MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 106 leaping recklessly

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In front of Tianque Villa, Shen Chao, Li Qiushui, Ash Nabal, A Wu and a group of guards were waiting in the main hall of the attic.

Suddenly, the Jackdaw guards came to report that Prince Han's sedan chair had landed.

Everyone was nervous.

After a while, a man in a pale gold robe with a cloud pattern walked in slowly, surrounded by guards.

Although he was in high spirits, he knew the destiny, the corners of his eyes and mouth were wrinkled, and the white hair fell on his temples.

But in his eyes, there is no silence and turbidity after the destruction of the mundane world.

This person is the Regent Han Ya.

"Lord Han."

"Master Han."

Everyone bowed and bowed in unison.

Han Ya's eyes swept over everyone present, and finally fell on Shen Chao.

He walked in front of Shen Chao with a very soft voice and said with a smile, "General Chu, ah no, Lord Shen, I haven't seen you for many years."

The title General Chu made Shen Chao stunned.

He barely remembered his surname Chu, much less what it felt like to be called a general.

Fourteen years ago, they were stripped of their official positions, and their homes were raided. After the family was defeated, their family lived a very difficult life.

What completely defeated General Chu was that after his wife died of illness, he could not afford to bury her, and his two sons were still young.

Just when General Chu was desperate, Han Ya, who had the power in the palm of his hand and was able to turn clouds and rains, suddenly found him.

Han Ya asked, "If I knew what happened now, would I still write to the emperor and ask for troops to go out?"

General Chu replied without hesitation: "Yes."

Han Ya said, "Okay, now the emperor is cowardly, and he has ruined his family and country. He can't see Mount Tai in a single leaf. Why don't the generals come with me to spread justice and build an inch of arrogance?"

General Chu knew what Han Ya was going to do.

To coerce the emperor, to suspend imperial power, and to monopolize the power.

It was the ambition of a traitor, and those who heard it were amazed and shameless.


Han Ya's talent is indeed much higher than that of the current emperor.

If under his rule, he can exchange for a proud and peaceful country, is it really a bad thing?

"What do I need to do?" General Chu asked.

"Wait for a chance." Han Ya replied.

Half a year later, Shen Wangye, who was frail and sick since childhood, was given a fief and went to Baidi City, a beautiful city, to recuperate.

A month later, the letter that Lord Shen died of tuberculosis on the road was sent to the capital, but suddenly disappeared on the way.

Three months later, the emperor learned that Lord Shen had successfully arrived at Baidi City.

However, not long after, the emperor was poisoned to death, the palace was undercurrent, and everyone in the palace was in danger.

It has been fourteen years since Prince Shen left, and he has never returned to the capital, and no one has ever asked about this matter.

In the past 14 years, the Chu general, who has become the Shen Dynasty, joined hands with Han Ya to build a canal in Baidi City, build granaries, promote agriculture, and help merchants.

Fourteen years later, Baidicheng has become the granary of the world and the lifeblood of the Central Plains.

But now, this lifeline is in Han Ya's hands.

It was night, and the moon and stars were sparse. Li Changtian leaned against the railing in the attic, looking at the brightly lit Tianque Villa on the opposite side.

Today is the day that the mysterious man in black said.

Shen Chao set up a banquet at Tianque Villa to take care of Han Ya, and most of the guards were transferred away, which was the right time.

Li Changtian silently returned to the house, put on the black clothes that he had pulled from the Jackdaw Guard, and covered half of his face with a black cloth, and went out the door silently.

He took every step with great care, and he evaded the patrolling guards undetected.

Li Changtian came to the attic where Yan Shu was imprisoned, walked up to the third floor quietly, and looked carefully.

As far as the eye can see, there are eight guards in total, four patrolling back and forth, two guarding at the entrance of the stairs, and two guarding in front of the house where Yan Shu was imprisoned.

Li Changtian didn't act rashly. He walked back to the first floor of the attic and secretly found the bundles of thatch that had been hidden near the attic for the past few days.

