MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 413 Heart and mind unity (request for monthly ticket support!!)

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Zong Zhou saw the shocking Tianding hit, and snorted, only to see the sea beast roaring, and the palm of the air was shot.

A loud bang, Zhen Tianding was actually shot in the air by Zong Zhou’s memory.

Zhen Tianding did not accelerate, the speed of the impact was not so fast, and Zong Zhou was a strong man with no beginnings and six heavy, repaired as far beyond Ye Chen.

On the other hand, Ye Chen’s golden armor was also hit by the sea beast that had been condensed by the ancestral scorpion, and a slamming sound broke open in the sky.

There are no beginnings of five heavy and no beginnings of six heavy, too powerful!

By the blockage of Zhen Tianding and the Golden Armor, Ye Chen has already plucked a long way.

Zhen Tianding was suspended in the air. Zong Zhouchao Zhen Tianding glanced at him. Although he was awkward about Zhentianding, the burning waves and the mysterious atmosphere radiated from Zhentianding made him feel jealous. He reached out and took Zhen Tianding, and he would be burned by the soul fire on the Tiantian Ding.

If you want to win the earthquake, you must kill Ye Chen!

Zong Zhou looked up and looked up into the sky. He saw that the sea beasts around him were confined and clawed, and they caught the leaves in the sky.

"Sanhe Jianzhen, kill!"

Ye Chen offered a three-in-one sword array, a void, a finger, and a three-way sword flying down, such as the falling Milky Way.

After offering the Sanhe sword array, Ye Chen immediately condensed the Tao Xuanqi flying knife, and the Xuanqi flying knife rushed toward the body of Zong Zhou and Zongtang.

Hey! ! !

The Sanhe sword array was swayed by two huge sea beasts, and the two sea beasts went on the spot and flew toward Ye Chen.

Hey, the Xuanqi flying knife actually penetrated the block of the sea beast directly, and Chao Zongzhou and Zongtang went straight.

"This flying knife is so sharp!" Zong Zhou, Zong Yu's look changed, the body suddenly turned into a water, and instantly swept far away.

"Hey!" Ye Chen shouted, manipulating the mysterious flying knife, and saw that the Xuanqi flying knife suddenly turned into two arcs. Around a bend to Zong Zhou and Zongtang.

Zong Zhou and Zong Yi are extremely fast, and a few flashes are already escaping from the mysterious flying knife and approaching Ye Chen.

The speed of the Xuanqi flying knife controlled by Ye Chen is still too slow. It is still too difficult to kill the strong five or six heavy players.

Between Zong Zhou and Zong Yi’s eyes, it’s already in front of Ye Chen.

"Dead!" Zong Zhou explored the big hand and grabbed the neck of Ye Chen, while the ancestral temple next to him was also the back of a sword to Ye Chen.

"It's in our hands. You can't escape!" Zong Zhou snorted, and these several fights, he has roughly known the strength of Ye Chen, his heart is set, and he has no strength in the beginning. Killing Ye Chen is more than enough.

Zongtang Jianguang is flying fast, and he will soon wear the body of Ye Chen.

Even if the purple magic armor is how, if Ye Chen is a full set of nine purple magic armor, they can not break through their strength. But unfortunately, the purple magic armor of Ye Chen is only a mixture of eight products and nine products, with eight products mostly!

"Breaken!" Zong Yujiao snorted, and the sword in his hand passed a few points forward. Hey, break the ban on the purple magic armor.

You will be able to penetrate the Purple Devils armor and kill Yechen!

Life and death, Ye Chen feels that he has been locked by Zong Zhou and Zong Yi. It is extremely difficult to use the star to print the main seal even if the whole body can't move.

If Zongxi’s sword breaks through the purple magic armor, he will be pierced by a sword.

at this moment. Ye Chen’s mind flashed through the figures, father, uncle, nephew, all the leaf family, and the raccoon who had not been able to see it again since the land of the forbidden domain.

How can I die here!

I want to guard my people!

"Heart and mind are one!" Ye Chen sighed aloud, a stock of spirits lingering around the body, and the body merged together, like the purple magic armor, formed a complete protection in the body.

When the soul merged with the body, Ye Chen finally broke the qi and lock of Zong Zhou and Zong Yi.

However, it is just a matter of making a gas lock!

Ye Chen still couldn't resist the momentum of Zong Zhou and Zong Yi, and the soul was condensed into a bundle, and the main star of the sky was printed.

The prohibition of the main seal of the Stars was broken a little bit, and a tyrannical force suddenly swept out. Ye Chenxi’s slammed into the starry seal.

I felt that the soul of Ye Chen fluctuated drastically, and Zong Zhou’s heart suddenly had a strong sense of crisis.

"Go!" Zong Zhou sighed.

Zongtang did not have time to think about what happened and fled.

Hey, two figures flew out.

A loud bang, a powerful force swept out like a sky, surrounded by the raging power, and the clouds gathered nearby were instantly evaporated. The smoke, the whole sky seems to be emptied.

The sea beasts of Zong Zhou and Zongxi's mysterious condensed spirits did not have time to escape. They were completely shredded by this force and disappeared without a trace.

