MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 220 Corolla's Test: The Criminal of Omission

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  Chapter 220 Corolla's Test: The Missing Criminal

   "Hello, Dean!"

  A skinny girl, wearing a hood, moved her lips towards the koala-like Dean, speaking silently.


   Dean's pupils trembled.

  He didn't expect that he would meet this evildoer when he came here this time!

  Carolla was the real protagonist of the suicide case at the prison construction site when Anthony was teaching himself the "Achaz School of Mind Reading" - a self-taught, enchanting girl who was only thirteen years old!

  The other party appeared at the airport, and depending on the situation, it seemed that he was waiting for him!

  Think here.

Dean took a deep breath, let go of Neil, kissed her forehead, and said softly: "Nile, there is a dangerous acquaintance nearby, I don't know her purpose, you leave first, otherwise you will Affect me and cause unnecessary trouble."

  Hearing this, Nier's expression froze at first, and then she regained her composure, with a sultry expression that had never been seen before: "Darling, do you need help?"

   "I'll take care of it!"

  Dean touched Neil's hair, very satisfied with her progress and maturity: "All you have to do is go to the hotel and make yourself smelly. I have a lot of thoughts to tell you tonight."

   "Well, I hope I can watch the sunrise with you tomorrow morning, don't let me down!"

  Nile finished speaking, turned and left without dragging her feet.


  During the days when the two were separated, she was no longer limited to business progress, but she also made unknown efforts in other aspects, so that she could change her past frailty and remain calm when encountering emergencies.

   This is undoubtedly something that Dean appreciates.

   Of course, if the Corolla in front of me did not appear in front of my eyes, tonight would be even better!

   Until Nier's figure disappeared before his eyes.

Dean carried the suitcase and walked up to Corolla, and after looking at her for a few breaths, he stretched out his palm in the other's eyes full of interest and curiosity: "I'm surprised you know me, Corolla .”

Corolla also stretched out her skinny palm, and plunged it completely into Dean's warm and generous palm, with an unnatural and strange smile on her face: "Because I have always been curious, who made Anthony prefer to give up the easy-to-get victory?" , and don’t want to accept me, to fulfill the long-cherished wish that I have been wanting to fulfill since I left the school!”

   "A long-cherished wish?"

  Dean muttered in his heart, but he remained calm on the surface.

   Corolla in front of him seemed weak and weak, he could be crushed to death with one hand.

   But this guy is very dangerous!

   This is not Dean scaring himself, but the perception sent back to him by his keen five senses.

  Akaz school was originally born out of the Assassin organization.

  Man is actually a very fragile animal.

  Firearms are enough for a six or seven-year-old child to easily kill a strong adult who has practiced martial arts for many years, not to mention all kinds of poisonous killing methods that have become more mysterious and unpredictable with the development of science and technology.

  As Corolla, who was able to hypnotize an adult before joining, joined the Achaz School for three or four months.

  Dean can't imagine how many invisible means of killing are hidden in this girl.

   So at the moment.

  When you are close without a firearm.

  He has already regarded this humble little girl as an opponent in the same position as himself.

   Communicate with this kind of person.

  Every word and deed, even a glance, may reveal flaws and fall into the opponent's design.

  If it is not the time card of the other party's card.

  Dean would not have close contact with this kind of person at all, but would prepare his firearms, and if he found something wrong, he would shoot the opponent directly, without giving the opponent a chance to show off!

   Sure enough.

  Seeing that Dean didn't answer the call.

  The curiosity in Corolla's eyes grew stronger.

  She put away her smile, straightened her face, took out a document from her pocket, and said in a deep voice, "I know you are very wary of me, but you don't need to be so, because I'm just a little sick, not a lunatic."

   Dean: "."


   Is there a difference between a sickly girl and a lunatic?

  He never provokes sick girls.

  Even if there is a proficient level of "education and training" dare not!

   Otherwise, with his own virtue, the big brother might say goodbye to himself at some point.

  But I am an adult anyway.

   Don't be cowardly when talking on the scene!

Dean raised his jaw slightly: "You don't have to be jealous of me, I know that you feel uncomfortable that Mentor Anthony values ​​me, just as you don't like that you have been a substitute to vent your hatred since you were born, so you have What's the matter, just say it!"

   Facing Dean's provocation.

   Corolla raised her eyebrows and showed her weird and unnatural smile again: "You're very interesting, I'm getting serious!"

   Finished speaking.

She didn't give Dean a chance, and handed the document to Dean: "The reason why I know you have come to the Commonwealth is because Mr. Anthony recorded your information in the Akaz College here. , so you bought the ticket, the intelligence department here received your intelligence information, as for why I came to you"

  Corolla put her hands behind her back, lowered her head, and kicked her feet: "As you said, I really value Mr. Anthony so much, and I feel very uncomfortable, so I want to try your level."

