MTL - Number of People-Chapter 5 A character scroll Qi Luqing is not yet in chaos

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  Chapter 5 A Character Scroll

   A kite flipped over, Feng You had already lightly jumped from the earth wall to the roof of the carport, and another kite flipped over and fell down.

  Although her complexion was still as stern as before, Feng Ziying could still perceive some cold determination in the other party's eyes that was not there before.

   "Let's go, brother Keng! It's too late if you don't go, I'm afraid there will be bandits!"

  Feng Youjiu was fighting in the borderlands, standing on the crenel of the wall, he could get a general idea just by simply looking around.

  Shandong has always been a place full of thieves. At that time, Liu Liu and Liu Qi started their family in Beizhili, but in fact, they really grew up after receiving the support of Shandong thieves.

Although the black crowd was chaotic and there were no riders, the number was at least one or two thousand. In addition, he also noticed the black smoke rising from the southeast corner, so he didn't need to think about it. Act of.

  The question is, what makes Feng You unbelievable and difficult to make a choice is how could bandits start in the hinterland of the canal like Linqing Prefecture?

   We must know that no matter how bad the Linqing Guard is, the guerrilla generals in the guard can still pull out hundreds of elites. If such bandits who have not fought in battle want to confront the elite guards, they will almost die for nothing.

   But the fire in this city made Feng You feel unimaginable.

  It is not something a gang of gangsters can do to set fire to the city.

  Where is this Linqing Prefecture? There are countless land and water terminals in the Northland!

  There are many wealthy merchants in the city, and almost all the larger stores need a few guards. If you want to raise fire in the city, Feng You will not believe it without the help of people in the city.

  The dental clinic and Lizheng Jiebao here are not comparable to other places, and this is the most difficult thing for him to figure out.

In fact, he had noticed something was wrong before, but he stayed in Linqing Prefecture for a few days, and before Linqing, he had heard that the tax inspector sent by the palace was making a fuss in Linqing Prefecture, so he didn't pay much attention to it. .

  He didn't believe that anyone would dare to seek death under the guard's nose.

   But the world really caught him by surprise.

   "Let's go!" Feng You, who got off the carriage, lifted the boy who was still standing by the shaft in a daze with one hand and threw him onto the carriage.

  The people standing next to the two piles of goods were also stunned by the sudden change. There were fireworks in the city, and crowds of people came from outside the pier.

   "Don't get lost, each find their own way out, really want to wait here to seek death?"

  Feng You yelled angrily, and then woke up a group of people, and then the two hustlers hurriedly stumbled to the pier, presumably going to find the person in charge.

  Feng You didn't care too much at this time, he whipped his whip repeatedly, the horse galloped in pain, and drove straight in.

   "Uncle You, what do we do now? Can we get on the boat?" Feng Ziying asked after taking a breath, ignoring the boy Ruixiang who fell on the shaft of the car until his eyes were red with pain.

   "It's too late." Although Feng You didn't know what kind of moth was happening in Linqing City, he had been fighting wits and courage with Tatar cavalry at the border for a long time so that he could smell the strong smell of conspiracy hidden here.

  Dare to rebel under the nose of Linqing Guard, if there is nothing else behind it, he doesn't believe it.

   "Then let's go into the city?" Feng Ziying glanced at the messy wharf. At this moment, her mind began to spin rapidly, "Shall we go into the inner city?"

   "I'm afraid I can't get in." Feng You shook his head.

   If he was the guard, he might have already sealed the inner city gate. No one dared to open the inner city gate before finding out the details outside.

There are a large group of people from the state office, the military preparation and road office, the health office, Xueshu to the Xingtai of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and the Xingtai of the Chief Secretary, as well as a large number of family members. The granary in the inner city, under such circumstances, how dare you open the door easily?

  If the bandits took the opportunity to **** it in, it would really be a disaster for the whole family to lose the city.

  The pier was already in chaos.

  A group of Lifu porters running around, as well as the panicked shopkeepers and hawkers, and the managers of various shops and goods stores, all scattered around like sparrows that exploded.

  Some people want to board the ship, but the sailing has been blocked long ago, no boards are allowed to leave the shore, and a group of sailors have also been driven to the shore. How can there be time in a hurry?

  When I came here before, I felt that the market was much quieter than before, but when I saw it now, it was suddenly bustling again, but this one turned into a chaotic mess.

Linqingzhou City is somewhat different from other places. It originally followed the pre-Ming Dynasty and used Zhuancheng as the city during the Hongwu period. However, with the opening of the Huitong River, water transportation and commerce flourished. It is the place surrounded by the Huitong River that forms a prosperous market.

However, in the Zhengde period of the former Ming Dynasty, Shandong Liuliu and Liuqi raised troops and spread to Linqing, which was prosperous for a while. Shandong thieves were the most powerful in the world. The military resources were supplemented, and the momentum revived.

According to an author of unofficial history, if Liu Liu and Liu Qi hadn't captured Linqing City and revived their momentum, I am afraid that the army of the former Ming Dynasty would not be able to be restrained by Liu Liu and Liu Qi in Shandong and Hebei, and Da Zhou would not be able to take it in a leisurely manner. Jiangnan Huguang finally laid the foundation of the Great Zhou Dynasty.

  A stream of people poured out from Suipi Street, and started to light up several shops along the line of Daning Temple and Zhugan Lane. The black smoke and flickering flames began to wreak havoc.

   This is the busiest street market in Central Continent, many of which are wooden-structured storefronts, once it is burned, it may become a continuous piece.

   "Let's go, go to the east first, and see if we can call open the Yongqing Gate and enter the city!" Feng You was also a little anxious.

  He already realized that Linqing city might not be able to be kind today. With such momentum, the gang of inspectors and yamen might have shrunk a long time ago, but he didn't know why the guards in the brick city didn't come out.

The Feng family’s old house is in the side alley next to Yongqing Street, next to Xiezikeng. From the side alley, you can go directly to Yongqing Street and go north to Yongqingmen, but the only thing I don’t know is whether I can call The gate of Yongqing City has been opened.

  The Feng family is considered a famous family in Linqing City, but the Linqing Guards may not buy face from the Feng family at such a dangerous time.

  Feng Tang was dismissed three years ago and returned home. He has been working at home and is currently seeking to recover. That's why Feng Tang was unable to come this time and asked Feng Ziying to replace him.

"When you go to the Yongqing Gate, you should bypass the Jindehui. I think the bandits who came out of the Daning Temple came from the Daning Temple." Feng You actually didn't know much about the situation in Linqing City. Familiar, but at least clearer than Feng Ziying and Xiaosi Ruixiang, and roughly knows the direction of the route, "Maybe we can only go to the Hongji Bridge."

The street became more and more chaotic, and some people dressed as mechanic weavers also rushed out from the market in the south and fled in all directions. In addition, some people were setting fire to the cotton market in Binyangmen. Bursts.

   "Let's go!" Feng You urged the horse to gallop.

  The carriage bypassed the roadblock formed by the collapse of a pile of burning door panels in front, and then a group of people could already be seen lifting a giant log and hitting the door of a shop.

  The other two hooligans were pulling the bag in the arms of a young woman dressed as a musician, knocking her down viciously, and snatching away the other party's bag.

  Seeing Feng You and his party approaching, the eyes of the two rogues lit up, and they whistled, and seven or eight of the group who were knocking on the door suddenly came to this side.

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  (end of this chapter)