MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 405 Breaking the line! ! (Immediately recommend, monthly ticket!!)

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"This person does not get rid of, like the 澹台绫, it is a big worry!" Fu Yuanxuan's face was gloomy, although he only scored a point of strength, but also enough to easily suppress a strong king of the demon king realm However, I did not expect Ye Chen actually stunned.

Seeing the whole body wearing the purple magic armor, the body purple rose, like a war **** Ye Chen shattered his palm power, Fu Yuanxuan really angry.

"A demon king, dare to be so arrogant in front of this seat, see how I crush you!" Fu Yuanxuan was furious, and a more powerful force rushed toward Ye Chen.

Ye Chen suddenly felt a huge pressure, which was several times larger than before.

But even under such pressure, Ye Chen did not move as completely as before.

Fu Yuanxuan released the mysterious spirit, and made a big hand in the sky, and took it to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen’s slap in the palm of his hand could only make the big hand shocked. He cried: “It seems that I can only use this trick!”

Fu Yuanxuan's palm is like a layer of mountains, oppressed, the tyrannical power, afraid that a mountain will be crushed in an instant.

Strong pressure came to the fore, Ye Chen was very calm at the moment, the right hand moved, the star prints appeared in the palm of the right palm.

The starry sky was hanging up, and the soul of Ye Chen was condensed, and the ban on the starry sky bombarded the past.

Seeing Ye Chen holding up the star print, I don’t know what kind of treasure Ye Chen had to sacrifice. Fu Yuanxuan snorted: "Even if you have many treasures, I will break it!" The hand took a picture to Ye Chen.

Seeing that the giant hand grabbed it, I had to crush Ye Chen into pieces, only to see that Ye Chen suddenly disappeared. Fu Yuanxuan was suspicious, how did Ye Chen suddenly disappear, and had not had time to react, just listening to the "嗡" Sounds. The whole sky seemed to be torn apart, and an incomparably powerful energy, centered on the stars, was released to the surroundings.


Like a thunder, the terrible impact sweeps everything.

Hey! ! !

The giant hand of Fu Yuanxuan's mysterious condensate is incapable of being defeated in the face of this powerful force.

Fu Yuanxuan, who is far away from the distance of several kilometers, felt that a huge impact swept over, and suddenly changed his color and quickly operated the body secret.


Fu Yuanxuan snorted. Take a few steps back.

He was better, and he was hit by this impact force so far, only suffering some minor injuries. However, those gods and demon kings in the trapped spirits did not have the tyrannical repairs of Fu Yuanxuan. After being swept by this force, they rushed to the blood and fell back.

Fu Yuanxuan was furious and did not know what the stone seal was, and he was able to release such a strong force. It was completely beyond his imagination.

I don't know where Ye Chen went. Fu Yuanxuan was about to put the stone seal in the bag. Suddenly, a water storm burst into the sky. The gods and demon kings who formed the big array were all shaken out.

After the storm subsided, the Taiwanese priests held the trident of Poseidon, standing proudly, and a terrible murder spread out around.

Yantai was injured. Her face was pale, her blood on her chest was red, but her look. Still not shocked, even can not see a trace of anger, the water system under the enveloping, rich and rich Yufeng, exquisite and invisible clavicle, as well as the jade carving of white jade, beautiful as a fairy.

澹台绫 rushed out of the trapped spirit!

Hey, the sea **** Trident came out with an unparalleled power to fly toward Fu Yuanxuan, the colorful gods were dazzling, and the whole world seemed to be silent at this moment.

The door to life and death opens at this moment!

"Not good, this woman came out!" Fu Yuanxuan's face changed greatly, and he dared to distract him to grab the star print, and quickly turned back, the gold system Xuanqi condensed a giant shield in front of him.

With a bang, the sea **** Trident bombarded the giant shield, and the golden giant shield suddenly broke open.

Fu Yuanxuan was shocked and stunned. He also became a master of the spiritual level. Fu Yuanxuan has been in Lingwang for several decades. He almost entered the second place of Lingwang, but he was just entering the spirit. The threshold of Wangjing is only over 80% of the strength of Fu Yuanxuan, and the strength of Fujian and Taiwan is not one, but Rao is so, Fu Yuanxuan is still inferior to Taiwan.

A terrible woman!

Fu Yuanxuan quickly applied the secret method, and slammed it and flew it out. If this time, let the Taiwanese and Taiwanese get out of trouble, the next time there will be no chance to kill the Taiwanese!

Absolute field!

Fu Yuanxuan angered, and his body was turned into a golden sword, and he slammed into the shackles.

The strength of the field between the two sides violently collided, and the Taiwanese troupe was slightly inferior. After all, she was trapped for so long, although the strength still surpassed Fu Yuanxuan, but the physical strength was too much, and the body was still affected by Seriously injured.

When the area was rubbed, the hills below were instantly crushed to the ground, and all the way passed, the world was cracked.

Several of the gods and demon kings were unable to escape, and they were involved in two major fields. Even the screams did not come out, and they were instantly crushed into pieces.

Ye Chen drilled out from the star-printed seal, flew down and took the star print to the main seal, looking far away, and found that Fujian and Taiwan were fighting fiercely with Fu Yuanxuan.

