MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 342 Stealing the day

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Ye Chen flicked his fingertips and dripped a few drops of blood. The blood dripped on one of the secret jade slips, which was not integrated into the secret jade, and slipped along the smooth surface of the secret jade.

The secret law on this secret method can not be learned.

Ye Chen can't help but feel some loss. These secret jade simplifications are too strict on the blood. It is really difficult to find a secret jade that can be learned.

There is still the last piece of secret jade, and Ye Chen has almost no hope.

It is really difficult to win other secrets and jade slips with your own strength. If these three secrets are not available to you and the winglets, you can only find a chance to sell them and see if you can Change to something that suits you.

Seeing that Ye Chen’s blood did not merge successfully with the secret method, the lion’s expression was extremely calm, and all this was in his expectation.

Put the last piece of secret jade in the palm of your hand, drop a drop of blood, and the drop of blood drops on the secret of the sacred jade, only the secret of the sacred jade slowly spreads, a wave of * mysterious The power is flowing in it, and this secret jade suddenly bursts into a dazzling colorful light.

This colorful light is very soft and gentle, making people feel like they are in a fairyland, with crisp and sweet music flowing in their ears.

“Is the fusion successful?” Ye Chen was very excited. I don’t know what secrets will be learned next?

The lion feels the warm energy of the secret law jade on the side, but also reveals a smile. Ye Chen's luck is not bad. Actually, he has a piece of the secret. Any secret method on the secret jade should be extremely simple.

Suddenly, the lion seems to feel a strange atmosphere.

"Not good, Ye Chen kid, flash!"

When Ye Chen heard the words of the lion, he had not had time to react, and he was shrouded in the colorful light. He couldn’t hear the words of the lion. There was no sound in his ear. It was like a dream. The lion was anxious. The look seems to be gradually blurred.

"What is going on, where am I?" Ye Chen looked around and found himself in a strange space, surrounded by colorful Xiaguang, looking around, as if it were a paradise, birds and flowers.

Doesn't it mean that you can learn the secret law by using the blood to merge the secret method? Did the lions admit their mistakes, and those jade blocks are not secrets?

And where is this?

Ye Chen calmly observed the surroundings, everything around him was very illusory, and there was no real feeling.

Is this the world inside the secret law jade?

"At last, someone opened the secret law jade, boy, you are the first one." In the void, an old voice sounded.

"Who is the predecessor? Where is this?" Ye Chen looked up, but could not see anyone, and wondered what the old man would have.

"Who am I? Oh, you can call me a secret."

"Tianji?" Ye Chen was silent.

"Yes, you are in my consciousness. My broken consciousness is integrated into every secret jade. You are very lucky to enter one of the secret jade. This secret jade is just right for your physique and blood. ""

Inside the secret law jade, actually combined with the consciousness of a powerful person?

All this is too mysterious. Everything in the soul tower of the town seems to have been deliberately made. Ye Chen does not understand the intention of this old man.

"Young people, since you have combined this secret simplification, what kind of secret method do you choose to learn? I have 372 kinds of secrets for you to choose from, including primary secret method and intermediate secret method. Even the mighty Thunder mystery, the star secret method, and the Tianyuan secret method."

There are so many secrets to choose from? Ye Chen feels that his head is not enough. What does the old man want to do? Tianyuan secret law? Why is it named after the Tianyuan predecessor?

"You can rest assured, I will not harm you, I am just a dead person, there is no threat to you, I will not tell you any information. You have a secret Yu Jian, so you can learn a secret law."

"What secrets can I learn?" Ye Chen looked up and couldn't see the old man in the void. It might be the same as the old man said. He was just a glimpse of consciousness.

Ye Chen’s voice just fell, and I saw a lot of illusions in the sky. It was the shadow of some powerful people who used the secret method.

"The secret law is the essence of martial arts. The more powerful the secret law, the harder it is to learn. A primary secret law can be mastered in a few days. An intermediate secret law may take several years. A high-level secret law may take decades, and it is more powerful. The Thunder's Secret Method, the Star Secret Method, and even the Tianyuan Secret Method may require a lifetime of study."

Ye Chen browsed the secrets, and he considered that there is a secret that can get rid of the current predicament.

Looking at these secret images, Ye Chen’s eyes suddenly fell on one of the strong shadows, saying: “I want this secret!”

"Are you sure you want to learn this secret law?" The celestial plane seemed to ask a little strangely.

