MTL - Number of People-Chapter 2615 There is no way to avoid the desperate battle of Guizi Scroll (

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  Chapter 2615 Guizijuan desperate battle, unavoidable (3)

  Nurhachi’s personal battalion is the most powerful army in the Jianzhou Army. It has a total of 20 cattle, and each has 300 people. They are always by their side. Twenty cattle is 6,000 people.

  Whether it is horses, armor or weapons, they are all the best, and their archery, sword skills, and bravery are also outstanding.

   It was first selected from the Zhenghuang Banner, and then gradually expanded to the entire Jianzhou Eight Banners.

  Six thousand personal soldiers are already quite a frightening force in the total standing army of less than 50,000, accounting for about half of it.

  Each half of the 6,000 cavalry and infantry troops, whether cavalry or infantry, are absolutely outstanding in combat effectiveness and fighting will among the Jianzhou Army. Once they are put into the battlefield, they can definitely play a decisive role.

With the rise of firearms, Nurhachi also wanted to set up another firearms pro-barracks, named Jianrui Camp, but considering that firearms are not easy to obtain, and gunpowder projectiles cannot be fully produced in Jianzhou, so they can only temporarily put this on hold. idea.

   But even so, once these 6,000 elites go into battle, they will definitely be able to reverse or overwhelming the local battlefield.

  He Heli was also silent for a while, "Then the big sweat, over there at Changyong Fort..."

"It's time to arrive, right?" Nurhachi raised his head and looked at the sky, "I can still trust Hu Erhan's ability. Although the wild Jurchen gang is unruly, they have always respected heroes. Hu Erhan's letter also said that the various departments have been integrated well, and through this Detour all the way can be regarded as a tempering,..."

"If Hu Erhan led more than 10,000 people to suddenly enter from the Changyong Fort, and Wang Yiping's unit can suddenly turn around, and the two are combined, then we can open a big hole for the Zhou army in the west, even if it is the total strength of the Zhou army. Still in the upper hand, but it is absolutely impossible to resist this sudden drastic change,..."

He Heli is Nurhachi's eldest son-in-law, and he is also Nurhachi's favorite person. Naturally, he has his own skills, and he is very sophisticated and calm in speaking and acting. Ying's direct sisters are all from Tong Jia's family, and of course Daishan is also.

   "Damn Khan wants both ends to bloom and strike at the same time?" He Heli pondered and said, "This rhythm is not easy to master. In case there is a mistake in timing,..."

Nurhachi shook his head: "As long as it is roughly the same, there is no need to pursue the same time. I believe that no matter which side is suddenly launched, it can bring a huge shock to the Zhou army, and it is enough to change the situation on the battlefield within a certain range. Even one end can change the whole situation."

  Nurhachi said it with full confidence, He Heli was slightly shocked, but after careful consideration, it seems that he does have the confidence.

  If the 6,000 pro-army suddenly entered the battlefield, and Bai Qice's unit suddenly counterattacked, he did not believe that Zhou Jun's fighting will would be so tenacious, and he would be able to hold his ground in the face of such an impact.

   Also on the west side of Changyong Fort, if a new force of 15,000 people suddenly enters the battlefield, it will definitely be beyond the expectations of the Zhou army.

For the sake of secrecy, this army would rather detour around the poor mountains and rivers outside the side wall, and go around for hundreds of miles. If the fortress along the side wall is not controlled by itself, it can provide food and grass at any time. If it has come all the way, it will arrive on time. , the combat effectiveness will definitely be greatly affected.

There are more than 60,000 troops gathered on the front line of Changyong Fort, of which the Jianzhou Army has about 27,000 people, and the Zhou Army has about 35,000 people, which is a certain advantage. In terms of combat effectiveness, In fact, it is in a state of balance and stalemate. After several battles, each other loses and wins each other.

   But once the 15,000 people join in, it will be completely different. If Wang Yiping's 3,000 people are hit anyway, even if the Overlord is reborn or Sun Wu is reborn, it is impossible to reverse this sudden change.

"However, this is only our one-sided consideration. Feng Keng is not an idler. I believe he also has backup preparations. For example, he has more and more powerful reserve teams who can press up at the most critical moment. , to prevent all possible changes that are not conducive to his side, which is why I have to consider attacking from two angles. I don’t have enough confidence in one change, because Feng Keng must have a reserve team to deal with it.”

  Nurhachi's analysis convinced He Heli.

  Khan is always trying to figure out the mentality of the opponent, and always has to take one step ahead of the opponent. Only in this way can he occupy a dominant position in the war.

  Moreover, Da Khan can also objectively recognize his own shortcomings, unlike some people who always think that the elites of Jianzhou are invincible, and always clamor that the Eight Banners are less than 10,000 and invincible. He Heli himself does not believe such nonsense.

