MTL - Not Spare the Years-Chapter 38

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After Mu Xueyi left, Zhou Zhenyue didn't say anything more and went back to the hall, ready to make closing remarks.

Seeing Zhou Zhenyue walking away, Ding Peiqi relaxed her tense body and asked Xiao Ai carefully, "Sister, who is the second miss you just said?"

Xiao Ai put her hands on her hips and said angrily, "Is this what you should ask? You dare to gossip about Mr. Zhou's affairs?"

Ding Peiqi clasped her hands together and quickly apologized: "I'm sorry, senior sister, I'm sorry, I...Did I cause you trouble just now?"

Xiao Ai couldn't let go of her anger at this elementary school girl, and sighed heavily, "That won't be any trouble. Although President Zhou looks serious, she won't care about small characters like you and me."

But when the words came to an end, Xiao Ai immediately said, "But you must remember, don't call me Sister Mu any more!"

Ding Peiqi looked confused: "Why?"

Xiao Ai: "It's alright to tell you, so that you can be a little more measured when you get along with her in the future. The one who just went to the toilet with you is not an ordinary employee. She is the second lady of the Mu Mos Group. lady."

Ding Peiqi's pupils instantly dilated.

Xiao Ai poked Ding Peiqi's forehead: "So, are you calling her 'sister'? Only Mr. Zhou can call her 'sister' in the world, understand?"

Ding Peiqi's worldview was shaken to pieces.

She finally reorganized her worldview, and then stammered and asked, "But, but Xueyi looks younger than President Zhou?"

Xiao Ai: "Mr. Zhou is indeed older than the second lady. What can I do? If the second lady wants to hear it, if Mr. Zhou is willing to call, then people are willing to spoil their wife. Can you manage?"

Ding Peiqi hurriedly said yes.

Xiao Ai increased her tone: "Also, I told you this because I was afraid that you would cause trouble, and you must never tell anyone else. You usually have a big mouth and I turn one eye away, but this one The nature of the matter is different, if you dare to reveal it, get out of the company directly, and I will never deal with you again for the rest of my life!"

Ding Peiqi grabbed Xiao Ai's sleeve, her face full of panic: "No no no, senior, I will keep it a secret!"

Xiao Ai snorted coldly.

Mu Xueyi was in a dull mood. Xue Xiaobai kept talking to her when she was returning on the bus, but she ignored her.

Perhaps it was because Zhou Zhenyue had only been good to her for so many years, that she took this preference as the norm. In fact, Zhou Zhenyue can also be nice to others, but she didn't realize it at all before.

Subconsciously, it seems that Zhou Zhenyue belongs to her alone.

But how can anyone be wholly and wholly owned by another?

Ayue... There is always her private social circle, and in that circle that has never overlapped with her, there will naturally be other people she cares about.

Mu Xueyi bit her lower lip tightly, her eyelashes trembling.

She shouldn't be jealous because of this.

Her reason was persuading her, but her heart was still uncontrollably sad. A long time ago, when Mu Ruqing in elementary school took away her only doll, she was not so sad.

Even... I don't really want to go back to Zhou's house.

With her current state of mind, how can she face Zhou Zhenyue by pretending that nothing happened?

Mu Xueyi was holding her curly hair with her hand by the car window, and she couldn't hold back the annoyance in her heart. She simply took out her mobile phone and dialed Zhong Wan's number.

Zhong Wan: "Hello?"

Mu Xueyi: "Wanwan, are you convenient tonight?"

Zhong Wan said, "Huh?" She seemed to take off her phone, glance at the screen, and put it back to her ear: "What's the matter, why is your opening remark exactly the same as your sister? I thought I had read the wrong caller ID."

Mu Xueyi could hear that Zhong Wan was in a good mood now, otherwise she wouldn't tease her in such a joking tone.

"I'm in a bad mood," Mu Xueyi said softly, looking at the night scene outside the car window, "I want to talk to someone. But after thinking about it, it seems that you are the only friend."

Zhong Wan pondered for a moment, "Well... Mu Ruqing went to another province two days ago. I stayed here because I had some work to do here. It's just that I can accompany you tonight."

Mu Xueyi: "Then why don't we go to the barbecue restaurant we used to go to when we were in college?"

Zhong Wan: "Okay."

The two agreed on a time, and Zhong Wan set off immediately. After getting off the bus, Mu Xueyi also took a taxi.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening when they arrived at the barbecue stall. They ordered kebabs and a few bottles of beer. The boss was very impressed with these two beautiful girls and greeted them warmly. He also said that they would not be here for a long time after graduation, so this time he gave him an extra handful of roasted crispy bones.

Mu Xueyi had no appetite for the dinner party just now, and naturally there was no appetite for barbecue. The skewers were cooled, and she was just drinking beer cup by cup.

Seeing that she was so low, Zhong Wan put the bite of the roasted crispy bone back on the plate, tilted her head, and asked in a low voice, "What's the matter? Is Mr. Zhou treating you badly?"

Mu Xueyi squeezed the disposable plastic cup in her hand and smiled, "...No, how could she treat me badly."

Zhong Wan: "Then why are you in a bad mood?"

