MTL - No Protection Tonight-Chapter 1580 The ninth person from ancient times to the present

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In a short while, only the remaining four martial arts Tianjiao surrounded me. Their faces were filled with the expression of winning. If one-on-one, it is possible that I will wear four, but they work together. The lethality caused is by no means as simple as one plus one.

"Brothers, don't be merciful. Since he is seeking a defeat, we must fulfill him. Otherwise, the face of the martial arts Tianjiao will be lost!" The Tianjiao's Tianjiao is not serious.

The other three people can't help but nod. At this time, they must cooperate with each other. If the ship is turned over in the gutter, how can it be traced in the martial arts in the future?

The young monk of Shaolin offered to propose, "I will contain him, you just attack."

He is the champion of the previous promotion. His advantage is not how strong the strength is, but the defensive power of the impregnable, even if these martial arts Tianjiao, there is no way to hurt his fundamental, plus good Endurance, it is easy to gain the upper hand and win.

His practice has undoubtedly improved the odds.

"Well, let's work together and blow this kid down the altar!"

Unconsciously, in the eyes of these martial arts Tianjiao, I became a rising star of God...

Whether it is courage or strength, they make them feel ashamed, and only let me lose sight of others, in order to vent their inner dissatisfaction.

In a short while, these four arrogances showed their housekeeping skills. I discovered that this little monk is hidden, not only is the defense invulnerable, but also some unpredictable martial arts. It’s no wonder that the world says that the world’s martial arts come out of Shaolin. There are many exercises in other sects, which are based on the improvement of Shaolin.

I have to say that he has created a lot of trouble for me. The other three are not fuel-efficient lights. They are all kinds of killing tricks. I want to kill me. Although I have the Golden Snake sword, they also take it. Out of their respective weapons, they are basically top weapons.

Some weapons also have a nirvana, but fortunately, my physical temperament, with the Golden Snake sword, hard to block the first wave of storms offensive.

At the same time, I was stunned by the black air in my body, forming a high-strength protective shield.

"Is this the power of the darkness of the people in the Devil?!" Seeing this scene, there was a voice of discussion around.

"I feel that too, the growth rate of this little guy is too bizarre, plus the big wizard who shot down the three small countries not long ago. All this shows that there are people behind him. Now, it is probably the magician!"

"It makes sense. To put it bluntly, he is an undercover. Losing Master Qingyun and Zhou Zhenren wants to accept him as a disciple. If you can't hold this kid and steal the secrets of our martial arts, then it will be a big problem."

"Yes, I hope you will think twice before you go."

Obviously, because of their envy of me, they dared to say a lot of words. At this time, a dirty voice, almost no one is pointing to me.

The appearances of Chen Zongshi and the ancestral hall are extremely embarrassing, and I don’t know why.

However, those martial arts screams, but the brow is locked, especially the master of Qingyun, his face can not cover the shock.

"This is the power of the black raft in the seventh week!"

"The seventh day of the day? Master Qingyun said it would not be Yi Jinjing?"

"Oh my God, since ancient times, there have been countless warriors who practice Yijinjing, and they can really reach the sixth week of the day. It is one of the best people in the world. The seventh week... After the Dharma, Yi Jinjing There are only eight people practicing in the black class. In recent times, there have been Shaolin to the bitter Zen master and evil spirits father and son, but that is also something hundreds of years ago. Without exception, he should be the ninth to reach the black level!" Wudang's Zhou Zhenren said one word at a time, which clearly shows that it is a kind of sigh.

"Oh." There was a bang in the surroundings, and the disciples were weird.

The black-level float, the simple four words, carries an incomparably heavy weight. Even the master of Qingyun does not have this creation. Although he is jealous, he is more convinced.

If it is like what they say, what is the undercover of the people in the magic, it is impossible to cultivate Yi Jinjing to such a height.

Sure enough, like the information he got, this little guy reached the legendary seventh Sunday!

"There is no suspense..." Several big brothers have seen the problem. The power of the black-level squad is completely above the infuriating and internal forces. Master Qingyun knows very well that his apprentice has just stepped into the sixth. Zhou Tian, ​​still succeeded with his full help.

As the saying goes, there is no harm, and there is no harm. Even if the four heavens and pirates work together, it is hard to hurt the roots. Master Qingyun has cultivated Yi Jinjing himself, so he knows more about the invincible defense power of the seventh week.

It is no wonder that with the eyesight of their martial arts, they can't see the depth of this little guy. It turned out to be the power of the black-level squad. Although it was only the three battles at the beginning of the black level, it was quite powerful.

Ten strokes per person, there are too few, one hundred strokes are not necessarily able to beat others, Master Qingyun is a bit embarrassed, originally was a mystery, but the seemingly impossible to complete the challenge, but it is easy to do.

Master Qingyun was just preparing to stop the four arrogances. They launched the offensive again. They wanted to seize the opportunity to turn over and watch the reduction of one move. The heart was anxious.