the war between the South Manchu and the Seibu Empire?" Ye Chen asked, although he had some festivals with the Wolf King Hall, but these festivals have not yet surfaced on the water, before there is not enough strength, Ye Chen is definitely not going to take the initiative to provoke the Wolf King Hall, but if the Wolf King Hall is going to attack the Seibu Empire, Ye Chen will make any decision, and then he will say two more.

"No, His Royal Highness, the Wolf King Hall is not prepared to intervene in the war between the Nanman and the Seibu empire. It is only the Nanman and the Seibu empire that are within the sphere of power of the Wolf King Hall. The three wolves sent me to observe two. The war between the countries, but did not want to meet under the temple here." The wolf did not dare to hide, honestly, almost lowered his head to the ground. At this time, it is afraid of death in the heart. If Ye Chen does it, it will instantly blast its soul. Ye Chen’s thought is enough to kill it. It can only hope that Ye Chen can see the three wolves. On the face, put yourself a horse.

"I have been practicing in the world for decades, and I have been staying in this Xiwu Empire. I want to protect this Xiwu Empire. I also ask the three wolves to not shoot. I will definitely thank you for the change of the day." Ye Chen was silent for a long time. If you want, the Wolf King Hall should sell yourself a face. After all, in their eyes, they are a demon king!

"I will tell the words of His Royal Highness to the three wolves." After the demon wolf heard Ye Chen's words, the heartstrings of the heart suddenly loosened, and this southern country was really a tragedy. The plan to attack the Seibu Empire has been planned for so long. When attacking the imperial capital of the Seibu Empire, I found that there is a demon king hidden in the emperor of the Seibu Empire, and it is not a death. It seems that after going back, I have to beat and knock up the floods. The Seibu Empire is not what he can swallow.

"Okay, go back." Ye Chen took back the soul, only to see the demon wolf after three thanks, and ran all the way with his tail.

Seeing the back of the demon wolf, Ye Chen frowned slightly, thinking in his heart, the news that he appeared in the imperial capital of the Seibu Empire, once spread, the South Manchurian country will certainly stop the attack, withdraw the army, the South Barbarians Hong Ye is not an idiot, knowing what kind of people can provoke, and what kind of people can't afford it.

But for the time being, the Seibu empire could not counterattack the Nanman country, and Ye Chen could not shoot, because once he shot, his real strength was exposed!

Temporarily stabilizing the situation, for the Seibu Empire, is already a very good ending.

"It seems that I can no longer stay in the Imperial Capital of the Seibu Empire. The three wolves of the Wolf King Hall know that the Seibu Empire has a demon-level existence. Can you still sit still? After all, the Seibu Empire is the site of the Wolf King Hall. They will certainly send people to come to temptation, or find a demon-level pro, even three wolves come together! In the process of contact, I am depressed, I am afraid that there are more fierce." Ye Chen frowned, he However, knowing the power of a demon king, whether it is facing the lion king or the wolf king of the Wolf King Hall, Ye Chen does not dare to guarantee that he will not be dismantled. What if they propose to discuss it?

So hiding from them is the best way!

"Can't stay in the Seibu empire, where are you going?" Ye Chen frowned, thinking suddenly, or else, go to the Central Empire to see?

With Ye Chen’s current strength, although the Central Empire is not the top-level existence, there is nothing wrong with self-protection. Go to the Central Empire and see the world. Maybe there will be more progress.

After making up his mind, Ye Chen decided to deal with the matter here first, and before going to the Central Empire, he had to go back to Yejia Valley.

Not enough strength, can only avoid its edge.

"Sorry, A raccoon, I have no strength to help you deal with the Wolf King Hall." Ye Chen remembered the raccoon, some sly, the raccoon cat family and the wolf king temple should be counted as enemies, but Ye Chen could not do anything. This time, I went to the Central Empire to find a group of people who are looking for a raccoon. Are the people of A raccoon still alive?

The power of this world is intricate. Even if you go to the Central Empire, you will not encounter the people of the Wolf King Hall. You will have to be more careful in the future.

Ye Chen took back the soul and looked at Xiao Wing and others.

Looking at the little wing that is getting closer and closer, the evil sword and the evil sword have completely lost their resistance. This child is probably a strong demon king. It is not easy for the demon king to kill them. ? But now it is delayed to start, clearly is playing with them, as for the newly condensed gold armor, it is likely to be a mysterious beast king, the mysterious beast king soul to track thousands of miles, how can they run off?

run? Estimated to die even worse!

With the existence of two demon kings, what suspense is there?

The evil knife and the evil sword look at each other, as if they made a decision.

Nie Qingyun and Mingwu Emperor thought that the evil knife and the evil sword were still recalcitrant, and they were about to rush to the hand with their weapons, but they saw the evil knife and the evil sword two people screaming, squatting on the ground, desperately hoeing toward the little wing. .

The evil knife and the evil sword two people shocked Nie Qingyun and Mingwu the Great, and they were puzzled, but they heard the words of the evil knife and the evil sword.

"His Royal Highness, we both have no eyes and no eyes."

"His Royal Highness, we really did not volunteer to come to the Seibu Empire. It was the old ghosts in Zongmen who forced us to come."

"We don't even know that we will meet your Highness here!"

"His Royal Highness, please spare too much!"

"Rao Xiao two people have two dogs."

"I know that my Highness is here, even if we give us ten dogs, we dare not anger our Highness."

The evil sword and the evil sword both kept licking their heads and they were very loud.

"If the Highness is willing, we are willing to quit the fire evil sect and serve the Lord."

"We must be faithful to our Highness and ask His Royal Highness to take it."

"In the future, we will make a horse for our High School, and there will be no complaints."

The voices of the evil swords and the evil swords are one after another. As they say, they are cold and sweaty on their foreheads, lest the wings are unhappy, kill them directly, they are afraid of dying, and they will pull up the Nanban nationals and expand them. The dog is bloody, if it is not to expand Hongye to attack the Seibu Empire, they will not be so unlucky to encounter two demon kings.

Wings is excited to want to smash the evil sword and the sword, but they didn’t think that the evil swords and the sword suddenly fell on their own, and then said a lot of words, the wing is also a little overwhelmed. It is. He couldn't rush to smash the two people who were lying on the ground, and that was too boring.

"Hey, you'll hurry up, we haven't played enough yet, then fight." Xiaoyi was anxious.

When I heard the little wing, the evil swords and the evil swords were almost crying. The little wing was really playing them, and then playing with the winglets? Isn't that looking for death? Even the big head can't cut the winglet. It's not a fight, it's a unilateral beggar!

"Even if you lend us ten dogs, don't dare to fight with your Highness, please spare your life!" The evil sword continued to smash and smashed, and it was louder than before.

~~(To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the astronomical registered member to recommend this work, your support is my greatest motivation.)