MTL - Nine Sun God King-Chapter 3383 Desert feast

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It is now dawn, and Qin Yun can't see Shenyue, nor can he sense a little of its power.

In the past, even in the daytime, there was still the energy of the **** moon.

If you want to find the Shenyue clan, it is fastest to go directly to the heavens and gods.

But Qin Yun can't be sure now whether he was discovered by the descendants of Shenyang. Theoretically, as long as he is exposed to the sun, he should be discovered by the descendants of Shenyang.

The Lord of the Universe previously said that it was difficult for him to survive when he came to the heavens, and it was because of this consideration.

However, Qin Yun also came to the heavens of the heavens one day, if the descendants of Shenyang really found him, he must have acted.

"Don't go to Shenyue! I'll find everyone on the land of God's wasteland and talk!"

Qin Yun does not know the specific situation of the heavens and gods.

Although the descendants of Shenyang controlled the nine gods of all realms, they did not kill all the desolate creatures of the heavens, I am afraid they could not kill them, or they would cause the deities of heaven to collapse after they were killed.

After many evolutions, this desolate land is also very powerful and has a mysterious earth spirit.

I just don't know the status of this earth magic spirit at the moment! Qin Yun ran in the hot desert and headed in one direction. He was going out of the desert.

Four days have passed, and no one is still hunting down Qin Yun.

"Did the descendants of Shenyang not find me?"

Qin Yun began to wonder if he would not be perceived when he stepped into transcendence.

"Still, the control of the descendants of Shenyang over the heavens and the desert is not as comprehensive as I imagined!"

Qin Yun is still on his way. In these days, his consumption is very small.

When he stepped into the transcendence, he didn't need to release his power to resist the sunlight here, it can be said that there was almost no consumption.

In order to understand the boredom, he also told the gods of Jiuyang's spirits about them.

Ling Yun'er is worried about Qin Yun now, but she can't get out again, she just hopes to enter the transcendence hurry up so that she can adapt to the environment of the heavens and the desert.

The desert has no vitality, and it is deadly. Qin Yun has been running in the desert for a few days, and it is terribly quiet.

He can't take out the Sky Jumper, and when he uses the empty step, he can't shuttle the space. Flying consumes a lot of air, so he can only run on the ground.

"Stealth can still work, and it's okay to wear mysterious magic!"

Qin Yun tried it. These two tricks are very practical, especially the stealth technique, which can be used with the hidden sky pattern to make him hide better.

The fifth day! Qin Yun sensed a wave of energy, and there seemed to be a war ahead. He immediately concealed, and then rushed forward.

In the past few days when he came to the Heavenly Desolation, Qin Yun even suspected that there was no one left.

Before long, the movement he could sense became stronger and stronger, and sure enough someone was fighting.

Qin Yun can already see that there is a group of strong men in front of melee.

The larger number are a group of people wearing blue armor, a total of more than a thousand, the smaller number are those with golden armor, only three hundred! However, the large number of blue squares was very embarrassed and was beaten by the three hundred people wearing golden armor.

Qin Yun can still see a wreckage of a flying ship on the ground ahead.

It should be the man with more than a thousand blue armors who was attacked in a flying ship and then had to face it.

"A descendant of Shenyang!"

Qin Yun was surprised.

People wearing gold armor are descendants of Shenyang. Although it is different from before, Qin Yun is still familiar with the energy fluctuations.

And the blue armor man attacked by the descendants of Shenyang at this moment is the universe protoss! Qin Yun had learned from the Lord of the Universe before that the descendants of Shenyang raised the people of the universe to eat as livestock and used it to cultivate a perfect and powerful body.

Although he knew, Qin Yun was surprised when he saw the two sides fighting.

Especially the strength of the descendants of Shenyang is so much stronger than the people of the universe.

"The two groups of people had a cooperative relationship before, and they cooperated very closely. They all merged together ... Unexpectedly, only a few hundred years, this has become the case!"

Qin Yun was so impressed that he thought that the union of the two ethnic groups was terrible.

What he didn't expect was that the descendants of Shenyang were the final winner! Qin Yun didn't plan to take a shot because there were too many descendants of Shenyang. He didn't know if he could fight. In addition, he had no sympathy for the universe gods.

Because this was originally made by the universe gods. If they had not agreed to integrate with the descendants of Shenyang, the descendants of Shenyang would not have developed to the level they are today.

In addition, Qin Yun must not be too high-profile, this is what the Lord of the Universe has told him.

He watched the battle ahead from a distance, and he thought that the universe protoss would be captured.

But after the Cosmic Protoss were defeated, the armor was stripped off, and then the palms of the hands of the descendants of Shenyang became two huge mouths, biting on the Cosmic Protoss and starting to eat the Cosmic Protoss! Half an hour passed, thousands of universe gods were eaten up! "The descendants of Shenyang don't look strong ... Does it mean that they have the help of the gods of the heavens in the sky, so they will be stronger?"

When Qin Yun observed the battle just now, he was very careful to sense all kinds of energy fluctuations, and found that the strength of the descendants of the three hundred Shenyang should not reach the level of Huayu.

After eating, the descendants of Shenyang packed up the armor and bones, then vacated and took off. They did not fly to Shenyang.

"Thousands to three hundred, not one person was hurt, and the Protoss of the universe are too wasteful!"

After Qin Yun and other descendants of Shenyang departed, they came to the battlefield just a moment ago to further explore the energy here.

"When those guys were fighting, they really relied on the power of Shenyang of All Realms!"

Qin Yun can sense the energy breath of the gods of all realms.


Qin Yun was startled, and after opening Tianyan, Tianyan was still very useful.

He saw something like an olive-shaped thing under the desert, about two people tall, under the deep sand.

At this moment, the thing burst out from the middle, and a person climbed out.

call! A force rushed down from the desert, and a cold-looking boy appeared.

The teenager was wearing white armor, fair-skinned, handsome in appearance, and had a pair of sword eyebrows.

He still has a long white sword in his hand! "Clan, I will avenge you!"

The teenager looked at the dry blood and the remaining broken bones in the desert, his voice sorrowful and angrily with low tremor.

The teenager looked around, and suddenly found footprints in the desert, then immediately vigiled, and yelled, "Evil bug, get out of me!"

Qin Yun thought about it and decided to show up.

After he appeared, he asked, "What is a worm?"

Just after asking, this young boy stabbed with a sword! The sword was fast and rushed at lightning speed, but it was very slow in Qin Yun's eyes.

Qin Yun just raised his hand gently and grabbed the young man's sword.

The boy immediately released the sword, then turned his head and ran, then the sword suddenly burst open, producing a large black smoke with a foul smell.