MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 19 Tiens Pool

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After Yang Shiyue left, Qin Yun practiced the fire step by himself.

He closed his eyes and digested the knowledge about the fire clouds in his mind.

The commentary of the martial arts master and the later explanations of Yang Shishiyue are very embarrassing and intricately floating in Qin Yun’s mind.

But the strange thing is, and as he gradually sorts out, he becomes clear without knowing it.

"It turns out!" Qin Yun opened his eyes and smiled a little, only to feel suddenly.

Then, according to what he learned from it, he went to work.

After a while, Qin Yun suddenly felt that there was a hot air in the body. The airflow is getting hotter and hotter, more and more.

Not long after, he felt that his body was getting lighter.

"To show the fire, it is necessary to quickly reach this state. I am still too slow now."

After Qin Yun received the work, he tried it again and it took about 30 seconds. If it was in battle, it would be too late.

"It seems to require repeated practice!"

Now, he is only part of the cultivation of internal gas, and belongs to the internal strength of martial arts.

The external work is a subtle step, and it is an entry point to cooperate with internal strength and master internal and external skills.

Yang Shiyue came back at noon, only brought lunch to Qin Yun, and then left in a hurry, I do not know what to do.

Qin Yun had lunch and continued to practice the fire cloud step to run the fire inside.

In the afternoon, Jiuyang was empty and roasted the earth.

Qin Yun is under the blazing sun, and he is full of sweaty upper body.

Now, he can use 15 seconds to release the gas inside the fire, and make the body lighter, but he doesn't think it is enough.

"I have to release the qi in the three seconds, only to achieve this level, it will play a role in the battle."

It is only possible to continually motivate the internal air and practice.

The more intense the sun, the more abundant the nine-yang aura. Qin Yun passed through the Jiuyang shrine and absorbed a large amount of Jiuyang aura into the body, which can quickly replenish consumption without feeling exhausted.

If other people, so frequently let the inner yuan exercise, and the internal gas can not be added, can not persist.

After an afternoon of hard training, Qin Yun is not only more familiar with the internal atmosphere of the fire cloud, but also more comfortable with the control of the inner yuan.

"Now, I can release the gas inside the fire within ten seconds, I don't know what level?" Qin Yun wiped the sweat and sat down to rest.

It was already evening, and he looked at the nine-round mysterious and beautiful sunset, his eyes became very distant...

Jiuyang gave him a strong power, which made him awe of the world, but also had strong curiosity and the idea of ​​exploration.

"What is the relationship between Jiuyang and Shenyang?" Qin Yun looked at the nine rounds of the red sun, thinking in his heart.

Yang Shiyue came back with dinner, all of which were big-filled beasts, as well as dishes made from various herbs, as well as broth.

"Teacher, what happened to the Tiens Wuhui?" After Qin Yun washed his hands, he smiled and came to the table.

"Starting registration tomorrow, officially started five days later." Yang Shiyue took the dish out of the big wooden box: "You eat it yourself, I have already eaten it."

"Teacher, where have you been today? I haven't seen you all day." Qin Yun asked, and the food was eaten.

"Hualing Wuyuan intends to transfer me away and then arranges you to other classes." Yang Shiyue sighed: "They think that I only teach one student to waste."

Qin Yun heard this and couldn't eat it. He didn't want to separate from Yang Shiyue.

Yang Shiyue smiled at Qin Yun and said: "Reassured, I am talking about this with President Zhang today. He promised to let me finish your semester. I will leave the teacher who finished this semester. So, I will let you lay the foundation during this semester and see yourself later."

Qin Yun is relieved, but his heart is also inevitable. After a semester, it must be separated from Yang Shiyue!

Yang Shiyue asked: "How is your firework learning? It's hard to learn! This kind of martial arts is harder to learn than the internal skills."

Qin Yun worried that his progress could not satisfy the teacher. Some of the words said: "I can only provoke the fire inside, let the body become light, and have not learned the footwork yet."

After Yang Shiyue listened, he was slightly shocked and smiled. "It's quite good! I went to rest. After you have finished eating and packing, you can put it here. Right, what else do you know?" ?"


Qin Yun quickly said a few questions, Yang Shiyue went back to the room after answering, and let him rest well, and tomorrow with her to sign up for the Tiens Wuhui.

Yang Shiyue, Qin Yun, should practice well, but at night, he did not rest, but continued to practice the fire.

"The fire step is only a high-level martial art, but it is very subtle. I must learn the realm of ecstasy."

He is now weak, and his skills are pitiful, unlike other people behind a big family support. Therefore, he should learn as thoroughly as possible about the hard-won exercises.

"The more difficult it is, the more difficult it is!" Qin Yun frowned.

What he didn't know was that he had mastered the fire cloud step very quickly. In Yang Shiyue's opinion, he has to get up to one month at the earliest to learn the entry.

The sun is rising, the morning sun is extraordinarily gentle, and now it is the most pure moment of Jiuyang Aura.

When Qin Yun saw the dawn, he hurriedly closed his eyes and blew his body into the body, sweeping away the exhaustion of the body.

He cultivated a whole night, and in the morning, he took a half-hour of the nine-yang aura, and he became very spiritual. Without a sense of exhaustion, it can be seen how much the benefits of Jiuyang Reiki are!

Yang Shiyue got up very early every day. She wore a light blue dress today. She was beautiful and elegant, and her charm was like a fairy. She had a clear and beautiful beauty, which made Qin Yun look slightly fascinated.

After Qin Yun had eaten Yang Shiyue’s preparation for him, the two went to the Tiens Hall!


Soon, they came to the Tiens Hall!

The whole hall is magnificent and solemn, with a golden lion statue in front of the gate, heads high and strong, powerful and full of momentum.

They came too early and the hall did not open.

Yang Shiyue looked at the golden lion statue, saying: "The four-heavy and five-fold martial arts can participate in the Tiens Wuhui, but no one can pass the assessment. If you want to go to power, you need to have certain strength. So, first pass a simple assessment."

Qin Yun saw this Tianshi Hall is very extraordinary. He thought it was very important for Hualing Wuyuan. He asked: "Teacher, if you win the Tiens Wushu first, what reward?"

Yang Shiyue walked under the stone statue of the lion and looked up at the golden lion statue up to several tens of meters. He said: "When you win the first, you can enter the Tianshi pool to practice!"

"Tian's spring water is hot and overbearing. It is said to be made from lion beasts and special spring water. It is soaked in the Tianshi pool. It has a lot of advantages. This is a great opportunity to improve your strength. So, you have to be prepared now. In the lower bound Tianshi Wuhui, get the first!"

Qin Yun nodded. In his heart, he wanted to fight for the first.