MTL - Nine Cents Refining-v3 Chapter 2880 Go back to Long Domain

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The cause and effect, the biggest feeling for Sun Hao, is, four words, entanglement of cause and effect.

What is causality? That is one thing, pulling out another thing, another thing pulling out more things, pulling it around, getting it all together, all the causes and effects are entangled together, making a mess, and constantly cutting Still messy.

The reason why the cause and effect avenue is difficult to repair, the reason may be here.

Everything in the world does not exist in isolation. It requires a lot of environmental depository, and every environment is not isolated. It also needs many other factors to decide.

In this way, if anything happens, the cause and effect behind it may be unimaginable.

The cause and effect scale is actually a causal relationship within a time period, and many causal relationships are packaged by causal scales.

Causal entanglement, followed by causal packaging, this is also a very interesting sentiment.

The so-called causal packaging is to express a very complicated thing with a simple causal package. As long as the result, no process, no detail, this is the root cause of the cause and effect scale.

For example, just in the causal relationship, the scale of causality, given a brand new, Sun Hao did not think of the cause, is a word, Xiao Cao is the reincarnation of Xia Yu.

This is a causal package.

This sentence is very well understood and very simple. The weight of this factor is indeed heavy enough.

But this reason can not be analyzed, can not be subdivided, if you analyze the relationship between Xia Wei, Xiao Cao and himself, and Xuanyuanhong, and then get the scale of causality to scale, it is definitely a foolish account, simply scale do not understand.

Causal entanglement, indicating that the cause and effect are difficult to distinguish clearly.

Causal packaging means that the causality needs to be blurred and defined within a certain range. If it is not, it will become a paste.

Just like counting, two plus two, you can get the result four directly, but you have to add one plus one plus one plus one. If you want to withdraw this way, it is hard to please.

Of course, the real cause and effect must be clearly distinguished. In particular, Sun Hao, a monk who practices the cause and effect avenue, wants to push his own cause and effect avenue forward. Sometimes, it is really necessary to do these unpleasant things to improve. My own understanding of the cause and effect avenue.

From the inside of the condensate tower, he took a long breath and gave Andrew a few words, let him restrain all the forces of the undead domain, and after giving some basic rules of behavior, Sun Hao no longer Continue to stay in the undead domain, from the special channel, broke the cloud of immortality, appeared in the void of the emptiness.

Since the coming of the virtual, Sun Hao intends to go to some places to revisit some, do not do well, these places really have some cause and effect waiting for themselves.

Not only in the virtual, but also in the virtual.

After all, Sun Hao has come all the way, in the illusory and the imaginary, has done a lot of earth-shattering events, and has a great influence on the general situation of the imaginary and the imaginary. Even if it has been for so many years, it is estimated that there will still be some causality.

Even though most monks have forgotten the once-influenced Ayumi monks, the influence of Sun Hao has infiltrated, and it has become deeply rooted in the illusory and sinister. Many things have subtly influenced the situation of the imaginary and the imaginary. Causal, that is a strange thing.

Sun Hao appeared in the void of Zhongxu, and he felt a little. He suddenly had some feelings in his heart. He did not expect that he once again entered Zhongxu, and he was almost the same as his first position in Zhongxu.

The place where I appeared was actually close to the Kelman Dragon.

The large domain of the male and female witches.

The heart suddenly moved, this is the first stop of his own in the virtual, he has also left the name of Hehewei here, a barbaric pharmacist.

I don't know how many traces of my own in the Kelman Dragon Field have been in the past for so many years.

As the body vacated, Sun Hao fluttered to the Kelman Dragon Field.

Sun Hao’s current cultivation has transcended the imagination of the monks in the middle, and the defense system of the Kelman Long Domain has not been able to perceive the existence of Sun Hao.

Sun Hao silently merged into the large array of the Dragon Field and quietly entered the core area of ​​the Kalman Long Domain.

However, without waiting for Sun Hao to enter the real dragon domain, he has not yet reached the core area, and his body suddenly slammed, and his eyes looked down.

After so many years, many things have been awkward, but Sun Hao discovered that the hill groceries that he had left here were still there.

Even if there is a large array of protection, even if it is originally in the core area of ​​the Dragon Field, it is relatively stable. After all, the time is too long. The yard of the hilly groceries, at first glance, is the four words, the ancient vicissitudes.

The plaque has been mottled, and the four characters written by oneself have been faintly visible. The trees in the yard have also been completely replaced. Moreover, this new species of trees has been aging and old.

Hill groceries should be repaired, otherwise it will not be retained until now.

In such a prime location, next to the inner ring, retaining such a large yard, this person should have a weak power in the male and female witches.

Sun Hao went to this station and basically understood who kept the hill groceries. This should be his own disciple. Once his own little friend, Gege Xiaohu, I don’t know how he is doing now. How is it going?

With his own inheritance and some resources that he left for him, Geerhu’s path of practice should not be tortuous.

I want to come, he is still alive now, and the status of the male and female witches should not be low, that is, they do not know what level he has reached now, and whether he has entered the fit.

The time when Sun Hao entered the virtual world is not short. When it is in the virtual, it is difficult to have a fixed amount of time. It has been a long time.

When it came to Zhongxu, Sun Hao did not deliberately pursue the time difference of his departure. At the height of Sun Hao, the practice was counted in the millennium. In ordinary sense, there is no need for much measurement.

I don't know what kind of height Gore Tiger has practiced.

Without releasing the gods and casually sweeping Kelman, Sun Hao’s heart moved and reappeared, and it has already fallen into the yard of the hill grocery.

With a wave of big sleeves, the plaques of the hill groceries are renewed, and several big characters are once again showing their vitality.

The body turned a few laps in the yard, and the antique taste of the entire yard disappeared. The courtyard of Nuo Da, instantly returned to the original, became the appearance of Sun Hao in this past business, simple and natural, but ordinary.

From the Sumiyag tower, I found some resources that Sun Hao looked very low, and put it on the shelf, posing a dazzling array of hills, freshly opened.

Very naturally did not cause anyone to be suspicious, the hill groceries began to open.

In other words, the surrounding neighbors, neighboring neighborhoods, just at the moment when the hill groceries opened, suddenly there was a common cognition in the heart. The hill went out a long way and came back to start running his shop. .

The people on the hill are very kind, seeing people with a thick smile, no disputes with people, no virginity, a good boss.

The things inside the hill groceries also have some characteristics, although not high-end, but it is not bad, it is a better trading shop.

A small carving knife appeared on the hand, and the thick fingers were very flexible. They carved out a small wooden man. Most wooden people could not see the face, carved it and threw it on the shelf.

As usual, Sun Hao lived in the hills and groceries.

The garland of the coarse cloth skirt also appeared in the hill groceries, and smiled as a proprietress to help Sun Hao deal with everyday things.

The hills of groceries appeared unobtrusively, and everything was taken for granted. In the German Long Domain, the vitality was restored without a word.