MTL - Nine Yang Sword Saint-~ 1237: Yangdingtian about Medusa!

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Naga Frost originally thought that Yangdingtian would have been going for a long time, and even after she swallowed all the energy in the entire ruin, she would come back.

I did not expect that he would return after just leaving for a few days.

When she was drilled from the center of the ruin, she was still in the shape of Naga. After she completely drilled the ground, she immediately became a beautiful woman. When she saw the sun-drenched goddess, she could not help but ask: "What?"

Yangding Tiandao: "Things are going in the worst direction as you expected."

Naga Frost said: "Is the New Naga Empire?"

Yangding nodded and said: "The Queen of the Sea has been found in the Temple of the Soul, and then the Great Space Art is brought into the New Naga Empire. Now, the descendants of the Sea Serpent, the Naga, have died and have already practiced the Great Space. They are about to rush out of the imprisonment space and sweep the whole world."

Naga Frost frowned and said: "How long is it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "It should be about half a year, the Queen Lancome of the New Naga Empire, using the throne and the Tibetan Classics Cube to delay. However, it can also delay for half a year. The human kingdom has begun a large evacuation and entered the dark empire. Inside."

Naga Frost instinctively wants to say, regardless of the life and death of the human kingdom. But for this sentence, she almost smashed her face and Yang Dingtian, and did not want to repeat the same mistakes.

Yang Dingtian suddenly said: "Frost, you are the fastest and fastest, when can you break through the realm of demigod?"

Naga Frost shook his head and said: "It should have been impossible. If there is no big bang in the ruins. I am consuming the mysterious crystals all the time, then I can break through the gods in a few decades. But now, impossible. ”

Yangding Tiandao: "Although there is only a quarter of this ruin, but the energy inside should be astronomical, it is enough for you to break through the realm of demigod."

Naga Frost nodded: "Enough, ten twenty and half gods are more than enough. But husband, you have to know that this crystal itself has no mysterious energy. He is just an energy matrix. It is condensing and engulfing the whole. The mysterious energy of the world. Today, this ruin is only a quarter. Then it absorbs the power of condensed mystery, it is less than one tenth of the original. So, the concentration of mysterious gas will be greatly thin. Hundreds of thousands of times of mysterious solidified crystals have ceased to exist."

Suddenly. Yang Dingtian thoroughly understood the words of Naga Frost.

Naga Frost said: "The concentration of mysterious gas required for each level of breakthrough is completely different."

Yangding Tiandao: "Is the concentration of mysterious gas now enough to break through the gods?"

Naga Frost said: "The concentration of the present is barely ok. But... this ruin is dissipated every day. It will not take long before it will fall to the critical value, and there will be no chance to break through the demigod."

Yang Dingtian could not help but close his eyes in pain.

Create a spar fission killer and destroy the post-generation Naga army. The probability of success is almost zero.

It’s not just the warlocks of the Light Council, the priests’ association and the wise men of the New Naga Empire.

Yangdingtian also understands. This involves the most serious science, and it is really hard to do it all at once.

For example, if you ask the United States to create an atomic bomb before 1910, you probably can't do it.

This door has been closed.

Another door, Naga Frost, broke through the gods with the fastest speed.

then. Let Frost enter the new Naga Empire and kill the boss. Destroy the great space and forcibly suppress the will of the entire New Naga Empire.

But according to Frost, her chances of breaking through the gods have been very embarrassing, let alone break through the gods in a short time.

As a result, in the face of the Naga rebellious army of the New Naga Empire, there is almost no way to do anything about it.

Yangdingtian racked his brains and could not find a way.

Suddenly, he said: "Frost, if you get the dark empire, the control of the dark throne, can you break through the gods. You also know that the devil is in the dark throne, engulfing endless energy, stored in the sea of ​​gas Inside the abyss."

Naga Frost looked like a moment, nodded and said: "Frather, it is theoretically achievable. Because the Heavenly Emperor of the Dark Throne can condense a few continents into a bundle, forcibly injected into the sea, theory The upper concentration can even exceed the ruins of the old Naga Empire."

