MTL - Ninth in The World-v3 Chapter 1263 Poverty limits imagination

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When the universe of Saint Zhai Yun was opened by Di Jiu and the rule of the road was no longer half-secret in front of Di Jiu, Di Jiu easily locked the broken soul of Saint Zun Yun into a brand of soul Put away. This method can only be achieved by Di Jiu, because this is the first step to lock the residual soul and condense the brand, to open the other party's cosmic world and strip the other party's avenue rules.

Di Jiu didn't know if there was any restriction on the entrance of the Holy Place, but he had already planned it. If he could not go out for a while, he would first settle down on the Holy Place of Saint Zhai Yun. Di Jiu did not know whether there were any restrictions on entering the holy throne, no matter whether there were any restrictions, he first received the soul of Zhai Yun saint and then said.

When Di Jiu saw the things in Zhai Yun's world, he was almost shocked.

The worst materials in it are all nine-level gods. I do n’t know how many billion-year-old top-level fruit trees are in a row. Di Jiu can only sigh, only what he ca n’t think of. There is really nothing he ca n’t see here.

The Need for Divine Veins is simply not a resource. In this cosmic world, a continuous range of Divine Veins has formed.

As a magic weapon, Di Jiu discovered seven species. Otherwise, the Eternal Sky Gourd, Di Jiu suspected that it was even higher than the chemical treasure.

Di Jiu grabbed the Eternal Sky Huo for the first time. Without the refined Eternal Sky Huo, Di Jiu is estimated to be heavier than a planet.

When Di Jiu refined this Eternal Sky Gourd at the fastest speed, he sighed that poverty limited his imagination. This Eternal Sky Gourd has nine lattices, one of which is filled with top-grade fruit wine. Di Jiu didn't drink this fruit wine, as long as he smelled it, he knew that this fruit wine was all made of Tao fruit. Except for a very small number of Taoist Tao Guo, many Taoist Tao Guo did not smell it.

The most important thing is another grid, which contains all the universe essence.

A drop of cosmic spirit can save the life of a strong creature, but how many drops are there? At first, he got a dozen drops of cosmic spirit, and he saved several times.

The Eternal Sky Hu Di Jiu decided to stay. As for the rest of the treasures, Di Jiu intends to turn it into a banner again and completely seal this Holy Place Square.

These guys in the Holy Place Square must not be released. Once they go out, the new universe they built will be destroyed.

Countless good things were sorted out by Di Jiu and sent into his universe. Sage Zhai Yun was killed by him, and these things will soon disappear without taking them away.

What surprised Di Jiu the most was that he didn't even see a universe. Even the most inferior universe is not seen. He made twenty or thirty of these things in the chemical nest. Why is Sage Zhai Yun a holy saint without a universe?

Regardless of whether or not, Di Jiu could not control, his mind directly swept to the holy position of Saint Zhai Yun, and then quickly escaped to the edge of the holy position of Saint Zhai Yun.

Di Jiu didn't step up to the holy throne, he felt a terrifying impact. Di Jiu stopped immediately, not to mention whether he could break the defensive power of this holy throne. Even if he could break, can he now take action?

The saints here don't know how many there are, just come a few casually, afraid that he won't be able to walk around without eating. More importantly, what he has not done yet. He didn't come here for the purpose of treasure hunting and bombardment of the Holy Place, but to stabilize the trapped array trapped in the Plaza of the Holy Place, and even let the trapped array merge directly with the rules of the outer universe. In the future, even if someone wants to get out of it, they can't start.

According to Di Jiu's idea, he first refined a few treasures in his hands and completely locked the trapped formation.

Now, Sage Zhai Yun was killed by him, and the holy position of Sage Zhai Yun could not enter. How can this be done? Di Jiu took out the imprint of Saint Zun Yun ’s soul, and he tried it first. If the imprint of Saint Zhai Yun ’s spirit could not open this holy position, he could only leave here first.

As soon as Di Jiu's imprint was captured by Di Jiu, Di Jiu didn't move, and he felt the impact force outside the Holy Ghost disappeared.

Di Jiu was overjoyed, he fell on the throne for the first time. It seems that he imagined it well. Every saint's holy place can only be entered by himself, and outsiders cannot enter.

Di Jiuyi sat on this holy throne, and the vast and breathless vitality came over.

