MTL - No Protection Tonight-Chapter 1602 Island country routine

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"Wow!" This goods was first spoken in Japanese. After he translated it in Chinese, the audience suddenly boiled.

Undoubtedly, many people will feel a pain when they pay their membership fees. In particular, they find that this is just a membership. After they can't use the consumption, there is no difference between eating a stinky dog.

But at this moment, Red has hosted an Ivy actress fan machine, they just think it is too cost-effective!

"Cough, it is necessary to emphasize that there is only a formal member, there is a chance to have a pro-Fangze, temporary customers do not enjoy this right, of course, we can understand everyone's love for the two actresses, give Everyone is five minutes. If you want to upgrade, you can hurry up, and you won’t be out of date!” When I saw the excitement in the field, this person had a splash of cold water at the right time, so that the temporary customers in the field were embarrassed, and some couldn’t help it. Oral swearing, protesting to refund the money, but there are a few strong men in black clothes on the side, quite deterrent, they can only swallow their voices.

After all, this is in the land of others. Due to historical contradictions and entanglements decades ago, the relationship between the two countries has not been completely eased. If there is a trouble, it is necessary to shoot the birds. There is no need for 10,000 pieces. I will not come to Taiwan myself.

"Oh, don't come in without money, why don't you want to be cheap?"

"That is, others are willing to give you five minutes to upgrade your rights and interests, and you can’t understand it!"

"Throwing the face of our Chinese people!"

Members of the infield can't help but sneer, watching the excitement. When I saw this scene, I couldn't help but frown. Indeed, in terms of financial resources, they are more powerful than the customers in the field, but they should not be so schaden.

The typical nest fight, if it is in the country, then there is nothing wrong with it, but it is the country...

Sure enough, not only the people of the country, but even those European and American baboons, but also the expressions are weird, perhaps they can not understand this mood, say something is not good, everyone is a P guest, there is no distinction between high and low.

Under the sarcasm of these people, there were a few sporadic people who ran to make up the money.

The host smiled and opened the flower, then watched the group enter the infield, and said some polite words, what friends have come from afar, it’s a pleasure, it seems that he also has a certain Chinese culture, and It is very thorough about human psychology.

Not long after, the host started to speak again. "Of course, the friends in the field should not be discouraged. Although you can't have skin kisses with the two popular actresses, but enjoy the 50% discount on the girl in the store, you can choose your favorite. The type, let you fully feel the unique style of my big country, secretly tell you that there are many young ladies in the store who are candidates for the Ai Wei community, and will never let you down!"

Although the people in the field were a little depressed, but when they heard the 50% discount, they suddenly came.

"Okay, let's go straight to the theme. This fan festival is what we all strive for from the mosquito-repellent society. They have only one condition, that is, to get a small donation meeting. There are some poor mountain villages in the southwestern part of the country. If you don’t eat enough, you won’t be warm, and your hometown will be there. After the swearing, the mosquito-repellent society and the red are all hit, and the donations donated tonight are all donated to the poor people in the mountain village. Donate first. The local tyrants will enjoy the privilege of one dragon and two phoenixes, and they will be effective once a week, within ten years. Even if there is no time to come to our red, the number will be automatically accumulated, we can guarantee this red, the weekly actress Not repetitive, you can customize it according to the taste of the local tyrant!" The host revealed the expression of envy, and paused.

"The second place, only one-on-one, the other benefits are equal, the third place, you can enjoy a night of Ssangyong play beads, as to whether it is tonight, you have to look at the top two locals are not happy, fourth Name to the tenth, to enjoy the gentle service of our special beauty tonight, eleven..." The host said that there is a bunch of people, anyway, probably means that the top 30 have sisters for free.

I completely grasped the Chinese people's greed and cheapness. Although the donation is not enthusiastic, it seems that the money is worth the money.

This is purely cutting the leeks, even if the popular Ivy actress gave it, can't it be a way to squeeze the people? The money is not the wind, these guys are purely worms, plus vanity.

To put it bluntly, even if you go out of business for millions of dollars in this year, people only know that you are richer, and only by squandering can you prove your financial strength and identity, especially in a foreign country!

"Hey." As a bystander, I didn't consciously sneer, because the music was turned off, and the surroundings were quiet. I might be wondering how much money I could donate before I could enter the top 30, so that I sneered. Extraordinary highlights have also focused a lot of attention.

"What's wrong, this gentleman, are you winning the prize? It is better to take the lead and let everyone see and see your strength!" The host asked without any curiosity.

"Haha, isn't it fun to be such a pit person? You think that all the people present are stupid b, do you manage it?" I grinned, very disdainful, didn't wait for him to speak, I added.

"It seems that the first and second place are enviable. In fact, it means that the two rich people will be killed. In the end, they will be squeezed out by your country like a hollow body, right?"

When everyone heard it, they couldn't help but nod. Although some people couldn't eat the grapes and said that they were sour, the head of the analysis was the way.

"Kids, people have said, if you don't have time, the number can be accumulated, come and play casually, if you don't have money to donate, let's go cool, don't destroy our good things. For you, the entrance has already been swollen. Fat people, can understand, and for us at this level, money is just a number, happy is the most important, understand?" A creamy little student retorted, that person is more stupid, attracting a consistent applause .

I am a little bit dumbfounded. If I give them a look at the money on my account, I am afraid that I can scare me to eat three pounds of hot Xiang. I know that the account of Black Mud Mask Company is bound to my card, every day. A lot of money went in. I was very happy at the beginning. Now I am really numb, just a bunch of numbers, I don’t know how to spend it.

However, at this time, the Yuan Yuanyi recognized me, and I saw the ghost. I was ready to go out without saying anything. I raised my hand and had a strong suction. Like a giant vacuum cleaner, Yi Yuanyi was like a ball. Rolled over.