Everything within a few kilometers of the square is swept!

Zong Zhou and Zong Yi, although they did not see the machine, escaped fast, but they were still caught in this force. The internal organs and the viscera were like to be scattered. The blood was sprayed in the sky in the distance. When you look back, you can see it. Awesome color.

Terrible power!

If they escape a little slower, it is now possible to die without a place to die.

Ye Chen saw that this force had subsided, and immediately came out from the printing space and sealed the star of the star.

Just because the urging was too urgent, Ye Chen was also swept by a part of the main printing force. Fortunately, there was a purple magic armor shelter, otherwise he was afraid that at that moment, he would have to vanish!

Although wearing a purple magic armor, Ye Chen suffered some internal injuries, gasping with a big mouth, holding the star prints, and looking at Zong Zhou and Zong Yi in the distance.

Ye Chen silently operated Xuanqi to recover the wounds in the body. Although he was awkward, he was still volleyed, and his body was surrounded by the purple magic armor, which made people unable to see any expression.

Zong Zhou and Zong Yi glanced at Ye Chen’s right hand, and they were quite jealous in their hearts. The injuries on them would take a long time to recover. If they were once again swept by the horrible power, the consequences would be unimaginable.

I don't know how the power was formed in the end.

Ye Chen's means, afraid of being a master of the spirit of the horizon, but also taboo!

Zong Zhou, Zong Yi and Ye Chen are far away from each other, but they are a little afraid to get close to Ye Chen. They are worried that Ye Chen will release that power again!

The confrontation between the two sides is actually a situation of stalemate. As for the following, it is playing dark and dim. The confrontation between the gods and the demon kings is extremely amazing. The mysterious and staggered, the physical collision, a The stock punches are scattered by the palm of the hand.

One person resisted the blood wolf demon king and the fire wolf demon king, the winglet and the golden yang carving are still besieging the black wing, and the other four are close to the demon king and there are eight ten battles composed of the star-level masters. Array, it is on the sacred god, the demon king strong.

One piece, the winglet and the Jinyang carving all steadily took advantage of it, pressing the opponent to fight, but the battle of the Star Temple is not optimistic, and it is in the midst of a retreat. If it is not perfect, it will not be possible. Resisting the gods and demon kings, but the time of battle has been a long time, the problem is also very big, after all, the cultivation of the gods and demon kings is too strong. Even if a group of masters are formed into battlefields, there is no effective means to bruise them, and if they are not careful, the lawsuit may be broken.

With a bang, a sturdy God-respected strongman broke open a battle. Instantly, hey, ten meta-level masters were killed and blood spattered.

Many of these mysterious masters have just been promoted to the level of Xuan, and they have not even been solid.

Among the millions of disciples of the Star Temple, there are only a small part of them, and their talents are outstanding. They have broken through to the mysterious level. The future is the pillar of the Star Temple. However, now their blood is sprinkled on the Five Stars of the Star Temple. Over the sky.

The people of the Star Temple who have no strength to participate in the battle, as well as the people of the five cities, saw this scene and could not help but burst into tears.

The soul beasts are coming, and any one of them, if they leave the Star Temple, can't live in the wilderness outside the city, so here is their home. These Star Temple disciples are fighting for their survival. A star temple child died in battle, just like their family left.

In the distance of a blacksmith shop, Yan Xiong finally couldn't help but pull out a cold ice sword and flew away.

Although there are still dark injuries in his meridians, he can still fight!

The staggered sword air knife, accompanied by **** rain, witnessed the cruelty of death.

The blood of Yin Hong, in the sunshine, is particularly desolate.

Outside the wolf king hall, the battle between the monster army and the soul beast tide continued. Countless monsters flocked to the walls of the five city walls, and the Star Temple disciples launched a melee on the wall, the overwhelming flying monster In the five cities, cast a huge shadow.

"Brothers, your parents, your brothers and sisters are behind you, they are watching you, your brothers are around, you have to go back and kill!"


The ordinary warriors who did not join the Star Temple in the city pool spontaneously organized themselves and rushed to the wall to fight the monsters. Although their strength is much worse than that of the Star Temple disciples, all of them are not afraid of death and fought to kill the enemy.

Hey, a good head flies up, blood spurs, and dozens of people work together to kill one or two monsters, but they don’t retreat, but roar like a fierce beast. , rushed up.

Some of the monsters rushed into the five cities and began a crazy killing.

Seeing that the city wall is about to be broken, some places in the city have been occupied by the monster army of the Wolf King Hall, and a group of monsters have poured into the five cities.

Ye Chen’s five cities, which are painstakingly managed, are afraid to become a human purgatory!

Seeing the tragic situation below, Ye Chen was anxious, but there was no way. Zong Zhou and Zongtang in the distance were watching him with contempt, he could only use the main seal to deter, but the main seal could not be over the five stars of the Star Temple. Release, not then unimaginable.

Just as Ye Chen was anxious, suddenly there was a loud horn of horns in the distance. At the end of the sky, a flood-like force rushed over here!