Mu Xueyi took another sip of beer, squeezed the plastic cup, and her voice was very soft: "Wanwan, if one day, you suddenly find that my sister is not only good to you, but also to others. Well, will you be sad?" Zhong Wan was silent for a while, then said, "Maybe."

Mu Xueyi: "Is it because I like her, so I don't want her to be nice to others?"

Zhong Wan took a sip of the beer from the plastic cup and smiled lightly: "I don't think I like her, but someone is always nice to you, and you will definitely get used to it. If one day she suddenly changes and loses It is inevitable. However, this does not affect my desire to leave her. People like her are not worth wasting my life. "

Mu Xueyi drank a little too much, lying on the table with red cheeks, "But Ayue is different from her."

"Of course Zhou Zhenyue is different from Mu Ruqing," Zhong Wan smiled bitterly, "so don't take my answer as a reference. If you have something in your heart, be bold and tell Zhou Zhenyue, I believe she is wholeheartedly towards you. of."

"I don't suspect that she is half-hearted," Mu Xueyi sniffed, her eyes red, "I just... hope she's only good to me. Others... can't be good, no kind of good is allowed. , even if you just care about the school girl..."

The light in Zhong Wan's eyes swayed gently, "Do you really like her so much?"

Mu Xueyi crouched on the table, holding the disposable plastic cup tightly in his hand, smiling in tears: "Of course I... like her."

"Wan Wan," Mu Xueyi's eyes shed a tear, slid across the bridge of her nose, and hung on the tip of her nose, "She is the only meaning of my life...the only meaning."

If anyone other than Zhong Wan was sitting here tonight, they would not understand what Mu Xueyi meant. But Zhong Wan understood.

They are all children who grew up in the dark.

Because she knew how forbearance and loneliness the past days were, she understood why she cherished the only person who could bring her warmth so much.

A child who has never eaten a cake in her life finally got a piece of cake, how could she be willing to give it to others?

But even if she cares about being like this, but because it is part of Zhou Zhenyue's private social life, she would rather swallow her mouth and drink beer cup after cup here, rather than question and disturb Zhou Zhenyue's normal life.

She has always been so sensible since she was a child.

Zhong Wan drank the remaining wine in the glass, pursed her lips, and her eyes froze when she glanced outside inadvertently.

On the street not far away, a black Bentley was parked quietly.

Zhou Zhenyue was standing beside the car, leaning against the car door, silently looking at the barbecue stall.

I don't know when she came, how she found them, let alone how long she stood there.

She just looked at Mu Xueyi to drink, without stopping or urging her, she just stood in the distance. When Mu Xueyi has had enough, she will play the role of bringing her home safely and not letting her have an accident due to drunkenness.

She is to protect her bottom.

At this moment, Zhong Wan suddenly understood.

Zhou Zhenyue is not Mu Guocheng, not Zhu Hong, not anyone who looks down on Mu Xueyi with the attitude of a high-ranking person. She didn't need Mu Xueyi to be sensible at all.

If Xueyi is ignorant, Zhou Zhenyue will tolerate her without bottom line, and even betrayal and deceit, she can convince herself to forgive.

If Xueyi is too sensible, Zhou Zhenyue will wait silently behind her until one day, she learns to show weakness.

Mu Xueyi had already drank too much, lying on the table with her eyes closed.

Zhong Wan waved to Zhou Zhenyue and softly called her over.

Zhou Zhenyue took out her hands in the pockets of her coat, propped up her body, and approached step by step without haste.

"Mr. Zhou," Zhong Wan stood up, "are you here to pick up Xueyi and go home?"

Zhou Zhenyue nodded lightly: "Yes. Have you eaten yet?"

Zhong Wan: "She didn't eat anything, she kept drinking."

"Well." Zhou Zhenyue looked down at Mu Xueyi, bent down, and touched Mu Xueyi's hot ears with the outside of her index and middle fingers, "...drinking a lot."

Zhong Wan was silent for a while, but still chose to speak: "Mr. Zhou, I want to remind you of one thing. Last time, Mu Ruqing threatened Xueyi, but the threat did not succeed. Instead, your grandfather almost found her on the head. Very angry. It's not going to end like this, you have to be careful."

Zhou Zhenyue smiled lightly: "Thank you, I will pay attention."

Zhong Wan nodded reassuringly.

Zhou Zhenyue added: "I know that you are Xueyi's only friend, and you have taken good care of her in the Mu family for so many years. If you have any difficulties in the future, you can come to me at any time. The military and political background of my Zhou family is better than that of the Zhou family. The Mu family is much more powerful, if Mu Ruqing does anything illegal to you, I can at least guarantee that no official in Anyang City dares to protect her."

Zhong Wan smiled: "Okay, I remember."

Zhou Zhenyue hummed, leaned down and hugged Mu Xueyi's shoulders and legs, and hugged her horizontally.

Back in the car, Zhou Zhenyue sat in the back row with Mu Xueyi in her arms, Xiao Ai started the car from the driver's seat, and set the old house as the destination for the navigation.

Halfway there, Mu Xueyi suddenly woke up.

