MTL - Number One Lazy Merchant of the Beast World-Chapter 83 Fanwai - Earth Raising Daily (1)

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When Rong Ming’s head was dizzy, he sat up, his confused eyes squinted for a few times before he could see the surrounding environment. It was not the big shadowless lamp and white ceiling that he saw when he lost consciousness on the operating table, but it was lush. There are many rocks in the trees, not far away.

When Rong Ming raised his hand and rubbed his head, he looked down at the clothes that covered him. The top was very wide. Although he couldn’t see the material, it felt good in texture. There was a badge on the clothes, but the style was that he always I haven't seen it, let him guess that this dress may be a military-like design.

Since the clothes are not his, there are other people around. Naturally, when the glory is holding the clothes, the tree next to him is going to stand up. It’s just that he moves, his legs and feet touch the round things, he is surprised. I opened the top that covered my body, and then I saw a black, white and two beautiful eggs...

...What is this egg? So big? Ostrich egg? Dinosaur Eggs?

Focus, is this a real egg or a fake egg?

When Rong Ming took a moment, he reached out and touched it. He didn’t expect the egg to feel good. He reached out and took the two eggs. The black one was hot and the white one was cold. cold.

So, Rong Ming decided that this is definitely a fake egg!

... He has not touched the eggs, how can the real egg have a cold or hot temperature.

Just when Rongming flipped two eggs and wondered what the new two eggs were, a sound suddenly sounded. "I checked, the time and space wormholes did not affect them, and they will hatch healthily. do not worry."

When Rong Ming immediately raised his head, he looked at the direction in the direction of the sound. A tall man turned out from the rocks not far away, his face was cold, his nose was high, his eyebrows were like a knife, and his posture jumped from the rock. The neat and calm, still holding a pheasant in his hand.

The man strode over him as he spoke, and stood in front of him, then squatted slightly, and pulled the clothes that he was about to fall to the ground with the hand without the pheasant. Asked on his shoulder, "Is there any uncomfortable?"

Before the Sangha, the body data of his snow leopard had been scanned. The data from the light brain analysis showed that the leopard was in good physical condition. However, when the aircraft accidentally crossed the time and space wormhole, they only took their family with four. When they arrived in different time and space, they did not have any reserve of energy, and he worried that the beast of the little leopard would be affected.

Hearing this person's inquiry, shaking his head when he held the glory of two eggs.

This person has a strange tone and syllable, not the Chinese he knows well, but... he seems to understand it.

However, even if he understands it, he does not understand the meaning of the words.

What is the time and space wormhole? What does incubation mean?

When Rong Ming was looking down, he looked down at the two eggs he was holding.

Is it true that these two eggs are really alive? !

Rongming bowed his head to one of the eggs and listened to his head.

When he saw his movements, he suddenly picked up his mouth.

This silly leopard, how can there be a sound when the egg has not hatched?

When I saw the glory of my head, I saw the smile of this person’s mouth, and realized that this action seemed a bit stupid...

At this moment, Rong Ming saw that the man sighed slightly toward the pheasant who had been quickly processed by him. There was a fire coming out of the air, densely surrounding the bare pheasant, quickly The cockroach roasts and soon the smell of the scent is launched.

Holding two eggs firmly in the glory of his head, he straightened up, slightly widened his eyes, and looked incredibly at the scene.

Is he blind? ! Where did the fire come from? How did it burn?

Zangjia felt that his snow leopard was staring at the pheasant's gaze and asked, "Hungry?"

What does this person say? Hungry... hungry?

Is it a sparse thing to appear in flames out of thin air?

However, sniffing the smell of the air in the air, Rong Ming really felt a little hungry.

"Wait a moment, just fine."

The high-precision control of the singer smashed the pheasant, and the pheasant baked well, exuding a seductive taste.

When Rong Ming unconsciously moved his throat, "good incense..."

Just said a word, when Rong Ming stopped, he realized that he just seemed to say the same language as this person?

Zangjia came over with the roasted pheasant, sat beside him, and tore the hot chicken a little bit.

The high-temperature grilled pheasant is crispy and tender, and the taste is not even better.

