MTL - Non-Human Sub-district Office-Chapter 66

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Chapter 66

The three monsters in the office are so rare that the forest and the **** have a squabble that doesn't have a ride. Next to Wu, the teacup is held, and the two young monsters are grinning.

"To the old turtle." Big black turned to look at Wu Gui, took out a few jade boxes from the drawer, put it in front of Wu Gui, full of face, triumphantly waiting for praise.

Wu returned to him and opened the box.

A clear and cool atmosphere filled with time.

This kind of spirit will make people feel the clear atmosphere of the Qing Dynasty. Lin Mu once felt it, but it was time for Zigui to pull out a lot of elixir from his small vault and hand it to the Emperor House.

At that time, I was able to smell this kind of faintness.

It is a good medicine for the full year. After a long period of time and the erosion of the wind and frost, a smart medicine will soon be born.

The kind that is planted by the forest itself is the two different grades that are derived from the essence of the sun and the moon and the power of the emperor to the mature elixir.

The elixir of the forest family is absolutely impossible to have such a breath, because their time from seed to maturity is too short, a little bit of seedlings to encourage growth, although the medicinal effect is still strong, but really, it is not at all Naturally grown elixir.

However, if it is used solely for healing and aura storage, the elixir of the forest is completely sufficient.

Anyway, these elixir are only available to Emperor.

At this time, the **** could even come up with such a potion, which really surprised the forest.

Surprisingly, in addition to forest trees, there are Wu Gui.

He closed the jade box with a "snap" and squatted for a while, looking up at the big black: "Where did you get it?"

Dahemei said with anger: "I accidentally discovered Lin Xiaomu when I turned over the information a few days ago. The first two days were not weekends. I touched the recorded place and found that it was really there."

Wu Guiwen said that he looked at the black dress today.

Very rare, after flying from the grandmother, I will fly myself, wearing a loose-fitting short-sleeved t-shirt and beach pants. I wear long trousers today.

Because it was also casual, the other two in the office didn't feel anything wrong.

Wu returned to raise his hand and directly smashed the sweater on the **** body.

I was shocked by the big black, and quickly knocked out the hand of the old turtle, and my face was invaded. The expression that was made: "What are you doing!"

Although he was moving fast enough, he was not an ordinary person, and he still clearly saw his very fresh scars in his movements.

Wu returned to take a deep breath and just wanted to say something. The phone in the office rang.

Lin Mu just reached out and prepared to pick it up. Big black came over and grabbed the microphone first. After a few responses, he hung up the phone and picked up the tree sitting on the side and rushed out.

Nie Shen, who had been watching from the side, squatted for two seconds and quickly got up and chased the past.

- In the entire office, the person who cares for him has one and only one forest.

The **** stalked the forest and went out to the old, until the forest backhand held him, only to stop.

Lin looked at him and asked, "What is it?"

Dahei took another step and replied: "There are people in the community who have to fight against the monsters, and their children call to ask for help."

Lin nodded and was not surprised by this kind of thing.

The functions of their street offices are much wider than those of ordinary street offices. Everything is done in the same way. Even the monsters have to buy houses in the human world. The procedures are not the real estate bureau but they are here.

Because of the racial talent, the forest has its own fire-fighting effect. Basically, if there is a dispute, as long as he goes there, then he can say a few more words. After a few minutes, the humans and monsters to fight will be quiet and peaceful. It is.

So every time there is any dispute, it is to let the forest go.

The two monsters have to fight and say that it is not too big to say that it is not small, but it is dangerous to fight in places where humans gather.

Dahei and Linmu rushed to the scene and solved the dispute skillfully.

Nie Shen was much faster than them, and he immediately chased him up and stood by and watched the whole journey.

It’s nothing more than a man’s derailed woman’s gas bombing, but the monster’s explosion is not the same as humans.

The woman's spirit is not the man's derailment, but the man's derailment object turned out to be a weak man.

She is not as good as a weak chicken human!

Dahei and Linmu are not the same as ordinary human beings. They have always been persuading them to dissuade them. Hearing such a thing, he almost did not hesitate to brush and said: "It is recommended to divorce, the child belongs to you."

Anyway, the child can't return to the man who went to the human side. Otherwise, there is nothing wrong with it.

Nie Shen did not understand the big black, and looked at the forest, said: "It is recommended to kill."

A few monsters brushed their heads and turned to look at him. The forest first spoke: "You shut up."

Nie Shenqi closed his mouth and watched the female monster hold the **** and patted the **** on the spot. Lin and Dahe left the house after finishing the ideological work and record of the male monster.

Nie Shen followed them and asked, "Why not kill?"

"Because it is not necessary." Lin Mu said.

Nie Shen remembers the messy news he just saw, trying to speculate on the human mind he just understood: "He is stronger than the female monster, lost face, and may retaliate."

Lin Mu turned to look at him and nodded: "You are right."

Nie Shen: "?"