"But?" asked Yangdingtian.

Naga Frost said: "First, it is very difficult to get the control of the Dark Throne. It is almost impossible. Second, even if you get the Dark Throne, even the Emperor Jingjing will inject high concentration of Xuanqi energy. In my body, it will take many, many years before I can break through the gods. Half a year, I can't reach it anyway."

Yang Dingtian closed his eyes in pain and said: "This is not the case. It will not work. Is it really necessary to watch the extinction of the human kingdom?"

Naga Frost wants to speak again, let Yang Dingtian not care anything, at most with the dear ones, leaving the human kingdom.

But she did not open her mouth after all, and once the later generations of Naga rushed out of the confinement space, the entire chaotic world would not have a inch of land, no place for a single inch. It’s not just Yangdingtian, including Naga’s solitary frost.

Of course, Naga Frost can't understand now, why is it necessary to give birth to himself from the Temple of the Soul, and I don't know that for her, the Temple of Departure is an enemy or a friend.

Suddenly, Naga Frost said: "In fact, you still have a way, although it is extremely embarrassing, but you can try it?"

Yangding Tiandao: "What is the solution?"

Naga Frost said: "Perhaps, one day, Queen Medusa wants to pass on everything to Ximen Ningning. And you are a Ximen Ningning lover, so maybe there is room for negotiation between you."

Yangding Tiandao: "What do you mean, let me negotiate with the Temple of the Soul?"

"Yes." Naga Frost said: "At least, to know the purpose of the Temple of the Soul, why does it try to destroy the human kingdom? Is it possible to solve the problem in another way? But then, you may need to pay the price. ”

Yang Dingtian silently said: "If you can save the human kingdom, then I am willing to pay for it except for a very small price. However, I suspect that there is nothing I want from the soul temple."

Naga Frost said: "You don't want to be arrogant, you must have great value, otherwise you will not become the spokesperson of the **** of chaos, and you will not be the only one that can make the demon, the snake, the mermaid and so on. Man. You are very special and have great value."

Yangding Tiandao: "Even so, no one can know where the Temple of the Soul is."

Naga Frost said: "Where did the spiritual power of the Temple of the Spirit finally appear?"

Yangding Tiandao: "East from the grassland, under the pyramid of the Queen of the Sea."

Naga Frost said: "Then you will go there and wait. Since you have found the sea heart from the Temple of the Soul, then there must be a mark from the Temple of the Soul. If Medusa is willing, she will see you, and You talk."

Then, Naga Frost said: "Don't forget, you are the only lover of Ximen Ningning."

Yangding nodded and said: "I will go right away, thank you for your suggestion."

Then, Yangdingtian did not stop at all, and left again.

Once again, I have flown through countless voids, and I don’t know how far. Passing through the ruins of the ancient sea snake empire wrapped in thick dark matter.

After crossing the ocean, I don’t know that tens of thousands of miles have returned to the human kingdom. I still haven’t made any stops and flew directly to the grasslands in the east.


A few days later, Yangding Tian flew to the grassland in the east of the sky.

Here, it is already ridiculous, there is almost no trace of the survival of the semi-human beings, and countless beasts have reoccupied here.

Yang Dingtian came to Kyoto, one of the pyramids of the original Snake Empire.

Along the pyramid, all the way down and down, after a few kilometers, Yang Dingtian came to the place where the Queen of the Sea was imprisoned.

Then he sat here.

"The Queen of Medusa from the Temple of the Soul, I am the leader of the human being, Yang Dingtian, the illusion of the vain, I want to come and negotiate with you, if you want, please give me a look!"

Yang Dingtian shouted loudly.

Then he slowly closed his eyes and entered sleep and meditation.

Even, he layered one layer and gave up mental defense.

Right here, quietly waiting for the response of Queen Medusa.

Since the soul hall can contact the Queen of the Sea Heart here, you can also contact Yangdingtian.

As long as Medusa is willing!

Soon, Yangdingtian entered deep meditation and sleep.

The whole person, lost and separated! (To be continued)

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