   "If my level is not good, what will happen to you?"

  Dean turned his head slightly, and the corners of his mouth began to turn up uncontrollably.

A woman passing by, attracted by his appearance, couldn't help looking, but accidentally glanced at his pair of light blue eyes, and felt a thrill in her heart, as if she was looking at a corpse. Frozen in place, lost in thought.

  Corolla, who lowered her head, for some reason, felt that the temperature in the originally warm airport suddenly dropped, which made her body, which had not fully recovered, shrank subconsciously.

at this time.

  A heavy coat covered her body.

Dean knelt down and helped her straighten her clothes: "The instructor said that you had undergone a very troublesome operation before you came here, so pay attention to keeping warm. After all, we are all students of Instructor Anthony. I don't want to be alone in the future to fulfill the long-cherished wish of that old guy Anthony!"

   Corolla froze.

She looked at Dean, her lips twitched twice, she unconsciously grabbed the coat she was wearing, loosened the fingertips that had been pulling the clothes that were invisible to the naked eye, lowered her head again, and moaned in a weak voice: "Then Help Mr. Anthony teach you well, otherwise I will feel very shameless."

  Hearing this, the corners of Dean's upturned mouth changed slightly, turning into a real warm smile, and the blade between his fingers also quietly retracted into the dark again.

  Just now Corolla dared to show a trace of hostility.

  Then he will not hesitate to send the other party to another world at the airport under the watchful eyes of everyone, so that this girl who has never seen a smiling tiger before will know what it means to be low-key in her next life.

  However, the other party is limited by age, so evildoers belong to evildoers, and their weaknesses are obvious.

   That is. Lack of love.

  Carolla's experience made her develop a giving and delicate personality.

   She is obsessed with kindness.

  This defect, perhaps as Corolla's experience increases, will repair itself.

   But at least for now.

  Dean feels that he can still handle the opponent.

"Okay, I'll go back and look at the documents. It's not too early now, Carola, you should go back and rest earlier." As he said, Dean touched her head: "Also, I must remind you that playing with people's hearts Those who do not, will be devoured by people's hearts, you need to set an anchor point for yourself now!"

   Corolla is obviously very uncomfortable with this kind of intimacy.

  After a few steps back in embarrassment, she raised her head again: "Hmph, I almost fell for you, don't talk nonsense, if you want to know the situation of Mr. Anthony, you should read the contents of the document carefully, and I will come to you tomorrow!"

   Finished speaking.

   Corolla took away Dean's coat, walked on short legs, and disappeared into the flow of people in a panic.

   until the opponent disappears.

  Dean let out a long breath.

   What a nasty brat!

  He hates dealing with monsters!

  emm except the small Mike.

  That guy, he does things more directly and 'simplely', without so much pressure.

  Tense emotions need to be vented.

   This made Neil, who opened the room, both happy and painful.

  The kind of love that is like the flood of the Yellow River, out of control, and like a turbulent river, floods the moonlight tonight.

  The next day, the sun rose three poles.

  Den bathed in the morning light, stretched his waist, and kissed the half-drowsy Neil on the forehead, then grabbed the other's calloused little hand, and gently placed it on his cheek.

  This simple girl, in order to keep up with her footsteps and not become her own burden, actually spent a lot of money and received some cruel military training.

  Dean reckons that she has endured a lot of hardships during this period, so that she can mature so quickly and her psychological quality is much stronger.

  The appearance of the other half working hard for you is really touching.

  This beautiful and wonderful mood didn't stop until Dean caught a glimpse of the document on the bedside out of the corner of his eye.


   Corolla gave Dean the feeling that he was like his little sister, installed a CPU comparable to his own brain, annoying and pressing, but he couldn't ignore it.

   "The evildoer is enough to be annoying, but it's still an evildoer who is still in puberty, so annoying!"

  Dean cursed, got out of bed cautiously, grabbed the documents unhappily, put on his pajamas, sat down in front of the large glass window of the presidential suite, basked in the sun, and started flipping through the documents in his hand.

  Inside the file is a case file.

   This is a case of burglary that happened three years ago.

  The criminal's name is Shaymy, and his code name is Ax Killer.

   is on this.

  The Commonwealth of Nations and the Commonwealth of America are worthy of being a family in the past, and the naming is a virtue.

   According to records on file.

  Three years ago, Xie Mi broke into a big villa, first knocked out the male host, then hung the male host up, and "forced" the hostess in front of the other party.

   After finishing.

Xie Mi felt that it was not enough, so in front of the host, he took the ax he brought over and chopped the hostess as a log for more than 30 times. strangled the distraught male master to death.

  Because the other party is too bloodthirsty and cruel.

