MTL - Nuclear Power Sword Immortal-Chapter 763 see off

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Mingzun left quickly.

From ancient to modern times, holding the Yuehui Token, the divine sense has a little perception.

Sure enough, all the information about him obliterating the **** Nie Yu and the **** Yuan Miao was wiped out, and replaced by two four-star skills.

In terms of procedure, one **** and one **** are worth this amount.

If it is less, he can initiate a complaint to the highest military department.

"At least, in addition to the two four-star skills, there is also a piece of peerless fairy art, and a place to go to Daozun Mansion for further study."

There is a voice from ancient to modern times.

These things are worth a lot.

According to Mingzun, it is close to a five-star skill.

He should be content.

"It's just that I thought that I made this contribution with all my life, enough to exchange for three thousand pieces of immortal artifacts to form a small world and keep Blue Star..."

He was talking to himself.

In the end, he didn't say a word, but took a deep look in the direction Mingzun left.

Then he applied to leave Chiyue Realm and go to Qianlong Starfield where Daozun Mansion is located.


Three days later.

On a tall tower in Chiyue Realm.

Donghua Jinxian, Ling Sheng, Li Luo, Gong Shuyun, Hei Yuan and others gathered together to see off the past and the present.

"Hahaha, good guy, no wonder you didn't hunt the incarnation of the evil **** with us. If you don't say anything, you've become a blockbuster. You went directly with Chi Tianyuan and the others to deal with the gods, that's amazing."

"Dao Zun's mansion, that is equivalent to allowing half a foot to step into the realm of immortality! Many official disciples of Huoyun Palace, Light Council, and Taixu Sword Sect will try their best to enter Dao Zun's mansion. How precious!? Gu Jinxian can get the Daozun Mansion, I am afraid that the next time we meet again, he will already be a Daozun-level figure."

"I wish you a bright future ahead of you.

Several golden fairies cupped their hands in congratulations.

Although they had only been together for a year, and then joined the second rescue team throughout the ages, the seven of them got along extremely well for a year.

In addition, anyone with a discerning eye can see that those who enter Dao Zun's mansion must have a bright future, so they naturally want to seize the opportunity to maintain a good relationship with each other.

"Borrowing your good words."

A polite response throughout the ages.

"Dao Zun's mansion... the outer mansion is nothing more than that, but the inner mansion is called the Immortal Preparation, Immortal Golden Immortal..."

Donghua Jinxian looked at the past and the present with envious eyes.

As the suzerain of the Donghua sect, he worked so hard to come to the front line to gain meritorious service, for what purpose?

Isn't it just hoping to break through to the realm of Immortal Golden Immortal and support the future of Donghua Sect?

But in fact, Jinxian's cultivation became more and more difficult as he went on.

One to 90% of the avenue fit is one grade, and 90 to 99% is another level.

Before attaining immortality, it is a very exhausting thing to maintain a sufficient degree of harmony in the Dao.

It's better in the early stage, and the degree of fit with the Dao is not high, and maintaining this state is not a burden on the mind.

But when it reaches 70%, 80%, or even 90%, the mentality required will increase geometrically.

Especially after reaching 90%, a little slack and carelessness will lead to wasted efforts.

There is no pure gold in gold, and no one is perfect.

If the avenue is 70% compatible, it is equivalent to driving a fully loaded truck on a mountain road, 80% of the time, the vehicle gradually accelerates, and 90% of the time, the road gradually narrows.

In the section between 90% and 100%, the vehicles are already overloaded.

A little carelessness can lead to a catastrophic accident.

It's nothing more than a car overturn, nothing more than a loss of repair money, and a few years of work for nothing.

But if it is not done well, the car crashes and people die, then there will be no regrets.

Therefore, the difference between the top Dao Jinxian and the Immortal Jinxian is so small, but it is so painful that countless people are stuck.

People with perseverance and determination are better

, directly ran to the front line, and made a desperate fight, hoping to break through and then stand up, to survive from death.

When most golden immortals reach this point, they simply give up the struggle and devote themselves to enjoyment.

Anyway, as a Dao Jinxian, even around the heart of the universe, he is equivalent to an elite and backbone with status and status, and the life he can enjoy far exceeds other people's imagination. Donghua Jinxian belongs to the former.

In the past few years, he has ventured into the starry sky, and he has encountered many life and death dangers, but he still has no confidence in whether he can break through to the Immortal Golden Wonderland in the future.

Right now, it is obviously impossible to say that I am not envious of Gu Jinlai who has obtained the qualification to go to Daozun Mansion for further study.

"My master found Yunxia Fairy from the Luoxia Sect who practiced Liuguang Dao for me. I hope that when our Dao is 90% compatible, we can practice together and understand the way of immortality. In the end, I came to visit with a gift, and even that Fairy Yunxia hasn't even seen her face, even if we are willing to take out three high-grade fairy artifacts as betrothal gifts..."

Hei Yuan sighed with emotion: "If I can obtain the qualification to go to Dao Zun's mansion for further study like the ancient Taoist friends, let alone a dowry, even if I have to receive a high dowry, there will probably be golden immortals coming to my door, hoping to be immortal with me .”

Hei Yuan's words also received unanimous nods from several people.

The so-called co-cultivation with the gods is the way for the two golden immortals to stimulate each other, constantly collide and blend with each other, so as to achieve both progress, and finally both break through and be promoted to immortality.

Since the first battle between the gods and the evil gods, the immortal golden immortals among the immortals have been able to emerge in endlessly and fill the gaps quickly, because the powerful people brought this wonderful method from the heart of the universe.