He searched for an unoccupied corner near the stairs, spread thatch on the ground, took out the flint and scythe in his arms, lit some of the thatch, and put out the open fire with another thatch, leaving only smoldering smoldering.

The billowing smoke came immediately, drifting straight upstairs.

Li Changtian was silent and hid near the stairs extremely patiently.

Soon, there was a commotion from upstairs.

"What's the matter? Where did the smoke come from?"

"Did the water go away?"

"Where is the water? Go and see!"

Several guards rushed downstairs in a hurry, Li Changtian quietly waited for them to go downstairs, then sprinted upstairs, pretending to be panicked: "Run, there is a fire underneath, the fire is burning up, it is burning very much. Big, if you don't run, you'll be burned to death here!"

The other guards upstairs instantly showed panic, and didn't think too much for a while.

"You have to go quickly and take the prisoners down with you!"

"Yes, hurry up, you guys go down first, and I'll take the prisoners down." Li Changtian took advantage of the chaos and wandered in, and commanded loudly in a very natural way.

Seeing the smoke billowing from the bottom, the guards were all flustered, and they couldn't think about it.

Li Changtian achieved his goal, hurried to the house where Yan Shu was imprisoned, and slammed his shoulder twice, knocking the door open.

Inside the house, Yan Shu was still bound with ropes and his eyes were covered with black cloth. He also smelled the smell of smoke and sensed the chaos outside the house, so he frowned tightly.

Li Changtian walked up to him, took off the black cloth on his eyes, and untied the ropes on his body.

Yan Shu was not used to the light, and his eyes narrowed slightly.

"Yan Shu."

Yan Shu heard the person in front of him calling his name, a familiar voice.

He looked hard and saw Li Changtian pulling the black cloth off his face and smiling at him with his eyes and teeth bared.

Li Changtian said.

"That's my choice, my stand, and what I want to do."

"No matter what, I will not watch you imprisoned here, tortured and suffering."

After undoing the ropes on Yan Shu's body, Li Changtian asked anxiously, "After you were imprisoned here, do you still take cartilage pills?"

"No." Yan Shu replied.

"Then can you fly?" Li Changtian asked.

"...It's not flying, it's Qinggong..." At this time, Yan Shu still didn't forget to correct Li Changtian, "I can make Qinggong, I have the strength."

"We have to go through the window, but this is the third floor of the attic, more than ten meters from the ground, can you do it?" Li Changtian's voice just fell, and there was a commotion outside the door.

It seems that the thatched grass has been discovered, and the guards also noticed that someone was cheating, and hurried back.

"Oops, I'll be back so soon... ah..."

Before Li Changtian finished speaking, Yan Shu suddenly hugged him horizontally.

Yan Shu walked to the window in a few steps, jumped out lightly, tapped his toes on the eaves, and went around to the back of the attic. He held Li Changtian firmly, and told Li Changtian whether he could do it with practical actions.

Li Changtian showed Yan Shu the way, and Yan Shu took advantage of the night, bathed in the moonlight, and after a while silently jumped to the vicinity of Linyuan Pavilion.

The voices of people in the attic in front were loud and noisy. It seems that the story of Yan Shu's escape has spread and made a big noise. Maybe it will be found near Linyuan Pavilion soon.

Li Changtian did not dare to hesitate, and led Yan Shu to the edge of the cliff on the right side of Linyuan Pavilion, found the hemp rope that had been hidden before, and fastened it to the tree trunk: "Listen to me, under this cliff, there is a tree Hang the pine and cypress upside down, there is a cave near the pine and cypress, can you go in?"

"Yeah." Yan Shu nodded.

"Okay, hurry up, we have to go down one by one. You go down first. It's too dark, and it's your first time to climb, so be careful." Li Changtian put a rope in Yanshu's hand, and another rope tied around his waist. Going up, I tied several knots for fear of an accident, "After you reach the cave successfully, pull the rope three times."

