MTL - Nine Cents Refining-Chapter 27 1 night 10 rounds (on)

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Receiving Sun Hao as a secret disciple, and improving his mentality, the breakthrough is imminent, how the youngsters see how Sun Hao is pleasing to the eye, and stayed in the practice room for a while. Give Sun Hao his own experience in practice.

There are a lot of pieces, and Sun Hao listens patiently and absorbs the experience of seniors’ practice. It is inevitably beneficial to his own practice. Of course, because Sun Hao has just entered the first layer of refining, there is not much teaching about the cultivation of true and refining, and even if the old man is giving up, Sun Hao can't understand.

In fact, what the young master taught to Sun Hao is more important things to be aware of in the monk world, some taboos, some secrets.

When the old and the old volleyed away, Sun Hao still sat in the practice room for a while, summing up his income today.

Entering the refining layer and becoming a secret disciple, he was taught by the young and old, and there is a small method of jade and jade. It is really a good day.

Carefully figuring out the meaning of the words in the old sayings, Sun Hao vaguely understands a truth, Mu Xiu will be destroyed in the forest wind, Sun Hao now shows that the repair of a layer of refining is not a good thing, the correct approach should be to learn to immediately The technique is hidden and repaired, and then more disciples refining the air, and then showing the repair of a mixed-faced public face.

Because I didn't want to explore the secrets of Sun Hao, Qing Lao didn't ask about Sun Hao's cultivation status from beginning to end. Moreover, in the subconscious, Qing Lao thought that Sun Hao was entering the ethereal state to enter the body.

In fact, Sun Hao’s cultivation status has surpassed the ethereal spirit in the ordinary sense. The four-color light spot he felt during his cultivation is evidence. The monk feels guilty. As long as he feels that the aura is successful, most of the monks feel the familiarity of the infuriating in the state of cultivation, thus inducing the gas to achieve the refining, like Sun Hao, directly distinguishing the color feelings. To the aura, there are very few, very few, and strictly speaking, the state of Sun Hao’s cultivation has exceeded the ethereal.

In this case, Qing Lao did not ask, Sun Hao did not say. Sun Hao also thought that all the feelings were the same as him, he could feel the aura of different attributes.

Lost in a thousand miles, feel the aura of light, inhaled in the body practice, compared to ordinary disciples, Sun Hao's aura growth rate naturally multiplied.

Time has been in the middle of the night, Sun Hao came out to practice the house, saw the small bamboo that relied on the door to snoring, dumbfounded, woke up Xiaozhu, let her go back to rest, and then enter their own room.

Xiaozhu woke up and groaned a few words: "Weird, how did you fall asleep?" Then, the little nose shook a few times, what smell, stink!

Sun Hao, who entered the room, discovered that he had a stench on his body. It was like a hot day when he was engaged in strong physical labor. He had a layer of dirt on his body, which was uncomfortable and uncomfortable. Take a shower, wash and sleep. Sorry, Sun Hao himself fetched water, and there was no trouble with Xiaozhu.

The next day, Sun Hao woke up and was refreshed. After entering the refining layer, Sun Hao only felt that he was very clear-minded and spirited. However, what made him regret is that it seems that some of the styles of practicing martial arts, such as standing up, seem to have no effect. The tiger and the tiger hit the fist several times and shook his head. Sun Hao once again entered the practice room and began today's cultivation.

Out of the special requirements of the secret disciples, Sun Hao did not go to Gu Yun’s series of doors, because Qing Lao told him last night that Lao Zhang had refining and repairing, and that many of the south courtyard secretaries were Zongmen. Eyeliner. Therefore, Sun Hao decided to stay in the martial arts before he mastered the stagnation technique. As for the catering, there is naturally a small bamboo service. This **** should not be refining, or it will not become a confidant disciple, but a formal disciple.

One morning, in accordance with the experience of the young and old, Sun Hao meditated on the cultivation of the annual rings, and continued to grow the wood aura in the body, consolidating the refining of the first layer. In accordance with the old-fashioned speech, the refining layer was consolidated and simpler. One month, two or three months, can be consolidated anyway.

Of course, if there is a consolidation of medicinal herbs, the time will be shorter, but the younger brothers screamed that Sun Hao is a three-point drug, and that medicinal herbs have advantages and disadvantages. The refining period is the stage at which the monks lay the foundation. The foundation must be firm and less It is better to take dandruff.

In the afternoon, Sun Hao did not practice.