"澹台绫, don't entangle with him, go quickly, if the people of the law enforcement hall come, you can't run away!" Ye Chen said loudly, don't know his voice, can you reach the ears of the fierce battle? in.

The battle continued there, and Ye Chen was anxious to see the two terrible spheres of power spreading towards this side. He quickly flew out for dozens of miles and turned around to look at it. The battle between Futai and Fu Yuanxuan was so dark and difficult. Solve difficulties.

Fu Yuanxuan is so entangled, afraid that it is more difficult to go to the stage!

If you have been entangled, the law enforcement hall will come to the reinforcements and you will not be able to escape! However, the battle between the two great spiritual powerhouses was too horrible. The power in the field seemed to destroy everything. It covered a few tens of kilometers, and Ye Chen could not get close.

"Damn, if you fight again, you are afraid of being bad!" Ye Chen was annoyed, and there was such a big movement here that people who did not alarm the law enforcement hall would be blamed.

There is no way to insert it. Ye Chen turned back and saw that the gods and demon kings of more than a dozen law enforcement halls were watching from far away, and suddenly they were born from the gall. Counting you bad luck!

The people in these law enforcement halls are dead and dead! Now is a good time to weaken the strength of the law enforcement hall. At this time, do not kill them, but when to wait!

Ye Chen showed his thunder and flashed, as fast as lightning, rushed up, swung his right hand, and the Sanhe sword swept out.

In addition, Zhen Tianding is also a roaring roar, slamming into the masters of law enforcement halls.

With a bang, a big head flew up. The gods of a law enforcement hall were killed by a sword. Ye Chen was too fast, far surpassing these gods and demon kings, so that they could not respond at all!

A sword and palms fell on Ye Chen's body, but it only made the purple magic warrior faintly glimmered, and could not break through the purple magic armor!

Ye Chen did not need to control how these people attacked themselves. They only killed all the way, and Zhentian Ding flew out, inhaling a mysterious king of the demon king's peak level into the earthquake. The soul fire ritual, the mysterious beast demon king in the Zhentian Ding made a fierce scream.

The rest of the gods and demon kings saw Ye Chen’s sorrows, and they were so scared that they had to withdraw.

In the distance, five innocent strongmen stood in the air. Look at me, I look at you, Ye Chen, who is wearing the purple magic armor, is also nothing, but Ye Chen wants to kill them. It is also very difficult, after all, the realm is too much.

Before killing the Zongyuan, it was because there were enough condensate Dan. Life and death will be killed, but the opposite is full of five no strong players, Ye Chen can not suppress.

With a bang, the distant field collided and exploded, and the horrible voice shook the hearts of people.

Fu Yuanxuan vomited blood, and the volley flew out a few kilometers, while the 澹台绫, it turned into a stream of light, flying toward Ye Chen.

"It's time to go!" Ye Chen quickly took over Zhen Tianding.

"The woman was seriously injured and stopped her!" Fu Yuanxuan screamed.

When I heard Fu Yuanxuan's words, Feng Yu and Qin Ming and other five non-starting strongmen looked at each other and rushed to the stage.

"Several things that have no beginnings, but also dare to block me!" Yantai snorted, and a colorful light flashed around. The colorful gods blew in Feng Yu and others, only to see these inferior strongmen. Hey, one by one, vomiting blood and flying out.

Even if it is seriously injured, it is not comparable to these uninhabited fish.

"Go!" Yantai smashed over Ye Chen, and a ray of light fell, with Ye Chen plunging into the distant sky, and the blink of an eye disappeared at the end of the sky.

Feng Yu, Qin Ming and others glared at the chest, pale, and watched the scorpion smashing away. They looked at each other.

This woman is really terrible. The trapped spirit has been trapped for so long. Suffering serious injuries, Fu Yuanxuan is still defeated by the elders, and they easily injured five of them. If it is the strength of the peak period, then it still has to be?

To know that Fu Yuanxuan is in the law enforcement hall, the strength is second only to the three lords, among the elders of the elders, is the number one existence!

Doesn't that mean that only three lords will be born to compete with Fujian and Taiwan?

Fu Yuanxuan was covered in blood, and he flew over and looked at the sky in the distance. His face was gloomy.

"Taiwan elders, what should we do now?" Feng Yu and others looked at Fu Yuanxuan.

"Be sure to kill the Taiwanese shackles, otherwise she will definitely become the affliction of my law enforcement temple!" Fu Yuanxuan said coldly, "She was poisoned by the red snake, and could not run far! It will not take long for the snake venom to attack."

Still have to pursue? Feng Yu and others are a bit chilly. The Taiwanese cymbals are terrible. They are not able to fight at all. If they are not careful, they may be killed by the shackles, but they have not said it.

"In addition, find out the origins of the person who later, no matter who he is, give me kill!" Fu Yuanxuan Sen coldly, the man is carrying a few treasures, although it is only the realm of the demon king, but it is already Being able to confront people without the beginning, even in the face of his imposing pressure, can calmly cope, the potential of this person can not be ignored.


Fu Yuanxuan slightly adjusted his interest and plunged away. The other five non-starting powers, as well as those gods and demon kings, also followed suit. A group of people followed and traced.