Yan Shu didn't ask any more questions, and gave Li Changtian 12 points of trust. Holding the rope firmly with both hands, he slowly slid down the edge of the cliff.

As Li Changtian looked back to see if there were any guards, he stared nervously at the rope, his heart beating like a drum.

It seemed like a hundred years had passed, but it seemed like a moment, and finally, the rope moved three times.

Li Changtian showed joy on his face, and boasted in his heart, "As expected of Yanshu", he quickly pulled one of the ropes up and tied it around his waist, and grabbed the other rope with both hands and slid down the cliff.

The wind was strong at night. After Li Changtian slipped a few meters, he was blown straight and swayed. He had climbed several times, but he still found it difficult to move at night.

Thinking that it was the first time for Yan Shu to climb, and to arrive so quickly and smoothly, Li Changtian couldn't help but feel Yan Shu's greatness again in his heart.

At this moment, a voice suddenly came from above.

"How come the ropes are tied here!"

Oops, found out!

Li Changtian's eyes shrank suddenly, disregarding his safety, his sliding movement was a little quicker, but when he was still about a meter away from the cave, the flames flickered above the cliff, and a guard stuck his head out.

"Who's down there! Don't move!"

"Pull up, quickly pull him up!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the rope around Li Changtian's waist tightened, pulling him up half a meter in an instant!

Li Changtian came down in a cold sweat.

"Li Changtian!" Yan Shu, who found something wrong, shouted from the edge of the cave.

Li Changtian gritted his teeth, untied the knot on his waist, gave up the safety rope, and slid down the other.

The rope is being pulled up, and Li Changtian is sliding down

Seeing that the cave was less than one meter below his feet, Li Changtian felt a sudden chill in his heart.

The rope was not long enough for him to reach the cave.

Li Changtian took a deep breath and shouted to Yan Shu, "Yan Shu, there are torches, flints, and scythes in the cave. I made a mark on the stone wall. You can go out according to the mark, and you can go out, do you hear?"

Yan Shu slammed his fist on the stone wall, his voice trembling: "Li Changtian, come down quickly!"

"No, I can't go down, the rope is not long enough to reach the cave." Li Changtian's voice just fell, and he was pulled up again.

"Wait..." Li Changtian suddenly thought of something.

He took a deep breath, suddenly released the rope with both hands, and jumped down! !

Yan Shu's eyes narrowed, his heart stagnated, and he even forgot how to breathe.

Li Changtian didn't fall off the cliff, he landed on the pine and cypress tree, and smashed the tree to the point of pulling out its roots, but he couldn't stabilize his body in time, and his foot slipped and fell.

Fortunately, Li Changtian responded in time, and grabbed the branch tightly with both hands, so he did not fall off the cliff.


Li Changtian's clothes were almost soaked in cold sweat, and he couldn't help but curse.

He slowed down and observed the terrain.

The cave is next to the pine and cypress trees, but there is no place to settle in front of the cave, it is a flat mountain wall.

Li Changtian checked the distance visually, and felt that he should be able to swing over with his body on his side.

But if he fails to jump into the hole, or if his feet slip, he will fall again.

Yan Shu stood by the entrance of the cave, his face pale, staring at Li Changtian.

"Yan Shu, step back." Li Changtian took a deep breath, clinging to the branches with both hands, and swaying in the direction of the cave, "I'll call one, two, three, and I'll let go after calling."




The mountain wind is howling, and the cliff is a hundred feet high.

After three counts, Li Changtian let go of his hand abruptly, and with the help of inertia, he jumped towards Yan Shu recklessly...

-------Thanks for the reward from Cailing yesterday!

Thanks to yesterday's big examiner-Tang Junmo Cailing Tang Junmo's all-rounder companion for urging more votes!

Thank you for the monthly ticket from the owner of Cailing yesterday, I have nothing to do, and I envy the boss of Little Rabbit Bing!

Thank you all for your votes!