This kind of vitality does not contain any regular power, it is a pure cultivation vitality. Di Jiu only ran for a week and knew the benefits of this vitality. You can actually condense your primordial spirit, and you can also refine your own way.

In other words, even a spirit without a physical body can continue to progress under this kind of vitality. The only thing that is not perfect is that although this vitality does not contain any regular power, there is a kind of rest. If you want to use this vitality, you must clear this interest and then refine it.

At the moment, Di Jiu was rather secretly happy. If it were not for Sage Zun Yun's death, he rushed directly into his sea of ​​knowledge. All year round, condense the Yuanshen in such a place, how strong is the Yuanshen?

Di Jiu first refined the imprint of Saint Zun Yun's soul into a jade card, which was locked in the jade card.

At least during the Holy Place, he didn't need to worry that he had nowhere to go.

The sacred things will be studied later, Di Jiu began to refine the rest of the treasures.

Di Jiu's cultivation was originally a avenue of rules. He can even open the world of the sage of the strong man in the fourth step. Now, it doesn't really take much effort to refine the treasures.

In less than one day, the six treasures of fortune were refined by Di Jiu.

When Di Jiu left the Holy Place and came to the edge of the Holy Place Square to perfect the trapped formation, those strong men who rushed into the Holy Place Square and have not yet been taken away are extremely rare.

What surprised Di Jiu was that no one actually cared about the trapped formations of the Holy Place. If it is said that the saints in the Holy Place did not find this kind of trapped formation, Di Jiu did not believe it.

Now that this trapped array has been discovered, and no action has been taken until now, it means that these saints have not put this trapped array in their eyes.

Di Jiu flowed around the body regularly, and when the first flag was placed, he understood what was going on. The Holy Place Plaza was actually naturalized by a top-level magic weapon that locked the avenue rules. This top-level magic weapon is definitely a higher level than the Eternal Sky Gustard he just got.

No one attacked the trapped formation, and the Holy Place Square was protected by the top magic weapon to allow the rules of the new universe. The only possibility is that the saints here really do n’t care about the new universe outside. What they care about is that the Holy Place Square must not be naturalized.

Naturally, Di Jiu didn't care about these things. He directly fell into the trapped formation and continued to set up the array of flags. After throwing out the array flags by him, together with several treasure treasure array flags, the traces of the trapped array he had arranged with Ye Mo and Ning Cheng gradually disappeared.

When the rules of this trapped array are completely integrated with the rules of the universe and the world outside, Di Jiu estimates that even if it is the fifth step, it may not necessarily open this trapped array.


While Di Jiu was still frantically perfecting his troubled array, a golden hall suddenly appeared in the center of the Holy Place Square.

The golden hall was full of people at the moment, hundreds of them had solid bodies, and there were thousands of Yuanshen.

Some Yuanshen and Zhai Yun saints generally have only thin shadows, while some Yuanshen almost condensed into a physical body, breathing vastness. And the hundreds of guys with flesh are almost all saints who have just won.

Sitting at the head of the golden hall are two people. At first glance, they know that there is no chance to win. One person even has his own complete body, and one person ’s Yuanshen is almost the same as the real body. UU reads the book www.www. does not look like a little primal spirit.

The man with the flesh sitting on the top was dressed as a Confucian, and looked extremely cold, with no expression on his face. He just glanced at everyone in the golden hall, and the entire golden hall was quiet without breathing.

After dozens of breaths, the Confucian whispered slowly, "Kui He's procrastination caused some sequelae. Originally, this sequelae will be resolved in a short time after we take the defense, but because of the outside There is a capable person, even a genius, this is the case today. Do n’t worry, the Holy Place Square is locked by my breathing plate. Without my consent, no rules can be naturalized here. ... "

"Sage Taihong, but Jiu Chongtian ..." A fleshly saint said worriedly, but he didn't finish his words and was stopped by the Confucian who is called Taihong Saint.

Sage Taihong's tone is very gentle, "I understand what you mean, Jiu Chong Tian has actually been affected by some piecemeal rules. Of course, even so, I won't allow Jiu Chong Tian to be naturalized by the rules. This matter, etc. It ’s enough to let one or two people go out and do something. I ’m going to talk about another thing today. ”

(Today's update is here, good night friends!)