"The best time to practice together with the gods is the moment when the Dao is 99% compatible. At that moment, the two people break through the shackles of double cultivation and enter the realm of immortality together. Rumor has it that your current Dao compatibility is less than 70%, it is very early, and you still have time to find a suitable Dao partner.

Gujin came to comfort me.

"I have been practicing for more than 36,000 years. As time goes by, the power of the years will continue to erode the mind of the Golden Immortal. When the mind of the Golden Immortal is no longer active, it will also feed back to the mind and the Dao, reducing the impact of the Dao. Stimulus' reaction threshold, everyone knows that when the Dao is 99% compatible, then the double cultivation of He Shen will be the best, but how many people can have a 99% fit with the Dao 30,000 years ago?"

Hei Yuan smiled bitterly and glanced at Donghua Golden Immortal: "We have the highest talent in Donghua, but he has practiced for 40,000 years, and the degree of compatibility with the Dao is only 91%. It is not easy to reach 99%."

His words seemed to resonate with Donghua: "Decades ago, I really had a feeling of sitting and watching the ups and downs of the wind and clouds, but my heart was calm. It was precisely because of this change in my heart that I chose to rush Going to the front line, on the one hand, is to obtain practice materials, on the other hand... I also hope to experience stimulation through life and death fights, and prolong the "active time of the mind."

"Isn't Donghua Jinxian planning to start the step of co-cultivation with human beings?"

From ancient to modern times.

His words made Li Luo beside him involuntarily cheer up and listen.

However, Donghua Jinxian hesitated for a moment, and said: "Just wait and see."

He sighed: "The effect of double cultivation will continue to decrease with the number of times, just like the number of stimulations is too many. Even if the Dao and Dao collide and blend fiercely, they will gradually become numb, and naturally they will not achieve the goal of breaking the realm. So, wait for me. Improve the compatibility of the Dao, and then consider the matter of cultivating together with the gods.”

"I am afraid that it will not be easy to keep the mind "active" only by fighting life and death on the front line due to the erosion accumulated over 40,000 years of practice. It is better to do it as soon as possible..."

"Fellow Daoist Gu doesn't know something."

Gong Shuyun said directly: "Donghua and the daughter of the Patriarch of the Bailian Sect have an agreement to cultivate together with the gods, but the Golden Immortal has only accumulated 23,000 years, and the degree of compatibility of the Dao has reached 94%. I spend all my time studying in the Fire Cloud Palace..."

Ling Sheng on the side quickly coughed.

Gong Shuyun also seemed to have thought of something, and his voice stopped abruptly.

Seeing this, Donghua Golden Immortal said openly, "I don't see anything.

It's shameful, the other party just doesn't like me. Many people will choose a person whose identity, status, and talent are comparable to their own to make a co-cultivation agreement in advance, but less than half of them can really make it to the end. It's not that I can't have one more. "

He glanced at the past and the present: "In the end, all we can rely on is ourselves."

Gu Jinlai smiled and nodded.

"Okay, let's stop talking about this kind of spoiling talk. Fellow Daoist Gu is here to go and make a fortune. We are here to wish Fellow Daoist Gu aspire to immortality and become a Daoist as soon as possible."

Donghua Jinxian said, and congratulated each other.

Others followed suit.

Respond one by one from ancient to modern times.


A send-off will last for one day.

The next day, Gu Jinlai arrived at the material exchange office of the military department, exchanged the two four-star military exploits for two superb swords and a top-notch star shuttle, and then took the transport ship to the Qianlong Star Field where the Dao Zun Mansion is located. .

The reason why he didn't exchange for the practice books of Time One and the Three Realms and Five Elements Law he wanted before is because in Dao Zun's mansion, these are almost equivalent to a half-free state.

In particular, some ordinary classics and fairy arts are allowed to be flipped through.

This is also the reason why many practitioners want to enter Daozun Mansion for further training.

Even some personal disciples who are disliked by the Immortal Venerable, the treatment they can enjoy may not be comparable to that of the members of the Taoist Venerable's Mansion.

The various conveniences they can enjoy surpass those of official disciples of Fire Cloud Palace, Council of Light, and Taixu Sword Sect, and are only one point behind true disciples.

This is also the reason why many disciples of top forces will try their best to obtain the membership of Dao Zun Mansion.

The transport ship passed through star gates, UU Reading tossed and turned for a month, and finally arrived at the Qianlong star field behind the Sea of ​​Stars.

Compared with the Lengyue Starfield, which is full of war fortresses, and there are a large number of military equipment, warships, and top practitioners, the overall rhythm of the Qianlong Starfield is undoubtedly much easier.

Not only is the business developed here, but it is also full of strong academic atmosphere.

There are countless schools and sects established here, among which there are branches of Fire Cloud Palace, Council of Light, and Taixu Sword Sect.

But when it comes to weight, it is still inferior to Daozun Mansion.

Because, the Daozun Mansion was jointly founded by all the powerful people, and it belongs to the heart-level power organization of the whole universe, and exists in every area of ​​the Six Realms, the Eight Desolations, and the Four Seas.

"Ordinary classics and fairy arts are just to be read...Since Daozun Mansion has such a unique environment..."

Gujin looked at the information of Dao Zun's Mansion: "First set a small goal, and learn all the exercises that represent the Three Thousand Dao."

Newly revised and upgraded address of the mobile station: https://, data and bookmarks are synchronized with the computer station, and there is no advertisement for fresh reading!