He naturally wakes up from the state of being established, feeling that the aura of the annual ring wood is saturated, and the meridians are also faint. So I no longer insist on it, carefully combing my own exercises, taking a break and clarifying my ideas for the next step.

Although he has just been in contact with the truth, Sun Hao has the experience of practicing the firepower. He knows the truth that he has not been able to do so. His father Sun Qiang is practicing too hard and the meridians are brutally wounded, which has been stuck in the peak of the day after tomorrow and has not been able to enter congenital.

There is a particularity here. Under normal circumstances, the monk in the refining period is not able to feel the light. The speed of inhaling the aura is naturally not so fast. The amount of aura inhaled every day will not be full. Naturally, for most new disciples, it is diligent to make up for it. Fortunately, Sun Hao has experience, or else he will be quick and will inevitably affect the foundation of cultivation.

Sun Hao’s practice of cultivating 诀 currently has a variety of woods. This is the main wooden system. Naturally, as long as the meridians do not feel full, they must practice immediately. Then there is the firepower. This is the five elements of the wheel. The fire response continues to grow. In the afternoon, the focus of Sun Hao's research is the five elements of the round.

According to the requirements of the five elements of the round, the fire has been successfully retained in Dantian.

Then, in the next step, according to the rhetoric of the five elements, it is also a crucial step to strengthen the fire. With the increase of the annual ring wood aura, the wood system will occupy an absolute dominant position in Dantian. If the fire does not grow, it will probably be swallowed up by the wood system, or other unexpected changes in Dantian.

The correct practice method is to separate a part of the fire, and in the form of the spirit bubble, walk along the meridians of the annual ring wood, and then, relying on the principle of the five elements, to fire the wood, secretly burn some wood aura in the meridians, The strength of the fire and the strength of the fire, and through the accumulation of accumulation over the years, assimilation, so that the fire will bring the atmosphere of the annual ring wood, to achieve the purpose of fish and pearls, Dantian coexistence.

Of course, if there is no wheel fire method under the five elements of the wheel, the final fire will still be assimilated into the annual ring wood aura, and at most give the wood aura a sigh of fire.

After giving the fire a strong aura of wood, to avoid being assimilated, the five elements of the wheel will be able to enter the next step, and it is also one of several conditions of the five elements of the wheel: inhaling the fire of the beast.

In the afternoon, Sun Hao carefully scrutinized the five elements of the round of spirits, constantly rehearsing the different types of fire in his mind, running the meridians, expanding the fire, and from the process of rehearsing, contrasting the mouth and constantly refining the precautions.

The convergence technique requires a layer of solidification before it can be practiced. At this time, the five-line round of spiritual practice is just right, the wood aura is not completely stable, and the fire is just enough to secretly grow.

After three hours of rest, adjust the mental state, and Sun Hao started the evening class again.

After entering the refining layer, the firework was run for a few weeks, and then the inner fire of the fire was in the Dantian under the protection of the five-wheeled Lingling bubble.

A few pieces of pure heart and silent, down, set, the annual woodworking method began to work in the body ~ ~ five elements of the wheel of the spirits at the same time, the fire fire bubble appeared a trace, a small bubble was separated, then with Wood aura enters the annual rotation path of the wood meridians.

Sun Hao can't be seen internally, but it has a clear sense of anger. In the air sensation, after the small bubble enters the meridian, it is like the same small drop of water entering the ocean, turning a few waves and disappearing.

The bubbles are assimilated by the wood aura. To be honest, the internal gas itself is lower than the true gas, and the amount is small. This ignition gas enters the wood system aura, even if it is not completely stable wood aura, it is also a boneless Save!

Sun Hao felt that the fire had disappeared, and he was not discouraged. The five elements of the wheel had long been described. This step requires water-washing, and slowly try, and to a certain extent, it will naturally come to fruition. This is a familiar process, a process of accumulation, anxious to come, to achieve the purpose of stealing strength, Sun Hao must be very skilled in controlling the fire, very skilled in running the five elements of the wheel, very skilled in mastering the woods This is crucial.

In fact, the predecessors who created the five-line round of the spirits of the martial arts are absolutely stunning and powerful. When you enter the refining layer, you must begin to control the aura! It is really heaven and earth. It is the only one, routine, and practiced on the third floor of the refining. After you can cast some basic spells, you will begin to master the infuriating operation and form spells.

Sun Hao has just refining a layer, and he started to learn this. It is not a kind of infuriating, but three strange ways of running. Can you do it all at once?

According to the five elements of the wheel, this step takes about a year.

Therefore, Sun Hao is not very anxious, let's practice slowly.