"Not bad."

"Stolen day, this secret method can converge, change the appearance, cultivation to the first weight can avoid the tracking of the too high, the Promise Realm, although it is a star secret method, but it is easy to master, because it is not a battle secret, there is no use in combat, Are you sure you want to learn this? I have a lot of fighting secrets here. With your strength, the next time you want to **** the secret jade, it is not so simple." Tianji said.

"I want to learn this secret method!" Ye Chen is serious and honest. Once he has made up his mind, he will not change. With his current cultivation, even if he has learned a super secret, he will never want to play a no-death. The strong, and those super-secure secrets take a long time to master. And this stealing day is very easy to master on the one hand, and on the other hand can help you get rid of the current danger.

"Well, I will pass this secret to you!"

The voice of the celestial plane just fell, and I saw the mysterious seal of the sky falling into the body of Ye Chen. Ye Chen felt a series of mouthfuls in his mind. This shackle was the key to the sneak peek.

After learning the secret law, Ye Chen had not had time to say anything, and he saw that the colorful rays of light quickly faded away. He was already in the stars. Looking down, I saw the secret of the secret jade in my hand, and it disappeared.

Ye Chen frowned, did not expect to merge the secret method of jade, actually encountered such a mysterious and fascinating thing, so that Ye Chen was shocked by the heart, look at the other two secrets of the jade, if you are a fusion of the secrets of the jade, there will be such The encounter?

"Ye Chen Xiaozi, what's wrong?" Purple Mars Lion looked to Ye Chen and asked.

"Lion, isn't every piece of secret jade simple, with an idea attached?" Ye Chen frowned.

"This is normal. Every piece of secret jade is integrated with the idea of ​​the singer of the sacred jade. This idea will teach you how to use the secret method." The lion's way, the secret jade is all produced. "The stronger the makers of the secret law jade, the more secret the secret law jade carries."

This mysterious jade has more than three hundred secrets to choose from, and proves that the old man who made the secret jade is so powerful.

The secret law - stealing the day!

Ye Chenmo thought about stealing the words of the day, and there seemed to be some epiphany in his heart.

When stealing the Japanese and practicing the Japanese secret law to a certain level, the body's body shape, bones, skin and even the meridians can be changed, and the breath can also converge, just like the legendary bone-reducing work and the turtle's work. It is a secret law to steal the Japanese law, and after practicing the first heavy, even the powerful who is too high on the border may not be able to detect his breath.

Silently running the mouth of the Japanese-style Dafa, Ye Chen’s face kept changing, and the bones suddenly bulged and sometimes fell, which was completely different from the original appearance.

As for the breath, it was also slowly converge by Ye Chen.

After about three hours, Ye Chen has changed into another person, and the breath has completely converged.

Every time you show a sneak peek at the Japanese Dafa, you need to continue for an entire hour. The sneak peek into the Japanese Dafa has been cultivated by Ye Chen to the realm of Xiaocheng.

Seeing the change of Ye Chen, the lion smiled and said: "Ye Chen, you are now fooling around, there should be no problem."

The lion's heart is also quite shocked. Generally, such a secret method, even if it is a stunning person, at least two or three months or even longer, can be the first heavy cultivation to Xiaocheng. Ye Chen, actually completed in just three hours.

Is this the legendary genius?

What the lion does not know is that it is not that Ye Chen’s talent is amazing, but that the nine-star Tianchen’s method is too mysterious. This nine-star Tianchen’s method does not know which power is created, just like the sea of ​​rivers and rivers. Especially when practicing these martial arts and secret laws, Ye Chen feels the mystery of the nine-star Tianchen. When learning any martial arts and secret techniques, Ye Chen will feel a unique sense of familiarity. Any martial arts and secret method will come to him. It can be easily grasped in your hand.

After completing the physical appearance and the change of breath, Ye Chen has completely become another person. Even if he is the closest person familiar with him, I am afraid that he will not recognize it when he comes to him.

The lion said that he has been able to fool the masters who have no beginnings. That should be no problem. Only knowing the spirits and the herons, even if there are masters with a spiritual vision, they don’t know themselves!

"Lion, let me go out and see." Ye Chen stood up and kept hiding in this star print. It was not a problem. Since you can fool the spirits and herons, go out and have a look at the situation and find a chance. Open! It’s enough to get so many good things yourself.

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)