  Now there are more than 60,000 Jurchen elites in Jianzhou, but they are also at a disadvantage in the confrontation with the Zhou army. If they do not choose the right fighter to change the situation and this stalemate continues, then the final failure must belong to Jianzhou.

  The dialogue and consideration between Nurhachi and He Heli did not affect the evolution of the overall situation.

Whether it's the Changyong Fort on the west line, the Wujing Camp on the center line, or the Tiger Skin Station on the east line, one battle after another has either come to an end, or just begun, or is in full swing, separated by tens of miles. In the battle situation in Lidi, it is almost impossible to change the whole situation because of the victory or defeat of a certain partial battle, unless that bag of grass just happens to overwhelm the entire camel.

  You Shilu felt a burning pain between his crotch.

  Although he was a battle-tested veteran, he was a little bit overwhelmed by the continuous riding.

  After landing from Donghai Fort, more than 20,000 people from the Jizhen Army quietly marched northward, all the way up the coast, and they had to go to Dujiatun to find a supply point.

This line is almost uninhabited, because most merchant ships land at Niuzhuang, and then go straight north. There are currently three popular places in the Liaodong area, one is the Liaoxi Corridor, and the other is Niuzhuang to Liaoyang. Along this line, the third is the circle of Jiulian City, and other places are scattered towns.

But there is not even a decent road from Donghaibao to Dujiatun, and more of it is wild land, or sporadic sidewalks. It is extremely difficult to walk this road, even if you have made some preparations in advance, but this is after all. 20,000 people are not 200 people. Once they start walking, the preparations that need to be made are not simple, and various problems will inevitably arise.

After passing Dujiatun, the situation is slightly better. The series of fortresses along the western side wall of Liaohe Tao are not too far away. Lidi, such as Shaling Station, Wujiafen, and Xining Fort, are all distributed along this line, especially Xining Fort, which is the first stop of the army's marching target.

Xining Fort provided a simple rest time for the 20,000 troops led by You Shilu, but the urgency of the battle did not allow the Jizhen army to rest at all, so they set foot on the marching road again. It took three days to walk along the tail of the Liaohe River. Walk along the side wall to Huangniwa.

  This is already close to the northernmost end of the side wall controlled by the Zhou army. Going forward is the Changsheng Fort, which is also the front line facing the Changyong Fort controlled by the Zhou army and the Jianzhou army. The army dare not go further north.

Because since it wants to appear as a strange soldier, highlighting a strange character, it is to attack secretly, so like the Jianzhou army from the north and south, the Jizhen army also chose to go out of the side wall from Huangniwa, along the outside of the side wall. Travel northward until you reach the west and north section of Changsheng Fort before re-entering the side wall, so as to avoid being discovered in advance by the Jurchen scouts in the side wall.

   Both Nurhachi and Feng Ziying chose the tactic of sending out surprise soldiers and killing them with one blow, and they both chose to let the surprise soldiers detour around the Liaohetao area outside the side wall, preferring to take the muddy road to maintain the effect of surprise soldiers.

Nurhachi used Hu Erhan to lead 10,000 Eight Banners soldiers collected from the rear plus 5,000 newly trained savage Jurchen soldiers, while Feng Ziying used the method of quietly leaving the sea from Jizhen via Yuguan to the north and transporting it to Donghai Fort. Jizhen Army.

   "How far is it to the destination?" You Shilu couldn't help asking as he wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"It's almost time, my lord, there are still five miles to go along the side wall. According to the agreement of the governor, there should be enough food and grass near the side wall in Changsheng Fort for us to replenish, and then go forward for another 20 miles. , we are about to cross the side wall and enter the war zone." While looking at the map, the subordinates calculated the time, "I can arrive at the destination in the evening, rest next to the side wall for a night, and tomorrow I can climb over the side wall and enter the original Changyong Fort. The defense zone,..."

You Shilu has also been to Liaodong, and he is no stranger to Liaodong. Changyong Fort and Changsheng Fort were originally sister forts, and they were only 30 miles apart. Outside the wall, it will take more than half a day.

  Going for ten days in a row is a huge test for even the most well-prepared soldiers, but this battle has to be done like this, otherwise it will be difficult to show the role of surprise soldiers.

   "Has the scout passed?" You Shilu asked again.

   "It's been a long time ago. According to the request of the adults, we went to two groups, all the way to the north of Changyong Fort ten miles away, just to avoid being discovered by the Jianzhou Army in advance, so we can prepare for the backup route."

The subordinate's answer made You Shilu feel a little relieved, and nodded: "The victory or defeat depends on one action, and the governor has high hopes for us. In the first battle, we will also play the most critical role in it. After this battle, as long as we win, everything on the Jianzhou territory can be done as we please, and I will talk to the governor!"

  (end of this chapter)