  The Commonwealth police detective, who had never seen a big scene here, put the code name 'Axe Killer' on Xie Mi's head.

   committed such a crime.

  Xie Mi's fate will naturally not be very good.

   "It is estimated that this guy will be sentenced to more than a hundred years in prison."

  Dean smiled sarcastically, and continued to flip through the documents.

In his previous life, in December 1969, the British Commonwealth abolished hanging out of humanitarian spirit. Even if it was murder, anti-humanity, killing the police, etc., it was finally sentenced to life imprisonment, the maximum is the number of years in prison. The severity of the crime is superimposed.

   Dean always thought it was a funny thing.

   Killing people can still spend their old age comfortably in the modern prison made by the ZF with taxpayers' money. This is undoubtedly the most black and humorous mockery of those victims.

  Because the families of the victims are also enjoying the "humanization" of the criminals who killed their relatives, going to jail and silently paying taxes.

   is on this.

  In the Commonwealth of America, only 17 states have abolished the death penalty, and 33 states still retain the death penalty, which undoubtedly suits Dean more.


  Dean made a sound of surprise.

  He blinked his eyes, and looked again at the sentence for Xie Mi on the document: death penalty!

  The execution date is exactly April 12, 2001, which is the day after tomorrow!

  The only difference is that in the past, hanging was used in the death penalty, but now out of humanitarianism, the injection of potassium chloride is given here to kill criminals.

  This is completely different from Dean's previous life!


  Dean put down the documents, walked to the window, faced the rising sun, looked at the sparse crowd and vehicles under his feet, and felt slightly melancholy.

   After all, it is a parallel world.

   This inexplicable emotion comes and goes quickly.

  Dean in his previous life was cold-blooded and numb.

  The body is alive, but the mind is dead.

  In this life, he has family, love, and friendship, his identity is aboveboard, and his future is promising.

  There is nothing to remember about the previous life!

   Adjust your mood.

   Dean read on.

  From the general record of the case to the punishment of Xie Mi, this is the end.


   is some information about Xie Mi.

  Xie Mi, from the Commonwealth, thirty-two years old this year, a taxi driver, unmarried, looking at the photo, he is a common Commonwealth with a bald head and hooked nose.

   It belongs to the kind that is inconspicuous when you sit at the bar and look at it at a glance.

  Only the look in the eyes of the other party wearing a prison uniform and standing in front of the height line to take photos of his imprisonment caught Dean's attention.

  This look. It seems to be a little smug?

  The British Commonwealth of this world has the death penalty. The crimes committed by this guy basically cannot escape. Imprisonment means the countdown of life, waiting for the end of the trial process is death.

In this situation.

  What is he proud of?

  Dean kept this in mind and continued to scroll down.

  Behind Xie Mi's information are some photos of the scene of the case taken three years ago.

  In the photo, there is a close-up of the tragic death of the hostess and hostess of the villa.

Among them, the hostess was **** and bloody, her skirt was dyed blood, and she lay curled up on the blood-colored tile floor. Her flesh and skin were detached from her body, and her body was still stuck together, like a blooming flower printed in white and red. The blood lotus gave people a strong impact on vision.

   Judging from the scars.

  Determinate, sophisticated, crazy!

  Dean has no doubts that the murderer Xie Mi is definitely not the first time to kill someone!

   This guy has a wealth of experience in 'cutting meat', and when he did it, he didn't hesitate at all, which is why he created such a tragic and neat killing scene!

   By contrast.

  The death of the male host was much more 'calm': his eyes were wide open, his eyeballs were protruding, his tongue was slightly sticking out, and there should be a flaxen rope hanging around his neck, which is a typical appearance of being strangled to death.


  Dean's eyes froze, focusing on the two bloodstains on the male host's left chest.

  The shape of the bloodstains is not large, like a peeled oval orange peel printed on it.

  This kind of scar is usually a blunt sharp weapon, which is caused by lack of strength, such as an axe.

  Dean looked at the death of the hostess, and then at the two scars on the chest of the hostess, with a faint smile on his face.

  He knew what Corolla meant by handing this document to him.

  The local police detective is Xun.

  In this case, there were clearly two criminals, not Xie Mi alone!

  So, Corolla, do you want to dig out another criminal?


  Dean became interested, picked up the last blank sheet of paper, and read it.

   Thanks for the reward of 10,000 book coins from the book friends of "Brilliant Night", thank you boss!

   Thanks for the reward of 1,500 book coins from the book friend of ''Invincible Xiao Zhuanfeng'', thank you boss!

   Thanks to the three book friends 'It's Duck Neck', 'Tian Ge V5', and 'Red Blood Cell 2002' for their rewards, and thanks to the three bosses!




  (end of this chapter)