"But that doesn't matter to us, because if you want to retaliate, you will be retaliated whether you leave or not." Lin said, "If you can't, then the girl will choose to ask for help."

Nie Shen can't understand.

It is obvious that it can be solved directly by killing it. Why is it so troublesome?

"Because the Central Plains is not suitable for killing and killing." Lin Mu pointed to a few children on the street wearing school uniforms and taking pictures together. "Look at these little cubs, if you make any mistakes, simply use 'kill' 'If this kind of thing is solved, they will not play so freely."

Nie Shen could not understand: "What does this have to do with them?"

Dahe came over and helped Lin: "Because this school is in class, they are skipping classes. For students, this is a big mistake."

Lin Mu nodded: "Whether it is a person or a monster, there are all rebellious periods. You can't kill anything. It's a tyrant's behavior. You see you, you have committed such a big killing. Now it's not a good day."

Nie Shen heard the words and corrected: "I am right."

Lin Mu heard the words, turned to look at Nie Shen, silent for a long while, and finally simply chose to give up.

"... OK, you are right."

It is too difficult for such a monster with its own logical chain to be correct. Lin chose to fully entrust this difficulty to his father who is doing nothing.

Lin Mu turned to look at the **** and asked him: "What happened to your box of elixir?"

"The old turtle's son has not recovered, he is looking for this elixir." The **** scratched his head. "When I first climbed back from the land, the old turtle brought me back, otherwise I I still have a stray dog ​​that I don’t understand until now. I have to repay him."

"I remember that his son is also a half demon." Lin Mu said.

Big black nodded: "Yes."

Nie Shen heard that he had turned his head and looked at the big black.

"This is also a coincidence. I used to help you check the information. I saw a big demon from the Central Plains who once set up a hole in the Taihang Mountains. I also simply mentioned how to get in. I took the weekend and tried it. ""

Big black grinned and said: "Maybe because I only took the one medicine, so the thunder left by the big demon just made me suffer a bit of flesh and blood, much easier than in the decades." ""

Lin Mu stunned him, bowed his head and took out a gauze bag that Xuan Jingjing handed him. He took out a box of wound medicine from inside and gave it to the big black.

Big Black looked at the box: "What is this?"

"Injury medicine, Xuanjing gave me." Lin answered.

This is the first time that Yan Xuanjing beat him after he beat him. The effect is slightly worse than the dead bones.

In this way, Yan Xuanjing had no common sense at the beginning and told him that the beating could become stronger, and he also flicked him to jump over the building.

Lin Mu looked at the **** and beautiful AIDS to take over the wound medicine, recalled the previous smuggling operations of Xuan Jing, only felt the heart is like water.

At the beginning, it was probably blinded by lard, and the fox said what it was.

But who can let Yan Xuanjing have such a beautiful face, and a fluffy piece that people can't put it down!

A group of three non-humans swiftly walked back, passing a small restaurant, watching the time is almost, just walked in and ordered a few small fried packages.

Of course, it is taken back to eat, otherwise the old turtle will eat alone and be lonely.

On the TV of the small restaurant, the Central News Channel was being placed on the TV. The forest was glanced at it. It was a routine series of foreign waters and hot, and could not help but swear: "The Middle East is playing again."

Dahei also asked for a few cold dishes. He said: "Yes, so we are here peacefully."

When I came back, the wind and the fire were hot. When I went back, the forest and the **** squatted with the packing box. The sun was walking very leisurely. I didn’t have a ride, and I was quiet and quiet when I was on the side of the sea. Listen, think thoughtfully.

The forest pushed the door of the office: "Come back! By the way, bring the meal!"

Unfortunately, there are four households in the office to set up monsters for settlement and real estate licenses. They can't eat immediately, and they start working after putting down the packing box.

When they handled the four households and went to Wu’s desk to open a video of the next meal and put all four lunch boxes out, they realized that there was something missing in the office.

The three monsters were all in one, Wu returned to take the lead and found a map from the drawer. When they opened, they saw that the mark representing Nie Shen had stayed in the Middle East.

“?” Wu returned to the question mark. “What is he going to do here?”

He didn't really worry about what Nie Shen would do to get rid of the madness. It was not a joke that he had been banned for so many years.

Just when Wugui’s voice just fell, a burst of news message box popped up in the lower right corner of the computer screen in front of them.

It was written on the top: This newspaper, at 8:00 am local time, the arsenal of the arsenal of the warring parties in the Middle East occurred at the same time. At present, the two sides entered an armistice state. At the time of publication, no organization issued a statement responsible for this matter.

Wu Gui: "..."


Big black:"……"

Lin Mu was silent for a while, and he remembered that he had said to Nie Shen this morning that "stopping mass casualties is definitely a big good thing".



Why can't I stop my mouth!

The author has something to say: Nie Shen: I am awesome!

Two more! Continue to ask for white liquid, 啾咪_(:3∠)_2k