She opened her eyes wide, originally leaning on Zhou Zhenyue's shoulders, suddenly sat up and stared blankly at Zhou Zhenyue's face.

Zhou Zhenyue looked at her and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Mu Xueyi blinked, tears fell in a series of surprises, crying so much that her whole body was shaking, "Ayue..."

Zhou Zhenyue: "Huh?"

Mu Xueyi stretched out her hand, hugged Zhou Zhenyue tightly, buried her face in Zhou Zhenyue's arms, and cried loudly.

Zhou Zhenyue held her shoulders and said in a soft voice, "Did the leader discipline you today? Or did you suffer some grievances from a colleague?"

Mu Xueyi didn't answer, and cried even more fiercely.

Zhou Zhenyue asked patiently, "Tell me, who bullied you?"

Mu Xueyi rang out from his arms with a heavy crying voice:

"Ayue, I really like you..."

Listening to such an inappropriate answer, the light in Zhou Zhenyue's eyes softened, and slowly, it became a pool of water.

She looked at Mu Xueyi, the corners of her lips curved:

"I know."

Mu Xueyi cried: "Don't look at others, don't look look at only look at me..."

Zhou Zhenyue grabbed Mu Xueyi's hand, squeezed the back of her hand gently, and whispered:

"Xueyi, I have always only looked at you."

Mu Xueyi cried more and more.

Zhou Zhenyue took Mu Xueyi's shoulders, pulled her tearful face out of her arms, and took a napkin to help her wet face, "I don't know why you are crying, but if you are really uncomfortable, Cry if you want. The reason...I won't ask you any more."

Hearing the phrase "I won't ask you anymore", Mu Xueyi finally couldn't hold back.

Sometimes, pressing the question step by step will only make people close their mouths more tightly, and taking a step back and forbearance, it is easy for people to not help but talk everything out.

Perhaps it was because she subconsciously understood that if Ayue was willing to take a step back, she would also be willing to tolerate all her unbearable thoughts.

Mu Xueyi tightened Zhou Zhenyue's sleeve, "Ayue... If I told you all, would you... laugh at me?"

Zhou Zhenyue chuckled softly: "Of course not, why would I take your sadness as a joke?"

Mu Xueyi closed her eyes, choked up, and bit by bit she explained the reason for her stumbling. Like squeezing toothpaste, speaking slowly and stuttering. But she tried so hard to say that, contrary to her forbearance nature, she tried to tell her all the emotions that were deep in her heart.

Zhou Zhenyue lowered her eyes and listened very carefully.

At the end, Mu Xueyi had already scratched Zhou Zhenyue's sleeves with many irreversible folds, she buried her face in her shoulders, and cried and said, "I'm sorry, I don't want to... But Ayue, I really I like you so much, I really... like you so much..."

"It turns out to be like this." Zhou Zhenyue curved the corners of her lips slightly, with a smile from the bottom of her heart, "Xueyi, look at me."

Mu Xueyi raised her teary eyes and looked at Zhou Zhenyue.

Zhou Zhenyue: "I know you're drunk. Now clear your head and listen to me. The Ding Peiqi you mentioned is not my junior girl, she is Xiao Ai's junior girl."

Mu Xueyi was stunned.

Zhou Zhenyue whispered softly: "Look, you are eating a vinegar that does not exist. If you are willing to tell me earlier, I can explain it to you earlier, and you will not be depressed all night. It's not that hard to tell me the sad things, is it?"

Mu Xueyi cried and nodded.

She got into Zhou Zhenyue's arms again and hugged her waist tightly, as if hiding in a temple of gods that could hold up a piece of the sky by herself.

Zhou Zhenyue hugged Mu Xueyi's thin shoulders and whispered in her ear: "You cry like this today, I also have a little responsibility. I'm so smart, I should have guessed all this when I was at the toilet door, I didn't. Guess what, it made you misunderstood for so long."

She lowered her head and whispered in a lower voice, "As compensation, I'll give you a chance to add another ten years, okay?"

Mu Xueyi, who was crying, raised her head and looked at Zhou Zhenyue blankly.

She choked and asked inarticulately, "What... what do you mean?"

Zhou Zhenyue's voice was very soft, slightly ambiguous: "You don't know what it means?"

Mu Xueyi blinked and suddenly understood.

Her face turned red all of a sudden, and her whole body was hot.

She swallowed and took some time to prepare herself. It was clear that she took the initiative last time, but in this small and dark carriage, nestled in the arms of the person she loved, she couldn't be as cheeky as the last time.

After a long time, she closed her eyes tremblingly, propped up the edge of the seat, and tried to move forward a little bit, a little bit more.

Until her lips touched Zhou Zhenyue's right face.

Suddenly, a cold feeling of a jade ring came from the chin.

When she reacted, Zhou Zhenyue had already pinched her chin, keeping her lips away from her profile.

Mu Xueyi looked at Zhou Zhenyue in a trance.

Zhou Zhenyue seemed to smile a little and murmured:

"...You still don't understand what it means."

When the words fell, she leaned forward gently and kissed Mu Xueyi's tears soaked lips.

The author has something to say: I finally kissed my lips