Rongming’s subconscious licking lips, lifting his arms and opening the clothes that cover him, put the two eggs, whether they were fake or not, carefully placed on the clothes.

... This man kindly puts his clothes on him and gives him food. He can't break the human egg.

Then, Rong Ming looked at the movement of Sangha.

Sangha laughed, tearing off a little bit of meat and letting it cool down and handing it over.

When Rong Ming was naturally swallowed by the human hand, the taste of the entrance could not be better. When Rong Ming chewed and nodded hard, his eyes were bright and his mouth was vaguely praised. "Good! You also taste ""

Sangha chuckled, tore him down a little bit, let it cool and hand it to him.

While eating the roast pheasant, Rong Ming listened to this person continuing to use the strange syllables. "Ruhr and the butler have to lock our position across time and space. It will take some time. We will settle down on this planet for the time being." First, create hatching conditions for two eggs."

When Rong Ming’s mouth chewed, he immediately stopped. He couldn’t help but turn his head and glanced at the two eggs on the clothes. He lifted his heart inexplicably and muttered the last words of the person. ? Create incubation conditions?"

"The white one needs low temperature, and the black one needs high temperature, which is related to their strength," said Zangjia.


Is it the power of this person to control the fire?

When Rong Ming was more and more awkward.

This person’s familiar attitude and trust in his words is like they are familiar or even intimate...

When Rong Jia handed over the barbecue, Rong Ming shook his head and refused. "I am full."

The eyebrows of Suga were slightly wrinkled. "Is not comfortable?"

At the same time, he immediately launched a light brain physical examination program, scanning the body of the little leopard.

When Rong Ming looked at the projection technology that he had only seen in the science fiction film, he hesitated for a while. He asked him, "Are you an alien? Come through the time and space wormhole? Are these dinosaur eggs you find? of?"

Every one of the little leopards asked to poke the heart of Jakarta, and let him stand there stiffly.

After a moment of brain blanking, Zangjia raised his hand and held the shoulder of Rongming, and stared at his eyes seriously and seriously. "Hey, you must tell me when you have a headache!"

Now the first thing for him is not to let the little leopard recover the memory, but to do everything possible to configure the energy wine first, to stabilize the beast nucleus in his baby's head that is bigger than the ordinary orc.

When Rong Ming looked at the person, he nodded seriously and seriously with concern.

But somehow I felt that this person’s expression was surprisingly exciting, and his heart was particularly itchy. There was an idea to move around, and then he reached out and took the man’s neck and pulled the man’s face closer. Seriously asked, "Can aliens fall in love with the Earth?"

Someone has already moved with the **** dragon's mouth in front of him, and reached out and hugged his baby. "Nature."

When Rong Ming heard the response from this person, he was relieved. "The alien friend can tell me what is your name?"

Sui Jia said gently to his forehead, "Suga."

When Rong Ming looked at the eyes of Sangha, he smiled slightly. "Hey, Sangha, let's hatch the dinosaur eggs first."

When finished, Rong Ming released his arm and turned to pick up the two eggs on his clothes.

Suga looked at the back of the little leopard, took a slight breath, picked up the remaining roast pheasant that was placed on the stone, and quickly solved it, then burned the remaining broken bones with a bit of a dragon. .

Then I took out an armed backpack from the space button and signaled that the egg was put into the backpack.

When he was ready to carry his backpack on his back, Rong Ming grabbed the strap first. "I am carrying it, where are we going?"

Zangjia helped him with his backpack and said, "I found a house in a small city under the mountain. We went straight."

"Yeah." Rongming responded with a voice, and he stepped down to the mountain.

Behind him, he raised his eyebrows and turned into a black dragon. He lifted his claws and hugged the people who were preparing to go down the mountain. He waved the dragon wings and flew up. "I will take you to fly."

When I slammed into the high-altitude Rongming, I stunned and reacted. I looked up and looked at the evil mighty **** dragon. Two eyes flashed in an instant!

This dear alien is from the magic world! The **** dragon wearing dark gold armor is too cool and handsome!

While flying in the air, the side of the squadron started armored stealth while thinking about a problem.

What is the egg of the dinosaur egg that his snow leopard said? Is there a dragon-shaped orc on this planet?