MTL - No Protection Tonight-Chapter 1559 Yao Wanggu wrote a letter

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Listening to me, the face of the ancient moon has eased a bit. Although the director of the museum has been emphasizing, I am trying my best to find the treasures of the heavens needed to treat the cold, but she is worried that the beauty around me will be unconscious. It’s gone.

Looking at me now, I am in a good mood, and the ancient moon dare to come up. After all, as my status continues to improve, she has to re-examine me, no longer like the original, I will take a whip to smoke me.

"Okay, then you have to work hard, you should feel it too. Cold eyes actually have a good impression on you. If you cure her, I hope that you can give her a chance and give him a chance. As the saying goes, Women chasing men's gauze, as long as you take such a small step, this thing becomes!" The ancient moon at this moment is like a matchmaker with a red line, it looks a bit funny.

"Sister, her temper doesn't seem to be particularly good. If it's quarreling with me, it's like you used to be. If you don't agree with the cold war for a decade or two, then I don't want to cry." I was a little worried. Said, this is intentional or unintentional to tease her.

Gu Yue shook his head and said, "I can rest assured that if she is really so embarrassed, I will certainly persuade her. As a person coming over, I will advise you. Quarreling the Cold War will not work, it will only increase the gap between each other." Looking back, I regretted it and missed his best time."

Du’s director heard this on the side, and his face did not consciously appear to be proud. I was a little surprised. It seems that Du’s director has a set of things. In such a short time, the ancient moon is obedient, this is typical. The surface is calm and inner!

Then, Director Du suggested to treat the guests for dinner. It is a host. It is not an easy task for me to get together.

Du Guanchang is not far from a luxury hotel, but a local speciality restaurant, let me pick up the dishes, they are embarrassed, simply let Liu Jie do the work for them, each person chooses a dish for my mother. The shop's dishes are very auspicious, what is rich and rich, the dragon and the phoenix are good, the group is round, the children are full of people... and there are notes behind, so that people don't know what they are eating.

The clever and clever little cherry also made a healthy and longevity for Shangguanguo. It was made from various anti-cancer vegetables. They also gave Du Guanchang a flower and a lotus leaf wrapped in a lotus leaf. There are both the fragrance of the lotus leaf and the unspeakable pleasure of the pulp. It is delicious and refreshing.

There is no doubt that this meal is very happy for everyone, because I am not good at socializing, Du Guan and Shangguan grandfather took the initiative to give me a toast, on the one hand to celebrate my return to triumph, on the other hand, to the reunion of the big family .

Seeing the smile on everyone's face, I am happy at the bottom of my heart. I have a feeling of relief. I have never dared to show my wife a showdown. I am afraid that they can't accept my progress. I also worry that they can't get along with them. As it turns out, as long as I have achieved brilliant results, they can try to accommodate me and make concessions.

This is the result of my hard work. Although there is bitterness and tiredness on this road, I think about it and it is worth all the effort.

"Xiaozhuang, this time you can return home triumphantly, it is a popular expectation. Although there have been some episodes, the result is good now. The future world is destined to belong to you young people, even though you have won for me before. Position, the old man is old, a lot of things can't help, when you let the banner rise, you said that the ability is not enough, the old man understands, and does not force you, now you, enough to take this position, should not refuse, right? "Shangguan Grandpa suddenly opened his voice."

"Ah..." I suddenly had some accidents. I didn't expect Shangguan Guoqiang to come out like this.

My mother looked at me with a strange look. This surprise was really a wave of waves, and it became a shock. Even if their hearts are of good quality, when they heard that Shangguan Guoqiang made me banner, Still stunned.

Undoubtedly, Shangguan Guoqiang is a commander who is deeply admired by Nanyun people. I admire him old. Although he is now a Qin family, he still seems a bit cautious. His temper is rushing. hair.

Shangguan Guoqiang is indeed high, but he is not confused. He will never recognize a person casually, especially this far-reaching event. They feel a moment of pride and pride.

"Shangguan commander, in fact, I think this stinky boy is still young, we can understand your mood, but can't rush to seek success." The old man could not help but say.

"Yes, yes, he has such an achievement now, we are very happy to be parents." My mother smiled quickly.

It’s nothing else. In their eyes, martial arts and politics are completely different. Now I am at a certain height. If I am caught by a small scorpion, it is easy to fall to the bottom. It is not a small doll that can withstand. With these in mind, they don't want me to choose blindly.

Shangguanguo is also a good old man. Naturally, I have thought about their concerns, but the fact is that if you are in a high position, you must have a normal heart, and Shangguan Guoqiang also feels that I have this condition.

"Grandpa Grandpa, you can rest assured that all the cooked ducks can't fly, I still have some things left unfinished, I can't promise you for the time being, but I will definitely solve the problem for you in the future!" I said seriously.

In fact, I also understand that Shangguan Guoqiang wants to further encircle me and add some weight to the little cherry, but now I don’t care about the commander-in-chief. After all, I am still less than 19 years old. If I really took office, even if it is To cause a global sensation.

Seeing that I am so stubborn, Shangguan Guoqiang is not good at saying anything. After eating, we went shopping together. Since my mobile phone was damaged before, I just passed the mobile phone franchise store. I bought one and bought it on the spot. card.

After the mobile phone card was activated, I received a bunch of text messages, and did not receive the call reminder, but did not display the caller. I suddenly remembered it. After the network connection, I resumed the cloud backup contact, only to find that it was the drug Wang Gu’s Called!