MTL - Ninja World: Insect Princess From Konoha-Chapter 815 Some things may really be innate

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Chapter 815 Some things may really be innate

Konoha fifty-five years, spring.

The streets are full of people, and the elegant cherry blossoms are blooming all over the slopes, fluttering in the wind.


A roar like the roar of a lion from Hedong resounded through the community. On the street, a red-haired woman wearing a fence put her hands on her hips and looked up into the air.

On the lamppost on the street, a seven-year-old blond boy hugged the lamppost with his hands and feet, looking down at his mother in panic.

"Come down!!"

"I don't!!"

"Be good, come down, I won't hit you!" Kushina hid the spatula behind her hands behind her back.

"You lied to me!" Little Naruto said bravely, "I don't believe you!"

Cherry blossoms fell before my eyes.

There is a touch of warmth in the beautiful spring scenery.

"You brat! Get down here!" Kushina's only patience was gone, and she yelled angrily and frantically: "Believe it or not, I'll beat you to death!"

There is maternal love, so much it is suffocating.

"Don't come down!" Naruto felt suffocated.

It is a well-known fact that my mother is not gentle at all.


Who does this kid look like?

Kushina was once again in doubt.

Is he really the biological child of Minato and himself?

This stupid look is really annoying.

"Then you can hold it for the rest of your life and never come down!"

"You take care of me!" He said, using his hands and feet to climb a little higher.

Oh, just out of your reach.

In little Naruto's simple mind, he really didn't know what the pain of his mother hitting him had to do with whether he was a ninja or not.

Yes, Kushina could have jumped up and grabbed Naruto down.

However, the surrounding neighbors smiled and pointed, which made Kushina's forehead veins jump, but she did not dare to move rashly.

Naruto can jump up and down like a monkey.

But as a liberal wife, I can't do that.

"Ha ha ha ha."

If you want to be embarrassed, just let Naruto do it himself.

I have already filmed it and will release it after I get married.

Holding the spatula tightly, Kushina forced an awkward smile on her face.

Why is it that other people's children are so worry-free and I just put in such a thing? What part of the problem went wrong?

"Nah Luduo~" It was time to use the last resort, Kushina said with a fake smile: "Want to eat bear biscuits?"

Are you going to test your children on this?

Who can withstand this?

Naruto swallowed.


To eat or not to eat, that is a fateful question.


If you don’t eat, you won’t eat for free!

Even if you get beaten, you still have to eat!

"I don't believe it unless you give it to me now!"

This kid!

Veins stretched on her forehead, and Kushina laughed.

Become smarter when the time comes.

"Dang Dang Dang~" Kushina transformed into a bear biscuit.

Naruto's eyes lit up.

Naruto has always been confused about where his mother hides the snacks at home. No matter how hard he looks for them, he can never find them. There are never any snacks in the refrigerator.

It's spiritualism!

There is a ghost if you can find it!

Just like Kushina could never find Minato's private money.

"Come down~" Kushina said with a soft smile.

"Give it to me first!" Naruto insisted.

"Then don't lie to mother." Kushina coaxed.

"I won't lie to you!" Naruto said.


Who does this kid look like?

You won't lie to yourself about this, Kushina believes it.

This kid is a little too upright.

"Okay, take it." Kushina threw up the cookie.

Naruto let go of one hand, out of reach.

With quick eyesight and quick hands, he let go, kicked off his short legs, grabbed it in mid-air, and quickly fell down.

Below, Kushina smiled and opened her arms.

Finally, it fell into my hands.

If I don't spank my **** today, I won't be Little Pepper.

His body sank and he landed firmly in the familiar arms. Looking up at his mother's dangerous smile, Naruto hugged the biscuit tightly.

Wealth and wealth are found in danger.

In short, it’s not a loss.

Anyway, sooner or later you're going to get a beating.

To be precise, I made a profit.


Naruto forced a smile on his face.


The mother and son turned to go home without the princess in their arms, holding Naruto in one hand like a plastic bag, and the smile on Kushina's face grew stronger.

He walked into the apartment building and closed the door.

Immediately afterwards, screams and slaps flew together, and the buttocks blossomed.

"Don't just fight on one side!"

Little Naruto was pushed to the ground, struggling and screaming, holding the cookie tightly in his arms.

"Switch to the other side and fight!"

"Mom! It hurts!"

How tough! This kid! Even if you die, you won’t admit your mistake!

Kushina laughed angrily.

Keep blooming.

Both buttocks are blooming.

Congratulations, little Naruto had a fulfilling, complete and happy childhood.

However, your childhood and mine seem to be different.

"Kawaii~~~" Holding her face, Quan's eyes were filled with little stars, and she felt like her heart was getting drunk. Looking at the results of her busy work, she followed the beautifully dressed little girl and raised her hand. Gao Gao said: "Sass~"

The little Sasuke had a stinky face and looked like he owed someone millions.

I gave up the struggle because there was no way I could win.

"Izumi, I leave Sasuke to you."

The first thing to say is that Sasuke is a boy.

Secondly, it was delivered by Itachi himself.

He looked at Sasuke with a smile on his lips.

My Sasuke is very cute.

"Don't worry, Sasuke will be left to me."

When Itachi was a boy, the tear troughs on his face became more and more obvious, and he was so handsome that it could make girls scream.

Izumi avoided Itachi's sight intentionally or unintentionally.

"Good luck at work."

"Yeah." Itachi said with a subtle yet cheerful smile on his face, "I know."

Childhood sweethearts, two little sweethearts.

There is no need for words between the two of them.

But Sasuke felt that my brother didn't love me anymore.

No, love, it's just temporarily transferred.

She looked at my brother with resentment and said, "Why don't you just ignore her?"

I hate you!

Itachi is as smart as ice and snow.

But a younger brother is a younger brother.

He stretched out his hand, pointed his finger on Sasuke's forehead, and said with a smile: "Forgive me, Sasuke, next time."

Disappeared instantly.

Sasuke pouted.

"Hey hey hey" Izumi, who was holding Sasuke, smiled very shamelessly and said: "Sasuke~ Today we still play house, be good and call mom."

"Mom." Sasuke looked helpless.

A good man does not suffer immediate losses.

Who knows that his mother has no time to take care of her? She hasn't received her lunch yet, so she relies entirely on Sister Quan.

"Yoxi yoxi~" Quan rubbed Sasuke's head and said, "Today's hair is a little prickly. Really, why is your hair different from Itachi's?"

"Stop blabbering!" Sasuke said with a stinky face.

My body gave in, but my mouth was still hard.

"Kawaii~" Izumi said, holding Sasuke's face and chewing it.

I just like this cool attitude.

He looked so humiliated that he couldn't do anything about me.


Sasuke stared at the sky helplessly, letting kisses rain down.

Stinky woman!

